Guangzhou Sister School Exchange Tour

Principal Cheng Sze Wang and Miss Chan Suet Hang

Our secondary five student leaders participated in a four-day study tour to our sister school, Nanwu Middle School, in Guangzhou from 27th to 30th March this year.

Nanwu Middle School arranged a wide range of learning activities for our students, including an interactive forum on the topic 'Obligation and Global Citizenship', a teacher-student basketball friendly match, a flag-raising ceremony, and demo classes. Our student leaders participated in the activities actively and developed friendships with the local students.

Our teaching staff had professional exchange with the teachers in Nanwu Middle School by preparing demo-classes and taking part in post-lesson discussions. Principal Cheng Sze Wang taught the local S.5 students an interactive Biology lesson with the use of iPad and Kahoot, while Miss Chan Suet Hang prepared an English lesson on a STEM-related topic which fosters students' creativity and collaborative learning. Their novelty in teaching strategies impressed both the local teachers and students.

What impressed us the most is the effort paid by the students of both schools. We appreciate the time they spent to prepare for the forum so that very fruitful and meaningful messages were delivered to all participants. Moreover, their high quality responses and active involvement in the discussion session demonstrated their serious attitude towards their learning. Their views fully reflected how much they care about their society, their country and the whole world.

Our students also visited famous tourist spots in Guangzhou, for example, Yuexiu Park, Shamian, Shangxiajiu Commercial Pedestrian Street, and Baiyunshan.

This fruitful study tour brings local teachers and students new insights, and most importantly, leaves both our teachers and students wonderful and precious memories.

Reflection on my study tour to Guangzhou – Mavis Law 5A (14)

From March 27 to 30, I joined a study tour to Guangzhou. It was a precious experience travelling with my friends. My most unforgettable experience is visiting Nanwu Middle School in Guangzhou.

We spent two days with the students there and one thing I learnt from them is their perseverance. Having lessons with Nanwu students, I observed that they are really attentive in class. They grasp every single opportunity to learn. I asked when they finish their lessons every day and they told me that they usually finish at 9 at night. In other words, they have very long school hours compared to ours in Hong Kong. However long their school hour is, they still pay full attention in class. I really admire their attitude towards learning. In Hong Kong, it seems that we are not treasuring every chance to learn and always see 'studying' as a dreadful experience. Yet, students there see it differently. They believe that learning can change their lives as well as lead them to a brighter future. Their beliefs motivate them to learn and work hard. They enlightened me about our goals and attitude towards learning.

I am glad to have met a lot of new friends and gained so much valuable experience in this tour. As the Chinese saying goes, 'walking ten thousand miles of the world is better than reading ten thousand scrolls'. This trip is certainly a memorable experience in my life as I am still recalling some precious moments throughout the journey. I hope I will visit there someday again!

Reflection on the Study Tour to Guangzhou - Chan Lok Kei 5A (1)

As one of the head prefects of the school, I joined the leadership training study tour to Guangzhou during the Easter holiday. It was a very precious experience for me as I had never joined any study tours organised by my school before. This tour has changed my view towards the education in Mainland China.

Before the visit to our sister school, Nanwu Middle School, the word 'stressful' always came into my mind whenever I thought of the education system in Mainland China. However, after our visit, I found that the school life in Guangzhou could also be wonderful. The school not only focuses on the academic results of the student, but also their all-round development. For example, secondary six students are engaged in physical fitness training before taking their public examinations for maintaining their physical and mental well-being; student leaders are actively involved in voluntary services to serve the school and their community.

The students I met in this tour also make this trip unforgettable. They are very enthusiastic about learning new knowledge and always strive for excellence. After our conversations, I have learnt how much they cherish their opportunities to learn and I have done some reflections on my learning attitude. Mainland students are definitely good role models for us to learn from.

Reflection on Guangzhou Exchange and Experiential Tour –Chui Wai Yin 5A (7)

On 27th-30th March, I joined the study tour to Guangzhou. In the journey, we visited our sister school, Nanwu Middle School, and some unique tourist attractions in Guangzhou.

I am glad that I have met some new friends in Nanwu Middle School. Before the journey began, I had been afraid of communicating with the students in our sister school in Putonghua. However, I soon discovered that they use Cantonese to communicate in general and the common language made us become friends quickly. Most of them are enthusiastic and nice. After spending two days getting in touch with them, we became close friends and we exchanged our contacts. I hope our friendships can last long!

The experience of visiting the tourist attractions in Guangzhou lets me have a deeper understanding on the culture and development of Guangzhou and Mainland China. As one of the most developed coastal cities in mainland, Guangzhou gave me an impression of a well-developed city. For instance, when buying things in shops, Guangzhou citizens are used to paying using mobile payment system. However, Hong Kong seems to be lagging behind in this aspect as e-payment is still not widely used in Hong Kong and is unfamiliar to most of the Hongkongers. I appreciate Guangzhou's fast pace of development as an international city. In my opinion, we need to be sensitive towards the new trends and technology in other Asian counterparts. Otherwise we will lag behind and decrease our competitiveness.

To conclude, I have gained some unforgettable experience and broadened my horizon after the tour. Guangzhou is a friendly and spectacular city. I am looking forward to visiting Guangzhou again in future!

Reflection on Guangzhou study tour – Chung Suet Yee 5B (6)

In this Guangzhou trip, we visited Guangzhou Nanwu Middle School. On the first day, we wandered around the school, which is beautifully constructed in ancient Chinese architectural style. I was surprised that Nanwu Middle School has over 100 years of history and there are more than 3000 students! There is a huge playground where students do exercise every morning. As students are watched by some instructors, they may be punished if they do something wrong. Everyone is therefore very serious.

On the second day, we had lessons with Nanwu students. I really appreciate their learning attitude. In the Biology lessons, although they have never been taught Biology in English, they were willing to learn. Most of the students were eager to answer the questions and they were serious in learning. This is what we should learn from them. They go to school at 7am and finish school at 9pm. Their school hour is much longer than ours in Hong Kong! I can't imagine how hard their school life is. After that, we had a basketball competition with Nanwu students. Unfortunately, I broke my knee when I bumped into a student accidentally, so I went to the Guangzhou Orthopedic Trauma Hospital the next day. That was the first time going to a Guangzhou hospital. The experience of consulting doctors in mainland China is unforgettable. I hope this is the only and the last time visiting the hospital.

I am really thankful for the caring of Principal Cheng, Miss Chan, our tour guide and my teammates. They always accompanied me and took care of me. They even carried me up to the mountain. I felt loved and cared for in this team.

At night, I was delighted that I could meet my team and continue with the journey after the medical consultation. We took a boat cruise on Pearl River to enjoy its stunning view. We could see the Canton Tower at a close distance and we took a lot of photos. On the last day, we shopped at Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street. I was a bit sad that we did not walk around the whole street because I was too tired with my leg. I will definite come back next time if I have a chance.

Although I missed an attraction because of the accident, I was happy that I could have this special and remarkable experience. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and my teammates!



我很欣賞這次廣州交流團的安排,有認真的課堂、論壇,有緊張刺激的比賽,也有悠閒寫意的觀光旅遊。難忘的,除了是老師們精心設計的課堂、南武中學為歡迎我們特意預備的各種活動等; 而尤其令我印象深刻的,則是同學們互相支持、團結一致的精神。



5A 何卓恩




其後兩天我們便在廣州市遊覽景點——越秀山公園、白雲山景區和沙面,都使我感受到廣州的山光水色; 其中遊覽了沙面前租界中充滿異國風情的歐式建築,尤其引人入勝。


5A 葉芯華

這次交流中有很多和內地學生深入交流的機會。我發現今日的內地學生大多十分主動,體藝兼修,和我以往固有的印象完全不同; 而且學校課間休息時間充裕,有别於香港永遠急促的上課腳伐,甚為可取。

內地近年迅速發展,在教育制度、學生心態上、甚至城市規劃上皆有不少值得香港借鑑的地方。當然,制度及土地問題等使香港與廣州情況不盡相同, 但是若香港想繼續進步, 絕對有需要放下偏見、重新認識、借鑑內地的發展。



在廣州南武中學的兩天交流中,記憶最深刻的是與他們一同上課的情景。他們全都全神貫注地上課,當老師提出問題時更會積極回答問題,毫不怠慢; 而遇上問題時,亦會主動向老師提出疑問,簡直是我們學習的榜樣。相比起香港學生,身處在舒適的學習環境,且教學資源充足,卻不會珍惜資源,反而有時得過且過,總是逃避老師的目光,生怕被老師點名提問。南武中學的學生努力不懈地學習,我深深被他們學習的拼勁所感染,不得不佩服他們追求知識的毅力,同時令我感慨於現時一般香港學生的學習態度。盼望將來有機會再到南武中學進行交流活動,彼此學習,共同進步。





第二天,我們早上參與了南武中學的早會,開始時氣氛嚴肅,南武中學的老師指示同學們整齊排列,要求非常嚴格。全日焦點是高峰論壇,討論的大題目就是現代公民核心素養。我們要坐在不同學校的同學旁邊,我私下問我旁邊的當地同學:「你想嘗試用Youtube或Facebook 嗎?」他說「想啊想啊!可以和外界有更多接觸!」内地只可用微訊和QQ,對比之下香港自由到了。最令我印象深刻得是論壇的兩位司儀,他們互望一眼就知道對方的想法,默契很好,而且也會控制氣氛。隨後,我和一眾南武中學上生物課,我校鄭校長教「複製」這個課題。坐在我旁邊的同學是全級生物第一名,他非常主動答問題。回想自己上課的情況,對比很大。最後有網上問答比賽,將所學的運用在比賽中,我聽得最多就是:「快點!快點!」。我應接不暇,但與他們共度了快樂的時光。下一節是英語課,由南武中學的老師帶領。當天最後環節就是籃球友誼賽,我們的實力上雖然和對方有一段距離,但是最令我難忘就是真正體會到「友誼第一,比賽第二」,在每一節休息時他們會教導我們如何改善,最後我們列隊握手,真正感受友誼賽的精義,是一個難忘的體會。


