English Debate Team in the Hong Kong Bar Association Debating Competition
English Debate Team in the Hong Kong Bar Association Debating Competition (只提供英文版本)

Sharing from  Karen Yip 5B

Last month, I have joined the BAHK debating competition against DGS in the University of Hong Kong. The motion was that "New Territories Small House Policy should be abolished" and we were the negative team. The Policy was introduced to the New Territories in 1972, which allows 18-year-old male indigenous villagers to build their own houses in a given area.

The idea should be opposed mainly based on the following 3 arguments. First of all, according to the Basic Law article 40, the lawful traditional rights and interests of the indigenous inhabitants of the NT shall be protected by the HKSAR. Secondly, there are lots of bad consequences associated with the abolition of the policy, here is one of them. It will be difficult to calculate the appropriate level of compensation to avoid a rush of applicants. The expense for the Administration could be enormous while the number of male indigenous villagers is unknown. Thirdly, the policy should not be abolished since the problems can be solved by modification and revision.

The debate was definitely an invaluable and unforgettable debating experience for me as this was my first debate competition. It has broadened my horizon with the precious and useful comments from the adjudicators.

What's more, I have realized confidence is the key of winning a debate. We have to put faith in ourselves and also our teammates. Fear cannot help but only making the atmosphere tenser. We should have presented our speeches fluently instead of being intimidated by our strong opponents. I have learnt a lesson this time and I can definitely do better in the coming debate. Debate is absolutely a good way to learn English and practical knowledge. I am glad that I am one of the English Debate Team members.