Guangzhou Exchange Tour for S4-5 student leaders

During the past Easter Holidays, Principal Cheng and two teachers led 29 S4 and S5 students to Guangzhou to visit our sister school, Nanwu Middle School. We participated in their morning assembly, national flag-raising ceremony, lessons and the keynote programme “Student Leader Summit Forum”. This year has marked the sixth anniversary of our school's pairing with Nanwu Middle School, one of the most prestigious and historical secondary schools in Guangzhou. We were fascinated by their spacious campus and cutting-edge facilities. Besides, their students with a commendable learning attitude and warm hospitality are role models for our students. This study tour has definitely broadened our students' horizons and nurtured our students' personal growth through the establishment of good relationships and exchanges.

4C Chow Wang Kei

During the Easter holidays, I participated in Guangzhou Exchange Tour. We had the opportunities to attend lessons at Nanwu Middle School and visit some famous attractions in Guangzhou.

At Nanwu Middle School, I felt flattered that we could participate in their morning assembly and receive their heart-warming welcome. During the visit, we not only visited the large and fully-equipped campus, but also attended several amusing lessons. For instance, we had lessons that let us learn the fundamental skills of sand painting and experience the drone flying. This was an incredibly unique experience to me. Moreover, we had the debate competition with Class 12 of Form 5 about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence used in service industry. The competition was vigorous but interesting and valuable. Nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed that we did not have much time to communicate with Nanwu students. Besides, owing to the adverse weather conditions, the basketball competition that we had been looking forward for a long time was cancelled. Hopefully, another competition would be arranged in future visit.

Visiting various tourist attractions, for example, Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, was also a remarkable experience to me. I was stunned by the four-meter high front door of the hall and the marvelous works shown inside the hall. Also, observing the process of the production of Toyota's cars in Guangzhou Toyota Motor Company was a completely special experience to me as well since it was rare to own the opportunity to visit a car company.

Overall speaking, I think it is a totally valuable chance for me to visit our sister school and a variety of famous places in Guangzhou in these four days. The most unforgettable event of the whole trip would definitely be the visit to Nanwu Middle School. I was amazed that the school not only focuses on students' academic performance, but also emphasizes students' development and exposure in various aspects. Therefore, joining this tour was indeed a great experience of learning as we did not just have a trip of sightseeing, but really expose to the local culture and experience the school life of the students in China. Thanks to the trip, I could have better knowledge about the rapid development of China and owned an unforgettable and valuable learning experience.

4E Yeung Ho

Having a wonderful 4-day trip to Guangzhou at Easter, I was impressed by the magnificent and modernized campus of Nanwu Middle School, and the passionate teachers and students of the school. I was absolutely delighted that I could attend lessons holding by teachers over there. Some lessons, for instance, sand painting and urban designation, indeed opened up new vistas for us. It is hoped that Hong Kong schools would have rooms for holding more innovative courses in the future and encourage students to step out of the comfort zone so as to nourish more experts in different aspects to support Hong Kong development.

Aside from the education system, Nanwu students also impressed me. They were extrovert and optimistic that they actively chatted with us. Their smiles were undeniably infectious. During the exchange, we did chat with them to discuss the differences between Hong Kong and Mainland China and leave each other the contact information for keeping in touch. The fly in the ointment was lacking time to chat with them deeply. Perhaps more time could be reserved for having more exchanges with students of the sister school in the coming trips.

All in all, trip to Nanwu really left us a memorable time. It is hoped to have a trip post haste.


在剛過去的復活節假期,鄭校長聯同兩位老師帶領29名中四及中五的學生領袖前往廣州,探望與本校結盟六年多的姊妹學校 --- 廣州南武中學。活動除了包括參與他們的早會、升旗禮、一同上課外,還有是次交流的主題活動: 出席“領袖高峰論壇”。到訪這所在廣州極具規模、擁有一百一十四年歷史的學校很有啟發性,該校無論在校園面積及教學設施方面比之本港均不遑多讓,令老師與學生增廣見聞;而國內學生那份熱情及勤奮認真的學習態度,亦足以作為香港同學的學習榜樣。盼望是次交流活動能讓本校同學與國內同學建立情誼,多作聯繫,彼此學習,互相砥礪;亦讓我們兩校建立更密切的聯繫,携手扶持學生的成長,擴闊他們的視野。

5B 楊僖童





4E 李梧楨





