HKSSDC Friendly Debate 2012-13
HKSSDC Friendly Debate 2012-13 (只提供英文版本)

4E Lee Ching Yau, 4E Cheng Man Kit & 4A Lee Perrine

Our English Debate Team participated in the HKSSDC friendly debating competition on 9th May. We were the affirmative team while Kowloon School was the negative team. Our motion was that "the era of US dominance is over". Our team line was that the balance of power between the US and china shows its global dominance is over.

Our first argument was the decline of US economy. In 2011, the US budget showed a deficit of 10 percent of GDP. Besides, the Iraq War and the credit bubble in 2008 have fatally undermined US economic primacy. The US economy is not as firm as before.

Second, China's status as the world's factory has been consolidated recently. China has been the largest exporter in the world and also the largest holder of US treasury bonds. The economic leadership of US has been gradually replaced by China with her boosting GDP growth rate of 10%. This tells the rise of China has been threatening the US economy.

As for our second main argument, the rise of US rival – China. It is strongly believed that in terms of national defense, China's modernization programs and foreign policy objectives could realistically pose a challenge to US security.

In addition, China has greatly expanded its investment in the military aspect. China's growing network of supercomputers and cyber warfare will definitely challenge the unipolar power of the US.

Besides, our third argument was the Chinese diplomatic overshadow on the US. Although the US has been proposing different foreign schemes to aid countries like Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East, China's stable economy indeed gives rise to a larger proportion of foreign assistance and hence strengthening its foreign influence. Will the countries that buy large quantities of US bonds still continue supporting the US as the world's reserve currency? Definitely not. Second, or will these countries see this as a chance to tilt the balance of economic power further in their favor? Definitely yes. The answers absolutely imply the rising influence of China.

Therefore, it's certain to see that the US is lapsing in her domination in world affairs economically, militarily and diplomatically. If the balance of power between the 2 nations is beyond doubt, the motion must stand.

With the above convincing evidence and well-structured arguments, we finally won over the competition.