School Life
School Activities
Educators' Visit Study tour to Kagoshima S5 Activity Day – Workplace Visits S4 Activity Day – Eco-cultural Tour S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp Visiting Hong Kong Space Museum with Sky Show Guizhou Study Trip Sister School Exchange Activity cum Guangzhou History and Culture Study Tour The 55th Athletic Meet Sharing in RTHK "Colorful Journey" Red Brick Adventure Project Christmas worship 2023 The Annual Speech Day 2022-23 The Homecoming Day of Alumni Association 2023 Sharing Session by the Top Scorer of the HKDSE Online Cross-Cultural School Life Exchange: 垂水中央中学校 and WSCSS 國家教育部教育考試院來訪 S1 Orientation Activities 葵涌醫院暑期義工服務計劃2023 Teen 使行動 —— 青少年精神健康推廣計劃 Volunteer exchange program to Rwanda 蘇港青年學生交流團2023 S2 Game Booth Day on 4 July 2023 Life Building Scheme (2022-23) The 54th Athletic Meet Acclaimed Author Christopher Cheng Inspires Students at School Author Talk Youth Entrepreneurial Co-market Activity Christmas worship 2022 The Annual Speech Day 2021-22 S1 Team Building Day S1 Orientation Day 2022-23 Home Economics Club Activities (2021-22) School Closing Ceremony (5-8-22) Life Building Scheme (2021-22) A fabulous English Week 2021-22 Statistical talk for S4 students (12 May 2022) The Annual Speech Day 2020-21 Wall Climbing Activity S.1 Healthy School Programme Workshop Flight Simulation Program S1 Orientation Activities for Parents and Students 賽馬會社區持續抗逆基金–「心之食堂」學生好心情支援計劃 Life Building Scheme (2020-21) Diamond Jubilee Speech Day 長者貧窮體驗之旅 The Prize Presentation Ceremony 2019-2020 Opening Ceremony of the School History Gallery Life Building Scheme (2019-20) Visit to Black Point Power Station Life Building Scheme (2018-19) Tai Po Lunar New Year Fair Stall 2019 The 53rd Athletic Meet Tarumizu Junior High School Came to Visit Staff Development in Guangzhou Synopsis of Secondary School Workshop Demonstration 18/12/2018 (Tue) Annual Speech Day 2017-18 Annual House Meeting The 52nd Athletic Meet S.1 Admission Briefing Session Annual Speech Day 2016-17 A Wondrous English Week 2016-2017 The 51st Athletic Meet Annual Speech Day 2015-16 The Most Amazing English Week 2015-2016 "New Era of Energy Saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School" and "Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School" The 50th Athletic Meet English Corner Grand Opening – Christmas Party 23rd December 2015 Exchange tour in Guangzhou Annual Speech Day 2014-15 Ecofood & Homemade Soap Workshop Statistical Talk for S5 Students (29 June 2015) Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 55th Anniversary Gala Dinner The Creative English Week 2014-2015 The 49th Athletic Meet Blood Donation Day Annual Speech Day 2013-14 Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School Alice in Wonderland: Immersive Experience Reading is a Window to the World Student Leaders Training Camp 2013-2014 New era of energy saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School Reading Across the Curriculum Programme - Students' Achievements The 48th Athletic Meet Blood Donation Day (28th January, 2014) English Week 2013 Annual Speech Day 2012-13 Student Leaders Training Camp 2012-2013 S.2 and S.4 Reading Programme Showcases 2012-2013 English Week 2012-2013 HKPL Reading Programme for Children and Youth 2012/2013 2012-2013 Inter-Class English Debating Competition English Reading Ambassadors Programme 中文閱讀雙周 (Chinese version only) SCOLAR English Alliance 2012/13 – "Walking Books" Programme 2012-13 English Debate Team S3-S5 Inter-class Argumentative Writing Competition Blood Donation Day on 8 January 2013 The 47th Anniversary Athletic Meet 2012/2013年度中文書展 (Chinese version only) The Annual Speech Day 2011-2012 Respect Paid to Victims of Ferry Collision Reflection of the Precious Debating Experience in the 4-Round SCMP-NESTA Debate 2012 A Meaningful Debating Experience in HKSSDC Friendly Debating Workshop Our Fun English Learning Experience in "English Is Everywhere" Fun Day School Leaders Training Camp 2011-2012 Reflection of the Friendly Debate An Extraordinary Experience - LAC Seminar English is Everywhere 中文科推薦同學參加香港中文 大學春季資優課程——《媒體剖析與辯論》(Chinese version only) English Extensive Reading Scheme 2011/2012 Speak-out, Act -up, Write-up English Singing Contest English Week Hong Kong Reads Book Advertising Competition Oxfam Red Packet Money Collection Campaign 2011-12 Inter-class Debating Competitions Interim Review on Guidance Committee Activities "Bookmark Everyone" - Moral Education Team English Debate Enhancement Workshop 2011-12 OLE Cleaning Campaign Review 46th Athletic Meet Casual Wear Day 2011/2012 2011/12 Christmas Worship 2011/12 Gospel Week Annual Speech Day 2010/11 The 1st Student Council Meeting Student Helpers and Angels Leadership Training Camp Halloween Party Open dialogue with Nobel Laureate of Economics, Professor Nash Blood Donation Day (15th September 2011) British Council Short Stories Writing Workshop English Week 2010-2011 Visit the food bank in Tai Po S.3 & S.5 Drama Performance Appreciation The 45th Athletic Meet English Speaking Days Blood Donation Day (10th February, 2011) Career Talk - Legal Profession Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift 2010 Seminar on "Introduction to Reporting" Visit to "Ping Shan Heritage Trail" Anson Chan School Talk Tour Programme The Election of Students' Association Halloween Party 2010 School-based Training of English Reading Ambassador Pilot Programme (ERA) S3 English Debating Enhancement Workshop An Early Tribute to Teachers Our First Musical“Fame” Fundraising for Qinghai Earthquake Persuasive English: Debating Workshop English Debating Workshops for S3 & S4 Liberal Studies: Introduction of the Judicial System in Hong Kong Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Service The English Drama Festival 2010 Hip Hop Dancing Workshop School Policy Forum English Week Casual Wear Day S.1 Admission Briefing Session Annual Speech Day 2008/09 Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift Boxes Collection Drug Testing Briefing Session The English Association: Halloween Party 2009 Flag Raising Ceremony of the 60th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China
Educators' Visit

We had the honour of welcoming two distinguished educators, one from Columbia University and the other from the University of Nottingham, along with five esteemed colleagues from the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong, to our school on 23 May 2024.

The visit commenced with a comprehensive tour of our school campus, during which our guests engaged in warm and insightful conversations with both our teachers and students. These interactions provided a wonderful opportunity for mutual learning and sharing of perspectives.

Following the tour, our Principal hosted a sharing session aimed not only at introducing our school, but also at providing an overview of the secondary education system in Hong Kong. The presentation served as a platform for an enriching dialogue on various educational topics.

The exchange of ideas was particularly valuable, covering a range of aspects related to educational practices and policies. This interaction has significantly contributed to our understanding and offered fresh perspectives that will undoubtedly aid in the further development of our school.

Study tour to Kagoshima

Our recent study tour to Kagoshima, Japan was an incredibly enriching experience for our students. During the trip, our students had the invaluable opportunity to deeply immerse themselves in the local Japanese learning culture. By joining the classes at the Tarumizu Central Junior High School, our students were able to directly interact with their Japanese peers, gaining first-hand insights into the Japanese education system and classroom dynamics.

Beyond the academic realm, our students also had the chance to participate in traditional Japanese culinary practices, learning to prepare authentic local dishes and experiencing the art of preparation of the lunch set for peers. This hands-on engagement with Japanese culture and customs allowed our students to develop a profound appreciation for the country's rich heritage.

One particularly memorable experience on the second day was the English Lesson Exchange between our students and their Japanese counterparts. Guided by their English teachers, the students formed small groups to engage in deep discussions. Our students practiced their Japanese language skills, while the Japanese students showcased their English abilities as they introduced themselves and shared about their daily lives. As a heartfelt gesture of gratitude and friendship, our students had prepared a special Japanese song titled " 手紙~拝啓十五の君へ~(Greetings to you at 15 years old)" to perform for their new Japanese friends, capturing the wonderful memories forged during this exchange.

The highlight of the trip was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between our school and Tarumizu Central Junior High School. This historic partnership will pave the way for continued cultural exchange and collaborative learning opportunities between our institutions. The event was even covered by two local television stations, further underscoring the significance of this significant academic and cultural collaboration. For details of the news, please click the links shown below.

Overall, the Kagoshima study tour has undoubtedly enriched our students' global perspectives and cultural competencies. The fruitful learning outcomes, the establishment of a sustainable cross-cultural partnership, and the cherished memories created have made this trip a resounding success that we hope to build upon in the years to come.

Link to the news

4A Zhang Yan Yin 張恩姸

Although the trip to Kagoshima in Japan was only a brief five days and four nights, it still left deep memories for me.

For me, the most memorable experience was at Tarumizu Junior High School. What impressed me the most was their social classes. I found it somewhat similar to the geography classes in Hong Kong. The students there are very serious and actively participate in the classroom. When the teacher says “Quiet”, it immediately quietens down. They were also very enthusiastic about trying to chat with me. What surprised me was that even though I couldn't quite understand their Japanese, they also tried to communicate with me in English. However, despite their English being not very good, I was impressed that I feel that they were still willing to try to speak, so we should also be brave enough to try like them. So later on, I also tried to communicate with them in my poor Japanese. They were all very friendly and worried that I would be too bored in class with them. They also actively invited me to do exercises together, making me feel involved. When I was about to leave, they all warmly walked over to greet me and wanted to give me a high five.

Also, we had a section where we taught the students how to play Hong Kong board games. When interacting with them, there were both smooth and difficult times, with some students being proactive and others being introverted. Sometimes we needed to proactively initiate topics and invite them to join in. Due to language limitations, they may not have understood our English and we may not have understood their Japanese. However, we tried to communicate with them using body language and the simplest English, and they were willing to try to understand. So in the end, the communication session ended happily.

Of course, the scenic spots on the way are also very beautiful. We spent almost every day sightseeing around a volcano from different perspectives. What left a deep impression on me was that there was a place where you could soak your feet in soapy water and also look at the sea, with bright sunshine and a gentle breeze, which was very pleasant. We also went to the most commonly known shrine in Japan. It was drizzling quietly that day, and everyone was praying for their family, themselves, or friends. I was no exception, and I also bought a guardian to hope that I and my family are safe and sound.

In summary, this exchange group activity not only allowed me to visit famous local attractions, but also allowed me to experience the campus life of local students. I have gained a lot from this journey, and if there is another chance, I will definitely participate!

5D Leung Yat Tung 梁日桐


S5 Activity Day – Workplace Visits

We are thrilled to share that our school recently organized a series of workplace visits, which provided our S5 students with an incredible opportunity to explore different industries and gain firsthand experience in their respective fields of interest. Divided into five groups, each group had the privilege of visiting a specific venue, where they immersed themselves in unique learning experiences.

One group had the chance to visit the Customs Headquarters Building, where they interacted with civil servants and gained a comprehensive understanding of the important role they play in the HKSAR. This visit allowed our students to witness the dedication and commitment of civil servants and provided them with a glimpse into the inner workings of the customs sector.

Another group embarked on a captivating campus visit to the Faculty of Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Their visit focused on two disciplines: Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, as well as Computing. They had the opportunity to explore the admission requirements and learn about the cutting-edge curriculum offered in these fields. This visit sparked their curiosity and provided valuable insights into the exciting world of engineering and technology.

Meanwhile, an adventurous group of students had the privilege of visiting an Aircraft Maintenance Hangar, where they delved into the intricacies of aircraft maintenance. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness the meticulous care and attention required to ensure the safety and efficiency of airplanes. It was an immersive educational experience that left a lasting impression on our students.

Another group had the opportunity to explore the fascinating field of bioinformatics through a campus visit (The laboratory in the LKS Faculty of the Medicine of The University of Hong Kong) that included a captivating Bioinformatics Taster Lecture and Admission Talk. This visit provided our students with a glimpse into the innovative world of data analysis and its applications in biology. They gained valuable insights into the potential of bioinformatics and its role in advancing scientific research.

Last but certainly not least, a group of students visited Sing Tao Daily, a leading local media outlet. This visit offered them a unique perspective into the daily operations of a media organization and the critical role it plays in informing and shaping society. Our students witnessed firsthand the fast-paced and dynamic environment in which journalists work and gained a deeper appreciation for the power of the media.

These workplace visits were an enriching and eye-opening experience for our students. Divided into groups, they had the opportunity to explore different industries and gain valuable insights into various career paths. We are confident that these visits have broadened their horizons, inspired their passions, and equipped them with a deeper understanding of the professional world.

S4 Activity Day – Eco-cultural Tour

On 15th March, our S4 students and teachers embarked on an inspiring Eco-cultural Tour. Led by The Conservancy Association, this immersive experience aimed to elevate students' awareness of environmental consciousness and sustainability, while fostering an appreciation for the rich cultural heritage and diversity that thrives in Hong Kong.

During the tour, students engaged with a local NGO actively involved in environmental conservation and cultural preservation efforts. They participated in interactive dialogues, took guided tours, and gained first-hand experiences, deepening their understanding of the importance of environmental stewardship and cultural preservation.

By experiencing the highlights of this remarkable tour, we aim to raise students' awareness and showcase our school's commitment to holistic education. Let's inspire the young generation to be passionate about environmental sustainability and cultural appreciation.

S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp

The S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp (Organized by AGE Consulting Group Ltd.), held on 15-3-24, was an immersive and empowering experience designed to develop and enhance leadership skills among our students. Throughout the day, all S3 students delved into various activities and competitions aimed at fostering effective leadership qualities.

The training emphasized the significance of collaboration and teamwork in effective leadership, instilling in students the importance of collective effort and shared vision. Through interactive sessions and real-life case studies, students learned from failures and honed their problem-solving abilities in dynamic situations.

This comprehensive training program aimed to equip our Secondary 3 students with the necessary skills and mindset to become influential leaders, capable of navigating challenges and inspiring positive change within their communities.

Visiting Hong Kong Space Museum with Sky Show

On 15-3-24, our S1 students embarked on an exciting journey as they visited the Hong Kong Space Museum, accompanied by ten enthusiastic teachers. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as they eagerly prepared to explore the mysteries of the cosmos. They first visited the Permanent Exhibition, where interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations. The exhibition introduces astronomy and space science in a vivid approach. Then, they watched a captivating show called "Mars 1001", where they were transported to the Red Planet through a breathtaking audiovisual experience. This immersive show left the students in awe, igniting their curiosity and fueling their desire to unravel the secrets of the Universe. The visit aimed to enhance their space-related knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of astronomical concepts and inspiring a lifelong love for STEM subjects.

Guizhou Study Trip

During the recent Easter break from March 25th to March 29th, a group of thirty Form Four and Form Five students from our school embarked on a five-day, four-night study trip to Guizhou under the supervision of the principal and four teachers. The itinerary included visits to various attractions such as the Huangguoshu Waterfall, Xiaoqikong Scenic Area and Yaoshan Ancient Village, allowing the students to personally experience the magnificent scenery of Guizhou. Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit the rarely accessible Sandu CLP Wind Farm, where we gained insights into the development of wind power in China.

Moreover, our students engaged in an exchange program with Guiyang No.6 Middle School for the first time. Activities included attending classes together, friendly sports match, and enjoying the well-prepared performance by Guiyang No.6 Middle School. This study trip provided our students with valuable firsthand experiences and insights. It broadened their horizons and allowed them to appreciate the remarkable achievements China has made in recent years from multiple perspectives such as sustainable development, cultural heritage and economic advancement.














4D 24 譚芷瑶 TAM TSZ YIU

Selected by Mr Hui, I went on a study tour to Guizhou alongside our teachers and schoolmates during the Easter holiday.

For me, exchanging with the students in Guiyang No.6 High School was the most memorable experience during the trip. From the time we arrived, we were embraced with warmth and hospitality by both their teachers and students. While walking around their campus, I was impressed by its vastness and the diverse range of facilities. Not only did they boast laboratory centre and a standard sports field, but they also had a two-floor auditorium that rivaled Hong Kong's Hung Hom stadium. During the campus tour, we shared experiences of our school life. It was eye-opening to discover that their schooling is even more harsh than ours with mandatory self-study sessions extending until 10 pm and the implementation of a specialised center for reflection whenever they violated school rules.

Additionally, I was invited to participate in a chemistry lesson and learnt about exothermic and endothermic reactions through hands-on experiments. Everyone fully engaged and actively participated in interesting discussions. I was totally inspired by their learning mode and pedagogies. Before leaving their school, a talent show was performed in the auditorium. Extraordinary singing performed by a secondary five girl captivated hundreds of hearts. We all shouted and clapped our hands together.

‘Staying at school all the time, our dream is to go to the sea one day and revel in its majestic beauty,’ said a student there. This thought-provoking statement struck a chord within me, making me realise how fortunate we are as Hong Kong students. We have the privilege of returning home every day after school, enjoying precious moments with our families, and even going on enriching study tours. It reminded me that valuable experiences and opportunities are not easily attained, teaching me the importance of cherishing and being grateful for what we have.

4A 19 林雨霏 LIN YU FEI






Sister School Exchange Activity cum Guangzhou History and Culture Study Tour

Our school organized the "Sister School Exchange Activity cum Guangzhou History and Culture Study Tour" from 24th to 27th March. Accompanied by Principal Mr. Cheng Sze Wang, Vice-principal Ms. Ngai Yuen Ming, Ms. Yip Po Ling, Mr. Yeung Man Ching and Mr. Chan Ka Kiu, 30 students from Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 visited Guangzhou Nanwu Middle School for a two-day academic exchange programme. At this demonstrative senior high school in Guangdong province, students took part in a campus tour, attended classes taught by local teachers, participated in a youth forum, and engaged in various sports and cultural activities. Through these experiences, students gained a deeper understanding of the campus life and culture in the mainland.

In addition to the school visit, our teachers and students also explored famous attractions in Guangzhou, such as Yuexiu Park, the Sun Yat-sen Grand Marshal House, Yongqing Fang and the Pearl River, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the unique historical and cultural atmosphere of the city.

Students' sharings:

4D 33 鍾展鵬



5D 33 張烙華





The 55th Athletic Meet

The Annual Athletic Meet was successfully held at Tai Po Sports Ground on 12-13 March 2024. The Athletic Meet is always one of the most important activities which provides students with an opportunity to showcase their remarkable talents, and to cultivate team spirit. The Overall Champion went to Dedication House this year. Thank you and congratulations to all participants.

Sharing from House Captains:

5A Lo Tsz Kwan (House Captain of Dedication House)

Time flies. Our Athletic Meet was successfully held on the 11 and 12 March 2024. We had been worrying about the possibility of bad weather. However, luckily, we got sunny days and we could hold the event as scheduled. It would be a memorable experience for me. Not only joining the competition, but also participating in the preparation. As a house captain, I have learnt leadership during the time preparing. I have also learnt to share workload with the committee members. Practising for the dance performance was another positive experience. We had spent much time and effort preparing and practicing. We learnt how to cooperate with each other as a team. Although our house didn't get the award for the dance, we still enjoyed ourselves in the performance. Lastly, I am very proud that my house got the Inter-House overall champion. I will never forget the moment announcing the championship. Thank you for the active participation of our house members.

5A Wong Tsz Yan (House Captain of Integrity House)

It is the first time I prepared for the entire Athletic Meet with my teammates, who are the Captains of the other houses. Last year, I helped pack the house belongings and make simple preparation. This year, my job was to prepare the materials for the cheering team and the logistics lists. In the spectator stand, I watched athletes warming up and committee members preparing the equipment. During the Athletic Meet, I was busy working at the marshal to make arrangement for the house relay races. It was a very arduous process. However, seeing everyone doing their part, it was worth it.

We have done lots of preparation. We not only made accessories for the cheering team but also practised for the dance performances together. The practice took about two months. It was a hard time, but everyone contributed their time generously. From the choreography to the final performance, everyone's effort counted. My heart felt thank to everyone who contributed to his / her house. Without them, the Athletic Meet would not have been so successful. Moreover, I have gained a lot from the experience, e.g. planning and leadership skills.

During these two months, I connected with all committee members who were very supportive. It may be my last Athletic Meet at school, but after two days of exciting events, there were no regrets.

5C 馬梓皓 (愛社社長)


5D 蘇若菲 (博社社長)


在陸運會期間,社員們積極為博社盡一份心力,同學們全力以赴,踴躍參與比賽,展現出的熱情和努力讓我感到無比驕傲和感動。比賽勝利,我們共同歡呼;比賽失利,我們互相安慰,期待著其他項目的表現。 當我看著每位社員在賽場上全力奔跑,或者在看台上盡情歡呼時,我深深感受到,正是因為有你們一樣「搏盡無悔」的夥伴,才讓博社成績如此璀璨。社員的熱情和努力是博社成就的關鍵,每個人的貢獻都讓這個團隊更加完整和強大。博社的每一刻都因為大家而閃耀,共同創造了無數美好的回憶和成就。


Sharing in RTHK "Colorful Journey"

Our principal Mr. Cheng Sze Wang and Teacher Mr. Hui Ming Chun were invited by Radio Television Hong Kong to share in the radio programme "Colorful Journey". During the programme, they shared experiences in implementing service learning and reflected on teaching careers. In the realm of service-learning, our school combines the issue of an aging population with visiting the elderly as a way to deepen students' understanding and cultivate positive values of intergenerational harmony. Some interested students have joined the Zonta Club Volunteer Team, where they take the initiative to plan service projects, such as teaching the elderly to make phone stands using laser cutting. A group of highly enthusiastic students, who are dedicated to serving society, even went beyond Hong Kong last year and traveled to remote villages in Rwanda to assist residents in installing solar panels.

Furthermore, Principal Mr. Cheng Sze Wang also shared insights from his over thirty years of teaching experience. For example, how to establish good teacher-student relationships and maintain contact with former students. It is worth noting that some of these former students' children have also enrolled in Wong Siu Chi Secondary School, carrying on the legacy.

If you would like to revisit the content of the program, you can visit the following link:

Red Brick Adventure Project

More than 50 students from the school's Prefect team joined the Red Brick Adventure Project organized by the Warehouse Teenage Club on 11th December, 2023. The Project includes activities such as a war game, a cook out and an adventure experience, which aims to cultivate positive thinking among youngsters and enhance their physical and mental health, teamwork and resilience.

Reflection by 5D Chan Hiu Ching

On 11th of December 2023, our school's Prefect Team joined a day camp held by The Warehouse Teenage Club at Old Aberdeen Police Station. The camp was filled with exciting activities, such as a war game and camp cooking.

The day began with a team-building activity and a war game. We were divided into teams and provided with plastic guns. The war games not only required physical strength, but also strategic thinking and teamwork. It was a thrilling experience as we strategized, communicated, and executed plans to outsmart the opposing team. The games taught us valuable lessons about leadership and decision-making under pressure. It was an adrenaline-filled adventure that brought out our competitive spirit.

After the exhilarating war game, we started our afternoon with a cook out. We converted the scores we made in the war game and different ingredients, including vegetables and eggs. However, not many of us were experienced in cooking. Luckily, through division of labour, we solved the problem. People who knew how to cook became the chefs while others were responsible for washing the ingredients. Eventually, a simple but satisfying meal was prepared.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the rock climbing adventure. We were introduced to the fundamentals of rock climbing, including safety procedures and climbing techniques. As we scaled the towering rock-climbing walls, we faced our fears, pushed our limits, and discovered our inner strength. The experience of conquering the challenging routes not only provided a rush of adrenaline, but also instilled in us a sense of resilience, and perseverance.

Overall, the camp was truly an enriching experience. It not only provided a platform for us to engage in exciting activities but also imparted meaningful lessons. It fostered unity, trust, and friendship among the prefects. On this incredible day, all of us were grateful for the opportunity to learn and created lasting memories together.

The Prefect TeamPrefects engage in a team-building game.War gameCamp cookingTeam-building gameRock-climbing
Christmas worship 2023

Co-organized by Love Foundation, our school's Christmas worship was successfully held on December 21, 2023. We invited an artist Ms. Karen Kong to share her experience in believing in Jesus Christ. She also told our students to persevere in difficult times, never give up and trust God well. Later, she called and led the prayer. Many students raised their hands and decided to believe in the Lord.

The Annual Speech Day 2022-23

The Annual Speech Day 2022-23 was successfully held on 8 December 2023. We were honoured to have invited Prof. Ho Yu Au Yeung to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Professor Au Yeung obtained his BSc (First Class) degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a major in Chemistry. Being awarded a number of reputable scholarships including Dr. James C. N. Ma Memorial Scholarship, Mr. Wu Sai Wing Scholarship, Professor Au Yeung stayed at CUHK for his MPhil research in organometallic chemistry before completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge. He was awarded a Croucher Scholarship for his PhD study. He then joined the group of Prof. Christopher J Chang as a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow, developing luminescent tools for studying transition metals in biological systems. In 2013, he joined The University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor, and is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry.

In his congratulatory address, Professor Au Yeung delivered an inspiring message, urging our students and graduates to pursue their passions and interests that resonate deep within their hearts. He emphasized the significance of following our true passions, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.

Furthermore, Professor Au Yeung highlighted the importance of determination and hard work. Drawing from his own experiences as a young scholar and researcher, he shared stories of wholeheartedly dedicating himself to the tasks at hand. In addition, Professor Au Yeung underscored the value of utilizing time wisely to foster personal growth. He reminisced about his own secondary school and university years, acknowledging them as precious moments for exploring diverse interests and engaging in various activities. He emphasized that the student years are an ideal time for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Concluding his address, Professor Au Yeung imparted a warm blessing to the graduates, encouraging them to remain open-minded, adaptable, and curious. He urged them to cultivate a thirst for learning and to continuously expand their horizons.

The graduates and students greatly benefited from Professor Au Yeung's inspiring speech, which provided them with valuable insights and motivation for their future endeavors.

The Homecoming Day of Alumni Association 2023

The Homecoming Day of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School Alumni Association was successfully held in School Hall on the afternoon of November 18, 2023 (Saturday). The event was attended by more than 30 current or retired principals, teachers and about 300 alumni and their family members. As teachers, alumni and friends gathered, the scene was lively. Principal Cheng Sze Wang and the Chairman of Alumni Association Simon Tso briefed participants on the latest developments of their alma mater and the Alumni Association. There was also a teacher appreciation session, in which retired principal and teachers introduced their current situation, which brought back many alumni's memories. The theme of this year's Homecoming Day was "family fun", so there were balloon twisting, hand painting, selfie and reptile pet booths, which were very popular. Finally, everyone sang the school song and took photos. After the event, teachers and alumni talked or visited the School History Gallery, ending the gathering with laughter.

Sharing Session by the Top Scorer of the HKDSE

Our school was honored to have invited Miss Cheng Yi Ching Eden, the top scorer in this year's HKDSE, to hold a sharing session for Form 4 to 6 students from on 27 October 2023 (Friday). In addition to sharing her learning strategies, time management techniques, preparation for public examinations and overseas study preparation experiences, Miss Cheng also shared how she faced difficulties and challenges in her studies, encouraging students to set goals and strive for excellence. The sharing session provided students with practical advice and encouragement from her valuable experience. We appreciate Miss Cheng's sharing.

Online Cross-Cultural School Life Exchange: 垂水中央中学校 and WSCSS

On 30-10-2023, an exciting cross-cultural school life exchange took place between our students and Japanese students. The objective of this exchange was to foster language learning, cultural understanding and friendship among the participants.

6A Chan Pui Yu 陳珮妤チンハイユウ
6B Chan Chui Mei 陳翠美チンスイミ)
6C Chan Sui Shan Amanda 陳瑞珊チンスイサン
6C Ho Wing Hei 何穎希カエイキ
6C Lin Yuen Yi 林琬宜リンワンギ
6A Ng Tsz Ling 伍梓菱ゴシリョウ
6B Li Siu Cheung 李肇章リチョウショウ

The exchange provided an excellent opportunity for WSC students to practice their Japanese language skills, while the Japanese students had the chance to communicate in English. Conversations revolved around school life, hobbies, and interests, enabling the participants to enhance their language fluency and cultural competence.

To make the exchange more interactive and visually engaging, our students prepared PowerPoint presentations to showcase their school lives. The presentations covered various aspects, including: a. School Facilities: Students shared pictures and descriptions of their school buildings, classrooms, and sports facilities; b. Daily Routines: Participants discussed their typical daily routines, including school schedules, subjects, extracurricular activities and lunchtime traditions; c. Hobbies and Interests: Students highlighted their hobbies and interests, such as sports, music and club activities. They shared photos to provide a glimpse into their extracurricular pursuits.

Following each presentation, there was a Q&A session where participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share insights and compare their school experiences. This interactive exchange further deepened their understanding of each other's cultures. We extend our gratitude to all the participants for their active involvement, as well as to the organizers who made this exchange possible.



訪問期間,嘉賓瞭解本校的歷史、設施及教育理念;期間參觀了本校的校史館、運動場、自修室及語言及創新科技中心等設施。在隨後的座談會上,魏婉明副校長介紹本校高中必修及選修科目組合及學生選科的指導;張淑文主任則分享我們在「大學聯合招生辦法」(JUPAS) 的選科策略及中六畢業生到內地升學的概況。在答問環節亦談及內地的考試制度、香港學生在內地升學面對的挑戰及機遇,嘉賓專家並寄語本地學生宜為將來到內地升學作更好的準備。


S1 Orientation Activities

S1 students might face a variety of challenges as they have a brand-new start in secondary school. Our school is eager to help students become acquainted with one another and the school environment, allowing them to adapt to the secondary school life. In order to equip S1 newcomers with essential preparation and confidence to adapt to the new school life, the Guidance Committee and school social workers organised a variety of orientation activities, including S1 Orientation Day for both S1 parents and students on 22 July 2023 and S1 Orientation Activity Day on 31 August 2023.

On S1 Orientation Day, our principal, vice-principals, teachers on behalf of various committees and departments and student leaders on behalf of the Prefects, Angel Project, Student Helpers, Red Cross, Girl Guides and Scout warmly welcomed all S1 students and parents, and introduced our school to them. The Parent-Teacher Association parent helpers and S1 class teachers also gave a detailed introduction to S1 parents and students.

In addition, in order to enhance S1 newcomers' understanding of the importance of self-discipline and to facilitate their adaptation to the new learning environment, all S1 students were invited to attend the S1 Orientation Activity Day to get them ready for the new challenges.


6C 何穎希同學在葵涌醫院暑期義工服務計劃2023畢業,由葵涌醫院院長同護理總經理頒發畢業證書。





Teen 使行動 —— 青少年精神健康推廣計劃

本校輔導委員和「Teen 使行動 —— 青少年精神健康推廣計劃」在2023 年 7 月 15 日 (星期六)組織大型義工服務,地點是賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院 及香港濕地公園,是次大型義工服務旨在回饋社會及交流經驗,與精神病患康復者真誠友善的交流。


5A 黃梓欣




5D 石然


5A 潘芷欣


Volunteer exchange program to Rwanda

Have you ever thought of volunteering in Africa?

From July 27th to August 5th of this summer vacation, six students from our school, including students from Form 4 and Form 5, accompanied by three teachers, participated in a volunteer exchange program organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Together with three other secondary schools and university students, they traveled to some rural villages in the Rwamagana district of eastern Rwanda. Their mission was to help install solar panels and lights for the local villagers, providing electricity to four hundred impoverished households in the mountainous areas. Not only did the participating students apply their knowledge of electricity and physics, but they also had the opportunity to interact closely with the local residents, gaining insights into the daily lives of the people of Rwanda.

During a celebration ceremony, our students had the privilege to exchange experiences with Ms. Lin Hang, Chief Officer of the Chinese Embassy in Rwanda, sharing their volunteer experiences in the villages. In addition to the volunteer work, the itinerary also included a safari visit to learn about the biodiversity of Africa's ecosystems, as well as a visit to the Rwanda Genocide Memorial Museum, where the students had the chance to engage in conversations with survivors of the genocide, reflecting upon and learning from this tragic history.

5D Yu Tsz Chun

Two weeks ago, I had a golden opportunity to embark on a journey to Rwanda, a landlocked country in Africa. Through visiting numerous places and installing solar panels and light bulbs for the locals, we immersed ourselves in the rich culture of this exotic country and acquired a raft of engineering-related and hands-on physics knowledge.

I can vividly recall how my heart was stricken when we visited the Genocide Memorial. It was terribly difficult to believe the trauma occurred behind the smiling faces of the locals. Thanks to long-standing racial conflicts, the landscape and politics of Rwanda were completely altered by the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, during which thousands of Tutsi were massacred by the Hutus. Notwithstanding the brutal and indiscriminate slaughters, some Tutsi survivors forgave their enemies, even those who killed their families and friends. I particularly remember a survivor mentioning that ‘forgiveness is not an obligation’. Their willingness to forgive was astonishing and baffling at the first glance, but not at the second. Upon reflection, forgiveness is a choice that is not synonymous with forgetting. Peace can only be achieved when individuals choose to forgive, heal and move on, while still acknowledging the past.

Setting foot in the villages, everything within my line of sight contrasted starkly with what I am accustomed to in Hong Kong. The primitive houses, rural farmland, and the hospitable welcomes from the local children were especially striking. Each time we finished installing the light bulbs, their genuine grins seemed to light up and ignite as brightly as the bulbs themselves. This reminded me that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on people's lives. Their sincere happiness and joy, as simple as the bulbs we installed, prompted me to reflect on my own lifestyle. Living in a well-developed city, we often take resources for granted, as we have never experienced the scarcity faced by some Rwandans. Putting ourselves into the shoes of the Rwandans during the trip, I have learnt to count our blessings about residing in Hong Kong, a place where sufficient necessities are readily available and the struggle for survival is not a daily reality.

Above all, this valuable Rwandan trip has broadened my world horizons and pushed me beyond my comfort zone.

4D Yim Tsz Wing, Jojo

At the end of July 2023, I participated in the service-learning programme organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During that, I visited Rwanda and installed solar panels and light bulbs in local villages. In this article, I would like to share 3 main lessons I have learnt from the volunteering project with you.

Lesson 1: Be grateful with our lives

This is a picture showing our team and the locals in front of their house after having successfully brought electrical light to their home. Growing up in such a prosperous and modern city like Hong Kong, I have found it hard to imagine a life without electricity and water. These resources appear endless to us: simply by flicking the switch, the room lights up; simply by turning on the tap, water flows out freely. However, this is not the case in Rwanda: There is no electricity in houses, and people need to fetch water from lakes or public taps which we rarely see in the vicinity. Not only have I acquired the skills of installing solar panel systems that bring light to houses, but also the lesson that we have to treasure the resources that we have. This is something that I would have never learned if I didn't join this project and see the life in this Rwandan village in person.

Lesson 2: Respect our differences

This is a picture taken outside the Kigali Genocide Memorial. The word "kwibuka" means "to remember"; the number "29" represents the number of years that has passed since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. This genocide was a large-scale killing of Tutsi people by Hutu people, during which it is said that more than one million of the Tutsi died. I was shocked after learning about the cruelty and dark side of Rwandan history. I can't believe that people would kill their relatives and friends just because of their racial difference. After visiting the museum, I have realised the importance of critical, independent thinking - we need to have our own thoughts and judgements and not just believe in what others say. Another realisation I have is that education is crucial. We need to learn how to make sound judgments and to be able to tell apart rights and wrongs. Acknowledging and showing respect to others regardless of race and culture is key. After leaving the museum with a heavy heart, I sincerely wished that this history won't not be repeated.

Lesson 3: Step out of your comfort zone

This group selfie was taken at the Rwandan airport at the end of the volunteering trip. This is a memorable picture as it shows most of the secondary school volunteers with whom I spent most time during the 10-day expedition. By joining this project, I have become acquainted with people from diverse backgrounds. This trip has contributed greatly to my personal growth and my understanding of the world around me. Before the trip, I was not keen on stepping out of my comfort zone and making new friends. However, this journey has pushed me to do so and as a result, my social circle has been widened. As I was sharing a room with two Muslim girls who were also volunteering in this project, I have learnt more about Islam. For example, they pray 5 times a day and they don't eat pork. If I hadn't joined this project, I wouldn't have met so many people from different cultural backgrounds.

I still remember vividly the words of one of the participants at the project in a reflection session: “We should not see ourselves as a generous giver and our service target as a mere receiver. It is key that we remain humble when we serve the community.” This has captured the essence of my service-learning experience, as I learnt by providing services to those in need. Therefore, for this opportunity, I would like to thank the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and our school for giving us this valuable experience of volunteering abroad. I would like to join again if similar projects are available. I would also strongly encourage all my schoolmates to sign up for this kind of volunteering opportunity.

4D So Yuek Fei

During the summer, I went on an inspiring trip to help Rwandans to install solar lights and improve their quality of life. After ample classroom study and a 10-hour flight from Hong Kong, I finally landed in Rwanda. At the moment I got off the plane, I was instantly hugged by cool, comfortable air. It was completely different from the hot weather I had expected.

Upon arrival, we spent a few days getting used to life in Rwanda and learned about local history. Although I had prepared myself mentally before departure, I was completely shocked when arriving at “kwibuka29”, which is a memorial hall for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The genocide lasted for about 100 days. It was a brutal ethnic conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi, which resulted in around 800,000 deaths and tens of thousands of people missing. The memorial hall records what happened at that time and preserves various war relics. Looking at the black-and-white photos in the exhibition, I was saddened and horrified. To my surprise, many local people chose to forgive and I realized that it might be a way to free oneself from his/her painful memories. As a visitor, all I could do was to offer flowers to the victims and wish them well in their next life.

Finally, it was time for our service project - installing solar lights. In fact, the installation was a breeze as it was simple and only required a little knowledge of Physics. However, the lights brought great benefits to villagers and hugely improved their lives. They were very grateful for our help. It is unbelievable that as a secondary school student, I could contribute to changing their lives and brought light to their darkness. In Hong Kong, lighting and electricity are ubiquitous but in Rwanda, it is a certainly a luxury. Through the service, I realise that it is lucky of me to be living in Hong Kong. I learned to be grateful and not to take things for granted.

Another insight from the tour is that it is important for young people, like me, to take every opportunity to broaden our horizons, so that we will not be misled by stereotypes. Before the trip, I thought Africa was very backward and people there were suffering from famine. Yet, my experience proved that I was wrong, and stereotypes are unfair and unreliable. When we try opening our eyes and minds to explore this world, we will be able to see things from different perspectives.

This invaluable trip to Rwanda allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and I benefited from it tremendously. I look forward to another opportunity to serve people in need and expand my views.



3C 丁思雅













S2 Game Booth Day on 4 July 2023

In this booth game activity, we promoted the message of healthy living to the Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 students through mini games. It was a very meaningful activity, and we gained valuable learning experience. We also had a deeper understanding of the importance of healthy living in our research for information.

Each of our team members spent lots of time and effort designing our booth. In the end, we benefited a lot, we learnt a lot of information about sports and achieved good results. In addition to learning how to prepare booth games, we also participated in the booth games designed by other students, and the booth games in this activity were very distinctive and educational.

We all had a good experience in this activity and look forward to the opportunity to work together with other students next time.

2C	5	CHENG SZE CHING HELICIA (group leader)
Life Building Scheme (2022-23)

The Life Building Scheme is a programme designed to cultivate proactive and positive learning attitudes in students. By promoting personal reflection and introspection after engaging in various activities, students can gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and develop a growth mindset, which is crucial for lifelong learning and personal achievement.

The following reflections, written by our students, recounted their experiences participating in various extra-curricular activities this school year. As parents and students read these accounts, they will undoubtedly sense the joy and fulfillment derived by those who engaged in these enriching pursuits.


I enjoyed my experience as a member of the Chinese Debate Team most. Participating in debate activities was a bit exhausting, but the memories and camaraderie made it all worthwhile.

My team members and I would often leave school late in the evening to prepare for debate competitions. The walks from school to the train station were unique and memorable experiences for me. These moments allowed us to unwind, share gossip, and discuss our concerns and expectations for the competitions. Though we never shed tears in front of each other, we all understood the time and energy spent on each event, and we supported one another regardless of the outcome.

Our hard work and dedication were never in vain. After each competition, I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment, knowing that we had given it our all. Even facing failure, we never placed the blame on a single individual; instead, we shared the responsibility and comforted each other. This strong team spirit was both the source of my love and hate for debate. While it consumed much of my time, the sense of unity and camaraderie that it fostered made every moment worthwhile.

Throughout the semester-long debate activities, our teacher prepared us for the challenges of competition by equipping us with the skills we needed to succeed. At first, I didn't fully appreciate all these. However, once the real situation set in, I quickly realized the pressure and fear associated with the debating activities.

With the debate topic only being released a week before the competition, time given to our team to prepare for the competition was limited. It is crucial to allocate our personal schedule effectively. Throughout the semester, especially during weeks with debate competitions, I had learned to manage my time more efficiently. I had found ways to complete homework faster than usual, allowing me to focus on debate preparation without sacrificing my academic performance. By prioritizing and focusing on one task at a time, I had been able to achieve more and avoid the distraction of multitasking.

Other than improvement made in speaking skills, my ability to manage time effectively has been my biggest achievement this semester. It has allowed me to balance my extracurricular activities with my academic responsibilities, resulting in improved performance in both areas. I am grateful for the opportunity to develop these skills and am confident that the skills will serve me well in the future.

4D21 SO PING ON 蘇平安

I participated in an engaging activity called 民間信仰遊及手工工作坊, organized by a programme called 吾土吾情-Weland. This unique experience allowed me to explore local historical sites in Hong Kong, such as Pak Tai Temple and Blue House, enhancing my understanding of the history of Hong Kong.

The activity provided valuable insights into traditional religious ceremonies and practices like divination and fortune-telling. It also offered me an opportunity to create a small flower plaque, a popular decoration used during Chinese festivals. Although I was not particularly skilled at handicrafts, I embraced the challenge and attempted to make the flower plaque on my own. However, I encountered difficulties in folding the paper into various shapes and struggled to work with the metal wire required for completing the flower plaque. Despite these obstacles, the activity was a rewarding experience that deepened my appreciation for Hong Kong's cultural heritage and piqued my interest in learning more about traditional arts and crafts.

When relating my experience with my study, problem-solving skills are highly valuable in tertiary institutions. For example, creating handicrafts posed a significant challenge for me. When I couldn't figure out how to complete certain steps, I would quickly become frustrated. However, after participating in this activity, I learned how to overcome my frustration when confronted with challenges and I learn to calmly tackle any problems that arise, while maintaining emotional control.

When playing table-tennis in the past, I would become impatient when losing consecutive points. But now, I see changes in myself. As we know, maintaining a calm demeanor is crucial for an athlete during competitions. Through this activity, I have learned to better control my emotions, ultimately leading to improved performances and outcomes.

The 54th Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 1 and 2 March 2023, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 54th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumna, Ms. Lo Wing Yan, Senior Inspector of the Customs and Excise Department, was the Guest of Honour for this year's Athletic Meet. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group Inter-House Overall Champion:Integrity HouseInter-House Boys Champion:Dedication HouseInter-House Girls Champion:Learnedness HouseThe Best Sportsmanship:Learnedness HouseThe Best Cheering Team:Love House
Individual Grade A Boys Champion:Yang Hoi KitIntegrity HouseGrade B Boys Champion:Cheung Ching HoLove HouseGrade C Boys Champion:Ip Ming HinDedication HouseGrade A Girls Champion:Lee Hiu ChingIntegrity HouseGrade B Girls Champion:Tantikovit Sheung YinDedication HouseGrade C Girls Champion:Tai Sze KiLove House
Acclaimed Author Christopher Cheng Inspires Students at School Author Talk

We are delighted to announce that our school held an author talk organized by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival on March 7, 2023, featuring the accomplished writer Christopher Cheng.

During the talk, Christopher spoke about his own writing journey and shared valuable insights on how to gather inspiration and write a compelling story. He discussed the importance of finding inspiration in everyday objects and experiences and offered practical tips on how to turn these inspirations into well-crafted stories.

Christopher's engaging and informative speech was followed by a lively Q&A session, during which our students had the opportunity to ask him questions about his writing process and life as an author. The students' enthusiasm and curiosity made for an inspiring and memorable event.

We are thrilled that our students had the opportunity to learn from such a talented and experienced writer, and we hope that the insights shared by Christopher will inspire our students to become more confident and creative writers. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Christopher Cheng for his visit.

Youth Entrepreneurial Co-market Activity

On December 24 and 25, 2022, Committee Members and helper of the Students' Association participated in the Youth Entrepreneurial Co-market Activity organized by the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service Hong Kong. A Christmas stall was set up at Luk Heung Campus in Tai Po. The students mainly sold homemade Christmas candle holders (instructed by PTA parents) and DIY music boxes (instructed and made by Mr. Yim Fu Tin, our DT teacher. A remarkable sales record of $4332 was made from the activity. The students in charge not only gained valuable sales and marketing experience, but also won the "Most Popular Award" and the "Best Planning Award" from the organizer. They had also received a total of $2000 book coupon as an encouragement.

Christmas worship 2022

Co-organized by Love Foundation, our school's Christmas worship was successfully held on on December 21, 2022. We invited artists Ms. Grace Wong Kwan Hing and Ms. Sukie Chung to share their experience of believing in Jesus Christ. They also told our students to persevere in difficult times, never give up and trust God well. Later, Pastor Chiu of Tai Po Christian Alliance Church called and led the prayer. Many students raised their hands and decided to believe in the Lord.

The Annual Speech Day 2021-22

The Annual Speech Day 2021-22 was successfully held on 2 December 2022. We were honoured to have invited Prof. Cheung Yan Leung Stephen, SBS, JP, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Professor Cheung obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1982. Having won the French Government Scholarship, he went on to get his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Statistics from the University of Paris VI. He then spent the following years furthering his studies and was awarded his PhD Degree in Finance from the University of Strathclyde. In 2001, he completed a programme on the Global Financial System: Structure, Crisis, and Reform at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.

Since 1985, Professor Cheung had taught in various tertiary institutions, including City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University. In 2013, Professor Cheung joined The Education University of Hong Kong (formerly Hong Kong Institute of Education) and is currently the President and Chair Professor of Public Policy. One of his remarkable achievements is the Institute's successful application for university status in 2016. This achievement did not only recognise the good establishment of the Institute in the education field, but also promised brighter prospects in the competitiveness of graduates and opportunities for academic exchanges, which will facilitate the future development of the education field.

With special focus on corporate finance, investment and financial market development, Professor Cheung has been playing a prominent role in research in the related fields. In 2001, he was ranked the sixth most productive finance researcher in the Asia-Pacific region during the period 1990-1999. In 2005, he was ranked the 14th most productive author in Asia-Pacific universities during the period 1991-2002. In 2014, he was presented the Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award, which was also known as China's Nobel Prize in the field of economics, for his co-authored publication titled “Privatisation and Risk Sharing: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China”. Professor Cheung's prominence in the academic research arena is unequivocal.

Apart from being a researcher, teacher, administrator, and fundraiser for his University, Professor Cheung is very active in local and regional community services. He has extensive consultancy experience in the Hong Kong financial sector, including once serving as the Project Coordinator for the Consumer Council in its examination of the Hong Kong banking sector and at present, as the Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee of the Asian Bond Fund Hong Kong Bond Index Fund of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. As well, he is the Chairperson of the Transport Advisory Committee and a Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. As a recognition for his myriad contributions to the community, he was awarded Justice of the Peace in 2007 and the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2019. It is worth mentioning that he was internationally recognised in 2017 by the French Government with the award of Officier dan l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques, which can be translated as Officer of the Order of Academic Palms in English.

Being a committed educator, Professor Cheung has published a number of newspaper articles discussing his educational beliefs. In one titled “Winning at the starting line' is a losing formula”, he suggests “Character-building is more important than examination scores. Positive attributes [...] will contribute to [children's] well-being and empower them to become agents of social betterment”. His advocacy of character-building for a better society echoes our school commitment in promoting students' holistic development for the future well-being of the community. He embodies all that we hope our students aspire to and for this reason, he is definitely a role model for our graduates and prize winners to follow.

In his congratulatory address, Prof. Cheung inspired our students and graduates by sharing with them his enlightening speech. He stressed that education is not just about academic results. It is about learning how to learn, how to keep an open mind, how to respect other people's points of view and how to dedicate oneself to something that will benefit society. Success in life is not measured by how much money one earns or by how many followers one has on social media, but by how much one can contribute to society. He reminded the students that they can gain a much longer-lasting sense of achievement through giving rather than receiving, and encouraged them to help those who are vulnerable or who have not had the same benefit of education as theirs. At last, Prof. Cheung ended his speech by giving a warm blessing to the audience. The graduates have benefitted a lot from Prof. Cheung's inspiring speech.

S1 Team Building Day

The Guidance Committee organized S1 Team Building Day for the purpose of building team spirit, understanding the school and connecting with S1 schoolmates.

S1 Orientation Day 2022-23

In order to let S1 newcomers and parents understand the new school life in Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School and foster home-school cooperation, the S1 Orientation Day was organized by the Guidance Committee on 13 August 2022. In corporation with Principal Mr. Cheng, Assistant Principals Mr. Tse (Academic), Mr. Chan (Student Affairs), Ms. Ngai (Administrative and Support), Discipline Master Mr. Yeung, Guidance Mistress Ms. Ng, SENCO Ms. Wong, Life Education Head Ms. Keung, Extra-curricular Activities Head Mr. Chau, Information Technology in Education Head Mr. Leung, English Department Head Ms. Chan, NET Mr. Wariner and School Social Worker, the event successfully created a positive and meaningful start for S1 students. S1 class teachers and Parent-Teacher Association members also met and discussed learning with parents and students in the event. It is sincerely hoped that S1 newcomers will enjoy a wonderful school life.

Home Economics Club Activities (2021-22)

The Home Economics Club has actually planned one activity per every two weeks. However, due to the pandemic, we could only carry out two of the successfully.

Gingerbread Making Class
On 16th of December 2021, the Home Economics club organized a gingerbread making class for the schoolmates. There were around 30 students who joined the class. We had created different shapes of gingerbread cookies. They came in different shapes such as gingerbread man, Christmas trees and any items that were related to Christmas.

Fashion Show

25th, July, 2022
School Hall
Environmental Friendly Fashion – Eco Trendy with Matching Masks
Miss Ngai Pui Kwan, Venice (Home Economics department)
Mr. Kwan Cheuk Fung (OLE department)
Miss Tang Mei Chi (music department)
Miss Cheng Man Yan (VA department)
Miss Lam Wai Yee (Environmental Conservation Club)
Special guests:
Our principal, Mr. Cheng as the performer.

There were 7 teams of participants from S1 to S6 with a total number of 70+ students. Originally only S4 and S5 students are assigned to come back as audiences, but we have got far more supporters from other forms and also teaching staff and the minor staff. A very cheering crowd indeed.

The participants had exceeded our imagination as how to make use of 2nd hand clothing and how to wear mask in a fashionable way during the pandemic.

There were a few highlights of the event. One of them definitely was the voting for the most outstanding models by the audiences.

School Closing Ceremony (5-8-22)

It's a record in our school that the Closing Ceremony was held in August. From the date, it reflects HK students have been experiencing a difficult year which is full of challenges. Thank you God for all His blessings to our school. Our students continue to achieve excellent academic results as well as non-academic ones in different aspects. During the Ceremony, Principal Cheng gave an inspiring speech and students learned the qualities that they should pursue in the near future in order to face the challenges in this 21st century.

In addition, many academic and non-academic prizes were presented by different departments and committees to acknowledge students' efforts. It is hoped that students can enhance their faith, self-esteem and self-love, which will motivate them to achieve more remarkable accomplishments.

Finally, Principal Cheng gave credits and acknowledged the ongoing efforts contributed by the retired and resigned teachers. They were invited to give a short farewell message to our students individually. A souvenir was presented to each of them with an aromatic bouquet of flowers and we sang a send-off song “風雨同路” together at the end of the Ceremony. What an unforgettable moment!

Life Building Scheme (2021-22)

The following reflections were written by our students who participated in various extra-curricular activities this year. Reading their reflections, we can feel their joy and sense of achievement in joining different extra-curricular activities.


Happy Friday was my favorite activity and it brought me some unforgettable experiences. The activity was held in the VA Room every Friday. I learnt more about Jesus and I prayed. In addition, I had meals or played games with teachers and classmates in the activity.

Participants of Happy Friday were all very nice. Sisters and brothers cared about each other and they taught me about love, responsibility and confidence. Actually, it made me a better person. Some of them were also very humorous. Except for having so much fun, I learnt team spirit and cooperation from the activities. The experience was meaningful and rewarding. In the past when I was unhappy, I could only comfort myself, staying with my problems alone. But after joining Happy Friday, many people were there to care about me. To me, it was not simply an ordinary extra-curricular activity, but a warm and loving family. I love Happy Friday forever!

The activity was related to LOVE and INTEGRITY. In Love, I learned how to care about the others. I learnt about confidence, trust in friends, honesty and friendship. From now on, I won't lie or deceive anyone. I will also be friendly to people around. Besides, I have good relationship of trust with my teammates.


The most memorable activity that I participated in this year was a trip to Tai Po Waterfront Park. The activity was held by Tai Po Christian & Missionary Alliance Church. I joined a group which consisted of mainly WSCSS students. We went to different spots in the waterfront and completed various missions, such as taking photos of Tai Po Lookout Tower and reciting Qu Yuan's poems from the recordings.

I learnt to be more patient in the activity because we needed to keep walking over an hour. In addition, teamwork was very important too. Without appropriate communication, the mission would become a mess. For example, we were told to arrive the waterfront together. However, one of our teammates went there alone by bus and he idled our time playing around. As a result, our team wasted so much time. From the experience, we learn that good teamwork is very important if we want to complete a mission.

I believe I am a patient person because when I am studying or doing homework, I always can act persistently and patiently. I rarely give up my tasks. Furthermore, I think I need to be patient in order to show my respect to teachers or other people.

The activity helps improve my school performance and shape my character. I will try to make progress by asking teachers more often if I have problems with my study. I want to participate more activities and competitions to help with my learning and future career too.


I joined the Tai Po Cultural New Experience Camp this year. I liked this activity because I gained a lot of new experiences in the camp. I learnt cultures and traditions of some local places in Tai Po, such as Tin Hau Temple and Tai Wong Yeh Temple.

Except for learning more about the local culture, I also acquired some skills. I learnt how to cook after joining the camp. Also, my communication skills have been improved. In the camp, I communicated with my group members who came from different schools. Getting along well with other members, I learnt how to start a topic of conversation with strangers and the importance of teamwork. What’s more, I have a better understanding of myself now. I encountered many challenges in the activity and I was scared and did not how to handle the difficulties in the beginning. Luckily, my team members and I managed to overcome those challenges after our effective communications and negotiations. We all learnt a lot from the experience.

I look forward to applying the communication skills I learnt from the activity to my studies in tertiary institutes. Group projects are very likely to be of great significance across different curriculums in my future studies. I am confident that I can get along well with others because I have good communication skills.

My future career will be related to the field of business. Possessing good communication skills is vital in the business field. By joining the activity, I believe I can work independently and I would like to be a leader leading a team of members to complete a mission in the future. I now understand my ability and personality more, and it can help a lot when I plan my career path. What's more, I know what I need to improve and I will try to equip myself with the essential qualities needed for my future career in the coming years.

A fabulous English Week 2021-22

This year's English Week was held between 11th and 19th of May 2022 with the theme "Exploring World Cultures through Travelling" and the slogan "Awaken to a Different World". Not only did students have opportunities to increase their cultural awareness, but they also learnt to embrace diverse cultures around the globe.

The success of the English Week was attributed to students' active participation in a variety of interactive activities offered. We had quiz competitions, in-class activities, book fair and game booths, which were not just entertaining but also educational.

Quiz competitions

Keenly participating in the Junior Form Quiz Competition, which were held at the School Hall, students demonstrated excellent performance throughout the activity. Additionally, using an online platform Quizizz to conduct the Senior Form Quiz Competition for the first time, we were glad to see that students were all fascinated to take the challenges.

In-class activities

The in-class activities were varied and educational, too. Students had opportunities to enhance their English skills as well as their creativity and imagination through activities such as designing posters and expressing their opinions on cultural diversities.

Book Fair

This year, working along with Seed Children's Bookstore, we offered students a wide variety of books, ranging from the best-selling novels and classic works to travel guides of different cities and illustrations uniquely about Hong Kong cultures.

Game Booths

Equally amusing were the three mini games, namely 'Match it!', 'Tongue Twister' and 'Do you know this place?' prepared for students to join during the recesses.

The objectives of arousing students' curiosity towards world cultures, using English as a communication tool and developing their cultural awareness were well achieved during this year's English Week.

Statistical talk for S4 students (12 May 2022)

In order to promote statistical literacy, the Mathematics Department has invited the Statistician from the Census and Statistics Department (C & SD) to deliver a talk on "Tracking the economic situation of Hong Kong through national income statistics" to our S.4 students. The talk would be useful in enhancing their knowledge, particularly how national income statistics such as Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Incomes are measured and how they help reflect the economic development in Hong Kong.

The Annual Speech Day 2020-21

The Annual Speech Day 2020-21 was successfully held on 26 November 2021. We were honoured to have invited our alumnus, Prof. Chau Kwai Cheong PhD, BBS, JP, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Professor Chau graduated from Form 5 of the Anglo-Chinese section of Wong Shiu Chi Middle School (now known as Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School) in 1968. He holds a BA degree and a M. Phil degree in Geography from The University of Hong Kong, as well as a PhD degree in Forestry from The Australian National University. Currently, he is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Geography & Resource Management of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), from which he had retired after 17 years of teaching in 2010. His areas of expertise include soil science, landscape ecology and turfgrass management, and he had supervised 34 postgraduates, M. Phil and PhD, throughout his university career. He was a recipient of the Vice Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in 2006.

Before joining CUHK in 1992, he had been working for 14 years as a turfgrass professional in Hong Kong, including 10 years as the Course Manager of the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling. As an experienced turfgrass specialist, he was appointed by Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the HKSAR Government as a member of the Panel Experts on Hong Kong Stadium Pitch in 2013.

Professor Chau is also actively engaged in community services. He had served in many advisory committees of the government and academic institutes. He had been appointed Chairman of the Country and Marine Parks Board (CMPB), Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE), as well as member of the Town Planning Board (TPB), Land Development Advisory Council (LDAC), and Urban Forestry Advisory Panel (UFAP). In recognition of his services to the community, the government bestowed on him Justice of the Peace (2010) and Bauhinia Bronze Star (2014).

In his congratulatory address, Prof. Chau inspired our students and graduates by sharing with them his speech on climate change, globalization and sustainable development. He advised the young people to think globally and act locally to protect our environment. A good attempt is to avoid the wastage of resources and over-spending on unnecessary items. Apart from showing his concern for the environment, Prof. Chau also encouraged the graduates to use their computers wisely in the pursuit of knowledge. He shared with them an approach to enhance their learning experience and broaden their curiosity. At the end of his speech, he further reminded the graduates to be a learned person of unquestionable integrity. At last, Prof. Chau ended his speech by giving a warm blessing to the audience. The graduates have benefitted a lot from Prof. Chau's inspiring speech.

Wall Climbing Activity

5C Young Ching Ho Francis

I experienced the thrill of climbing and the sense of success in this rock climbing activity. Also, the feeling of pulling a rope for my classmate in the rock climbing activity was very special. It was putting my classmate's life in my hands, forcing me to be 100% focused on helping my classmate to move upwards. It was really an unforgettable experience.

Mr Chau Chun Sing

Hardships and obstacles are inevitable to students in their secondary school life. Pursuing their personal goals is like climbing a high wall. It is also a process from self-limiting to challenging and surpassing themselves. Meanwhile, we have to make step-by-step decisions with cautiousness and courage at the same time. I enjoy rock climbing and I hope students can have similar experiences to challenge themselves for better personal growth.

S.1 Healthy School Programme Workshop

The Drug Testing Scheme in Tai Po has been successfully implemented in the past twelve school years. With the support and participation of parents and students, significant progress has been achieved. According to the statistics released, the number of local young drug abusers has dropped greatly in the past few years. However, we still have to keep ourselves alert in this issue, and to make continuous efforts to create a "Healthy" and "Drug-free" culture in both the school and the community. In 2021/2022, our school once again commits ourselves to the "Healthy School Programme" initiated by "The Association of Principals of Tai Po Secondary Schools" and sponsored by the "Beat Drug Fund". It aims at enhancing students' resistance to the temptation of drugs through activities, education, drug testing and health check. In order to enhance S.1 students' resilience against drugs, the Guidance Committee co-organized with the Cheer Lutheran Centre an Anti-drug Workshop for all of our S1 students in the School Hall on 5 October 2021. A positive culture is therefore created to prevent drug abuse in school and the community.

Flight Simulation Program

On 9 September 2021, ten students of our school participated in the “Flight Simulation Program” organized by Aerosim (HK) Ltd. --- End-to-End Aviation Training & Education Tech Solutions. The staff in Aerosim taught our students with hands-on practice of using the flight simulation model. Not only was aviation knowledge delivered in the programme, but also many interactive and fun learning activities were carried out. Hopefully, our students got inspired by such kind of experience and will explore their career path in the future.

S1 Orientation Activities for Parents and Students

In order to let S1 newcomers and parents get adapted to the new secondary school life, the Guidance Committee organized a range of S1 orientation activities, namely S1 Orientation Day, S1 Parents' Day and S1 Team Building Day respectively before the new school year started.

On 24 July 2021, all S1 students and parents were cordially invited to the school to attend the S1 Orientation Day and warmly welcomed by the Principal Mr. Cheng, Assistant Principal Mr. Tse, Guidance Mistress Ms. Ng, Discipline Master Mr. Yeung, Life Education Mistress Ms. Keung, English panel head Ms. Yuen, ICT panel head Mr. Leung and the school social worker Ms. Leung. The cross-boundary students and parents also attended the event via zoom, together with the local students.

On 21 August 2021, all S1 students and parents were invited to the school to attend the S1 Parents' Day. This time, S1 parents met class teachers directly to get familiar with the school and teachers. The Parent-Teacher Association Members also warmly greeted S1 parents in the event. S1 newcomers definitely gained a better understanding about the new school life by listening to the introduction by the school social worker Ms. Leung, Discipline Master Mr. Yeung, Assistant Principal Mr. Chan, ECA Master Mr. Chau, NET Mr. Warnier and English Panel Head Ms. Chan. Again, the cross-boundary students and parents also attended the event via zoom, together with the local students.

Before the school year started, on 31 August 2021, our S1 local students were invited to participate in the S1 Team Building Day in order to cultivate the sense of belonging and team spirit. The school social workers, members from YWCA and S1 class teachers facilitated the event smoothly.


身體需要營養,心靈同樣需要滋養。在2020-21學年,學校因疫情影響而無法進行面授課堂,同學之間少了機會建立友誼,精神健康也因此受到影響。為了讓中一同學在疫情持續嚴峻及學校尚未恢復面對面授課的這時期得到心靈支援,本校輔導委員會參與加油香港基金,「心之食堂Feed Your Heart」計劃,用食物細說故事,用故事治癒心靈,提醒學生照顧精神健康是每個人都可以做到的功課,大家可練習如何每天照顧自己的心靈。



在試後活動期間,心之食堂計劃邀請了紀錄片《少年滋味》張經緯導演蒞臨本校分享,另外還有We Think Digital 分享 有關網絡個人私隱安全﹑學習發表具同理心的言論。

計劃將在2021-22新學年推行,繼續為來年中一和中二同學繼續提供人生故事書換領﹑ Dustykid故事連載、網上家政班、網上電影分享會、生命劇場和流動休息空間。

Life Building Scheme (2020-21)

The following reflections were written by our students who had participated in various extra-curricular activities this year. Reading their reflections on joining different activities, both parents and students can feel the joy and satisfaction of the participants.


I like the workshop「成功在望—成長工作坊」. It was held at the school hall on the 20th of March 2021. I played a life simulation game. The simulation game was very realistic and true to life. It helped us to explore the subjects which were suitable for ourselves. The activity inspired us of what we needed to prepare for our future career.

The activity is related to our School Motto - Learnedness and Integrity. I have gained a deeper understanding of myself that I need to know more knowledge about the global economic development. The activity is a useful one because I want to work in the field of finance in the future. What's more, I have learnt how to treat people with more respect. It is because the simulation game is modelled on the real world and I have learnt a lot on showing proper behavior and developing relationship with others.

I have learnt how to make an investment because the game has included a stock exchange. From the game, I have learnt that my effort will eventually pay off. The same principle applies to my study. I can have a better academic qualification if I study hard. Having a better academic qualification results in securing a better job and a higher income. I should choose a suitable subject to study and have a good preparation for my future career. I have gained a lot of insights which are useful for my future!


The most memorable activity that I participated in this year was the Spring Quiz, held by the English Association. It was held during the Easter holidays. Due to the pandemic, the activity was held online on Instagram. I was one of the organizers of the activity. I had communicated with my committee members so that we selected and worked out different questions for the quiz. I also gave shout-out for the activity so that more schoolmates could be involved in the activity.

This year was the first year for me to be the Chairlady of the English Association. Due to the pandemic, it was always hard for the Association to hold activities and to engage schoolmates to be confident in using English. I am glad that this experience has greatly improved my leadership and communication skills. The Spring Quiz was the second activity, and also the last activity held in this school year. Honestly speaking, it was not easy to hold activity through online platforms. I was worried during the activity. Luckily, the whole activity ran smoothly and the favorable responses from participants were out of my expectations. It has been very meaningful to me and a very unforgettable one.

We should stay positive during the pandemic. What I remember the most from the activity is that we wanted to cheer up students who always needed to stay at home due to the pandemic. Even though the questions somehow may have been difficult for some students, at least they could have fun and a good laugh from the Quiz and learnt the beauty of riddles.

The activity also showed our creativity. In the beginning of the competition, Tessie (the Vice-chairlady of the English Association) and I had written a poem to students. It was challenging for us to write a poem to describe the attitude and behavior of a rabbit. We enjoyed the moment very much.

For myself, I am confident in developing my knowledge in the senior school years. I have been working hard on pursuing excellent academic performances in these three years. I am sure that the knowledge I acquired will help me to develop into a better person in the coming senior school years.

I have promised myself to be actively participating in school clubs and associations. This year, I am glad that I have achieved that from organizing activities for the English Association. The English Association has provided me with a lot of opportunities to develop my potential and abilities.


I joined the Elderly Life Experience Day. I enjoyed the activity very much because we gained some experience through involving ourselves in different activities. We got a deeper understanding of how hard and difficult the elderly's daily life could be by buying some low-priced food and clothes under the limited budget in North Point. In another activity, our physical strength and mobility were hindered because we needed to put on special costumes to simulate the movement of the elderly. We soon suffered from neck and waist pain by collecting and scavenging cardboard on the ground.

A lot of elderly live alone and the monetary aid from the government is not enough for them to afford the daily expenditure. Besides, they need to pay for the high rent of their homes. Some elderly cannot afford to pay the high rent so they become homeless, eventually sleep on the streets.

Some elderly earn very little income by scavenging cardboard in the streets. To know more about this, we went to one of the cardboard collecting and recycling shops to ask about the price for recycling cardboard in North Point. It was shocking to know that 1 kg of cardboard was only worth 80 cents.

Knowing all these, we think we should do more to help the elderly. We should donate clothes or food to them. Besides, we hope that the government should concern more about this problem.

After the Elderly Life Experience Day, I think the government should have given more help to the elderly. In the role play activity, we pretended to be a 64-year-old elderly who was homeless. It was because a person aged 64 actually did not meet the minimum age requirement of obtaining Old Age Living Allowance in Hong Kong. It is crystal clear that we should try to help the elderly in every possible way.

Diamond Jubilee Speech Day

The Diamond Jubilee Speech Day was successfully held on 5 June 2021. We were honoured to have invited our alumna, Ms. Au Tsz Kwan Fiona, the Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Ms. Au's studies at Wong Shiu Chi began in 1997. Then, she went on to obtain her Bachelor of Social Science Degree from the University of Hong Kong. Upon graduation, she joined the government. She has been the Assistant District Officer for the Eastern District and is currently the Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology.

As a student at Wong Shiu Chi, Ms. Au embodied all that we hope our students aspire to. She was highly commended for her excellent academic performance, conduct and active participation in extra-curricular activities. With those remarkable achievements, she won the Outstanding Student Award and for six school years, the Conduct Prize. Back then, Ms. Au was no doubt exemplary, so it may come as no surprise that she was chosen to be one of our Head Prefects. She is certainly a role model for her junior schoolmates to follow.

When Ms. Au was in her sixth year of studies here, she underwent one of Hong Kong's tough times, the SARS outbreak. To better protect her fellow schoolmates' health, she reported for duty as the Head Prefect early in the morning to assist teachers with the implementation of epidemic preventive measures. What was admirable during that difficult time is the fact that Ms. Au never gave in to the stress brought by the unusual circumstances. She even learnt to deal with challenges independently. Teaching herself to be a conscientious, reliable and resilient leader, she eventually succeeded in leading other Prefects to overcome the obstacles along the way. We were proud to see how Ms. Au managed to grow up so much faster than her counterparts at that time.

In her congratulatory address, Ms. Au inspired our graduates by sharing with them the elements contributing to her success. She encouraged our graduates to get out from their comfort zone, to "roll up their sleeves" and do what they have to do. She also stressed the importance of lifelong learning, though it is always difficult to spare time in the packed schedule. Last but not least, she encouraged graduates to share and seek help to overcome and go through difficult times.

At last, Ms. Au ended her speech by expressing her warm gratitude to the audience. With her expertise and extensive experiences, we are sure that her speech has inspired and enlightened our graduates a lot.


本校22位義工隊成員於5月27日參與由樂施會(Oxfam Hong Kong)及歷耆者(Eldpathy)主辧的長者貧窮體驗之旅。當天,各義工隊成員穿上特製的「高齡體驗裝」,親身體驗長者在衣、食、住、行方面的種種困難。在導師帶領下,義工們走進北角社區,了解長者貧窮問題以及生活情況。經過三個多小時的體驗,義工們了解到造成香港長者貧窮問題的各種成因,以及提出解決問題的建議。透過這次活動,深信他們能夠體會到本港貧富差距之大,日後更多關注社會需要。

The Prize Presentation Ceremony 2019-2020

The prize presentation ceremony of 2019-2020 was successfully held on 27 May 2021. Due to the pandemic and related group gathering restrictions, the ceremony was postponed from November 2020 to May 2021. During the ceremony, more than one hundred prizes were presented by the Principal and the Assistant Principals to students with outstanding performance in academic, conduct, extra-curricular activities and services. May we express our heartiest congratulations to the awardees.

Opening Ceremony of the School History Gallery

Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School was founded in 1960. Being the first subsidised secondary school, as well as the first school that offered the Hong Kong University Matriculation Examination programme in the New Territories, Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School has educated thousands of pupils in the territory over the past six decades, and has made a significant contribution to the education development in the New Territories.

The School History Gallery was established as part of our Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The School History Gallery exhibits various precious artifacts of the school as well as curates the school's documentary history. With the rich variety of exhibits, students, alumni and members of the public may get to learn about the development of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School.

The long-awaited Grand Opening Ceremony of our School History Gallery was held on 27 November 2020. We treasure our long history as well as celebrating our Diamond Jubilee. Excitement filled the heart of everyone involved, especially in this hard time. The ceremony was officiated by our school manager and alumnus, Mr. Shum Man Kwong. He shared his excitement for the establishment of our very own School History Gallery. We also honoured our teachers who were committed and served our school for long years with the presentation of the long service award. Winners of the Diamond Jubilee Slogan and Logo Design Competition also received their prizes during the ceremony. After the ceremony, Mr. LEE Tsz Wa, our teacher, arranged a guided tour to the School History Gallery for guests. The School History Gallery exhibits various precious artifacts, school documents and photographs owned and donated by our alumni. Videos introducing the development history of the school can be seen via the 6 LED screens. The footage of how our teachers and students traced Dr. Wong's early footsteps in Guangzhou is also featured in the videos. The guests enjoyed learning of the history of our school founder and her perseverance to establish Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School. May God continue to bless us to achieve the mission of our school founder: to provide education to young people; and to preach the gospel to them.

Life Building Scheme (2019-20)

The following reflections were written by our students who had participated in various extra-curricular activities this year. In reading their reflections, both parents and students can be able to feel the joy and satisfaction acquired by the participants in joining the activities.


I like Integrated Science Enrichment Class most. We learn some knowledge about Integrated Science which are not taught in lessons. Moreover, we conduct some experiments or investigations in the enrichment class. We explore everything about science so it helps me to develop a positive learning attitude. To have good results in our investigations and experiments, we need hard work and persistence. Besides, I do some preparation work before class so that I can understand what is taught in class easily.

I hope I can learn more knowledge about science and be a scientist in the future. I want to help people to have a better life. By spending more hard work on science, I hope I can achieve my annual target of having a better academic performance this year, too.


I joined the Chinese Debate Competition which was held at a secondary school on 19th October 2019. I had learnt to think faster during the rebuttals. For my role in the debate, I needed to do rebuttals again and again and thus I had to remain sensitive, calm and concentrated during the competition. I believe, by joining debate competitions, I can learn to be more decisive when facing difficulties. I can also think of and develop ideas from different perspectives. Moreover, I could strongly feel the support by my teammates in the competition because they knew I was nervous and it was my first time to join a formal debate competition. I will do the same thing to my teammates in the future. It is because a little care does help a lot and it has really meant something to me.

My annual target is to feel the love with others by playing basketball. I have kept playing basketball but I am more impressed by the debate competition. However, it is the same that I could feel the love with my teammates and Miss Lam Mei Ling had helped us a lot. When you are decisive enough, you’ll plan for it and act it out. Results are not revealed by words only. They are revealed on our actions and actions are revealed on schedules. When we decide to do something, we must take actions instead of just expressing our decision through words. Moreover, we should set clearer goals and take actions to achieve our targets.


I joined the Zonta Club programme to deliver mooncakes to the elderly. It was a meaningful activity to show love and care to them. As the elderly might not have good sense of hearing, we had to be patient and kept repeating what we said. To be honest, I am not a patient person. However, I really did well when I was communicating with the elderly in the activity. Many people are in need of our care. To live in a better world, we should offer care and help to the underprivileged members of the community.

I want to live in a better world. You may think that your care to those people is trivial and meaningless as it does not change the world much. However, it actually does. At least, the underprivileged knows that many people around still care about them. Besides, I believe in the power of words. By describing to others the life of the disadvantaged, it arouses the attention of the community.

I once told my friends that I wanted to be an administrative officer in the future. But now I find something more meaningful to do. I want to work at UNICEF. After participating this activity, I have realized that many people need our help, though we may not really know them. I believe I can help the underprivileged from all corners of the world if I work at UNICEF.


I joined a study tour to Russia from the 11th to 18th August last year. This was the first time I travelled outside Asia. I have learnt a lot about the world outside Hong Kong because Russia has a different lifestyle, with a slower and more comfortable pace of living. The political situation is also different from that of Hong Kong. The Russians adore President Vladimir Putin and souvenirs with his image are sold everywhere. Besides, travelers can see a lot of Russian nesting dolls and badges in shops. In my trip, I have met a lot of students from other schools.

Throughout these years, I have visited some companies like businesses in the HKTDC. I have learnt a lot about the structure of a company. These activities have equipped me with the knowledge of how a company runs. In my trip to Russia, I also visited Higher School of Economics, a university in Russia, and this has become one of my choices of studying abroad after my secondary six graduation in 2021. The trip has helped to explore more possibilities for my future studies and career opportunities.

Visit to Black Point Power Station

On July 2, 2019, Secondary Four Physics students visited Black Point Power Station in the New Territories. We developed a preliminary understanding of the impact of using different fuels on the environment, the operation of a power station and the power generation technology. The following is a summary of this visit written by Leung Yuk from Class 5E.

Natural gas is abundant in North America and Russia. It is formed by sea animals and plants that lived hundreds of million years ago. After the organisms died, they sank to the bottom of seas. They were then covered by sand and mud. High temperature, pressure and the action of bacteria slowly changed them into natural gas.

It is well known that burning coal emits carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide, which leads to acid rain. However, the common use of natural gas can reduce the emission of pollutants. Natural gas is mainly composed of methane (CH4) with a molar mass of 16.0. Because of the low carbon content, it burns completely with oxygen to produce less suspended particles. Also, nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen when heating to produce nitrogen oxides. The emission can be greatly reduced by 33.3% if temperature is properly controlled. Therefore, the main reason for the growing popularity of the use of natural gas is the comparatively low emission of pollutants.

In Hong Kong, the main power stations are Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station, Black Point Power Station, Castle Peak Power Station, Penny’s Bay Power Station, Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, etc. Power stations generally choose multiple gas sources as suppliers, so if there is a problem with a supplier, the daily supply of electricity will not be affected. The price of the gas can be relatively low due to competition. In the process of transporting natural gas, natural gas is firstly cooled to -162℃, becoming liquid for storage. Then LNG is transported to different destinations by LNG Carriers. Finally, LNG is offloaded from the carrier to the receiving facility at the destination.

Natural gas goes through multiple processing steps before entering the generator. Firstly, natural gas from different sources will be filtered through Gas Filtering Station. Next, it will be measured through Metering Station. Then it is heated up by Gas Heaters and finally decompressed in Pressure Reduction Station, from 60 atm to 40 atm. Air can be compressed to less than one-tenth of its original size. The compressed air is used for combustion to ensure the complete mixing of natural gas and air so as to reduce air pollutants.

Usually power stations will use CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) technology to convert natural gas into electricity. The combined two cycles are gas cycle and water-steam cycle. The principle of gas cycle is to inject natural gas, and then ignite it with air. When burning, the mixture will reach an extreme temperature of about 1288℃, when the emission of pollutants is minimum. Then the gas will pass through High Pressure Steam Turbine (HPST), Low Pressure Steam Turbine (LPST) and at last to the Generator. The hot exhaust gas of about 600℃ produced by the Gas Turbine will be passed into HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) to heat up water through pipes. By turning water into steam, high pressure steam goes to HPST while low pressure steam goes to LPST. Then the remaining steam goes to the condenser and passes to the HRSG again. Nowadays, the capacity of each of the eight steam turbines is between 312.5 MW and 380 MW and the efficiency of the latest turbines can reach 61%.

Life Building Scheme (2018-19)

The following reflections were written by our students who had participated in various extra-curricular activities this year. In reading their reflections, both parents and students can be able to feel the joy and satisfaction acquired by the participants in joining the activities.


My favorite and most memorable extracurricular activity is Science Enhancement Course which was held every Monday after school.

We had conducted different chemistry experiments to enrich our scientific knowledge. With the guidance of Mr. Tse, we had made different things related to science, such as photographic prints and crystals. Not only doing experiments, we had also discussed about how chemicals worked in different experiments. I have gained a lot of interesting knowledge about chemistry from the course.

The course is amazing and it helps me think about if I will choose to take Chemistry as an elective in my Senior Secondary Education. I shall make use of my knowledge such as compounds like potassium chloride or different chemical reactions in my future learning about the subject.


The Tai Po Chinese Drama Competition was held on the 2nd of March 2019 at Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Institute No.2 Secondary School. I was one of the members who was in charge of lighting in backstage. Last year, I fixed the stage light for performances of Drama Club. This year I had another duty of setting the lights in each scene. During the show, I needed to standby offstage to watch the overall performance.

I have learnt about the importance of time. During the performance, we didn't grasp the time correctly as we just finished revising the script two days before the competition. Luckily, we won the competition. I think time is absolutely important to a drama performance, and to me. Alan Lakein once said that 'Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.'


The activity I like the most is interviewing teachers for the Campus TV. It was held in the English Corner on the 19th of March. I was the interviewer, interviewing Ms. Ng and Mr. Chau. In the interview, we asked the two teachers about the mistakes students made most commonly while speaking English. It was very interesting to know what they observed from their perspectives. They also provided us with unique ways to improve our English.

From the activity, I have learnt the skills of interviewing and asking people questions politely. When asking people questions, I could be more polite. By following the advice from teachers, I can improve my English in the future. I would like to be a member of the School MC Team for school activities. I think it will be very interesting and it is a good way to improve my oral speaking and to boost my confidence in front of the others.


I joined the V-Are-One Project and the last activity day of the project was held in the Hong Kong Wetland Park on the 11th of May. Being one of the group leaders, I looked after the primary school kids who were the participants of the service project. There, we had a workshop of removing grass in a field of bricks. The weather was hot but we had a great experience. The children had further understanding about environmental conservation.

It is my honor to be nominated as the best volunteer in the team. I have discovered that I have the potential to be a good leader. The students were willing to listen to me and followed what I said in the activity. It was also a valuable chance to interact with people who have different personalities. Apart from that, the activity had conveyed a message to me that humans should engage in protecting the earth so we have a better place to live. One of the qualities to be a teacher is leadership. Therefore, I will try to learn more about being a good leader in the future group projects. It is to prepare myself to be a teacher as my future career.


I joined the School Volunteer Team in this year. We completed a service project with the disabled and we shared some experience about our life. We also joined some talks by the disabled to know more about their feeling and experience.

In the activity, we needed to work out some plans for the event. We had conducted a craft workshop and we celebrated Easter together. However, some of them were not able to do some work such as applying stickers. We had thought about the difficulties they might have faced before, so we had prepared some bigger stickers before the activities. Moreover, we needed to talk to the disabled during the event and some of them had suffered from intellectual disability and seldom talk to people in their daily life.

I think we always treat the disabled with prejudice, so it is always hard to build up a relationship with them. I have learnt that there are different disadvantaged groups in the community and the disabled is one of them. We are busy for our work and we seldom spare time to care about the community. This may cause misunderstanding to the disabled. However, after joining this activity, we know more about them and they are friendly and approachable just like ordinary people. The activity has changed my mindset and perception about the disabled. Most importantly, I know I should spend more time on knowing the society and people around me.

Tai Po Lunar New Year Fair Stall 2019

Our Career Ambassadors ran a stall in the Tai Po Lunar New Year Fair, with the aims to nurture students' entrepreneurship for planning and organizing career-related activities. Apart from the Career Ambassadors, about 60 S3-S5 students were recruited as helpers. Most of the profits generated from the event would be donated to World Vision Hong Kong and Hong Kong Cancer Fund.

The 53rd Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 13 and 14 February 2019, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 53rd Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumna, Ms. Man Yu Ching Emily, Superintendent of Police, Support Branch, Hong Kong Police Force, was the Guest of Honour for this year’s Athletic Meet. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group		Inter-House Overall Champion:	Integrity House
			Inter-House Boys Champion:		Dedication House
			Inter-House Girls Champion:		Integrity House
			The Best Sportsmanship:			Learnedness House
			The Best Cheering Team:			Love House
Individual	Grade A Boys Champion:			Cheung Tsz Kit		Love House	  
			Grade B Boys Champion:			Wang Zicheng		Integrity House
			Grade C Boys Champion:			Lee Tsz Hin			Integrity House
			Grade A Girls Champion:			Chan Cheuk Lam	Learnedness House
			Grade B Girls Champion:			Lee Ying Yi			Dedication House
			Grade C Girls Champion:			Ho Man Yuet		Love House
Tarumizu Junior High School Came to Visit

On 23 January, the staff and students of Tarumizu Junior High School in Kagoshima, accompanied by the representatives of Board of Education of Tarumizu and Kagoshima Office In Hong Kong, visited our school. Throughout their visit, our guests were escorted by our senior form students who took Japanese as their elective subject. In addition to a campus tour, our guests also observed a Mathematics lesson and a Science lesson together with our students.

In the afternoon, our guides led the guests to visit the Railway Museum, Man Mo Temple and Fu Shin Street. The one-day cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Japan was short yet fruitful.

Staff Development in Guangzhou

On Staff Development Day on 4 January 2019, our school achieved a breakthrough. All teachers visited Guangzhou Nanwu High School, which has been our sister school for 6 years. We observed lessons, engaged in professional dialogue and toured the school campus. Benefitting from the exchange visit, our teachers had a better understanding of the education system in Mainland and gained a better insight into the implementation of STEM and Art Education. Although the visit lasted only 3 hours, we appreciate the warm hospitality shown by the Principals, Vice Principals and teachers there.

Synopsis of Secondary School Workshop Demonstration 18/12/2018 (Tue)

Our school understands the importance of STEM education and believes different platforms should be provided for further stretch of our students' potential. Under this rationale, a Synopsis of Secondary School Workshop Demonstration followed by a STEM seminar were co-organized with The Education University of Hong Kong and Science Centre Singapore.

In recent years, there has been an increase in innovation and technological advancements in drone technology. The workshop aimed to bring such technology closer to our S1 students, students were given hands-on experiences in performing some programmed manoeuvres with the drones.

With a simple drag-and-drop programming app, Tynker, our S1 students learnt how to programme a Parrot Mini-drone to do various tasks, including designing a pre-set route and performing aerial stunts.

Our teachers, as well as the teachers from other secondary schools, were benefited from attending the seminar held in the second session. We have had an opportunity to discuss the demo lesson with the professionals from Singapore and understand the implementation of STEM education in their country. We learnt a lot about the challenges they faced when they introduced and implemented the system.

All in all, the fun-filled workshop and the seminar have surely provided participants with a fruitful and enjoyable experience.

Annual Speech Day 2017-18

The Annual Speech Day 2017-18 was successfully held on 30 November 2018. We were honoured to have invited our alumnus, Professor Leung Pak Heng George, the Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of The University of Hong Kong, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Professor Leung's studies in Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School began in 1987 and he was once the Head Prefect of our school. Upon graduation, he went on to obtain his Bachelor's Degree of Pharmacy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then spent the following years furthering his studies in the same university. Because of his impressive research, he was the recipient of the Young Physiologist Scheme of the Physiological Society of the United Kingdom in 1999. Besides, he was directly admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme without finishing the one for his Master's degree. Having earned his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Physiology, he completed his post-doctoral training at the prestigious The John Hopkins University in the United States of America. There is no doubt that Professor Leung excels in his academic pursuits.

Since 2003, Professor Leung has joined the University of Hong Kong and is currently an Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmocology and Pharmacy. At university, he leads a hectic life, conducting research, teaching and performing administrative work. Despite his busy schedule, he always remains committed and devoted. In 2006, he set up the Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree Programme and has led its development since then. Meanwhile, he also serves as the Chief Examiner of Pharmocology in Medicine, Nursing and Chinese Medicine Programmes.

Apart from playing an important role in the University of Hong Kong, Professor Leung is active in local, regional and international professional bodies. Locally, he was the external and internal examiners of 33 postgraduate students and is the Chairman of the Examination Committee of the Pharmacy and Poison Board of Hong Kong. Regionally, he is a grant reviewer of the Science and Technology Development Fund in Macau. Internationally, he is a grant reviewer of the research grant proposals for the National Medical Research Council of Singapore and a member of the Editorial Board of a number of journals, including Cardiovascular Pharmacology. In 2009, Professor Leung's outstanding teaching was recognised and he was awarded the Teaching Medal by the Faculty of Medicine. He is definitely a role model for his junior schoolmates to follow.

In his congratulatory address, Professor Leung inspired our students and graduates by sharing with them the elements contributing to his success. He encouraged our students to enjoy what they do, be diligent and positive, and treat every day as a learning opportunity. He also stressed the importance of lifelong learning and having wide vision. Last but not least, he strongly encouraged our students and graduates to be a good person and build a personal character of integrity, respect, care and self-reflection.

At last, Professor Leung ended his speech by expressing his warm gratitude to the audience. With his expertise and extensive experiences, his speech has inspired and enlightened our graduates a lot.

Annual House Meeting

The Annual House Meeting was held on 20 September. In the meeting, Principal Cheng Sze Wang presented flags to House Captains to symbolize the commencement of a new school year for the four Houses.

The 52nd Athletic Meet

On 28 February 2018 and 1 March 2018, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 52nd Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumnus, Mr. Tso Siu Man Simon, Principal of De La Salle Secondary School, N.T., was the guest of honour for this year's Athletic Meet. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group		Inter-House Overall Champion	:	Integrity House
			Inter-House Boys Champion		:	Learnedness House
			Inter-House Girls Champion		:	Integrity House
			The Best Sportsmanship			:	Learnedness House
			The Best Cheering Team			:	Love House
Individual	Grade A Boys Champion			:	Chan Pang Chin		Dedication House	  
			Grade B Boys Champion			:	Chow Wang Kei		Learnedness House
			Grade C Boys Champion			:	Yung Hiu Fai		Learnedness House
			Grade A Girls Champion			:	Lee Tsz Lam			Integrity House
			Grade B Girls Champion			:	Chan Cheuk Lam	Learnedness House
			Grade C Girls Champion			:	Lee Ying Yi			Dedication House
		4 school records was broken			:	Grade A Boys 4 X 100M Relay
												Grade C Boys 4 X 100M Relay
												Grade B Girls 4 X 100M Relay
												Grade B Girls 100M
S.1 Admission Briefing Session

The S.1 Admission Briefing Session was successfully held on 16th December. Eight hundred pupils and their parents attended the briefing session. The Principal and Assistant Principals gave talks regarding the school's history, mission, curriculum and recent development. A video featuring the school's history, development and prominent alumni was premiered to the public at this special event. Parents showed great interest in the school's admission criteria, procedure of application and the process of interviews in the Q&A session.

Annual Speech Day 2016-17

The Annual Speech Day 2016-17 was successfully held on 24 November 2017. We were honoured to have invited our alumnus, Professor Lum Yat Sang Terry, the Head and Henry G Leong Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Professor Lum's studies in Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School began in 1976. Upon graduation, he went on to get his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from The University of Hong Kong. He then spent the following decade furthering his studies, earning first a Master's Degree in Social Work from The University of Hong Kong and next his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Social Work from the Washington University in St. Louis.

Since 2011, he has joined The University of Hong Kong and is currently the Head and Henry G Leong Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration. He is also the Associate Director of the Sau Po Centre on Ageing, which aims to enhance the quality of life of older people in greater China, oversea Chinese societies and the Asia Pacific region.

With special focus on social work for the elderly and policy research, Professor Lum is an expert in long term care as well as ageing policies. He has also made significant contributions towards the enhancement of the well-being of older people. His research findings on ageing-in-place have led to the development of ageing-in-place programme for low-income elders in public rental housing estates of the Hong Kong Housing Society. For his outstanding achievements, Professor Lum is an award-winning scholar. In 2016, he was awarded the Career Leadership Award by the Association of Gerontology Education in Social Work in the United States. Being a remarkable academic, he is definitely a role model for his junior schoolmates to follow.

In his congratulatory address, Professor Lum encouraged our students and graduates by sharing with them his inspiring life journey, which was closely connected with God's revelations and the blessings he got after responding to them. Though following the calling did not mean his journey would be smooth and easy, he entrusted himself to God's will and always finished his job with 100% of his effort. Apart from showing his love and faith to God, Professor Lum also inspired the graduates to appreciate the good and beauty of knowledge. At last, Professor Lum ended his speech by expressing his warm gratitude to the audience. The graduates have benefitted a lot from Professor Lum's speech.

A Wondrous English Week 2016-2017

This year's English Week was held between the 6th and 15th of March with the theme "Exploring National Treasures through English". Engaged in interactive and thought-provoking activities, students did not only enrich their knowledge on national treasures of the world but also increased their understanding on the importance of preserving the "Wonderful Segments in Cultures".

The wonderful time in this year's English Week was again attributed to the wide variety of activities that were on offer throughout the days. We had interesting assemblies, in-class activities as well as lunchtime public activities organized and run by Intercultural Education Limited (ICE), Committee Members of the English Association and English Prefects.

Banner & Assemblies

During the Junior and Senior Form Assemblies, students keenly participated in on-stage and off-stage activities, interacting and playing games with the foreign guests invited by ICE. The School Hall was filled with laughter when students had to show how much they knew about certain countries in the world, competing in games where they had to rearrange the foreign guests on stage according to their country size, population, average temperature and language.

In-class Activities

Trainers and guests of more than 20 countries came to run the in-class activities. S.1-2 students were encouraged to use and improve their English communication skills by having face-to face chats with foreigners after getting to know their national treasures. S.3 students and foreign guests discussed the issue of national treasure conservation while S.4-5 students had to reflect both on their own identities, and those of the foreigners'.

Lunchtime Activities

Through the entire week, a number of students were eager participants in seven lunchtime activities which allowed further interaction with the foreigners. The activities included Photo Booth, Global Radio, a Capoeira (which is a traditional Brazilian dance and martial art) Competition run by a renowned Australian trainer, Daniel, African Drumming, Global Village, South Asian Cultural Games and Snacks, and National Treasure Mix and Match.

Included in the vast array of activities were the competitions held during the Senior and Junior Form Class Periods on the 6th and 15th of March. Students displayed their rich knowledge, creativity and imagination in a range of contests related to the theme of the English Week. These included video quizzes, completing and rewriting song lyrics, solving crossword puzzles, drawing, creative writing and designing posters.

Class Period Competitions & Book Fair

Apart from the many activities listed above, students could also display their talents in the Singing Contest. There were many talented acts that showcased beautiful singing as well as guitar and piano playing. We even had a special guest, Mr. Chau, who performed by playing the guitar while singing.

Students were also treated to the Book Fair held in the School Hall, where they were able to purchase bestsellers and highly popular books at discounted rates. Students wasted no time snapping up the bargains with many books being sold out quickly.

Photos with International Guests

All in all, English Week 2017 was undoubtedly a major success. Students were actively engaged in all the activities, showcased their enthusiasm, passion and curiosity in learning more about national treasures and different cultures of the globe. They had substantial opportunities to develop their intercultural competencies by interacting with foreigners. The whole week has no doubt brought us delightful memories which will be everlasting.

The 51st Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 16 and 17 February 2017, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 51st Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumna, Dr. Yeung Yeung, Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the University of Hong Kong, was the guest of honour this year. The Athletic Meet was a perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group   Inter-House Overall ChampionOrange House
Inter-House Boys ChampionOrange House
Inter-House Girls ChampionYellow House
The Best SportsmanshipBlue House
The Best Cheering TeamYellow House
Individual   Grade A Boys ChampionChan Ho Yiu
Chan Chiu Yeung
Wong Chak Yin
Red House
Orange House
Blue House
Grade B Boys ChampionCheung Tsz Kit
Yu Pak Hei
Blue House
Green House
Grade C Boys ChampionTang Tsz HimRed House
Grade A Girls ChampionLai Lok Tung
Ng Tsz Wai
Orange House
Orange House
Grade B Girls ChampionChan Cheuk LamYellow House
Grade C Girls ChampionSo YuiRed House
Annual Speech Day 2015-16

The Annual Speech Day 2015-16 was successfully held on 2 December 2016. We were honoured to have invited our alumnus, Mr Victor Dawes SC, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Mr Dawes's studies in Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School began in 1988. His time spent in Wong Shiu Chi played a significant role in facilitating the establishment of the core values of integrity and propriety. In 1995, he went on to get his Bachelor of Law Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Upon graduation, he pursued his further legal studies and training in the University of Hong Kong, where he acquired his professional qualification.

Mr Dawes was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 1999, specialising in commercial disputes including arbitration and mediation. He has been acting in a number of landmark cases in Hong Kong arising from the global financial crisis in 2008. He is widely known for displaying sound judgment and being knowledgeable as well as helpful among the members of the legal profession.

In 2015, Mr Dawes was appointed as a Senior Counsel and he was one of the youngest new silks at that time. Currently, he is one of the members of the prestigious Temple Chambers. In addition to appearing in court, he has experiences appearing in the Market Misconduct Tribunal, the Securities and Futures Appeal Tribunal and Takeover Panel.

In his congratulatory address, Mr Dawes inspired our students and graduates by sharing with them a letter that he had lovingly prepared for his baby daughter. Apart from showing his love and care to his beloved child, Mr Dawes encouraged the young people in Hong Kong to be hopeful and work hard in what they believe in. He advised the graduates to set a good example and make a difference to those around them. When facing changes and challenges, young people should hold firm to the belief that making an honest living is far more important than making a decent living. At last, Mr Dawes ended his speech by giving a warm blessing to the audience. The graduates have benefitted a lot from Mr Dawes’s speech.

The Most Amazing English Week 2015-2016

We had the most amazing English Week this year with an international atmosphere lasting from 2nd to 10th December, 2015. With the theme "Exploring Myths, Fables and Legends through English" and the slogan of Long Ago and Far Away: Wonders of the MFLs, students and teachers had chances to know more about global myths, fables and legends from trainers and guests of 18 countries. Additionally, we had interactive activities which were not just entertaining but also educational, leading us to further explore this topic.

Working alongside with Intercultural Education Limited (ICE), we had great enjoyment with a variety of activities and performances. ICE organized and ran interesting in-class activities as well as public activities during lunchtime or afterschool hours. Trainers and guests from Germany, Sweden, Scotland, Poland, Ukraine, Australia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Singapore, Thailand and Korea, etc. turned English lessons into unique ones with cultural sharing of myths and legends, and interactive activities including mask making, drama performances and in-depth discussions.

Students were also attracted to public activities like the Viking traditional chess game 'Kubb' and Brazilian martial arts, Mexican music performance, German cookie baking and an Inter-class Competition for S.3 students on the last day of the English Week. One of the most hilarious items in the competition was teaching the guests about Hong Kong's culture through Cantonese tongue twisters.

Equally amusing were the drama performances during the Junior and Senior Assemblies. Our alumnus Raymond Yip, who is a secondary school teacher, brought his English drama team to perform their own adaptation of "The Three Little Pigs". We were amazed by their enchanting singing and superb acting.

The class period activities were varied and educational, too. Students had opportunities to enhance their English skills as well as their creativity and imagination through activities such as designing posters, expressing their opinions, writing alternative endings to the fable of "The Ugly Duckling" and rewriting lyrics to the song "The Lost Boy" about the story of Peter Pan.

Also included in the English Week programme were the Singing Contest and Book Fair. We did not only have two exhibitors but three this year, adding to the variety of books students and teachers could purchase.

Overall, the objectives of arousing students' curiosity towards the world, using English as a communication tool and developing their cross-cultural understanding were achieved during this year's English Week. The school was turned into like an international school, giving students authentic situations to communicate with both native and non-native English speakers of different nationalities.

Apart from meeting the targets, the English Week of 2015-2016 was also proved to be highly popular among students as reflected in the survey with questionnaires done by ICE. Encouraging comments included "The world is much bigger than I thought." "The discussion of different myths and legends in class is delightful and there are a lot of interesting myths that I have never heard of. Overall, the English Week is really great." and "Everything is going super well with them; they are kind and interactive with us. I enjoyed the whole week very much."

To sum up, the English Week this year has brought us incredible knowledge, unforgettable experiences and great fun which will stay in our memory forever.

"New Era of Energy Saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School" and "Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School"

Our school received a subsidy from The Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee for the implementation of "New era of energy saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School" and "Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School". The subsidy covers the replacement of 9 air-conditioners with Grade 1 Energy Label, 11 T5 lamps with fluorescent fitting, 107 lamps with twin fluorescent fitting, 17 LED exit sign boxes, 93 LED ceiling lights and 21 LED ceiling lights with emergency battery, installation of heat shield coating on the roof of the old teaching block and solar films on the eastward windows of the new teaching block and the westward windows of old teaching block.

Our teachers have arranged students to participate in different environmental conservation activities in order to enhance their awareness towards environmental conservation, and to establish a green atmosphere in the school. The details of the activities are as follows:

Energy Saving Competition
Date: September 2013 to September 2014
Details: The school participated in "School and Home Energy Saving Scheme" organized by the CLP and received the Interim Prize.

Green Ambassador Training (Youth Climate Ambassador Activity)
Date: 11 September 2014 to 15 July 2015
Details: The school nominated students to participate in three training activities organized by Environmental Conservation Club and two activities organized by the Youth Climate Ambassador. All participants acquired Basic Environmental Badge. Four of the students also acquired Specific Environmental Badge.

Introducing Energy Efficiency Label
Date: 12 September 2014
Details: Energy Efficiency Label was introduced to students on the Environmental Conservation Club Orientation Day.

Hand Cream Making Workshop
Date: 18 December 2014
Details: Students were able to have hands-on experience in making hand cream. The participants enjoyed the activity very much.

Designing the Notice Board
Date: 15 February 2015
Details: The theme of the notice board was 'Environmental Friendly Enzyme'. The notice board successfully attracted students and parents attention in the making of enzyme.

Organizing external activities
Date: 12 March 2015
Details: Our school set up booths at PLK Tin Ka Ping Millennium Primary School and S.K.H. Yuen Chen Maun Chen Jubilee Primary School to organize activities and exchange ideas of environmental conservation with primary school students.

Deciding on Energy Saving Proposals
Date: 27 to 30 April 2015
Details: During the Environmental Conservation Week, students were asked to decide on energy saving proposals for the school, their classes and themselves.

Sharing of information of the Green Project
Date: 1 September 2015 till now
Details: Information of the Green Project was uploaded to the school's website and announced at various occasions in order to draw students’ attention towards environmental conservation.

Food Recycling Scheme
Date: 8 July 2015
Details: The scheme aims to help students understand the problem of food waste in Hong Kong and to raise their awareness in reducing food waste. Students were asked to observe the amount of leftovers in local wet markets. They also experienced how food recycling works and enjoyed a low-carbon meal.

Waste cooking oil soap making workshop
Date: 16 July 2015
Details: Students learnt how to use waste cooking oil to make soap. They also learnt new recipes which can help them make better use of leftovers.

Model United Nations Meeting
Date: August 2015
Details: Students' broadened their horizons and enhanced their leadership skills by meeting with environmental conservation leaders from other schools.

Environmental Conservation Club Orientation Day
Date: 24 September 2015
Details: The committee members of the club introduced the structure of the club and the schedule of activities to the members.

Basic Environmental Badge Research Presentation
Date: 25 September 2015
Details: Students understood more about their research topics: (1) Carbon Reducing Measures of Shopping Centers and Railway Stations; (2) The Application of Enzyme.

Recycling of moon cake boxes
Date: 5-7 October 2015
Details: In order to nurture the habit of recycling, students were asked to recycle their moon cake boxes.

Making of enzyme
Date: November 2015
Details: 100 bottles of enzyme were made for distribution on Parents' Day.

"To Change the future of Elephants" New Word Design and Joint Signing
Date: 17-18 December 2015
Details: To draw students' attention to the conservation of elephants.

The 50th Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 3 and 4 February 2016, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 50th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumnus, Dr. Chui Po Tong, MBBS FHKCA FANZCA FHKAM (Anaesthesiology), Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary) of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care of the Prince of Wales Hospital of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was the guest of honour. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group   Inter-House Overall Champion: Blue House
Inter-House Boys Champion: Blue House
Inter-House Girls Champion: Yellow House
The Best Sportsmanship: Red House
The Best Cheering Team: Yellow House
Individual   Grade A Boys ChampionKwan Yui HimBrown House
Grade B Boys ChampionCheung Tsz KitBlue House
Grade C Boys ChampionYu Pak HeiGreen House
Grade A Girls ChampionLau Hiu KwanYellow House
Grade B Girls ChampionLei Cheuk WaRed House
Grade C Girls ChampionLai Lok YeeGreen House
English Corner Grand Opening – Christmas Party 23rd December 2015

On Wednesday the 23rd of December, 2015 the English Corner was officially opened with a Christmas party to celebrate the festive season. Traditional Christmas foods such as fruit mince pies, shortbread biscuits, candy canes and advent calendar chocolates were introduced and eaten.

Students discussed the different ways Christmas is celebrated around the world and recounted stories of how they themselves celebrate Christmas with their families. A great time was had by all!

Exchange tour in Guangzhou

From 14th to 15th December, 2015, Principal Ho led 4 teachers and 13 S2 students to Guangzhou to attend the "10th Anniversary of the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Sister Schools Scheme" and visit our sister school Nanwu Middle School. Apart from attending the official activities, the S2 students attended a Chinese Language lesson in Nanwu Middle School. Simultaneously, two English teachers taught an S2 English Language lesson there. After that, students from both schools had a friendly badminton match and all enjoyed such a valuable occasion very much. Before departure, students exchanged their contact information for further liaison. Back to Hong Kong, our 13 students reflected their experiences about the trip and shared their thoughts with Principal Ho.

2A 陳一諾



2E 林鐫堯

在交流過程當中,我認識了一些新面孔:胡晴雅、伍梓芝和莫子晴。她們都是年約十三、四歲左右,長得平平凡凡,個子也不高,卻有比我更聰慧的頭腦。在上中文課時,她們坐在我旁。儘管有客人到來,仍未有分散她們的專注力,學習仍是很有效率。老師分派一些工作紙給我們,這三位同學看到我們滿懷疑惑的樣子,便主動幫助我們了解課文,令我們獲益不淺。這也就是我最欣賞她們的特點 ── 善良、主動各專注。

2C 黃寶珊


2B 陳朝陽


2D 勞翠琳



Annual Speech Day 2014-15

The Annual Speech Day 2014-15 was successfully held on 27 November 2015. We were honoured to have invited Ms Au Chung-leung Joanlin, the Director of JA Design Architects Limited, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Ms Joanlin Au is the first alumna in our school to be admitted to an undergraduate degree programme in architecture by the University of Hong Kong. During her five years of study at the HKU, she was the cream of the crop. She was awarded a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Architectural Studies with First-class Honours and next a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture with Distinction.

Upon graduation, Ms Au was first offered an opportunity to work for an architect, David Russell, in Hong Kong and then the world-famous architect Norman, Lord Foster in London. In the 1980s, she collaborated with her colleagues in Foster Associates on the design of the HSBC Main Building in Hong Kong. Having worked in four architecture firms in two metropolitan cities for over ten years, she founded her own architecture firm, JA Design Architects Limited, in 1997 and is currently the Director.

Ms Au is active not only in the local field of architecture, but also the national one. She became an Authorised Person on the List of Architects in 1986 and a Registered Architect in 1991. In 2004, she obtained the People's Republic of China Class I Registered Architect Qualification and then the Mainland's Class I Registered Architect Qualification for Guangdong Province in 2012. In the same year, she was elected as a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects to recognize her significant contributions to the field of architecture.

In her inspiring congratulatory address, Ms Au encouraged our students and graduates to have a can-do spirit – to be curious, pro-active and devoted to learning new things. When facing challenges and failures, she strongly believes one will have solid, tangible results by the end of the day if he/she chooses to move on without giving up. She also advised our graduates to equip themselves with a sense of urgency, perseverance and fired-up enthusiasm about learning new things. At last, Ms Au quoted a verse from the Bible to summarize her speech: "…be strong and never be discouraged, because there will be reward for your work." (2 Chronicles 15:7) The graduates have benefitted a lot from Ms Au's speech.

Ecofood & Homemade Soap Workshop

S.4D Mandy Ng

On July 16 2015, 30 of us met in Tai Wo Station and walked to the Confederation of Trade Unions Training Center to join the 'Ecofood & Homemade Soap Workshop', organized by Food Grace.

First we listened to a lively and interesting talk. It gave us a clear picture of the food waste problem in Hong Kong. We also got to know about the food recycling scheme to mitigate the problem. Then we attempted a very interesting quiz. If we got all the answers correct, we would get a big prize. In the quiz, participants can keep standing if they answered correctly, otherwise they would have to sit down. Finally all of us sat down. Were the questions very difficult? Not really. The multiple choice questions included "How much food waste is generated in Hong Kong every day?" The answer is 3,600 tonnes. After the game, I found that I had greatly underestimated the seriousness of the food waste problem in Hong Kong and realized how wasteful we are. After the quiz, we were divided into two teams to take turns in two different activities. One was to make soap from used oil. The other was to use ingredients which we regard as rubbish to make yummy dishes.

I went to the homemade soap workshop first. A volunteer from Food Grace taught us the procedures. Before starting, she asked us a question "How many types of cleaning products do you use daily?" Surprisingly the answer was nearly 20! This made us realize the harmful effects of cleaning products on the environment. Then we were divided into four groups to make soap. The procedures are: 1. Pour waste oil into a stainless steel pot. 2. Stir 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar into a cup of cold water. 3. Stir in sodium hydroxide until dissolved. 4. Pour the mixture into the stainless steel pot and mix with the used oil. 5. Stir for 10-15 minutes and pour into moulds, then leave it in ventilated place for 1 month. It's a pity that handling sodium hydroxide is dangerous, so we cannot make it ourselves at home. After the workshop, we each took home our own handmade soap. Waste oil soap could be used to wash clothes, and for many other cleaning purposes. I hope the government can encourage mass production of these waste oil soap by utilizing these "useful" waste oil.

Then, we had a cooking class teaching us how to use food leftovers. We fried orange peel with tricolor peppers which resulted in presentable a dish with lovely smell and taste. Other groups baked bread with homemade fruit jam and fried omelettes with corn, cucumber and carrot. Finally we all shared and enjoyed each other's dishes. From the class, we learned that a lot of food we throw away are still edible, if we store and cook the food in a correct way, they can be very delicious. We normally eat a lot of meat, but sometimes being a vegetarian is quite nice.

The last activity was a discussion about how we can reduce food waste effectively. We were divided into three groups. Everyone racked their brains to think of as many good ideas as possible. After sometime, we came up with a long list. The groups shared their ideas and promised to reduce food waste from then on to save our Earth!

Food Grace granted us a certificate, a bag of candies, a bottle of oil and an invaluable experience. I was grateful to have learnt so much from the workshop. Looking at the bottle of oil, it reminds us to treasure food, choose the right amount of food, and not to waste food anymore.

Statistical Talk for S5 Students (29 June 2015)

The Mathematics Department of our school invited the Statistician from the Census and Statistics Department (C & SD) to deliver a talk on "Common fallacies in the use and the presentation of statistics" to our S.5 students. The talk was useful in enhancing their statistical knowledge, particularly in respect of the proper application of official statistics in interpreting the social and economic issues.

Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 55th Anniversary Gala Dinner

To celebrate the 55th Anniversary of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School, a Gala Dinner was held at Crystal Ballroom in the Holiday Inn – Golden Mile on 3rd July, 2015 with the attendance of alumni, parents, teachers and students.

The theme of the Gala Dinner was "March forward with God's love and grace". As a Christian school, we attributed our achievements in various aspects for more than half of a century to our Lord's Blessings. We also thanked his maidservant, Dr. Wong Tak-hing, for her generous contribution and endeavours in founding our school. Her faith in Lord and perseverance in praying were the cornerstones of our school development.

After our Supervisor, Mr. Tang Kai-ming Kenneth, commenced the Gala Dinner and welcomed our guests, the Chairman of the Gala Dinner Organising Committee, Professor Ho Man-sing, delivered a resonating speech. Our Principal, Mr. Ho Chi-nap, took us back in time while helping us retrace our school history. Our student representative, Yip Ching, expressed her gratitude for teachers' guidance in assisting her to adapt to the school life. The Chairman of the Fundraising Committee, Professor Tsang Wah-tak, was invited to share his past school life. After the Prayer for the School delivered by the President of the Alumni Association, Mr. Law Pak-fun, the Gala Dinner featured entertainments from the Chinese Orchestra, Parent Teacher Association and alumni.

Meeting their former teachers and ex-classmates, our alumni were exhilarated to chat and take photos with each other. Thanks to the overwhelming support from all the alumni, parents, staff and students, the event came to an end being an enjoyable occasion of celebration and a memorable reunion of teachers and alumni.

The Creative English Week 2014-2015

During this year's English Week, students were given a golden opportunity to display their creativity and imagination from 5th to 13th March, 2015. Activities were related to the theme of "The Creative World of English". With the slogan "Arts in Use in the English World", we focused on the role arts play in the English language. English Association members and English prefects assisted with the planning and the administration of the event and they played the major role in making this event run smoothly and successfully.

Highlights of the English Week included two different drama shows performed by the English Drama Club. The drama performances, which centred on gender roles in high school and the issue of bullying, were equally humorous and thought-provoking, and at the same time entertaining. The Dance Club also performed a stunning contemporary dance piece and the winners of the English Singing Competition performed their songs enchantingly as well.

During class periods, Senior Form students, after watching a short sci-fi thriller called 'Emma', wrote alternative endings and designed promotional posters. Junior Form students also wrote different endings, designed posters and predicted subsequent events happened to the characters for a cartoon called 'Tangled Ever-after' after viewing it. The entries that were judged the best were displayed outside the Art Room and students were awarded with prizes.

Added to the above list of activities were a Fun Fair and Game Stalls on Arts and Sports. Students from the English Association and English prefects helped design the boards and stalls. Moreover, a Creative Cupcake Creation Class was held in conjunction with the Home Economics Club. Students made their own cupcakes and then creatively designed them. An English Song Dedication was broadcast at lunchtime on the first day of the English Week to celebrate popular English language music and a Book Fair was also arranged where students were able to view and purchase books of different genres.

Undoubtedly, the English Week provided a precious chance for our students to learn in a more relaxing way. Students taking part in our activities did not only get to know more about arts and sports but also had fun at the same time. Participation for all activities was high and a lot of positive feedback was received from students and teachers, with most commenting on how they had enjoyed the activities. The English Week this year has surely given us a rich array of joyful and rewarding experiences.

The 49th Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 25 and 26 February 2015, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. Our students enjoyed the 49th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumnus, Mr. Yeung Chi Shing Daniel, Lecturer of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was the guest of honour for this year's Athletic Meet. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group   Inter-House Overall Champion: Orange House
Inter-House Boys Champion: Orange House
Inter-House Girls Champion: Yellow House
The Best Sportsmanship: Brown and Yellow House
The Best Cheering Team: Yellow House
Individual   Grade A Boys ChampionKwan Yat TinOrange House
Grade B Boys ChampionLai Chun MingBlue House
Grade C Boys ChampionCheung Tsz KitBlue House
Grade A Girls ChampionLau Hiu KwanYellow House
Grade B Girls ChampionLei Cheuk WaRed House
Grade C Girls ChampionCheung Hiu Tung Yellow House
 Wong Lai OnBlue House
Blood Donation Day

Since there is no substitute for blood, voluntary blood donors are needed every day for patients requiring medical treatment. In recent years, student donors even account for over 20% of the annual blood collection.

Knowing the importance of community support, the Red Cross Unit of our school , together with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS), hold Blood Donation Campaign regularly to recruit voluntary student donors. In this year, 62 participants from our school (including teacher and students) have turned up to give blood on the Blood Donation Day.

Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School

The Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee have approved and granted $181,080 to our school for the implementation of "Green Project of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School". The project includes installation of heat shield coating on the roof of the Old Block and solar films on the windows of the New Block facing East and that of the Old Block facing west.

The installation of heat shield coating and solar films reflects and absorbs solar heat which reduces electricity consumption for air-conditioners so as to reduce air pollutants emitted by power plant. The project has been completed in early October. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee for their financial support in the project.

To arouse students' awareness about environmental conservation, different activities such as game stalls in Environmental Convervation Week, appreciation of films about climate change and notice board design of the Environmental Conservation Club were also organized.

Annual Speech Day 2013-14

The Annual Speech Day 2013-14 was successfully held on 28 November 2014. We were honoured to have invited Ir Lam Sai Hung, JP, the Head of Civil Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, to be our guest-of-honour to address the ceremony as well as present certificates and prizes.

Upon graduation from Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School and the University of Hong Kong, Ir Lam joined the Government of Hong Kong as an engineering graduate. He has served in various capacities in the Highways Department and the Transport and Housing Bureau. Since May 2013, he has been appointed the Head of Civil Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department in charge of civil engineering and land supply projects. Apart from practising as a professional engineer in the Government, Ir Lam is also an adjunct professor in the University of Hong Kong.

In his inspiring congratulatory address, Ir Lam encouraged our students and graduates to be resilient and positive when facing unprecedented global changes and challenges. He also advised our graduates to equip themselves with the ability to learn, the ability to cope with changes and the ability to remain composed and stay calm whenever they meet difficulties. The graduates have benefitted a lot from Ir Lam's speech.

Alice in Wonderland: Immersive Experience

On 9th October, 2014, six English Reading Ambassadors, Kristy Chan, Pansy Fung, Holly Ho, Roisin Cheung, Iva Lin and Suki Yeung helped in a SCOLAR activity called "Alice in Wonderland: Immersive Experience", which is an interactive activity where participants met the characters in Alice in Wonderland, like Alice and Cheshire Cat. On that day, 18 S1 students participated in the activity as gamers.

The following is a reflection written by one of the gamers, Kapil So:

In the "Alice in Wonderland: Immersive Experience" activity, we watched a drama about the story. It is about a girl called Alice, who dreamed about a lot of exciting things. Although it was a bit scary, I enjoyed it very much. The drama was extremely special and interesting because we could talk to the actors and actresses.

Through watching this drama, I have learnt a lot of new English vocabulary. The drama also improved my reading and listening skills too. I hope I will join this kind of interesting activity again.

Reading is a Window to the World (只提供英文版本)

On 9th October, 2014, a talk titled "Reading is a Window to the World" was successfully held with the presence of a WSCSS alumnus, Ms. Raphaelle Teenie Chan. Ms. Chan is a current student of the School of Law of City University of Hong Kong.

Adrian Chao and Rita Lau, who were audiences in the talk, shared their reflections in the following:

Adrian Chao, 3C

From what I've heard today, I have found out that reading books has changed Teenie's life. Had she not read the English books, she would not have been able to give the talk. I think that reading is good for us as it allows us to learn more English words. Reading can also enhance our writing skills and let us know more about the world around us. Reading can give us a clear goal and let us receive all types of ideas without even knowing the writer. Thus, I think that we should cherish our time and try to read more books so that we can prepare ourselves for future challenges.

Rita Lau, 4E

Nowadays, reading seems to be a popular interest around the world. In Hong Kong, it is not uncommon to see a student reading a Chinese book. Yes, a Chinese book. How about English books? It is rare!

Students may find that it is difficult to read an English book. However, after trying to read one, you will find that it easier than expected. Reading English books can also broaden your horizons. "Reading is a Window to the World". As what the speaker, Teenie, shared with us in the talk, you can learn the differences between the Chinese and English cultures.

Reading English books can help you better prepare for possibilities, like communicating with foreigners.

As a result, it is time we stepped out of our comfort zone and tried something more challenging. Here is some advice from Teenie. First, we should choose a book according to our interests. Besides, we should always check the dictionary when we see words that are new to us. I particularly agree with this advice as the quality of reading is more important than the quantity of reading. Therefore, we are likely to have a better understanding of a book, rather than reading loads of books without learning much.

Student Leaders Training Camp 2013-2014

In order to strengthen the leadership power, organization and team building skills of our student leaders, the school organized a training camp for them from 26 to 27 June 2014 at Tai Tam Scout Centre. The training is co-organized by the school and the YWCA. The Assistant Principal, Ms Keung Wai Yin and the School Social Worker Ms Wong Tak Chong led 48 student leaders to join the challenge offered by a team of professional trainers. Throughout the 2-day training camp, different challenges such as problem solving activities, night hiking, jumping off the pier and climbing up the high wall etc. were carefully designed to achieve purposes such as confidence building, enhancement of team spirit and resilience. All leaders had a very tough but valuable experience which is useful to their future leading tasks in school.

5A Chui Mang Yin

In this leadership training camp, I learned a lot. Before the training camp, as a leader for the school and student prefects, I thought I was ready. But after this training camp, I think I had overestimated myself. In different challenges such as problem solving activities, night hiking, jumping off the pier and climbing up the high wall, I detected my weaknesses, lack of confidence and fear of making decisions.

Climbing up the high wall was the most memorable event in the camp, pushing 48 teammates one by one by bare hands up to a 14 feet wall and then climbed up the wall myself, is a first to me. Although the process was difficult and tiring, I was glad to be able to contribute to the team.

The Student Leadership Training Camp is very different from other training camps I had participated in, as teams had up to 17 people from different forms, parties and units.

Therefore, we had to be patient, listen more and communicate more when we were doing our tasks. At the beginning, I had no confidence in making decisions for 17 people. I think it is natural for people to feel afraid to take up responsibilities or putting the team at risk. However, if we choose to believe in ourselves and our teammates, we will be able to overcome the challenge together. To be honest, confidence is a key to success, making a step forward and having out trust in our team will make it a lot easier to deal with challenges in the coming new school year.

Here, I would like to thank the school for giving me a chance to learn leadership skills. I am really ready now!

New era of energy saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School

The Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee have approved and granted $298,300 to our school for the implementation of the "New era of energy saving of Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School" project. The project includes the replacement of 9 air-conditioners with Grade 1 Energy Label, 11 T5 lamps with fluorescent fitting and 107 for twin fluorescent fitting, 17 LED Exit sign boxes, 93 LED ceiling lights and 21 LED ceiling lights with emergency battery.

The project reduces electricity consumption for indoor lighting and air-conditioners so as to reduce air pollutants emitted by power plant. The project was completed in late August. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Campaign Committee for their financial support in the project.

Reading Across the Curriculum Programme Students' Achievements

We had a golden opportunity to show our students' achievements in the Reading Across the Curriculum Programme (RACP) we piloted in 2012-2013 to teachers of other schools on 13th March, 2014.

It was done during a sharing session organised by the Language Learning Support Section of the Education Bureau. The audience found our students' ability in explaining the subject concept in the two showcases very impressive. Some of the snapshots of the showcases are shown below. You can also watch the video clips of S2 and S4 students' presentations!

The 48th Athletic Meet

On 25 and 26 February 2014, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 48th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumnus, Mr. Wai Hang Mo, Superintendent of Police (Operations) of the Hong Kong Police New Territories South Regional Headquarters, was the guest of honour for this year’s Athletic Meet. Mr. Wai elaborated the true meaning of sports to students. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group   Inter-House Overall Champion: Blue House
Inter-House Boys Champion: Blue House
Inter-House Girls Champion: Orange House
The Best Sportsmanship: Green House
The Best Cheering Team: Yellow House
Individual   Grade A Boys ChampionLam Hei YuGreen House
Grade B Boys ChampionKwan Yui HimBrown House
Grade C Boys ChampionLai Tsz ChunBlue House
Grade A Girls ChampionTang Nga ManOrange House
Grade B Girls ChampionLau Hiu Kwan Yellow House
Grade C Girls ChampionCheung Hiu TungYellow House
 Lei Cheuk WaRed House
Blood Donation Day (28th January, 2014)

Since there is no substitute for blood, voluntary blood donors are needed every day for patients requiring medical treatment. In recent years, student donors even account for over 20% of the annual blood collection.

Knowing the importance of community support, the Red Cross Unit of our school, together with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service(BTS), hold Blood Donation Campaign regularly to recruit voluntary student donors. In this year, 55 students from our school have turned up to give blood on the Blood Donation Day.

English Week 2013

The English Week was successfully held from 9th December to 17th December. The theme of this year is "Made in Britain". Throughout the week, exhibition boards which introduced the British royal family, travel attractions, sports, music, food and drinks, literature, scientific inventions and scientists were displayed to let students know more about the theme.

Various activities related to the theme were also held. In the Inter-form Quiz Competition during both the junior and senior form assemblies, contestants enjoyed their time answering questions which were all related to British culture and history. Everyone including the spectators and teachers had a great time watching the competition.

During the Class Teacher period, students had fun working on a series of activities including 1) a quiz related to a video introducing the British style of life, 2) a lyrics filling activity which students listened to three famous songs sung by British singers/ groups, 3) a comic strip competition titled – When Harry Potter meets Doraemon in WSCSS, 4) a poster design competition and 5) a crossword and word search puzzle.

Apart from the Quiz Competition and the class activities, 5 interesting game stalls were held during the lunch break. This year's game stall attracted a total of more than 150 participants throughout the week. The class which participated most actively was 4B.

The English Week came to a perfect close with the Song Appreciation Session in which students had the chance to listen to songs by the greatest British singers and groups of different generations e.g. The Beatles, Queen, Eric Clapton, Elton John, The Spice Girls, Boyzone, Westlife, One Direction and Adele.

Annual Speech Day 2012-13

On 29th November, 2013, our school held the Annual Speech Day. This year, we were honoured to have invited Mr. Richard, Koon-hing YU, CDSM, CMSM, the acting Deputy Commissioner of the Customs and Excise Department of the Hong Kong SAR, to be our guest-of-honour to address the gathering as well as present certificates and prizes.

Upon graduation from Wong Shiu Chi, Mr. Yu joined the Customs and Excise Department. At present, he is in charge of matters relating to import and export control at all entry and exit points.

In his speech, Mr. Yu expressed his gratefulness towards the education received at Wong Shiu Chi and the concern of the former Principal and teachers. Apart from that, he introduced the SMART concept and encouraged the graduates to better equip themselves with the following five abilities to adapt to social changes: Strategy, Manage Change, Adaptability, Relationship Building and Technology Knowhow. The graduates have been inspired by Mr. Yu's speech and more importantly, benefited from the SMART concept.

Student Leaders Training Camp 2012-2013

In order to strengthen the leadership power, organizing and team building skills of our student leaders, the school organized a training camp for them from 8 to 9 July 2013 at Tai Tam Scout Centre. The training is co-organized by the school and the YWCA. Mr Cheng Sze Wang, Ms Keung Wai Yin and the School Social Worker Ms Wong Tak Chong led 43 student leaders joining the challenge offered by a team of professional trainers. Throughout the 2-day camp, different challenges such as problem solving activities, night hiking, jumping off the pier and climbing up the high wall etc were carefully designed to achieve those purposes. All leaders had very tough but valuable experiences which are useful to their future leading tasks in school.

S.2 and S.4 Reading Programme Showcases 2012-2013

There are reasons why we should be proud of our S.2 and S.4 Science students when they showed their post-reading learning products to teachers and schoolmates in the School Hall on 2nd and 8th July this year.

Those two days marked momentous occasions on which students showed and explained their impressive displays ranging from teen magazines with interactive games, mini study guidebooks, concept maps, mini-books, PowerPoint presentations to more creative work like film shows and experiments.

Our amazement did not only come from their confidence in using English to explain what they have learnt from reading books related to Geography, History, Economics & Public Affairs, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, but also their clear and in-depth analyses of different issues which were closely linked to and could actually be well-applied in our daily lives. Many of them said that they have learned much useful English and developed a keen interest in learning the subjects or reading more books about those subjects.

The two showcases provided a very educational experience for the audience too. The work of S.2 students reminded us the importance of saving the world from deforestation, desertification, the adverse effects of wars, how to view historical events or figures objectively, and has broadened our horizons about some countries or cities such as America and London and their interesting features. For S.4 Science students, they worked wonderfully together trying to explain different applications of some physical laws, common misconceptions about the science world such as landing on the moon in the 60's, chemical structures of substances such as dye, caffeine and drugs in our daily lives, and the mystery of our plastic brains that play an important role in the recovery of some physical disabilities, and in solving some of the mental, psychological and emotional problems of people in today's world.

Both S2 and S4 students' products and oral presentations can show that they have a good understanding of the related concepts and knowledge. Their impressive performance can attest to their good potential for being aspiring teenage historians, reporters, explorers, physicists, chemists and biologists. What we have seen was in fact the yields of months of reading, interpreting, analyzing, discussing and collaborating to make ideas come true. By participating in the Reading Across the Curriculum Programme (RACP) jointly run by our school and the EDB Language Learning Support Section (LLSS), students read core books and other materials in the informal curriculum after learning specific subject concepts, generic and reading skills in the classroom.

What made this reading programme unique was students taking up the roles of aspiring teenage historians, reporters, explorers, physicists, chemists and biologists to view an issue from a subject-specific perspective during their while-reading and post-reading stages. Participating students went through a deep reading experience which has vastly expanded their horizons in the world of knowledge.

Apart from the concerted effort of students, the advice and support from Amy, the Senior Curriculum Officer of LLSS, the principal and our very hardworking participating teachers were also indispensable without which the two showcases would not be possible.

For recognition of students' effort, awards were given to S.2 and S.4 winners: The Most Aspiring Teenage Historians, Reporters, Explorers, Physicists, Chemists and Biologists. Other titles included The Most Creative and Best Presentation Awards. Of course, the best groups deserved being granted the Grand Awards.

English Week 2012-2013

The English Week this year was held with a variety of activities involving music, movies, pop culture, dance, and food culture. They included The International Song Dedication, Film Watching, English Assemblies, Singing Contest, Dance Performance, Book Fair and The International Food Experience. Though these activities seem to be familiar, they were in some way innovative and enjoyed by a large number of participants under the theme, "Exploring Cultural Diversity Through English".

For five days, students shared international song dedications during which they learned the importance of English as an international language and the nationality of their favourite stars.

For our morning activities, six short films from different countries were watched, followed by designing promotional posters or alternative endings. Students flexed their creative muscles utilizing their English listening and sometimes reading skills to design relevant posters.

Apart from the above two forms of entertainment, students explored more cultural diversities when two guest speakers from the U.S. Consulate's Division of Public Affairs visited us and held a presentation on American pop culture. With the incentive of small prizes, students were encouraged to ask the speakers questions on American pop culture and its international influence.

Like last year, students were extremely excited to show their talent in singing during the Singing Contest. Yeung Sin Ching of S.3E greatly impressed the judges and won the champion by performing Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You". What made this year's contest special was the marvelous dancing by the Dance Club members.

Rounding out the senses the English Association and the Home Economics Club hosted The International Food Experience. Irresistible as the name suggested, participants enjoyed playing games, reading food poems, ordering and tasting international food and drinks including Siu Mai, Indian curry and naan bread, Mexico Nachos, and tea, to name but a few. Without any doubt, it proved its popularity by attracting students to consume all the food and drinks prepared for 100 participants.

Last but not least, the English Week was full of exciting and interactive activities which were entertaining, educational and at the same time promoting cultural diversity through the international language in the global village. As Perrine Lee of S.4A put it, "It wasn't anything close to the extension of English Speaking Days. Admittedly, I regretted nothing to have spent some part of my teenage school life on this year's English Week. It was undoubtedly the best week I've ever had."

HKPL Reading Programme for Children and Youth 2012/2013

In order to promote English reading at school, the English Panel and the Library Committee have encouraged our S1, S2 and S4 students to participate in the Hong Kong Public Library (HKPL) Reading Programme for Children and Youth since 2010. It aims to stimulate the interest of our students in reading English books, to cultivate their English reading habits and to widen their scope of English reading and knowledge. It is pleased to note that 234 students (105 students last year) have been awarded merit certificates by the HKPL for having achieved their reading targets in the current school year. To promote good reading habit, 20 best readers were selected and awarded Book Coupons donated by our School Manager Mr. Sham Man Kwong at the end of the second term.

2012-2013 Inter-Class English Debating Competition

Junior Forms (S3) - First Preliminary Round
Debate Motion: A vegetarian diet for humans is beneficial.

Class Score Ranking
3E575 / 8001st
3A510 / 8002nd
3B474 / 8003rd
3C456 / 8004th

Senior Forms (S4-5) - First Preliminary Round
Debate Motion: Full-degree university courses here should be free to Hong Kong permanent residents.

Class Score Ranking
4D605 / 8001st
5E560 / 8002nd
5D544 / 8003rd
4B540 / 8004th
4E539 / 8005th
5B522 / 8006th
4C512 / 8007th
5C509 / 8008th
5A468 / 8009th
4A382 / 80010th

Senior Forms (S4-5) - Final Round
Debate Motion: Only residents should be permitted to buy housing in Hong Kong.

Class Score Ranking
4D579 / 8001st
5E574 / 8002nd

4D Choi Chiu Wing, Leung Pui Yee, Leung Hiu Man, Choi Ching Man

Our debate team, 4D, joined the Inter-class English Debating Competition in late May. The motion was that "Only residents should be permitted to buy housing in Hong Kong". We were the negative side while 5E was the affirmative side. We strongly felt that the motion must fall because of its lack of sustainability, practicality and usefulness.

The opponent team pointed out that the policy can relieve HK housing problems and in this way, social instability can be released. However, alongside with the importance of prioritizing the interests of the residents, the property purchasing power and influence cannot be neglected either. We have to comprehensively consider the whole economy as well. To solve the problem of residents foundationally, the government should raise the residents'purchasing power and alleviate the developers'property plans simultaneously. On the other hand, the opponent team mentioned some other places, like Singapore, which only accept local residents to buy housing. Nevertheless, the positive side did not point out that the countries also reserve part of the housing for foreign investment.

Concerning our team's arguments, we emphasized the importance of free market economy without violation. If the motion stands, all international property investment will be interrupted. The government will lose at least half of the property selling revenue. In a long-run, various social development plans will also be negatively affected. Thus, it is surely harmful to the society.

Secondly, it is unnecessary to adopt this policy because of short- sightedness and inefficiency. Housing problems never attribute to single factors. If we adopted this policy, we can't solve the problem fundamentally.

Third, the policy severely violates our HK's image as the international commercial and financial centre. We supported this argument with Hong Kong's first place in Index of Economic Freedom 2013 and the emphasis of free market in HK Basic Law.

English Reading Ambassadors Programme

Activity 1: Buddy Reading Programme

In order to promote English reading culture at school, Buddy Reading Programme has been organised. This year, 15 S1 participants have experienced pair reading and given opportunities to discuss what they have read with their senior form English Reading Ambassadors, Rachel Chan, Carol Chan, Renee Cheng, Eva Chong, Winnie Lau, Ophelia Ng and Karen Yip. Both the ERAs and participants have benefitted from the activity and their reading fluency has improved.

Activity 2: Book Club

In order to promote English reading habit at school, a Book Club has been organised. In the meetings, participants were given opportunities to share their reflections of their reading experiences with the English Reading Ambassadors.

中文閱讀雙周 (Chinese version only)


















李秋霞老師分享《烏漆嘛里的中古世紀:聖潔與墮落的狂亂協奏曲》。(本校圖書館索書號:741.1 3407)





馮樂言同學分享備試策略及讀書的心得,如  分享了其閱畢鍾祖康《中國比小說更離奇》(本校圖書館索書號:500 8230)的讀後感。










SCOLAR English Alliance 2012/13 – "Walking Books" Programme

On 5th April, Whiskey Au, Kester Fung, Angel Ho, Helen Kwok, Cynthia Lee and Wesley Tse from 3C participated in the "Walking Books" workshop, which was organised by SCOLAR and the British Council. In the workshop, they read two Sherlock Holmes's short stories, "Dancing Men" and "The Speckled Band" and discussed the stories with students from another school. They had a good time and have benefited from this meaningful reading-related activity.

2012-13 English Debate Team S3-S5 Inter-class Argumentative Writing Competition

E-books are beneficial to our schoolmates
4E Lee Ching Yau (Winner)

In this day and age, with various electronic book readers, e-books are becoming more and more popular around the globe. Some think that schools should replace paperback publications with electronic readers since the latter can save time and money. Yet, they seem to have overlooked the cost of using e-books. Obviously, in terms of quality, e-books are not good enough to be the substitute of the traditional ones.

When it comes to contrasting the electronic books to the paper publishing, the prices of the two is often involved. Admittedly, the capacity of e-books is much larger than that of the paperback ones. Yet, the reality is that, schools must consider the affordability of parents. For some families living under the poverty line, they are not able to afford such a great sum of money to buy an electronic device. Even when the government subsidizes them, they still need electricity to charge the devices. However, traditional books do not need charging.

As for the health of students, e-books are surely more harmful than printed books. Eyestrain is a typical example to show the harm of e-books than printed books. You will easily feel tired reading e-books. The resolution and brightness are the most common factors causing the deterioration of vision. Reading an e-book for a long time could hurt your eyes; causing serious diseases such as short sight and conjunctivitis. This also imposes a financial burden on parents as they have to pay the medical expenses.

What’s more is that e-books have a much shorter life span than paperback publications. Once the electronic devices are broken or unavailable, the content inside will probably be erased. However, books are stored at home or in lockers. Students do not need to worry about the loss of content or notes.

After all, it is obvious that printed books are essential for students. At the moment, e-books still do not qualify to replace paperback unless the problems above are resolved.

Blood Donation Day on 8 January 2013

Since there is no substitute for blood, voluntary blood donors are needed every day for patients requiring medical treatment. In recent years, student donors even account for over 20% of the annual blood collection.

Knowing the importance of community support, the Red Cross Unit of our school, together with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS), hold Blood Donation Campaign regularly to recruit voluntary student donors. In this year, 76 participants from our school (including teacher and students) have turned up to give blood on the Blood Donation Day.

The 47th Anniversary Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 2 and 3 January 2013, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 47th Anniversary Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumnus, Prof. Leung Pak-heng George, Assistant Professor of Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, was the guest of honour of this year's Athletic Meet. Prof. Leung elaborated the importance of team spirit and encouraged our students to work close with their team members or future working partners so as to make remarkable achievements. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group   Inter-House Overall ChampionBlue House
Inter-House Boys ChampionBlue House
Inter-House Girls ChampionYellow House
The Best SportsmanshipOrange House
The Best Cheering TeamGreen House
Individual   Grade A Boys ChampionLam Hei YuGreen House
Grade B Boys ChampionLuo Hok Chun Yellow House
 Chung Hoi Wang Orange House
Grade C Boys ChampionLai Chun Ming Blue House
Grade A Girls ChampionYeung Leslie Siu Tung Blue House
Grade B Girls ChampionTang Nga Man Orange House
Grade C Girls ChampionChan Sze Hang Red House
2012/2013年度中文書展 (Chinese version only)


The Annual Speech Day 2011-2012

The Annual Speech Day 2011-12 was successfully held on 30 November 2012 with the presence of our Guest of Honour Prof. Kenneth Wah-tak Tsang. Being an alumnus of WSCSS, Prof. Tsang is now a specialist in Respiratory Medicine and the Consultant Physician and Honourary Professor of LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, Tung Wah College and the State Key Respiratory Research Laboratory of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases of Guangzhou Medical College. The inspiring congratulatory address – "the Secrets of Success", delivered by Prof. Tsang encouraged our students and graduates to work hard and make achievements. Prize winners were excited about the recognition of their achievements. The tea reception after the ceremony provided a great opportunity for the guests to meet and interact with graduates and prize winners.

Respect Paid to Victims of Ferry Collision

The most severe vehicle accident happened on the National Day. A large number of injuries and at least 39 deaths were reported.

To pay respect to the victims, our School's Moral Education Team of Life Education Committee held a two-day event 'Reflection on the Ferry Tragedy' from 4th October to 5th October. More than 400 students wrote reflection and made paper-cranes to express their great sympathy towards the victims and their families.

View students' reflections

Reflection of the Precious Debating Experience in the 4-Round SCMP-NESTA Debate 2012

S.5E Law Chuek Lem, Monty

On the 26th of September, there was a fierce debate between Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School and Diocesan's Girl School in the 4-Round of the SCMP-NESTA Debating competition held by South China Morning Post. Three debaters from our school including Monty Law (5E), Winnie Lo (5A) and Tiffany Lau (6C) had a remarkable debating experience over the debate motion that 'Nuclear power should have a place in Hong Kong'. Both sides argued frivolously for their own arguments. The affirmative side Diocesan's Girls school stated that the economic and safety advantages of nuclear power were superior while the negative side Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School believed that 'life is priceless' and lives were not worth the economic and efficiency benefits of nuclear power. Well-made arguments and rebuttals were exchanged between both sides.

From this meaningful debate, I have learnt the importance of making convincing rebuttals and boosting our confidence of public speaking. At a debate, it is of utmost importance to overcome the fear of making prompt response and delivering arguments immediately after listening to the points of the opponent team. Although it is definitely a challenging job, I enjoy it and feel my confidence is enhanced drastically every time after debates. Practice makes perfect. I would love to further explore my potential by taking the challenge and overcoming the hurdles of debating!

A Meaningful Debating Experience in HKSSDC Friendly Debating Workshop

S.5C Wong Hoi Lam, Carmen

On 12th October, our English debate team advisor, Miss Ng, 4 other English debate team members and I went to an inter-school debate workshop which was held in Cheng Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School. It took about 45 minutes and the instructor-in-charge was Mr. Greg Forse, who is the top captain of the Hong Kong Schools Debating Council. Throughout the workshop, I learnt several key elements of debating skills including reasoning, exemplification, explanation, consequence and importance.

At the beginning of the workshop, I learnt how to make a good rebuttal with some interactive activities with students from other schools. I found that the techniques are quite useful and significant for debating because they essentially help us to elaborate our rebuttals more smoothly and perfectly, and to prevent the opponent team from controverting our arguments easily.

In addition, the instructor also employed a wide range of interesting and interactive games to train up speakers' confidence. The purpose of the games was to overcome students' fear when facing the unfamiliar people and discussing unfamiliar topics. For example, one of the games required students to form mixed groups and sit face to face in order to convince each other of our stance within one minute.

At last, we watched a mini friendly debate. When watching the debaters speaking and arguing on the stage, I felt that I couldn't wait to have my first debate competition. I would like to immediately apply all the debating techniques that I had just learnt in the debating workshop.

Through the inter-school debating workshop, I've started to understand more about the knack of debating. In a debate, no matter we support the topic or not, we have to devote to our side and elaborate all the persuasive reasons why we support it. It is really fun and challenging! Besides, this training was invaluable for me as I had a chance to acknowledge the levels of students from other schools. Now, I can estimate my English speaking level in order to strive for self-improvement. I look forward to the upcoming English debating workshops!

Our Fun English Learning Experience in "English Is Everywhere" Fun Day

S. 3A Chan Tin Wing & Chan Tsz Ying

On 7th October, we had a meaningful and lovely Sunday immersed in English learning. Our English teachers, Miss Ng and Miss Tong, led a group of our students from Form 1 to Form 3 to Pooi To Middle School to take part in an English Fun Day run by the English Alliance. There were a lot of interesting sections including an English Book Fair and a lot of English Game Stalls.

At the beginning, we were led to the book fair to read English books and get four complimentary English books as we like. How wonderful! The English books there were so interesting and new. Then, we started to play games in order to get prizes. We had a lot of fun there. After that, we went to the fashion exhibition to appreciate some of the students' creations. Most of them were creative and attractive that we couldn't imagine how beautiful they were! At last, we took photos in the school for commemoration.

After the fun day, we have learnt more about English through gaming and speaking. We got so many prizes after playing the interesting games. We got intoxicated in the English World there. It was a pity that we didn't have enough time for finishing all kinds of games. I feel more confident and relaxed to speak in English now! I would love to join the activities organized by the English Alliance in the future.

School Leaders Training Camp 2011-2012

Mr. Cheng Sze Wang
Assistant Principal

In the school year 2011-2012, we have implemented a new system in recruiting the school leaders for the coming school year in May and provided the initial, but intensive training for them after the annual examination. Our purpose is to well-prepared them psychologically with practical skills and knowledge which are essential for them in their respective positions in school such as School Prefects, Club's chairperson and House Captains etc.

We organised a 2-day training camp with YWCA in Tai Tam Scout Centre on 30 June 2012 & 1 July 2012. In the camp, there were professional trainers responsible for leading different adventure tasks and reflection sessions . Moreover, our social worker and teachers acted as the facilitators and sometimes worked with the students.

Throughout the 2 days, students have experienced various activities including team-building trainings, competitions, night-hiking, confident training and adventure trainings. I am most impressed in the "Morning Deep" programme in which each student had to jump off the pier into the sea and hold hand-in-hand to cheer each other up in the water. They had to breakthrough their comfort zone and build up courage and confidence to face challenges. Besides, I am proud of my students who can cooperate with each other to climb up the 12 feet "High Wall".

Now, the leaders have returned to school from the long summer holidays and have taken up their respective roles and responsibilities already. The school will provide further training to them and continuously support them.

5E Fiona Hsu

I was pleased to attend the leadership camp as a representative of student helper. This camp provided a chance for all leaders to be well-prepared for the next school year by overcoming various difficulties in the 2-day camp.

I can still remember each and every exciting, amazing and delightful moment in the camp. We jumped off the sea and held our teammates' hands tightly in the sea. We walked through a dark and creepy forest with only a few torches. We also strived for the champion. All of these memories were impressive to me!

These encounters did not solely bring me memories, but also some leadership skills which are intangible. Yet, I have learnt them through games and competition. Some people define leader as the one who lead all the team members and make decisions. However, after this camp, I realize that everyone is a leader in a team as they have various virtues. For instance, all of us contributed to our team using our calibers. That is what I can apply in the student helper's team. I should make use of the help of all the members instead of doing all the stuff by myself. I'm sure that our team can be more cooperative and work in high efficiency.

As a conclusion, I am more confident to handle difficulties which I may face in the future. Hopefully, I can really apply what I have learnt and experienced in my daily life, especially at school.

5E Law Cheuk Lem

The leadership camp was a valuable learning experience for me. The students were split into a total of 3 groups and different events were held to challenge us and to train our leadership skills. At first I doubted that a leadership camp could actually train 'leadership', since its concept was logically flawed. A leader is a person who can lead a team, so you cannot simply train a bunch of leaders without some becoming followers rather than leaders. However, the camp and the trainers used different methods to train our leadership talents efficiently while allowing others to observe and learn from others.

The most memorable activity for me was the night hike. The hike was split into four segments, and we had to reach different checkpoints and complete different activities. Although some were seemingly impossible tasks, we managed to complete them with teamwork. Also, different segments had different leaders leading the team, so everybody had a chance to test their leadership skills and observe others. Finally, after the hike our trainer Mr. Gay asked us to share our individual experiences and provided valuable insight to each of us.

To conclude, the leadership camp exceeded my expectations and our trainer helped us a lot in finding our own way to become a leader.

Reflection of the Friendly Debate

Sharing from  6C Clarence Kan

Debate is undoubtedly one of the best learning experiences in my secondary school life.

Certainly, this would be the last debate competition that I joined in my secondary school life. The debate took place on 20th September 2012 in our school. Our opponent was Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, a very keen competitor! The debate motion was that "A vegetarian diet for humans is beneficial." Although this was just a friendly debate competition, I had practiced a lot with my teacher and teammates throughout the week.

On that day, we delivered our best speeches ever, utilized every single skill that we had learnt from various debate workshops. The adjudicator commented that both teams had done excellent jobs. We gained an enjoyable and unforgettable debating experience. The adjudicator's precious comments were very useful.

After the competition, I have realized there is still the room for improvement and I would love to learn more and continue to develop my interest in debating!

An Extraordinary Experience - LAC Seminar

20th April, 2012 was just an ordinary day with downpour. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an extraordinary and rewarding day for our teachers - Ms Nancy Kwong, Ms Phoebe Wong, Mr Yeung and Ms Ngai! In front of a very wide audience consisting of principals, vice-principals, English and content subject teachers, they presented the Cross-curricular Project as one of the three school cases in an EDB seminar entitled "Maximizing students' exposure to English through varied cross-curricular approaches". They were deeply thrilled to have received a very positive response and a round of applause from the four hundred audience.

The Cross-curricular Project, launched in September 2011 and implemented at our school with on-site support provided by Ms Amy Poon from the Language Learning Support Section, aims at improving S1 and S4 students' reading and writing skills. Emphasis has also been placed on fostering cross-curricular collaboration between English and content subject teachers (e.g. Integrated Science, Geography, Integrated Humanities and Biology). In the First Term, participating teachers have gained some fruitful experiences in mapping out the school-based curriculum and supporting student learning through making meaningful cross-curricular links. The event could thus provide them with a valuable opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of the Project and areas for improvement in implementing the three-year Cross-curricular Project in the future.

In the seminar, Ms Nancy Kwong, Ms Phoebe Wong, Mr Yeung and Ms Ngai, with very effective delivery skills and substantial content, presented the design of the cross-curricular modules, major implementation strategies, evaluation tools used and a detailed analysis of student learning evidence. They proudly showed the work done by S.1 and S.4 English, Integrated Science and Geography teachers. Despite the challenges to overcome in the Project, they said that they had got positive achievements and encouraging results owing to some school-based facilitating factors. Finally, they concluded their sharing by telling the audience the school's next year plan. More importantly, they conveyed the message that other schools can try out curriculum mapping to achieve cost-effectiveness and simultaneously students' deep learning of useful knowledge and skills.

When the seminar came to an end, they felt a great sense of relief! What a wonderful experience it was when they received compliments from Ms Betty Leung, the Section Head of the Language Learning Support Section! Hopefully, through our teachers' case sharing, teachers of other schools can benefit from it and see the value of cross-curricular collaboration.

English is Everywhere

16 S.2 students took part in SCOLAR's English is Everywhere project on 5th July. The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection merged karaoke drama, poetry, songs with live music to let learning become meaningful. All participants enjoyed reading, acting, singing and dancing with the performers. They began to understand how music and drama could actually relate to each other.

中文科推薦同學參加香港中文 大學春季資優課程——《媒體剖析與辯論》(Chinese version only)


4E 林曼雲



4B 梁美珊




English Extensive Reading Scheme 2011/2012

To further arouse students' interest in reading, a Book Cover and Bookmark Design Competition was held in April 2012. The list of awards is as below.

Book Cover Design Competition
Secondary OneSecondary Two
1st prizeChow Tsz Kei (1C)1st prizeTsan Wai Yang (2E)
2nd prizeYip Chui Lam (1E)2nd prizeChau Sze Nam (2A)
3rd prizeCheng Wai Leung (1C)3rd prizeLam Shuk Fan (2D)
Secondary Three
1st prizeLock Hau Ying (3C)
2nd prizeNgai Lai Yuk (3E)
3rd prizeTsui Wai Ting (3C)
Bookmark Design Competition
1st prizeLi Wing Ka (3A)
2nd prizeWong Tsz Ching (3D)
3rd prizeCheung Shuk Kwan (2D)
Speak-out, Act -up, Write-up

Mr. McGlynn

On a Wednesday the 25th, a group of 5 students took part in Speak Out – Act Up. Each group was given two topics based on Proverbs. We received, "The grass is always greener on the other side" and "Look before you leap." Based on these two proverbs each group created two short 4 minute dramas that illustrated the moral or each. Five minutes before going on-stage each group chose, at random, one of the proverbs. With only two chairs as props the actors came up with a variety of hilarious and entertaining tales. Although we didn't win, our students had the crowd laughing out loud several times, and their enthusiasm, bravery, and potential were evident. I would like to give a special thanks to all those who participated.

3ACHONG Siu Chit
4DNG Tsz Wai
5CTAM Chui Ying
2ESO Wing Ki
3EPOON Wai Lam
English Singing Contest

On 2nd March, 2012, the English Singing Contest was held in the school Hall. The Champion is 2C Yeung Sin Ching. The First Runners-up are 5E Lee Chui Yan and 5E Leung Ching Yan. The Third Runner-up is 5E Lee Chui Yan. During the contest, contestants were enthusiastic about their performances and the audience had a good time.

English Week

The English Week was successfully held from 27th February to 6th March. A series of interesting and educational activities were held by the English Association and English Prefects to encourage students to learn English through a more entertaining and easier way. Students did a marvelous job in the class period activities, including 'Scramble' and 'Headbands'. They also showed their great enthusiasm in activities like Fun Fair, Song Dedication, English Singing Contest, Drama Performance, Book Fair, etc. Overall, the English Week has received good response this year and we hope that there will be another success in the coming year.

Hong Kong Reads Book Advertising Competition

In February, 16 S5 students participated in the Hong Kong Reads Book Advertising Competition. They have all been awarded Certificates of Merit for being shortlisted winners in the competition. These winners include 5B Chan Tin Ying, Chan Yan Ming, Chow Wan Yuk, Chu Ka Yee, Ho Pui Yi, Law Tsz Hang; 5D Ng Cheuk Yin; 5E Chan Teenie, Kwan Him Shek, Leung Yan Lam, Pang Kar Man, Poon Tsz Ying, Tso Tik Ki, Tsui Chun Yin, Wong Yan Yee and Wu Hin Yan. In particular, 5B Ho Pui Yi has won the Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance in the video promoting Roald Dahl’s Witches. Congratulations to all winners.

Oxfam Red Packet Money Collection Campaign

Life Building Scheme organized a charity activity in early February this year. The activity is called 'Oxfam Red Packet Money Collection Campaign' In this activity, students were encouraged to donate some of the red packet money they received during Chinese New Year to help the poor people in China. From 8/2 to 10/2, we collected a total of $1,781.4 from students and teachers. The donation was then sent directly to Oxfam.

On 26/4, two LBS prefects, Kwok Tsz Ching and Mak Ho Nam, attended a prize presentation ceremony on behalf of our school. In that ceremony, they learned about how the money Oxfam has collected is used to help the people in China. We are proud to be a part of this meaningful charity activity and we hope to continue to encourage our students to participate in other community services.

2011-12 Inter-class Debating Competitions

The Inter-class Debating Competitions for form three to form five students were carried out in March and April 2012. The final round eventually finished on 23 April 2012. As for the junior form, 3A and 3C entered the final round. Meanwhile, as for the senior form, 5C and 5E entered the final round. The debate motions in the Finals were that 'tutorial schools bring more benefit than harm' and 'HK government should deny residency to babies with non-local parents' in the junior and senior forms respectively. After the fierce debates, the winning classes were 3A and 5E in junior and senior forms separately. The best debaters in the Finals were Clarence Kan in 5C and Yoyo Lee in 3A. All the classes joined the competitions did thorough research and sufficient preparation for the motions. The debates were absolutely stunning and inspiring enough to let all the participating classes learn various debating skills.

Interim Review on Guidance Committee Activities

S1 Orientation
Date: 15 July 2011
Theme: Understanding the school's motto and mission
Activity: The Principal, Assistant Principals, Discipline Mistress and Guidance Mistress elaborated on the school's founding vision and culture to S1 students and their parents.
Date: 27 August 2011
Theme: Meeting of S1 students, parents and their respective class teachers
Activity: Meeting of parents and class teachers. Students participated in the "Adaptation to S1 seminar".

Workshop on Examination
Date: 7 October 2011
Theme: Elaboration on the style of our term tests and examinations to S1 students

  • The Guidance Angels elaborated on the remarks of different papers to S1 students.
  • The Guidance Angels briefed S1 students on the focus of learning.

Student Helper and Angel Leadership Training Camp
Date: 8 October 2011
Theme: Strengthening leadership and fostering team spirit among student helpers and Guidance Angles
Activity: Enhancing students' multiple abilities through presentation, games and sharing.

Activities of Angels – Meeting with S1 students
Date: 18 October 2011
Theme: Mutual understanding between Guidance Angels and S1 students
Activity: Enhancing mutual understanding between Guidance Angels and their group mates through playing games.

The Annual General Meeting of Parent Teacher Association Seminar
Date: 19 October 2011
Theme: Fostering Parent-child Relations
Activity: Ms. Ling Siu Chi, the social worker of YWCA held a talk in sharing parenting advices.

Parent Education Seminar
Date: 25 November 2011
Theme: Difficulties and Strategies on the education of contemporary youngsters
Activity: Mr. Choi Chung Fai, School Social Work Supervising and Service Liaising / Manager of the Friends of Scouting Organization of the Scout Association of Hong Kong shared his views with the parents.

Parents' Day
Date: 19 February 2012
Theme: Enhancing home-school understanding and cooperation

  • Understanding students' daily life in school and at home through interview.
  • Strengthening home-school relations through games stalls organized by the Parent Teacher Association, the Home Economics Club, the Red Cross, the English Association, the Art Club and the Horticulture Club.
  • Exhibitions of outstanding Chinese and English essays.
  • Exhibitions of a Healthy Life and Parent-child Book Fair.

Year of Dragon Spring Dinner
Date: 19 February 2012
Theme: Enhancing home-school understanding and fostering mutual relations
Venue: School car park
Time: 4:00pm – 9:00pm

  • Barbecue: 150 people participated in the event, including school managers, principal, alumni, teachers, parents and students. Honour Consultants of the Parent Teacher Association and District Council members were also invited.
  • 2. Performance: Dancing, singing and musical performance by teachers and students.
  • Games and Lucky Draw.

"Bookmark Everyone" - Moral Education Team

To promote the value of love and concern, the annual activity, "Bookmark Everyone", was held by the Life Education Committee (Moral Education Team). Form 1 to Form 5 students were encouraged to design and make their own bookmarks for their Form 6 and Form 7 senior fellow schoolmates. These blessings shall empower their senior fellow schoolmates to work hard and strive for their best facing the challenges of public examinations.

Let's see what they have got!

English Debate Enhancement Workshop

A four-day English Debate Enhancement Workshop was held on 10, 11, 12 and 17 January 2012. Our school had invited the professional instructors from the University of Cambridge to hold the workshop for S3, S4 and S5 students.

The workshop provided students with a great opportunity to enhance their speaking skills and confidence in debating competition. The knowledge students have learnt from the lessons not only helps them in debating, but also in our daily lives, like writing and persuading others. Besides, the lessons were enjoyable as the instructors taught students in quite a relaxing and interesting way. In short, students have learnt a lot and had an amazing time during the workshop.

OLE Cleaning Campaign Review

The first OLE cleaning campaign has come to an end with great success. Over 200 S5 students participated in the campaign on 13 Jan 2012. Regardless of the rainy dull weather on that day, all the students put effort in cleaning the classrooms and both the male and female toilets. As their teachers, we are proud of our students that they worked whole-heartedly and aimed to perform their best. Their working attitude was highly appreciated by the janitors. On the other hand, they were able to work harmoniously with others. This campaign demonstrated that our students are capable to work under harsh environment and it was definitely a valuable experience for them.

46th Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 18 and 19 January 2012, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of energetic athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the 46th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation. Our outstanding alumni, Mr. Yeung Chor-kit, Principal of S.K.H. Yuen Chen Maun Chen Primary School and Mr. Wong Siu-chiu, Principal of CNEC Tai Tung School were the guests of honour for this year Athletic Meet. The Athletic Meet was the perfect occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Group Inter-House Overall ChampionBlueHouse
Inter-House Boys ChampionBlue House
Inter-House Girls ChampionRed House
The Best SportsmanshipOrange House
The Best Cheering TeamYellow House
Individual Grade A Boys Champion Suen Man LeongYellow House
Grade B Boys Champion Lam Hei YueGreen House
Grade C Boys Champion Chui Mang YinBlue House
Grade A Girls Champion Lam Lok YanBrown House
Grade B Girls Champion Tang Nga ManOrange House
Grade C Girls Champion Kwok Tin ChingYellow House
Casual Wear Day 2011/2012

Casual Wear Day was held on 21 December 2011, on the same day of the school Christmas Celebration. Donations were raised for the Community Chest of Hong Kong. This year we have a good response from our parents and students. A total of $30,971.00 has been collected. Here below is breakdown on class basis:

Teachers and Staff$3,290
2011/12 Christmas Worship

Topic: Step Out for Promises
Date: 21 December 2011
Guest for Testimony: Ms. Casey Tse, singer
Sharing Christmas message: Rev. W. K. Ko, Evangelism Officer of Media Evangelism Limited
Thanksgiving: The message was clear, the testimony was touching and students enjoyed the worship

2011/12 Gospel Week
Topic: Step Out for Promises
Date: 1 – 11 November 2011
Activity: Junior and Senior Form Evangelistic Meeting
Sharing of Hymns during lunch
Class Period
"Visual Listening Contest", "Complete the Lyrics Contest", "Complete the Bible Verse Contest", "Poster Design Contest"
Watching Gospel Film
"From Noah's Flood to the End Times" and "The Most Dangerous Man"
Gospel Handicraft Class
"Candles Decoration Making Class" and "Grapes-shaped Bead Rolls Making Class"
Fun Fair and Book Fair
Thanksgiving: Members of the Fellowship served with one heart. A wide range of activities were organized and students’ participation were active.
Annual Speech Day 2010/11

The School Annual Speech Day 2010/11 was held on 2 December 2011 with the presence of the Guest of Honour Dr Bruno Chi-chau Tse, our alumni and the Executive Vice President of the PepTech Corporation USA. The inspiring congratulatory address delivered by Dr Tse has encouraged our students and graduates to aim high and explore their potentials. Prize winners were excited about the recognition of their achievements. The tea reception after the ceremony was a great time for the guests to meet and interact with graduates and prize winners.

The 1st Student Council Meeting

The 1st Student Council Meeting was held on 25 November 2011. A representative from each class gathered in the School Conference Room to discuss four issues on the school policies, which were selected in the pre class forum on 16 November 2011 and discussed in the class forum on 21 November 2011. In the meeting, the class representatives presented the opinion of their classmates and exchanged their views with each other. The Principal and the Assistant Principal (Student Affairs) have expressed their ideas on different issues addressed in the meeting. The whole meeting went harmoniously and constructively. More importantly, opinion gathered in the meeting was respected and valued.

Student Helpers and Angels Leadership Training Camp

Sharing from     S.4E Hsu Ching Ming

The Leadership Training Camp for Student Helpers and Angels was held on 5th to 6th of November. It was jointly organized by our school and the Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association which aimed to strengthen students' leadership; communication; self-management skills and team spirit. It also helped to enhance our techniques in organizing activities and fulfilling our job duties.

I was so lucky to be one of the participants in this program. This training course is definitely an impressive and valuable experience in my lifetime.

My teammates and I were all dispirited and felt exhausted before the training started. We were divided into two groups to have competition during the two days. There were many programmes and activities in the training course including 'Beach Challenge', 'All on board', 'Disco Night', 'Adventure in Woods at Night' and 'Challenge in Tsang Lung Stream'.

The most impressive activity was the first game. We needed to fill up a long narrow tube with water in order to raise a ping pong ball until it reached the top of the tube. However, there were many tiny holes on the narrow tube. "It's really a difficult task!" we whispered. We formulated the best method – some teammates were responsible to cover the holes with fingers and some teammates were responsible for carrying the water from the sea. During the process, we had to tolerate the salty sea water flushing onto our face. It was totally unbearable! Even worse, the whole process lasted for at least 15 minutes. If we gave up, the water would certainly flow away. Therefore, we closed our eyes and shouted out our slogan to cheer for each other. Jubilantly, we won and cheered in satisfaction. Undeniably, perseverance and cooperation led us to become successful. After that, all of us became energetic to face the challenges in the coming games and tasks.

Two days was only a short period of time but what we have learnt far exceeded our expectations. Our team became more united and we appreciated each other as everyone contributed to the team. We experienced sweat, tears, tiredness, disappointment, failure and arguments. We also experienced understanding, cooperative, support, perseverance. This was a good opportunity for us to communicate well with others. In addition, I recognized the importance of teamwork which was useful and necessary in the society, Goals can be achieved easily if we cooperate well.

To conclude, the camp was undoubtedly the best and the most unforgettable experience which we will never forget. Our team spirit will always persist!

Halloween Party

A successful Halloween Party was held on the 31st of October after school at Hall. The English Association and S.2 classes set up six game stalls and a face-painting counter. Many students wore scary and ghostly costumes in order to compete in the Costume Competition. Record sheets were distributed to let students record the games they had played. Then, they could get different presents from the gift counter. Moreover, there was Trick or Treating held by teachers. Students were encouraged to speak English and could get candies by asking the teachers 'Trick or Treat' !

Both students and teachers enjoyed the party and had an unforgettable Halloween Party. We hope to have another success next year.

Open dialogue with Nobel Laureate of Economics, Professor Nash

To enhance students' interest in Mathematics and Economics, five senior form students (5C Lam Tsz Ying, 5C Kwan Wing Sze, 5B Law Tsz Hang, 5C Chau Ting Hang and 5A Wong Shu Him) were nominated by their subject teachers to attend a two- hour meeting organized by the Polytechnic University. In this meeting, students got the chance of having an open dialogue with Professor Nash, the Nobel Laureate of Economics in 1994.

Blood Donation Day (15th September 2011)

Since there is no substitute for blood, voluntary blood donors are needed every day for patients requiring medical treatment. In recent years, student donors even account for over 20% of the annual blood collection.

Knowing the importance of community support, the Red Cross Unit of our school , together with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service(BTS), hold Blood Donation Campaign regularly to recruit voluntary student donors. In this year, 114 participants from our school (including teacher and students) have turned up to give blood on the Blood Donation Day.

British Council Short Stories Writing Workshop

On the 28th March 2011 our school invited the British Council to hold a short stories writing workshop for our students. I was one of the lucky students chosen to attend it. The teacher from the British Council is called Mr Alex Caughey, who comes from Ireland. The workshop helped me learn much about writing. It has also innovated me to be more creative and inventive in my own writing. Even though the workshop lasted for 3 hours long after an extensive tiring school day, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now whenever I have a chance, I will pick up my pen and express myself through writing. I hope that there will be more teenagers who will become more interested in writing because it is truly enjoyable once you start!

English Week 2010-2011

The English week ended successfully on the 16th of March, 2011. A series of interesting and educational activities were held by the English Association to encourage students to learn English through an entertaining and easy way. Students did a marvelous job in the class period activities, including 'Wonderword', 'Trailer-watching' and 'Product Description'. They also showed their great enthusiasm in activities like the Fun Fair, English Singing Contest, Song Dedication, etc. Overall, the English Week has received good response this year, and we hope that there will be another success in the coming year.

Visit the food bank in Tai Po

To help our students understand the poverty problem in Hong Kong, the Life Building Scheme Committee oragnised a visit of a food bank in Tai Po on 24/3. 20 students from S2 to S5 participated in this activity. Through listening to a talk, visiting the granary and playing a game, our students understand and become aware of the poverty problem in Hong Kong. We are living in a prosperous city, but we shouldn't forget that thousands of people in our neighbourhood are struggling each day to make ends meet. We should do whatever we can to help those who are in need.

S.3 & S.5 Drama Performance Appreciation

Reported by 3A Ng Chi Ho

On the 23rd of March 2011, our school invited Theatre Noir to perform a drama after school for Form three and Form five students. It was held in our school hall after school until 5:00 p.m.

Theatre Noir performed a spectacular drama about true love through acting different famous acts of William Shakespeare's plays, such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello and others. The performance was interesting and captured our student's attention immediately. The actors of Theatre Noir also interacted with our students. Moreover a generous dose of humor was added to the performance. Our students were captivated by their performance.

Through Theatre Noir's performance, our students learnt more about drama. Moreover their listening skills were improved. Also, through the drama performance and drama lessons, they learnt the basics of drama and build up the confidence of performing drama in front of the class.

The 45th Athletic Meet

On the beautiful sunny days of 26 and 27 January 2011, the Tai Po Sports Ground was filled with hundreds of hardworking athletes and vivacious cheering teams. They enjoyed the commencement of the 45th Athletic Meet after months of training and preparation, especially this was the last Athletic Meet with 6 participating houses. Dr. Li Ching-fan, our alumna and the Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Specialist in Anaesthesiology of the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, was the guest of honour for this year's Athletic Meet. As a former captain of our school softball team, she encouraged students to utilize their leisure time to strengthen their physical fitness through regular exercise and accumulate valuable experience through participating in various voluntary services. Undoubtedly, the Athletic Meet was an occasion for students to demonstrate true sportsmanship and enjoy the fruits of persistent training. The following is the list of prize winners in the Athletic Meet:

Inter-Class Teacher-Student Relay (Junior)
1st Runner-up2E
2nd Runner-up2C
Inter-Class Teacher-Student Relay (Senior)
1st Runner-up7A
2nd Runner-up5B
Inter-House Overall ChampionOrange House
Inter-House Boys ChampionOrange House
Inter-House Girls ChampionRed House
The Best SportsmanshipBrown House
The Best Cheering TeamBlue House
Grade A Boys ChampionNg Wai Kwong (Yellow House)
Lai Pak Yin, Larry (Blue House)
Tsang Wai Hin (Red House)
Grade B Boys ChampionNg Tsz Hin (Orange House)
Grade C Boys ChampionChong Siu Chit (Orange House)
Grade A Girls ChampionTsang Tsz Tung (Blue House)
Grade B Girls ChampionLam Lok Yin (Brown House)
Grade C Girls ChampionLaw Tsz Ching (Brown House)
English Speaking Days

English Speaking Days (ESDs) are held throughout the whole school year to give students chances to strengthen their ability in using English as a means of communication.

Students can talk to English prefects or teachers on any topics for about two minutes to get stamps or signatures on their record forms. Students who get 3 stamps/signatures can have an extra-curricular activities (ECA) record on their handbook. The top student who gets the most number of stamps and signatures in each class can get a prize. The minimum number of stamps/signatures is 5.

The number of stamps and signatures can be accumulated so that students will be motivated to participate in all ESDs to get bigger prizes at the end of the school year.

At lunchtime, students also share their English learning experience or any aspects including those related to English culture, customs and traditions with the whole school through the public address system.

Blood Donation Day

Since there is no substitute for blood, voluntary blood donors are needed every day for patients requiring medical treatment. In recent years, student donors even account for over 20% of the annual blood collection.

Knowing the importance of community support, the Red Cross Unit of our school , together with the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS), hold Blood Donation Campaign regularly to recruit voluntary student donors. This year, 66 students from our school have turned up to give blood on the Blood Donation Day.

Career Talk - Legal Profession

On 30th November 2010, a Career Talk about legal profession was jointly organized by our school and the alumni who are practicing in the legal field. Our students have gained a better understanding of the profession as well as the perspectives to different social issues given by the speakers. It is hoped that this insightful talk can inspire them to develop their career in the field. Besides, it was an invaluable opportunity for our students to exchange views with their seniors who are now the pillars of the society. The list of the speakers is as follows: Chan Shu Yin (Solicitor, Former Director of Legal Aid Department), Wong Kai Yi Stephen (Barrister-at-law, Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office at Berlin), Chu Kam Chuen Johnny (Solicitor), Sum Man Kwong (Solicitor, Notary Public and China-Appointed Attesting Officer), Lam Yiu Cheong James(Solicitor), Tang Ping Wing Joseph (Solicitor), Tse Kwok Yin Colin (Solicitor), Cheng Hoo (Solicitor) and Tam Sau Ying (Solicitor).

Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift 2010

Life Building Scheme continues to support 'Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift' this year. This activity aims at collecting gift boxes and sends to needy children in Sichuan and nearby countries.

Many of our students and parents activity participated in this activity. They filled old shoe boxes with stationeries, toys and other gifts. Some of them even wrote letters to the children who will receive their gift boxes.

From 29/11 to 1/12, we collected 160 gift boxes. Those boxes were sent to Samaritan's Purse in early December and are ready to be shipped to other countries.

Through this activity, our students take actions to show love and concern to the underprivileged children in their neighborhood countries. They understand how blessed they are living in Hong Kong and remember those who are in need. They have shown love and care to those who are less fortunate. They have lived out the true meaning of Christmas: to give and to share. It is really a meaningful activity.

Seminar on "Introduction to Reporting"

To tally with the curriculum of New Senior Secondary Chinese Elective Module – News and Reporting, our Chinese panel had invited our alumnus Ms. Ng Sin Ting to host a seminar "Introduction to Reporting" on 6 October 2010. Ms. Ng is a reporter of the Oriental Daily. In the seminar, she shared her valuable experience and techniques in reporting and answered students' enquiries. Students' knowledge on reporting has been enhanced through this seminar.

Visit to "Ping Shan Heritage Trail"

7A Ng Yan Wah

On 24th September, our form visited the Tang Clan Walled Village located in Ping Shan, Yuen Long.

As soon as we arrived there, we went to a restaurant and enjoyed the tasty basin cuisine. The restaurant was filled with laughter. It was fun since we seldom dine with so many people unless there are special events.

After the delicious meal, we set foot on the Kun Ting Study Hall. The friendly guide introduced to us loads of knowledge about implications of Chinese architectural style. We learned many stories behind each design pattern. Quite a lot of them are related to Feng Shui. These are useful to our Chinese Literature study as we are learning about Chinese architecture in our lessons.

We then visited the Ancestral Hall of Tang Clan. The guide told us some historical facts of the Tang Clan and traditions remained from years ago. These traditions, for example how the clan members go inside the Ancestral Hall in an appropriate way, help us understand more about Confucianism in ancient China.

The trip helped to consolidate our subject learning. It was meaningful and worthwhile.

Anson Chan School Talk Tour Programme

Mrs. Anson Chan, the former Chief Secretary for Administration, delivered a talk on Hong Kong politics on 14 October 2010 as part of her "Anson Chan School Talk Tour Programme". Mrs. Chan shared her opinions on topics related to the democratic and constitutional development in Hong Kong and the political participation of young people. Our students expressed their deep concern on social matters, international political matters and the democratic development in Hong Kong. Our school reporters also interviewed Mrs. Chan for her opinions on the relationship between young people and the political development in Hong Kong thereafter. Hopefully the seminar can arouse students' interest in politics.

The Election of Students' Association

With the mission of serving their fellow students in mind, fifteen Form five students had got together and run for the election of the Students' Association.

Where did they get their name from? They got it from their strong beliefs that they should stand up for the rights of students, speak up for them and step up the implementation of any proposed measures for the greatest benefits of students.

They are the committee members of Triple-S, the team that won the election. The election of the Students' Association was held in mid September. This year, we had two cabinets competing against each other. They are 'Legend' formed by a group of Form four students and 'Triple S' consisting of mainly Form five students. During the promotional period, both candidates had devoted themselves to all kinds of advertising. Campaign posters were posted everywhere and slogans were chanted every morning. Despite the result, both teams have certainly learnt a lot from this valuable experience. Let's hope Triple-S will try their best and do what they have promised.

Halloween Party 2010

Our school held a Halloween Party on 21st October this year. At the Halloween Party, there were 6 game stalls in total. It was very crowded as many students joined the Party. They wore different costumes and up on made up. The most shocking and surprising costume was a boy who dressed like a girl and wore a mini-skirt. He also put on a purple wig. Many students took photos with him.

At the Halloween Party, students enjoyed the activities and you could laughter everywhere. In addition, the prizes were very attractive. There were snacks, rubber, note books and so on. Students all participated in the games. One student even got 29 stamps and got the highest 'mark'!

Also, we provided make up for students and facial tissue for them to clean their faces. The Halloween Party was very successful and the F.2 English prefects had done a good job preparing for the game stalls. Their games were really exciting. Everybody had a great time at the party!

School-based Training of English Reading Ambassador Pilot Programme (ERA)

In order to develop English reading culture, our school has participated in the "English Reading Ambassador Pilot Programme" (ERA) organised by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) and Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity). 26 students who come from S. 3 to S. 5 classes have been nominated to be English Reading Ambassadors. Five training sessions will be provided to them to become ambassadors. They will be conducted by Dr. Ina Siu Yuen Mei, who was an Assistant Professor of the Department of English at HKIED and is now a teacher trainer for HKU and HKIED on a part-time basis. The training sessions start from 6 October to 12 December 2010.

After receiving the formal training, our Ambassadors will organise 5 reading programmes in our school, including Quiz Shows in the English Week, Reading Clubs and Book Sharing in the Morning Assembly. Moreover, they will share their valuable experiences to all Reading Ambassadors in Hong Kong during the activity "World Book Day Carnival" (to be held on 23 April 2011). The list of the Ambassadors is as follows:

Mu Ka Man (5A)Chem Ching Tong (5B)Ho Pui Yin (5B)
Lo Na (5B)Ma Kwan Teng (5B)Fung Lok Yin (5C)
Ng Ka Ching (5C)Fu Ho Ki (5D)Jonathan Jonas Taylor (5D)
Chiu Hon Yan (5E)Chui Lok Sze (5E)Luk Sui Man (5E)
Chiu Hoi Yeung (5E)Wong Chi Ho (5E)
Wong Shu Him (4A)Ho Pui Yi (4B)Law Tsz Hang (4B)
Sin Cheuk Man (4B)Pang Kar Man (4E)Wong Yan Yee (4E)
Choi Yee Sum (3A)Lo Wai Ling (3A)Wong Hoi Lam (3A)
Law Cheuk Lem, Monty (3E)Pun Yue Ching (3E)Wong Sze Wai (3E)
S3 English Debating Enhancement Workshop

3A Winnie Lo Wai Ling

The S3 English Debating Enhancement Workshop started on 11th and finished on the 15th October. Each workshop lasted for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The instructor was very professional and well-prepared. He taught us some of the important points of debating, such as developing arguments, style and how to do rebuttals. He used games and activities, and adding humor in them to make us learn in a much fun way.

During these few days, I've learnt how to be a more persuasive speaker—by the style I talk, the volume of my voice, my gesture and adding examples to my speech. This workshop really boosted my self-confidence by giving me chances to talk loudly in front of my classmates.

I enjoyed this workshop very much because it's not boring at all! At first, I thought that debates are really boring, but after this workshop, it definitely changed my opinion. Now, I think debates might be quite interesting to watch. In fact, debating is a really fun thing to do. You can even learn new knowledge from your opponents. Debating will definitely benefit us.

An Early Tribute to Teachers

Our parents couldn't wait till 10 September, the Teachers' Day, and attended the school Morning Assembly on 7 September, early in the morning. On behalf of other parents, the Chairman of our Parent-Teacher Association, Mr. Wong Yam Wah, expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards all teachers. As shared by Mr. Wong, being a teacher can never be an easy mission. They have to cope with the fast pace of changes, and the burden due to the high expectations from various sources.

A handmade thank-you card was presented to teachers. Dear teachers, thank you for your hard work and care.

Our First Musical “Fame”

August 11-13 are three very special and unforgettable days for everyone in Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School. Wong Shiu Chi's very first and long-awaited musical ‘Fame’ finally made its way to Yuen Long Theatre. Excitement and anticipation filled the heart of everyone involved, from actors and actresses to the backstage crew. Our students couldn't wait to share with the audience the fantastic moment after more than half a year's practice. Every performer and support team showed strong commitment and devotion throughout. We are happy that they were able to maintain their spirit and professionalism as the big days approached. Both the open dress rehearsal and the show went perfectly well. They attracted a total of 900 audiences who enjoyed the night with students' brilliant performance. Let us give our appreciation and cheers for all performers, including the leading actors and actresses, and those in the drama, music and dance classes, the management team, the costume team, the make-up team, the front-of-house team, and the design and I.T. support team. It is hoped that they can discover their own talents and the secrets to success, and will continue to strive for excellence. May God bless these youngsters and help them shine in the future like those characters in ‘Fame’.

Fundraising for Qinghai Earthquake

On April 14th, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit northwest China's Qinghai Province Yushu Prefecture. According to official reports, 2,046 people died, 193 disappeared, and 12,135 injured, among whom 1,434 were severely injured. About 15,000 resident houses collapsed. More than 100,000 people need shelter or to be moved.

As a way to show our care and concern to people in Yushu, a lump-sum of $71,533.00 was raised by students, parents, teachers and staff as a donation to Qinghai. The donation would be sent to Qinghai through the Hong Kong Red Cross. Apart from the donation, we would always keep the needs of people in Yushu in our prayers.

Below is the summary on the donation:

Teachers and Staff$8,160.00
Persuasive English: Debating Workshop

On 5th February 2010, our S4 & S6 students participated in the "Persuasive English: Debating Workshop" conducted by the English Speaking Union (Hong Kong) Debate Squad from London. The workshop was organized by SCOLAR of Education Bureau and held at our school campus.

ESU is best known for its major educational activity, the promotion of debate as an educational tool. The Squad carries out teaching tours for ESUs around the world, supporting the ESU's global work in persuasive spoken English.

English Debating Workshops for S3 & S4

A series of English Debating Workshops have been organized from 11 May to 26 May 2010 for our S.3 and S.4 top students.

Mr. Greg Forse, the Chief Instructor of Debate Hong Kong, was invited to hold two 5-day debate workshops for our S3 and S4 top students. Students are taught how to develop arguments and think about different topics through a series of games and activities. They also learnt how to structure a debate speech and make effective notes.

Students had a chance to put all that has been learnt into practice in the final full debates, showing off their newly-learned skills.

Liberal Studies: Introduction of the Judicial System in Hong Kong

On 31 March, the Liberal Studies Panel invited our alumnus Mr. Shum Man Kwong to deliver a lecture to our S4 and S6 students. The theme of the lecture is 'Introduction of the Judicial System in Hong Kong'. Mr. Shum is an experienced solicitor who is always very concerned about the development of our youth. Moreover, he is one of the members of the Incorporated Management Committee of our school. The talk delivered has been informative and enlightening. There were good interactions since our students responded actively whenever Mr. Shum directed his questions to them. Hopefully our students can broaden their horizons and value the importance of justice through this activity.

Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Service

As the anniversary opening was unveiled in the Golden Jubilee Thanksgiving Service, Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 50th Anniversary celebration was officially inaugurated on 13 March 2010. With the attendance of alumni, teachers and student representatives, the fifty year old campus was bustling with mirthful cheer on the day of celebration. Our alumni were exhilarated and delighted to unite with their past teachers and classmates.

As a Christian school, we attributed our achievements in various endeavors for half a century to our Lord's Blessings. We also thanked his maidservant Dr. Wong Tak Hing for her generous contribution and endeavors in founding our school. Her faith in Lord and perseverance in praying were the cornerstones of our school development.

Our student representatives helped us to retrace our school history. Our guest of honour and alumnus, Mr. Liu Tin Wen shared his past school life and encouraged our students to comply with our school spirit of simplicity and perseverance in his inspiring testimonies. After the Christian Choir had sung a lovely song with their soothing voices, our Principal read the scripture from the Psalms. Another guest of honour and alumnus, Professor Leung Yuen Sang recalled the reminiscence of our school life. He inspired our students to be branches of Cedar and overcome difficulties with our Lord's guidance in his impressive sermon. The Thanksgiving Worship ended with a benediction from our school manager Mr. Au Yeung Hok Yee and the school anthem sung by everyone.

The Thanksgiving Service was an occasion of celebration, as well as a reunion of teachers and alumni. After the Service, our alumni were excited to take photos with their respective teachers and fellow classmates. The day came to an end at the tea party where everyone enjoyed chatting together or simply appreciated the significance of Wong Shiu Chi's very own Thanksgiving Ceremony.

The English Drama Festival 2010

On 5th March 2010 our school had our annual English Drama play for the English Drama Festival hosted by HKSDF.

Our students wrote their own play called "The Promise" and performed it for the adjudicators from HKSDF. The play was about love and friendship: three best friends who grew up together loved performing and joined the school play. They met various problems, but this play shows that love and friendship can really conquer all problems.

It was a very successful event with a lot of fun. Our students involved ranged from S.1 to S.6, so there was a mix of different age groups which contributed to the fun. Many of them didn't know each other before, and was brought together by this play.

We thank the adjudicators for taking their time to see our play. And a big thank you to all students who have dedicated their time, effort and patience to making the event so successful!

Hip Hop Dancing Workshop

A "Hip Hop Dancing" Workshop for S.4 and S.6 students was organized on 25 February 2010 to widen students' horizon and offer multiple learning opportunities to students. We invited the Dancing Society of the Hong Kong University to demonstrate Hip Hop dancing and illustrate basic dancing skills to our students at the School Hall. One of the highlights of the workshop was the Inter-class Dancing Contest. As the music hit, our students began to move their body and show their dancing talent. The workshop was transformed into a dancing party and has successfully promoted Hip Hop dancing in our school.

School Policy Forum

The First School Policy Forum was successfully held on 22nd January 2010, with the presence of the Principal, Assistant Principals, Discipline Mistress and twenty students. Students were encouraged to give opinions and query about school policies. Constructive opinions written on the democracy wall were also reflected. The School Policy Forum helped build up mutual understanding between students and school policy makers. It also inspired students to become the Front Bench spokesperson, instead of being backbencher, on social matters. We are looking forward to have more students turn up in the coming forums.

English Week

The school annual English week was held from 7th December, 2009 to 15th December, 2009. Students and teachers were actively involved in various activities. Students did not hesitate to show their talent on stage, while the students downstage were also having fun singing along with them! The drama performance and Quiz Show of the two assemblies gained much positive response, too.

English is not difficult. You can definitely have fun through participating in these activities!

Casual Wear Day

This year's Casual Wear Day was held on 23 December, the same day of the school Christmas celebration. It is organized to inculcate a benevolent disposition among our students. Casual dressing on this occasion is a token showing our concerted effort in fundraising and our care to others. It is part of the school moral curriculum. This year, we received encouraging responses from students and parents. A lump-sum of more than $30,000 was raised for the Community Chest in this occasion. We believe the collection means a lot to the needy and the deprived communities.

S.1 Admission Briefing Session

The S.1 Admission Briefing Session was successfully held on 20 December 2009. All the seats in the Hall were filled up by parents and students. A brief introduction on the school history, teaching strategies for S.1 students and the application procedures was given by our Principal. The Chairperson of the Parent-Teacher Association also shared his personal experiences as the father of a student in junior form of this School. Though it was the first time we met the parents of these S.1 applicants, our subject of conversation went beyond the application, and we shared a lot on children's learning and emotional growth. It was also a time for us to meet our alumni! Among them, quite a number of our old boys and girls turned up with their children.

Annual Speech Day 2008/09

The School Annual Speech Day 2008/09 was held on 27 November 2009 with the presence of Professor Mak Fuk Tat, the Associate Vice President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as our Guest of Honour. The inspiring congratulatory address delivered by Prof. Mak encouraged our students and graduates to follow the humble services of Jesus Christ and to serve as servant leaders in their context. It was an occasion of celebration and passion. Prize winners were overwhelmed by the joy in having their achievements being recognized. Graduates appeared to have plenty to share with each other and their teachers.

Let's bless our graduates and wish them all a prosperous future. Dear students, would you be one of the prize winners next year?

Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift Boxes Collection

Life Building Scheme joined the "Samaritan's Purse Christmas Gift Boxes Collection" activity in early December 2009 and donated gift boxes to the poor children in Sichuan and the Philippines. With the overwhelming support of the students and parents, we collected over 190 gift boxes. Through this activity, students were able to hand-pick gifts for the needy children and share their love with the poor. They experienced the joy of giving and lived out the true meaning of Christmas.

Drug Testing Briefing Session

Briefing sessions for students and parents on the Trial Scheme on Drug Testing were held on 4 November. Representatives from the Education Bureau, Narcotics Division and Cheer Lutheran Centre introduced the Scheme and answered the queries raised in these meetings. The theme on creating an Anti-drug Culture in Tai Po was highlighted. Some participants expressed their support; but others raised their concerns on personal privacy, and the effectiveness of the scheme. Letters of consent will be distributed in mid November. The reply should be based on the consensus between parents and their children. Parents and students are therefore reminded to exchange their viewpoints before giving their replies.

The English Association: Halloween Party 2009

The English Association held a Halloween Party on 22nd October, 2009. Each S2 class designed a game stall and all S2 students participated. Through this popular culture, students learned English through playing the games and participated in the activities. Many students dressed up in creative Halloween costumes and we all had a blast!

Welcome to Our PartyDoing Make Up for the PartyCostume CompetitonA Game StallLet's Come and Learn English
Flag Raising Ceremony of the 60th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China

Our first Flag Raising Ceremony was held in the Morning Assembly on 2nd October 2009, a day after the 60th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The National flag, the Regional Flag and the School Flag were solemnly raised by our Flag Guards comprising students from Scouts, Girl Guides and the Red Cross, simultaneously with the playing of the National Anthem. The Flag Raising Ceremony successfully cultivated students' sense of national identity.