Summer School for Effective Leadership: An Overture to Global Leadership 2014

5E Lee Yin Wing

During the summer holiday, I joined an interesting and meaningful camp – Summer School for Effective Leadership: An Overture to Global Leadership 2014, which is organized every year. This camp aims to increase teenagers’ awareness towards the poverty of different kinds of people, and this year’s topic was working poverty. Working poverty refers to the group of people who work very hard and yet still cannot earn enough to support themselves. The course involved a lot of activities, for example lectures given by famous people about the poor, workshops for enhancing leadership skills, and community activities that enabled us to experience the lives of the working poor. These activities not only enriched our horizons, but also increased our understanding towards the difficulties, severity and actual living conditions of working poverty in Hong Kong. We also got a taste of university life by living in the hall, participating at the high table dinner, and participating in the popular university sport of Lacrosse.

Among the various activities, the most impressive which influenced me the most, was the community visit we made to Shek Kip Mei. There, we were asked to collect leftover fruit and vegetables that were still of good quality from the market, we then had to double check and remove any of those which we considered rotten or not suitable to be eaten. We then distributed the selected fruit and vegetables to the people in need. Through observing the expressions on their faces, I came to fully understand how hard and tough their lives are. Even though they worked for the whole day, they were still unable to make enough money to support themselves or their families. I came to realize that every day in Hong Kong we waste a tremendous amount of food, even though much of this food is still edible. We seldom think of the many poor people around us who still lack enough nutritious and clean food. It is very ironic and upsetting to see this phenomenon appearing in such an affluent society as ours.

Experiencing this camp gave me much to think about. People nowadays seem to be too selfish and uncaring towards those in need, despite their own personal situation, causing a wider disparity between the rich and the poor. I have learnt to offer help whenever someone needs it, and most importantly, treasure everything I have. I sincerely hope for an increase in people’s awareness towards this alarming issue and start working together more to help alleviate it.


5E 李彥穎


