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New Territories Inter-School Archery Competition
Our team recently took part in the New Territories Inter-School Archery Competition and it is with great pleasure that

Our team recently took part in the New Territories Inter-School Archery Competition and it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that our members achieved the following results:

1. 3A Tai Sze Ki won the third runner up in Girls B individual.
2. 2A Tsui Sin Yan, 3A Tai Sze Ki , 4B Ip Wing Lam won the first runner up in Girls B Team competition.

Thank you very much to everyone involved for their positive contribution to our team.

U15 Softball Age Group Competition 2023-2024
Our Softball Team participated in the U15 Softball Age Group Competition 2023-2024, which is a yearly competition organised by

Our Softball Team participated in the U15 Softball Age Group Competition 2023-2024, which is a yearly competition organised by the Hong Kong China Softball Association. We are delightful to announce that our softball team achieved the Second Runner-up place. The list of members is as follows:

AS Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards 2023-2024
Congratulations to Hung Kam Lam from 4D, who won the AS Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards 2023-2024. We

Congratulations to Hung Kam Lam from 4D, who won the AS Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards 2023-2024. We believe that you will continue to work hard for Hong Kong's sports arena and achieve more outstanding results!

Training Programme for “Youth Legislators” 2023/24
Our school's Citizenship and Social Development Department selected a team of Form 5 students,

Our school's Citizenship and Social Development Department selected a team of Form 5 students, 5A Fan Pui Sze, 5A Lee Hong Ying, 5A Yau Lik San, and 5A Yau Tsz Yuen to participate in the Training Programme for “Youth Legislators” 2023/2024, the programme was organized by the EDUTION NETWORK, sponsored by the Civic Education Committee, and jointly hosted by the Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fudan University. The programme responds to the“Youth Development Blueprint”, with the aims of promoting discussions amongst younger people. The six-month training scheme provided a series of lectures and workshops for participants, to enrich their knowledge on the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the work of the Legislative Council.

After the oral interview conducted, Li Hong Ying and Yau Lik Sang were selected to participate in the “Legislator Shadowing experience”. They joined the two-day internship workshops delivered by Legislators Kong Yuk Foon and Zhang Xinyu in late February 2024. The closing ceremony, held in CUHK on 2 March 2024, was the “Mock Legislative Council” competition. It was an invaluable opportunity for our team to present our research findings and opinions on youths mental health issues in Hong Kong. Our team achieved outstanding results acquiring a total of 6 awards as follows:

Best Legislator Award cum Best Letter Award: 5A Yau Lik Sang, 5A Yau Tsz Yuen

Best Letter Award: 5A Fan Pui Sze, 5A Li Hong Ying

5A 邱力申 Yau Lik San


5A 邱子圓 Yau Tsz Yuen



5A 11 李康盈 Lee Hong Ying



5A 范珮詩 Fan Pui Sze





Educators' Visit
We had the honour of welcoming two distinguished educators, one from Columbia University and the other from the University of Nottingham, along with

We had the honour of welcoming two distinguished educators, one from Columbia University and the other from the University of Nottingham, along with five esteemed colleagues from the Department of Education Policy and Leadership at the Education University of Hong Kong, to our school on 23 May 2024.

The visit commenced with a comprehensive tour of our school campus, during which our guests engaged in warm and insightful conversations with both our teachers and students. These interactions provided a wonderful opportunity for mutual learning and sharing of perspectives.

Following the tour, our Principal hosted a sharing session aimed not only at introducing our school, but also at providing an overview of the secondary education system in Hong Kong. The presentation served as a platform for an enriching dialogue on various educational topics.

The exchange of ideas was particularly valuable, covering a range of aspects related to educational practices and policies. This interaction has significantly contributed to our understanding and offered fresh perspectives that will undoubtedly aid in the further development of our school.

Study tour to Kagoshima
Our recent study tour to Kagoshima, Japan was an incredibly enriching experience for our students. During the trip, our students had

Our recent study tour to Kagoshima, Japan was an incredibly enriching experience for our students. During the trip, our students had the invaluable opportunity to deeply immerse themselves in the local Japanese learning culture. By joining the classes at the Tarumizu Central Junior High School, our students were able to directly interact with their Japanese peers, gaining first-hand insights into the Japanese education system and classroom dynamics.

Beyond the academic realm, our students also had the chance to participate in traditional Japanese culinary practices, learning to prepare authentic local dishes and experiencing the art of preparation of the lunch set for peers. This hands-on engagement with Japanese culture and customs allowed our students to develop a profound appreciation for the country's rich heritage.

One particularly memorable experience on the second day was the English Lesson Exchange between our students and their Japanese counterparts. Guided by their English teachers, the students formed small groups to engage in deep discussions. Our students practiced their Japanese language skills, while the Japanese students showcased their English abilities as they introduced themselves and shared about their daily lives. As a heartfelt gesture of gratitude and friendship, our students had prepared a special Japanese song titled " 手紙~拝啓十五の君へ~(Greetings to you at 15 years old)" to perform for their new Japanese friends, capturing the wonderful memories forged during this exchange.

The highlight of the trip was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between our school and Tarumizu Central Junior High School. This historic partnership will pave the way for continued cultural exchange and collaborative learning opportunities between our institutions. The event was even covered by two local television stations, further underscoring the significance of this significant academic and cultural collaboration. For details of the news, please click the links shown below.

Overall, the Kagoshima study tour has undoubtedly enriched our students' global perspectives and cultural competencies. The fruitful learning outcomes, the establishment of a sustainable cross-cultural partnership, and the cherished memories created have made this trip a resounding success that we hope to build upon in the years to come.

Link to the news

4A Zhang Yan Yin 張恩姸

Although the trip to Kagoshima in Japan was only a brief five days and four nights, it still left deep memories for me.

For me, the most memorable experience was at Tarumizu Junior High School. What impressed me the most was their social classes. I found it somewhat similar to the geography classes in Hong Kong. The students there are very serious and actively participate in the classroom. When the teacher says “Quiet”, it immediately quietens down. They were also very enthusiastic about trying to chat with me. What surprised me was that even though I couldn't quite understand their Japanese, they also tried to communicate with me in English. However, despite their English being not very good, I was impressed that I feel that they were still willing to try to speak, so we should also be brave enough to try like them. So later on, I also tried to communicate with them in my poor Japanese. They were all very friendly and worried that I would be too bored in class with them. They also actively invited me to do exercises together, making me feel involved. When I was about to leave, they all warmly walked over to greet me and wanted to give me a high five.

Also, we had a section where we taught the students how to play Hong Kong board games. When interacting with them, there were both smooth and difficult times, with some students being proactive and others being introverted. Sometimes we needed to proactively initiate topics and invite them to join in. Due to language limitations, they may not have understood our English and we may not have understood their Japanese. However, we tried to communicate with them using body language and the simplest English, and they were willing to try to understand. So in the end, the communication session ended happily.

Of course, the scenic spots on the way are also very beautiful. We spent almost every day sightseeing around a volcano from different perspectives. What left a deep impression on me was that there was a place where you could soak your feet in soapy water and also look at the sea, with bright sunshine and a gentle breeze, which was very pleasant. We also went to the most commonly known shrine in Japan. It was drizzling quietly that day, and everyone was praying for their family, themselves, or friends. I was no exception, and I also bought a guardian to hope that I and my family are safe and sound.

In summary, this exchange group activity not only allowed me to visit famous local attractions, but also allowed me to experience the campus life of local students. I have gained a lot from this journey, and if there is another chance, I will definitely participate!

5D Leung Yat Tung 梁日桐


S5 Activity Day – Workplace Visits
We are thrilled to share that our school recently organized a series of workplace visits, which provided our S5 students with an incredible opportunity to

We are thrilled to share that our school recently organized a series of workplace visits, which provided our S5 students with an incredible opportunity to explore different industries and gain firsthand experience in their respective fields of interest. Divided into five groups, each group had the privilege of visiting a specific venue, where they immersed themselves in unique learning experiences.

One group had the chance to visit the Customs Headquarters Building, where they interacted with civil servants and gained a comprehensive understanding of the important role they play in the HKSAR. This visit allowed our students to witness the dedication and commitment of civil servants and provided them with a glimpse into the inner workings of the customs sector.

Another group embarked on a captivating campus visit to the Faculty of Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Their visit focused on two disciplines: Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, as well as Computing. They had the opportunity to explore the admission requirements and learn about the cutting-edge curriculum offered in these fields. This visit sparked their curiosity and provided valuable insights into the exciting world of engineering and technology.

Meanwhile, an adventurous group of students had the privilege of visiting an Aircraft Maintenance Hangar, where they delved into the intricacies of aircraft maintenance. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness the meticulous care and attention required to ensure the safety and efficiency of airplanes. It was an immersive educational experience that left a lasting impression on our students.

Another group had the opportunity to explore the fascinating field of bioinformatics through a campus visit (The laboratory in the LKS Faculty of the Medicine of The University of Hong Kong) that included a captivating Bioinformatics Taster Lecture and Admission Talk. This visit provided our students with a glimpse into the innovative world of data analysis and its applications in biology. They gained valuable insights into the potential of bioinformatics and its role in advancing scientific research.

Last but certainly not least, a group of students visited Sing Tao Daily, a leading local media outlet. This visit offered them a unique perspective into the daily operations of a media organization and the critical role it plays in informing and shaping society. Our students witnessed firsthand the fast-paced and dynamic environment in which journalists work and gained a deeper appreciation for the power of the media.

These workplace visits were an enriching and eye-opening experience for our students. Divided into groups, they had the opportunity to explore different industries and gain valuable insights into various career paths. We are confident that these visits have broadened their horizons, inspired their passions, and equipped them with a deeper understanding of the professional world.

S4 Activity Day – Eco-cultural Tour
On 15th March, our S4 students and teachers embarked on an inspiring Eco-cultural Tour. Led by The Conservancy Association,

On 15th March, our S4 students and teachers embarked on an inspiring Eco-cultural Tour. Led by The Conservancy Association, this immersive experience aimed to elevate students' awareness of environmental consciousness and sustainability, while fostering an appreciation for the rich cultural heritage and diversity that thrives in Hong Kong.

During the tour, students engaged with a local NGO actively involved in environmental conservation and cultural preservation efforts. They participated in interactive dialogues, took guided tours, and gained first-hand experiences, deepening their understanding of the importance of environmental stewardship and cultural preservation.

By experiencing the highlights of this remarkable tour, we aim to raise students' awareness and showcase our school's commitment to holistic education. Let's inspire the young generation to be passionate about environmental sustainability and cultural appreciation.

S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp
The S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp (Organized by AGE Consulting Group Ltd.), held on 15-3-24, was an immersive and

The S3 Leader-in-future Training Day Camp (Organized by AGE Consulting Group Ltd.), held on 15-3-24, was an immersive and empowering experience designed to develop and enhance leadership skills among our students. Throughout the day, all S3 students delved into various activities and competitions aimed at fostering effective leadership qualities.

The training emphasized the significance of collaboration and teamwork in effective leadership, instilling in students the importance of collective effort and shared vision. Through interactive sessions and real-life case studies, students learned from failures and honed their problem-solving abilities in dynamic situations.

This comprehensive training program aimed to equip our Secondary 3 students with the necessary skills and mindset to become influential leaders, capable of navigating challenges and inspiring positive change within their communities.

Visiting Hong Kong Space Museum with Sky Show
On 15-3-24, our S1 students embarked on an exciting journey as they visited the Hong Kong Space Museum, accompanied by

On 15-3-24, our S1 students embarked on an exciting journey as they visited the Hong Kong Space Museum, accompanied by ten enthusiastic teachers. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as they eagerly prepared to explore the mysteries of the cosmos. They first visited the Permanent Exhibition, where interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations. The exhibition introduces astronomy and space science in a vivid approach. Then, they watched a captivating show called "Mars 1001", where they were transported to the Red Planet through a breathtaking audiovisual experience. This immersive show left the students in awe, igniting their curiosity and fueling their desire to unravel the secrets of the Universe. The visit aimed to enhance their space-related knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of astronomical concepts and inspiring a lifelong love for STEM subjects.