Hangzhou study tour, 14-17 April

Thirty-two secondary two and three students joined a four-day study tour to Hangzhou from 14th to 17th April. During the trip, they visited a variety of cultural and historical sites. As an echo to school’s current development of STEM education, they visited the research & development laboratory of EastCom China and maker space Dream Town. To arouse their interest in architecture, we also arranged visits to three premises built by master architects, including China Academy of Art, Xiangshan Campus (by Wang Shu), Liangzhu Village Cultural Art Centre (by Tadao Ando) and Folk Art Museum (by Kengo Kuma). This fruitful study tour brought students new insights and has expanded their horizons. The students demonstrated great curiosity and motivation to learn from first-hand experience.

杭州遊學團 (14-17/4)

四月十四至十七日期間,本校三十二位中二及中三同學在四位教師帶領下到杭州遊學,參觀當地著名歷史及文化景點。為配合校方推動STEM教育,行程亦參觀了通訊科技企業「東方通信」位於當地的研發中心,以及杭州市為發展互聯網產業而設的年青創客基地「夢想小鎮」。此外,為剌激學生對建築學的興趣,行程亦包括參觀三位著名建築師位於當地的作品,包括中國美術學院象山校園(王澍) 、良渚文化藝術中心(安滕忠雄) 與及民俗藝術博物館(隈研吾) 。四天行程充實而富教育性,學生獲益良多。