Outward Bound

4A Chan Yee Nga

During the Easter Holiday, I had an extraordinary experience with 11 classmates in the Kayak course held by Outward Bound Hong Kong. At first, I was quite worried about riding a kayak because I used to be afraid of riding on a ship. However, with the encouragement of my teammates, I overcame the fear. I also realized the importance of teamwork through the various tasks performed by different team members. Some of us were responsible to cook, and some of us helped to build the tent.

The most unforgettable experience was on the night of the third day. We sat around a bottle which was lit by a torch. We relaxed, chatted and laughed. During the time we talked, I felt the stress in my daily life melting away. When I saw my teammates, I felt a strong sense of unity among us. During the five days, no matter where we were, we worked together as a team and demonstrated our team spirit.

I will never forget the experience. It not only taught me to be independent, but also the method of solving problems in a calm way. We faced many challenges during the 5 days, nonetheless, we have got through them and very much enjoyed the experience.

4A Ching Lok Tung

This is not a usual leadership training course. It really trained our independence, team spirit and endurance. I experienced a lot during the five days. For example, not taking a bath for five days and spending 16 hours alone on an island. All these scenarios are no longer problems to me. We overcame every challenge and our weaknesses. The experience let us realize how lucky we are to be able to live in the city in which there are toilets, lights, freshwater and friends.

4A Chui Mang Yin

I gained the most valuable experience in my life from joining the Outward Bound. During the five days, I found out that "Limitation is only an excuse we give to ourselves".

On the third day, I was suffering from sea sickness, the situation got worse when I was pedaling under big waves. In fact, I really wanted to give up. However, the instructor insisted that I should persist to a seemingly impossible task. I had to stand on the kayak, drink water and turn 360 degrees. Finally, with the support from my teammates and the instructors, I succeeded in finishing all the tasks and reached our destination.

In our daily life, we often face challenges. When stepping out of our comfort zone, we will feel extremely insecure and may be afraid to explore further. However, if we keep calm and take one step further, we will be able to overcome our weaknesses and face different challenges. I now think nothing can limit us in life. Be confident and everything can be achieved.

4A Fong Sze Chun

Last month, I finally completed the Outward Bound course which I had been looking forward to a year ago.

I tried a lot of new things, such as canoeing and solo period etc. Although I have experience in hiking and camping, I still had doubts about my ability and attitude when facing new challenges.

The amazing thing was that when I believed in the coach and took the first step to the sea, I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. I learnt that staying in the comfort zone will only make us lose a lot of opportunities to experience new things. Failure is not necessarily a bad thing as we can learn from it. However, people who give up easily without trying are the ones who will be regarded as losers.

I also learnt that the courage of taking risk is important. Sometimes in the journey, we did not know where we were when we came across forks in the road. Being the navigator, I had tremendous pressure because if I had made a wrong decision, my team will pay for it. Hence, many people were unwilling to take the role which was difficult to get credit and praise. However, standing still cannot solve problems. So I moved on with the help of my own experience and intelligence to estimate the route on the map. The person who does not make a choice at the critical moment is unlikely to be successful.

Finally, I would like to thank the school for giving me such opportunity to participate in this meaningful course. As well as our coaches, Chris and Cherry who accompanied us during the five days and taught us a lot. I will never forget the days that I struggled with my teammates.

4A Ng Mei Kiu

In the training course, I have gained a lot through the various challenges, especially in the "SOLO period" in which we had to spend 16 hours on an island alone. This gave me a chance to reflect on myself and appreciate the importance of having friends around. Comparing the days of living in such damp place with uncountable mosquitoes and in urban cities, I strongly realized how blessed we are to be able to live in the city. I have learnt to cherish things and to be more thankful.

4B Lai Chi Yung

During the five days of the Outward bound course, I struggled a lot, from wanting to go home at first until not want to leaving in the end. Those feelings cannot be expressed merely through a sentence or two.

Although there are many challenges and difficulties, I realized as long as we were willing to try, we will have success and happiness in return.

Outward Bound is a hard and unexpected journey. Each day, we had various challenges such as pedaling the canoe over 11 km a day and standing on the canoe in the middle of the sea. After getting through the challenges, I felt myself to have grown up a lot more than before.

In the final challenge of the Outward Bound course, we were sent to different corners of the island to be alone for 16 hours until the next morning. We had to face the loneliness with the storm which made me frightened. Honestly, I had a feeling of being abandoned. The feeling was awful even for just ten minutes. I didn't know whether such challenges can train me to become independent. However, it definitely trained me to make decision quickly under great pressure.

Outward Bound is indeed a hard journey but it was full of fun and provided me a great sense of achievement which I have never had before. I have grown up in those five days. Life is challenging, and I will continue to grow among challenges.

Today, if you ask me whether I have any regrets in participating in the course. I would tell you "No!" It is because I discovered another part of ME in the journey. As the old saying goes "The roots are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."

4B To Man Long

The Outward Bound Training Course may give people the impression of being full of fun. To me, it is a crazy trip. I experienced many things which I may never encounter in my life. For example, pedaling the canoe in the sea, not taking a shower for five days, and staying alone on an island. I must say, these things won't be experienced by me if I hadn't joined the course.

In the course, we always challenge ourselves. Within every challenge, we will improve ourselves and become better. The training was really harsh and tough. Honestly, everything which the course brought to me is priceless.

The SOLO period on the island was the most unforgettable experience. We had to stay alone on the island from the afternoon until the next morning. Although all of us were staying on the same island, we were separated from each other which means we were alone. At the very beginning, I felt lonely. As the time passed, I started to reflect on myself and thought about the future. It was a lonely and scary day but I thought it was worth it.

The five-day Outward Bound Training Course has brought a lot to me. When I recall those moments in the journey, I still feel exciting and happy even though it has ended. Those five days may be a wrong choice to others. However, I truly believe that my choice of joining the course was certainly right after such a memorable experience.

4B Tsang Wing Ki

During the five days, we had to face different challenges and I learnt a lot of things. The most impressive part of the experience was to stand on the canoe under the waves. At the same time, twelve of us had to drink water to finish the challenge. At the beginning, I knew we would never succeed as the twelve of us had difficulties standing on the canoe. Finally, although we failed because we didn't drink the water, all of us could stand on the canoe. The experience made me realize the importance of having courage. If we never try, we will never have the chance to succeed.

4D Chan Hiu Tung

The 5-day Outward Bound training course has ended for more than a month, I can still vividly remembered all the things which happened during the trip. The most memorable thing must be the "SOLO section" of the fourth day. We were left alone on the shore with no torch and watch for 16 hours. In midnight, the heavy rain came, I was so cold that I really wanted blow the whistle and give up. Luckily, I could persist to the end. After that, when my teammates and I met again, we all hugged with each other. I deeply felt their importance and I even treated them as my family members in those five days. This experience has taught me the importance of persistence and patience. I also learned to treasure my family, teammates and friends who love me. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who supported me and all the teammates who helped me in this memorable course.

4D Chow Wai Nam Ray

In the Easter holidays, my eleven teammates and I joined a five-day Outward Bound course. In those five days, we had different challenges such as standing on the canoe, joining the solo period and jumping over the pier. I think that standing on the canoe with my teammates and the solo period was the most difficult and challenging tasks in the course. Firstly, we got to the middle of the sea and then stood on the canoe without touching the neighbours' canoe. Then, we had to drink water together while standing. Although we couldn't finish the task, we knew that we have to trust our teammates if we want to do things successfully. The second challenge was the solo period. We were sent to different places to be on our own for 16 hours to think about our future targets. However, for a teenager like me, it is impossible to stay alone for such a long time. After that, I had a strong feeling that friends were very important in our lives. Finally, we finished the last task --- jumping off the pier, very successfully. We had to countdown and then jump into the sea. Although some teammate felt sick and didn't even know how to swim, our team spirits ended up to be the most important supporting force in leading us to success. I think we had grown up within those 5 days. In this course, we have learnt and experienced a lot. I would like to thank our trainers Chris and Cherry.

4E Mong Kin Ip

The Outward Bound Course has given me a lot of different experiences. Some of which are very memorable. We had to keep paddling on the canoe from one unknown island to another for nearly six hours a day. For me, who had never spent any second of my life paddling, the task was very exhausting and tiring. However, I think the satisfaction and treasurable memories which I gained throughout the journey are more than enough to balance the loss on physical exertion. I'm so glad that I did my best through the course and hope this attitude can stay with me forever!

4E Tang Tsoi Ying

I am very pleased to be able to participate in the Outward Bound course. During the course, I deeply appreciated the teamwork among my teammates. When someone was sea sick, we supported and encouraged each other until we reached the destination. This spirit led us to complete the entire course.

In the individual survival session, I better understood the importance of my teammates. Staying alone for sixteen hours in the wild and in darkness was not easy. Finally after sixteen hours, we were glad to see each other. We fought against the heavy rain and wind and became more united.

From the course, I have learnt that tomorrow's goal must be higher than today's. By applying this belief into our daily lives, I believe we will be closer to our success.


4A 陳懿雅






4A 程樂童


4A 徐孟賢







在這裡也感謝學校給予我機會參與這個有意義的活動。也多謝我們的教練Chris 和Cherry陪伴我們度過了五天四夜,讓我們了解奮鬥不懈才是我們所追求的生活方式。還有各位隊員們,我不會忘記與他們一起奮鬥的日子。

4A 伍美橋


4B 黎智勇

Outward Bound五日之旅, 由當初一直想回家,到現在有點依依不捨,這一切並不是三言兩語便可一一細數。


Outward Bound是個辛苦的旅程,是一個你意想不到的旅程。每一日都有著不同大大小小的挑戰。小至要撐獨木舟行走11.5公里,大至要在水中央十二人全員同時站立在自己的座位上並喝一口水才可坐下。你或許會想嘗試用獨木舟行走11.5公里的遠行快感,但你永遠不會想嘗試在水中央站立的恐懼感。的確,就連平日無事害怕的我也被此挑戰嚇得手腳震抖。不過這反倒讓我成長,變得更堅強。

Outward Bound 最後一個挑戰和試煉,就是要我們十二個人分佈在島上不同角落進行歷時十六小時的單人獨處,由當日下午二時將我們分到不同位置,直至第二天凌晨五時便可集合一同吃早餐。在獨處當中,可喜的是我們附近的人能夠組在一起渡過寂靜的晚上,可悲的是當凌晨時分,大家各自回到當初所分配的位置之後,突如其來的一場狂風大雨,使我狼狽極了。老實說有種被遺棄的感覺真的不好受,這種感覺即使是短短十分鐘亦足以令你崩潰。這樣的挑戰能否學會獨立,我不太清楚,但卻是絕對的學會臨時應變,如何在困境之中適者生存,絕處逢生,就看那一下自己所下的決定。究竟會選擇獨自渡過十六小時?還是選擇團結組在一起?我們都不知道究竟那一項選擇是對的,但凌晨那場雨卻令答案深深存在我們的腦海裡。

Outward Bound看似是個辛苦的旅程,事實上它的確是,但總會有些開心和成功感是我從所未有過的。 或許我經歷過五日的行程,我成長了,但不知道究竟成長了多少。其實人生就是一場挑戰,而我將會在挑戰中不斷成長,塑造另一個的自己。

今日,如果你問我當初有沒有後悔參加Outward Bound,我會答你「沒有」,因為我在當中找到了自己!


4B 杜文朗





4B 曾穎琦



4D 陳曉彤


4D 鄒緯南

今年的復活節假期間,我與其餘的十一名隊友進行了五日四夜的外展訓練之旅。在這五日中,我們進行了不同的挑戰,例如翻艇、十二人同在海中心在獨木舟上站起來、個人獨處時間和跳海。對於今次的旅程,我認為同隊友一起站在艇上和個人獨處時間是最有挑戰性的。首先,我們在海中心的時候,訓練員叫我們停下來,並要我們進行挑戰,我們需要一同站在獨木舟上不能扶着其他的獨木舟,只能扶着對方並一起飲水,雖然最後我們失敗了,但是我發現我們要相信自己的隊友才能令此挑戰完成。而第二就是個人獨處時間,在這段時間裏,我們各自分配到不同的地方進行自己十六小時的旅程,我們需要在這些時間裏思考自己的目標並且休息,但是對於青少年來說,十六小時不能和朋友一起和不能說話,真的非常困難。獨處過後更倍覺朋友的支持和陪伴是最重要的。最後,我們最成功的挑戰是跳海,我們每一個人都只數了三聲便跳了下去,並沒有猶疑,我覺得我們非常成功,因為隊中有人生病、有人不懂游泳,但有隊友的支持,甚麼困難都能闖過,而且我們都在這五天裏成長不少。在此也要感謝我們的訓練員Chris and Cherry。

4E 蒙健燁

外展訓練課程給予我很多不同的經歷,當中有些更是十分難得的體驗,就好像划獨木舟這件新鮮事一樣,對我這一個完全沒有划艇經驗的人來說,從沒有想像過會每一天花六小時在划艇, 從一個不知名的小島再划到另一個不知名的小島,雖然過程中的體力消耗非常大,但我覺得這種難忘的經驗和珍貴的回憶足以填補我的疲累有餘;除此之外,外展課程中亦有不少機會讓我挑戰自己,就如每一天的划艇,持續每天六小時的運動,讓我感到非常吃力,幸好最後能堅持到尾!

4E 鄧采瑩


