「賞藝縫裳」時裝設計比賽及匯演2023/24 香港故宮文化博物館珍品的故事──動畫繪本創作比賽(中學)2023/24 2024香港物理奧林匹克 賽馬會「奧翔」計劃 第四屆校際體能挑戰賽 《南華早報》2023/24年度學生選舉 “Student Of the Year” The Academy Awards for the Gifted 2024 – Leadership Training Programme Gold Award Secondary School Mathematics Project Competition 2023-24 Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students 2023-24 香港中學辯論比賽 中學校際射箭錦標賽 U15 壘球分齡賽2023-2024 屈臣氏香港學生運動員獎2024 「立法者們」青年議政培訓計劃 2023/24 2023-2024全港中學校際壘球比賽 大埔及北區中學校際游泳錦標賽 崇德社最佳服務獎得獎報捷 香港中文大學社會責任及可持續發展處︰設計思考 2023 暑期訓練計劃 第九屆陳贊一博士聯校微型小說創作獎得獎報捷 「全港初中生文學散步——小組日誌設計比賽」得獎報捷 本校同學榮獲大埔區傑出學生獎 Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Programme 23-24 第二屆「思言盃」聯校辯論邀請賽得獎報捷 2022-2023年度大埔區青年網絡活動策劃委員會舉辦的徵文比賽得獎報捷 「書寫聲音」文學聲演獎2022-23得獎報捷 大埔及北區分會中學校際足球錦標賽 大埔及北區中學校際籃球錦標賽 大埔及北區中學校際越野錦標賽 2022香港物理奧林匹克 2022-23全港U19壘球精英賽 全港中學校際壘球比賽 大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 香港聯合國教科文組織協會主辦︰第十一屆可持續發展教育學程計劃 2022/23 大埔及北區分會中學校際乒乓球錦標賽 2023年度 4.23世界閱讀日 創作比賽得獎報捷 2021-2022中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區) 得獎報捷 第二屆全港高中生即席演講大賽銀奬 2022 Jeju Cup International Judo Tournament organized by Korea Judo Association STEAM教育博覽會2022 Tai Po District Schools Singing Competition 2022-2023 仁愛堂野外定向慈善賽 2022 Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2022-23 柔道運動員得獎報捷 The English Debate Team's Victory in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) 2021-22 全港學界天文問答比賽2022 柔道運動員得獎報捷 律政司檢控週2022︰「義」問「義」答比賽 香港大律師公會辯論比賽 2022 香港福建希望工程基金會 2021國際初中科學奧林匹克 —— 香港選拔比賽 2021香港物理奧林匹克 大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 本校同學榮獲大埔區傑出學生獎 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會中學校際田徑錦標賽 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際羽毛球錦標賽 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會中學校際游泳錦標賽 The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2021 中學數學專題習作比賽(2020-21) 第四屆恒大中文文學獎 CIE English Public Speaking Contest 2021 – Merit Award 第64屆體育節香港青少年柔道錦標賽 2020國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔比賽 Tai Po District Students Leap Forward Award Scheme 城市文學獎2020 趣寫文學足印 香港律師會主辦「青Teen講場十周年」《基本法》網上問答比賽及「法你通識」網上挑戰賽學校獎︰躋身全港首十名 2020至2021年度「大埔區公民教育運動委員會——徵文比賽」 大埔區傑出服務公民獎 2020-21 Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition (HKSSDC) Term One 2020-21 Championship Teen使行動青少年思健推廣計劃 2018-2020 卓越學生奬 本校學生獲頒「大埔區傑出學生」獎 Good People Good Deeds Tung Wah Group of Hospitals English Writing Competition 2019 陳卓琳同學榮膺2020多元卓越獎學金得主(運動) 中國中學生作文大賽 「第八屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽」初級組文字報告冠軍 「第八屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽」初級組多媒體製作冠軍 校際游泳錦標賽 柔道賽事 何婷同學榮膺2019多元卓越獎學金得主(視覺藝術) 全港中學生物理奧林匹克比賽 香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2019 2018-19 香港日本語教育研究會獎學金及小組研究項目獎 (高中日語課程學生) 全港青年中文故事創作比賽(2018-19年度) 大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 2018-19 大埔區傑出青年選舉 2018-19 二零一九國際初中科學奧林匹克 ─ 香港選拔比賽 「海洋的新衣」T恤圖案設計比賽2018 Our champion in CityU Debating Challenge 2018 (by Asian and International Studies Department) 2018-19全港學界壘球錦標賽 第五屆「紫荊盃」2018海峽兩岸暨港澳青少年書畫大賽 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際游泳錦標賽 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際羽毛球錦標賽 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(高級組文字報告) 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組多媒體製作) 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告) Our Victory in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2018-19 Term One Round One 2018香港理工大學數學及科學比賽 香港物理奧林匹克比賽2018 The Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2017/18) Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2017-2018) Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2017-18 NTE Senior Division I Champion Our Victory in Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 2017-18 Term Two Round Two 2017-18年度大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 Victory in Term 2 Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 2017-18 2017 Have Your Voice Heard Video Shooting Competition 全新界中學校際劍擊錦標賽2017-18 青 Teen 講場 2017──法、理、情 全港學界壘球錦標賽 通識健康教育計劃2016-2017 第六屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告) 第六屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組多媒體製作) 2018國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔比賽 香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2017 中學數學專題習作比賽(2016-17) 香港日本語教育研究會日本文化專題探究比賽 2017 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽 亞洲跳繩錦標賽2017 廣州比賽交流之旅 第三十二屆全港校際辯論比賽 Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA) Debating Competition 2016-17 Champion in the CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016-17 "The Speaker" English Public Speaking Contest 2017 (只提供英文版本) 大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 大埔區傑出青年選舉 中學數學專題習作比賽(2015-16) 中學數學閱讀報告比賽(2015-16) 二零一六年恒隆數學獎得獎報捷 香港校際成語邀請賽 (2015-2016) 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽及國慶盃書法比賽 International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2017 (只提供英文版本) 本校曾偉揚同學榮獲香港傑出少年獎 本校同學榮獲香港傑出青年協會頒發「明日領袖獎」 本校同學榮獲大埔區傑出學生獎 第五屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(高級組文字報告) 第五屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告)I 第五屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告)II 第五屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組多媒體製作) Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2016 (只提供英文版本) Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2016 (只提供英文版本) 「青Teen講場 2015——私隱解碼」活動 2015-2016中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區「旭日文學之星」) Champion in the CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2015-16 (只提供英文版本) International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2016 (只提供英文版本) 日本語學生獲獎 第四屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(高級組文字報告) 第四屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告) 第四屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組多媒體製作) The Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2015 (只提供英文版本) Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2015 (只提供英文版本) 校際手機應用程式設計大賽(IMACD) 2015 中學數學專題習作比賽(2014-15) 及中學數學閱讀報告比賽(2014-15) 第八屆大學文學獎 Power Station Writing Competition (只提供英文版本) 青苗學界進步獎獎學金 International Junior Science Olympiad-Hong Kong Screening 2014-2015 (只提供英文版本) 本校同學榮獲香港日本語教育研究會團體研究獎學金 2014-2015慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十五周年紀念 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽 第八屆歷史照片研究比賽 第五屆全港數碼遊戲創作大賽 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition 2014 (只提供英文版本) TVNews Award Scheme 2013/14 (只提供英文版本) 第三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(高級組文字報告) 第三屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組多媒體製作) 中學數學及科學比賽2014 科技新苗一百計劃 香港人情味—全港中學創意微動畫設計比賽 中學數學閱讀報告比賽2013-14 中學數學專題習作比賽2013-14及青少年精英選拔賽2013-14 通識健康教育計劃2013-2014 EMI Drama Festival (只提供英文版本) 國際獅子總會和平海報設計比賽 大埔區中小學戲劇比賽2014(中學組) 二零一三至二零一四年中國語文菁英計劃 "Speak Out! Act Up!" Improvised Drama Competition (只提供英文版本) 慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年學生徵文比賽 The 44th International Physics Olympiad (只提供英文版本) 青年氣候大使 第二屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(高級組文字報告) 第二屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽(初級組文字報告) 科技新苗100計劃 Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2013 (只提供英文版本) Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013 (只提供英文版本) 核能科技寫作比賽 香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)校際游泳錦標賽 本校同學獲香港日本語教育研究會頒發獎學金 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽 第七屆歷史照片研究比賽 Outstanding Achievements in English Builder (只提供英文版本) The International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest - Hong Kong 2013 (只提供英文版本) The Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (只提供英文版本) The Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (只提供英文版本) Australia Education Link- Hong Kong Writing Contest (只提供英文版本) 2012-2013 The 28th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition (只提供英文版本) Japanese Speech Contest (只提供英文版本) 香港公共圖書館「4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽2013」— 高中中文組優勝獎 第二屆夫子盃粵語/普通話演講比賽 The Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (只提供英文版本) The International Junior Science Olympiad – Hong Kong Screening 2012 (只提供英文版本) 第二屆大埔區學界辯論比賽冠軍 English Debate Team in HKSSDC Friendly Debates (只提供英文版本) 2012-2013年度全港學界壘球錦標賽 修讀日文科同學獲頒發獎學金 慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十三周年國慶彩旗設計比賽 Science and Technology Seedlings 100 Plan (只提供英文版本) English is everywhere Theatre Olympics (只提供英文版本) 2012中秋綵燈設計比賽 教育局資優教育課程︰仲夏藝贊2012 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽 二零一二年香港學生科學比賽 兵馬俑「在左近」: 從「設計思維」出發 - 動畫/錄像設計比賽 第一屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 2011-12中學數學專題習作比賽 2011-12中學數學閱讀報告比賽 The South-China Morning Post 4th Round Debating Competition (只提供英文版本) 第六屆歷史照片研究比賽 胡騫恩同學接受「文化新領域」節目訪問 香港防癆心臟及胸病協會「通識健康教育計劃2011-2012」 香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)中學田徑錦標賽 成銘同學勇奪第十三屆亞洲物理奧林匹克優異獎 2012香港物理奧林匹克 香港公共圖書館「4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽2012」— 高中中文組優勝獎 第六十四屆香港學校音樂節 香港青年音樂匯演中樂團比賽 全港青年學藝比賽 The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (只提供英文版本) EB Outstanding Awards in 1st Term 2011/2012 (只提供英文版本) 全港學界壘球錦標賽奪魁 大埔區中學戲劇比賽 2012 本校學生在第一屆香港中學文憑試日本語科考獲佳績 環保教育創意比賽 第一屆大埔區學界辯論比賽冠軍 Hong Kong Bar Association English Debate Competition (只提供英文版本) 香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會) 校際游泳錦標賽 第七屆香港中學生日語演講及朗誦比賽 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽 全國技巧冠軍賽暨全國青少年錦標賽 本校女子壘球隊奪三冠 香港基督教青年會舉辦之第十一屆「傲翔新世代」全方位青年領袖訓練計劃 2011大埔區十大傑出學生 The Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award 2010-2011 (只提供英文版本) 日本語教育研究會獎學金 2011中秋綵燈設計比賽 實驗室安全海報設計比賽 Alexander Leung strikes GOLD in British Council writing competition (2011) (只提供英文版本) 香港中學化學奧林匹克(2010–11) (只提供英文版本) 大埔區好學生獎勵計劃 十二五專題研習報告比賽 Wong Shiu Chi Wins Debate(只提供英文版本) La Suisse plurielle-Switzerland and Migration Writing Contest(只提供英文版本) 二零一一年大埔區中學戲劇比賽 入選香港資優教育學院學員 The Youth First-aid Competition 2010(只提供英文版本) 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際游泳錦標賽 十九歲以下全港學界壘球節標賽 「贐美一生」計劃 ── 生命鑰匙徵文比賽 第八屆校際香港歷史文化考察報告比賽 Mathematics Project and Book Report Competition for Secondary School 2009-2010
第四屆歷史照片研究比賽 校際羽毛球錦標賽 全港學界壘球錦標賽(2009-2010) Tai Po District Civic Knowledge Contest(只提供英文版本) 楊政賢同學榮獲香港青年獎勵計劃金章 青年急救比賽 活力東亞在大埔羽毛球比賽 柔道比賽得獎彙報 全球華人慶祝建國六十周年啟動禮 香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際游泳錦標賽 國慶賀辭創作比賽 第七屆校際香港歷史文化考察報告比賽 2009年度中學數學專題習作比賽 二零零九年中秋綵燈設計比賽 慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十周年全港十八區繪畫比賽 慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十周年國慶彩旗設計比賽










4D 曾綽恆


賽馬會「奧翔」計劃 第四屆校際體能挑戰賽

中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會奧夢成真有限公司於2024年6月29 日假香港珠海學院體育館舉辦「第四屆校際體能挑戰賽」,全港共有24所中學參加。本校派出共十名運動員參加個人及隊際賽,表現優異,個人單項共獲一金、兩銀、一殿佳績。隊際接力方面,女子一隊獲得第五名。團體方面,女子組獲得團體亞軍。最終成績本校奪得男女子全場總季軍。運動員名單如下:

女子U14 個人冠軍*破大會紀錄*2B 邱莉之 女子U14個人亞軍2D 關翠怡 女子U19個人亞軍4D 何詠甜 男子U19個人殿軍5B余嘉信 男子U19個人第五名5D 郭浩瀚 女子隊際接力第五名2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴 女子全場總亞軍1A 劉仲殷、2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴、
4B 周摯欣、4D 何詠甜、5D 蘇若菲
男女子全場總季軍1A 劉仲殷、2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴、
4B 周摯欣、4D 何詠甜、5B 周本軒、5B余嘉信、
5D 郭浩瀚、5D 蘇若菲
《南華早報》2023/24年度學生選舉 “Student Of the Year”

本校中六學生譚嘉傑獲《南華早報》2023/24年度 “Student Of the Year” 獎項和「社區貢獻獎」的前十二名入圍者(優異獎),特此致賀。譚嘉傑是學生會前任主席,是一位在學業和服務方面均表現出色的優秀學生領袖。學校首次在此大型選舉中取得如此榮譽成就,希望譚同學的成就能成為同學們的榜樣。

The Academy Awards for the Gifted 2024 – Leadership Training Programme Gold Award

It is with great pride that we announce Wong Tsz Chung's remarkable achievement of being awarded the Gold Award in the Leadership Training Programme organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. This training programme has provided him with valuable experiences and equipped him with the leadership and communication skills needed to excel in various roles.

As the Deputy Head Prefect and Chairperson of the School Christian Fellowship and Worship, Tsz Chung has exemplified outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to both personal and communal development. His dedication to his responsibilities within the school community is truly commendable. Tsz Chung's accomplishments serve as an inspiration to all of us, highlighting the importance of striving for excellence and serving our community. Let us celebrate his success and be inspired to contribute positively to our school, emulating Tsz Chung’s dedication and exemplary leadership.

Secondary School Mathematics Project Competition 2023-24

To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2023-24). Our teams made remarkable achievement in the final adjudication. One team was awarded the First Runner-Up, one secured the Outstanding Performance Prize and the other team received the Good Performance Prize.

Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students 2023-24

To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students (2023-24). Our teams have made remarkable achievement in the final adjudication. Out of more than 60 teams that participated, our team was awarded the Honourable Mentioned Award.

The awardees are:



辯論員(左至右):2D 劉柏麟,4D湯韻楓,4D譚芷瑶,5A 譚嘉傑,4A黃曦嵐,5A張梓熙 最佳辯論員:4A黃曦嵐,5A張梓熙

中國香港學界體育聯會(新界地域)於 2024 年 4 月 29、30 日,假粉嶺聯和墟體育館舉辦中學校際射箭錦標賽,本校 3A 戴思祈同學獲女子乙組反曲弓個人賽殿軍;2A 徐善恩、3A 戴思祈及4B 葉泳琳獲女子乙組反曲弓團體賽亞軍。

U15 壘球分齡賽2023-2024

本校壘球隊於2024年1月至3月期間,參加由中國香港壘球總會舉辦之 U15女子壘球分齡賽。本校於是次比賽中獲得季軍。

3A 鄭思晴3D 楊思潁2A 鄧渝靜2A 孫迎兒2B 呂宛蕎 2B 邱莉之1A 劉仲殷1A 麥芷喬1A 戴可如1A 王靖琳 1D 劉蔚琳1D 伍浠瑤1D 楊汶恩


「立法者們」青年議政培訓計劃 2023/24

本校公民與社會發展科早前派出四名中五學生參加由教育倡行主辦,公民教育委員會贊助,香港中文大學及復旦大學滬港發展聯合研究所聯合舉辦之「立法者們」青年議政培訓計劃 2023/2024。該計劃響應「青年發展藍圖」,旨在鼓勵及培養青少年議政論政的技巧,認識香港社會。是次活動為期半年,提供了一系列講座與工作坊,令學生深入了解國家憲制及立法機關的工作。經過面試後,5A 李康盈及5A 邱力申獲選成為「影子議員體驗」十位學員其中兩位,分別到江玉歡議員和張欣宇議員辦事處進行兩天實習活動。另外,該計劃亦舉辦了「模擬立法會」活動,讓學員就青少年精神健康問題各抒己見。本校同學於是次活動中屢創佳績,5A范佩詩及5A李康盈榮獲「最佳回應獎」;5A邱力申及5A 邱子圓榮獲「最佳函件獎」及「最佳議員獎」,一共奪得六個獎項。最後,本校學生就「社區設計」及「政策研究」兩方面實踐,並於閉幕禮現場匯報。

5A 邱力申 Yau Lik San


5A 邱子圓 Yau Tsz Yuen



5A 11 李康盈 Lee Hong Ying



5A 范珮詩 Fan Pui Sze








香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於2023年10月25 至10月26日,於馬鞍山公眾游泳池舉辦中學校際游泳錦標賽;共有40間中學參加。本校派出五隊共十三名運動員參加男甲(30隊參賽)、女甲(16隊參賽)、男乙(30隊參賽)、女乙(28隊參賽)、男丙(37隊參賽)賽事;運動員表現優異,個人單項共獲三金、兩銀、兩銅、一殿佳績。接力賽事方面,男子甲組獲得4x50米自由接力殿軍;女子甲組更獲得4x50米自由接力冠軍。團體方面,男子甲組獲得團體第六名;女子甲組亦獲得團體第五名;女子乙組獲得團體第五名。運動員名單如下:

3D丘俊軒4x50米自由接力殿軍、50米自由泳第八名 5A黃逸藍4x50米自由接力殿軍 5B周本軒 4x50米自由接力殿軍、100米背泳冠軍、200米個人四式亞軍 5D陳翰弘4x50米自由接力殿軍 女甲
5A蔡紫榆4x50米自由接力冠軍 5A盧芷莙4x50米自由接力冠軍、200米個人四式季軍、100米蛙泳第五名 6C鄧芷淇4x50米自由接力冠軍 6D林靖恩4x50米自由接力冠軍、100米背泳殿軍、200米個人四式第六名 男乙3A麥皓朗 女乙
3A戴思祈50米蛙泳冠軍、100米蛙泳冠軍 3D楊思潁200米個人四式亞軍、100米自由泳第五名 男丙 1B簡蔚熙 1C張倬熙50米背泳季軍、100米背泳第五名


香港中文大學社會責任及可持續發展處︰設計思考 2023 暑期訓練計劃

本校公民與社會發展科派出一隊中五級學生(5A陳美妍、譚嘉傑、黃梓欣、邱子圓),於今年八月至十月份,參加思考2023暑期訓練計劃「消除貧窮.零飢世代」。此計畫由香港中文大學、社會責任及可持續發展署同SDSN HK聯合舉辦。是次計畫聚焦於兩個可持續發展目標︰無貧窮和零飢餓。飢餓和貧窮問題非一日之寒,中學生身爲社會的一份子,應學習相關議題了解基層市民生活苦況,並探索如何為扶貧工作貢獻。在計畫中,學生需要自行編排和剪輯,創作一系列的Reels短片,旨在提高學生對香港社會貧窮和飢餓問題的關注程度,以及改善社會問題的創新方案。七段短片的內容詳見中文大學的有關網址(https://designthinking2023.mocc.cuhk.edu.hk/school-list/)。






「梁同學的文章〈毛衣〉中毛衣是聯繫祖孫兩代的一道橋,一道有情的橋:外祖母雖然患上老人失智症,已經到達不能認出孫子的地步,但仍念念不忘要趕在冬天給孫子編織毛衣;孫子雖然已經有一整櫃外婆『第一次』為他編織的不合身的毛衣,他仍滿心歡喜的穿上。這是因為雙方都對對方有情。作者不選擇直接寫出阿婆有什麼病,而是描述她的行為舉止,讓讀者去感受孫子阿明的感覺。故事在阿明打開衣櫃,櫃裡一片白(因為掛滿了阿婆織的白色毛衣) ,『阿明……緊閉衣櫃,緊閉這個秘密』結束。作者成功地以淡淡然的方式傳遞出一股濃濃的祖孫『情』,也營造了一個令人印象深刻的結局。」











2A(21) 冼家宇




「十大傑出學生獎」:  呂宛蕎

「傑出學生獎」  :  蘇平安 孫天翔 劉子豫

Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Programme 23-24

Reflection by 5A Tam Ka Kit Leo
(Gold Winner of “Project for Hong Kong” and Awardee of “Outstanding Participant”)

“Let's join and see what will happen.” I told myself with uncertainty when I received the invitation from Ms. Ng to join the Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Programme organized by the HKFYG Leadership Institute. Looking back, I am grateful that I grabbed this precious opportunity.

There is always “give and take”. During the summer holiday, I devoted dozens of hours to attending the overnight camp, lectures, and skill labs. The takeaways were the memories of camping with hundreds of new friends, visiting enterprises such as GreenPrice and IKEA to study their operation principles to contribute to society, and skill labs that equipped me with storytelling and policy research abilities. The programme provided a large variety of events that comprehensively prepared young people like me to be the future leaders of the city.

During the programme, lots of new tasks were introduced. Yet, I tried to step out of my comfort zone and be proactive, in order to achieve the higher and greater levels. “Project for Hong Kong” was the last mission for us, examining the social issue of “pain point” and proposing innovative ideas to cope with it, which was the most challenging part, which required both analytical and problem-solving skills. Unawareness of SEN students was the societal pain point that I chose to deal with, by innovating games that educate Non-SEN students about SEN topics. Aiming to step out of my comfort zone, I took the role of group leader and guided my team in the preparation of the proposal pitching. The proposal was a great success and even won the pitching of $9000 supporting funding to turn the proposal into reality. One of the judges, Prof. Vivian Wong, the Hon Professor of the Medical Faculty at the University of Hong Kong, gave thought-provoking comments on the project. My horizon and experience were much enriched after the project pitching as well as the programme.

HK200 has left remarkable and valuable memories and experiences. Looking back, I am grateful that I grabbed this precious opportunity this summer.

Reflection by 5D So Ping On

During the summer holiday of 2023, I was pleased to have completed the “Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program” organized by the HKFYG Leadership Institute. The program 58 day, was a worthwhile experience for me to contribute to my community. Serendipitously, “Hong Kong 200” provided an opportunity for me to explore the city we are living, through helping to sort out some problems, and tring to solve them.

Participating in the leadership training camp “Project for Hong Kong”, I encountered lots of remarkable students from different schools, and prominent Hong Kong leaders such as Professor Vivian Wong, Honorary Professor of The University of Hong Kong. As the say goes, “all things are difficult before they are easy.” The programme motivated me to step out of my comfort zone and improve myself. Additionally, collaborating with my groupmates in “Project for Hong Kong”, my horizons were widened and strong team spirit was developed. Although it was frazzling to work on the project, the valuable experience still dwelled in my memory. In addition, the indelible journal in “Hong Kong 200” greatly improved my abilities. Despite not getting top places in the “Project for Hong Kong”, it was worth spending time on the project.

“Don't be afraid to ask questions. Independent thinking is the golden key to overcoming obstacles,” shared Mr Timothy Tong, former President of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on the first day of the program. I will bear in mind his teaching and try applying it in my life. Being one of the members of “Hong Kong 200”, I truly believe that with concerted efforts, we could build a better Hong Kong in the foreseeable future.

Reflection by 5D Chan Hiu Ching

Have you ever imagined what kind of leaders the future world will need? The answer can probably be found in the HK200 Leadership Training Programme.

It was one of the most life-changing experiences to take part in the Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program organised by the HKFYG Leadership. In May 2023, I was surprised to be recommended to join this programme. However, I encountered the first problem very soon —— every participant was asked to write about what they have done for Hong Kong. Being a 16 years old teen, I could not think of anything to write. But later, after joining the training, this blank page was filled up.

During the intensive training of the programme during the summer vacation, hybrid and diversified lessons and skill labs were provided to improve our presentation and public speaking skills. I was really grateful to join this programme. My critical thinking and creativity were strongly boosted through the interviews and sharing given by different social stakeholders and representatives. My social network and horizon were also greatly expanded. Many elites with unique talents from different schools gathered in the programme, exchanging their ideas and thoughts on different social issues in Hong Kong. Numerous solutions and answers were born as a result of our discussion and collision. Our awareness and thinking towards multiple perspectives were effectively nurtured. In the Project for Hong Kong, chances were given to explore Hong Kong social problems in various aspects and brainstorm ideas to solve these problems by using big data. Despite the fact that the project did consume lots of time and energy, it was really worth it.

To sum up, I would like to end my sharing by encouraging all of the Hong Kong teenagers to put their efforts into brushing colour into Hong Kong's future —— just like the slogan of the HK200 programme (“Brushing colours into Hong Kong's future”). Let's embark on our journey here, without being afraid of the unknown in the future.



6A 廖敏希  6C 駱奕慧  5A 邱子圓  5A 譚嘉傑
4A 鍾淋秀  4A 曾尚聰  4D 譚芷瑤








王俊滔(2A)、葉鳴軒 (2B)、黃駿傑(2C)、胡牧言(2C)、譚卓男(1C)、陸子軒(1D)



劉子豫(5D)、馬梓皓(4C)、羅梓庭(4D)、 金宇軒(3B)
女子高級組團體季軍:薛君婷(6A)、曾悠(6A)、袁綺蔓(6A)、胡嘉汶(6B)、方甲樺(5C)、鍾佳瑜(3B)、梁呈伈(3C) 男子初級組團體殿軍:許肇哲(3A)、張靖昊(3C)、盧政謙(3C)、蘇梓華(3C)、黃泊銍(3C)






5D 周師夷






2B29楊思潁 2C5鄭思晴 3A22巫泳賢 3B33葉芷婷 3C7香慧瑩 3C9洪錦琳 4A4蔡紫榆 4B14李君悅 4C4何巧晴 4C7江卓欣 4D14梁錦琪 4D24潘尚言 5C14馬凱琳 5D12林靖恩


2B29楊思潁 2C5鄭思晴 3A4鄭梓彤 3A22巫泳賢 3B33葉芷婷 3C7香慧瑩 3C9洪錦琳 4A4蔡紫榆 4B14李君悅 4C4何巧晴 4C7江卓欣 4D14梁錦琪 4D24潘尚言 5C14馬凱琳 5D12林靖恩 6A6陳明希 6B7何敏悅 6B12梁凱棋 6C15蘇靜雯 6D2陳詩敏


香港聯合國教科文組織協會主辦︰第十一屆可持續發展教育學程計劃 2022/23








女乙團體冠軍:李悅(4C)、鍾佳瑜(3B)、劉芷瑜(3B)、香慧瑩(3C) 女丙團體亞軍:劉紫澄(1B)、陳語晴(1C) 、呂宛蕎(1C) 男乙團體:蘇平安(4D)、馮吉榆(3A) 、鄺頌庭(3A) 男丙團體第五名:蘇浩樺(2B) 、高震朗(1A)、張珀瑜(1B)、曾朗僖(1B)
2023年度 4.23世界閱讀日 創作比賽得獎報捷

康樂文化事務署主辦的「4.23世界閱讀日 創作比賽」旨在鼓勵兒童及青少年擴闊閱讀領域,深化閱讀層次,豐富人生。本校2B 戴思祈同學在作品入圍後,通過評審,最終在芸芸作品中位列全港頭十五名,勇奪初中中文組優異獎。


2021-2022中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區) 得獎報捷




2022 Jeju Cup International Judo Tournament organized by Korea Judo Association

Reflection by 1A13 Kwan Chui Yi

I have been learning Judo for 6 years since 2016. Although I was not very fond of it at first, my interest in it has grown gradually. After 6 years of training, I've attained the Brown Belt.

Nominated by the Judo Association of Hong Kong, I joined an international judo competition in Jeju, Korea in December 2022. I was grateful to be given this chance to take part in the competition. The competitors from different countries had excellent skills. I was lucky to get the second-runner up. Compared to players in Hong Kong, I felt that all competitors had great passion for the sport. They spend a lot of time training to better their skills. This competition was truly an eye-opening experience that I enjoyed a lot. I hope I can get better results next time!





Tai Po District Schools Singing Competition 2022-2023

Congratulations to our School Choir for achieving the Silver Award in the Tai Po District Schools Singing Competition 2022-2023.

3C SIU Cheuk Ting

It's unbelievable that our choir received the silver award in the Tai Po District Schools Singing Competition. Whenever I have seen the Silver Award trophy, I have always felt warm.

A few weeks ago, Miss Wu told us we would take part in a competition on the 17th of February. At that time, I was extremely serious about that because I know all choir competitions have been suspended since the covid-19 broke out. However, now we can have competitions again, which means we can win glory for our school again. It's my dream and my pleasure to do this.

Initially I felt that we were not that united as I had to encourage and appeal to our choir members many times to memorise the music and lyrics. However, only a few people or even no one came to extra rehearsals together during recess. Although I know they're busy, it still made me a little bit anxious. Nonetheless, one week before the competition, our performance was so beautiful and fluent, just few people had some careless mistakes. I soon became more confident as I could see that they had practiced enough at home before the competition.

During those weeks, Miss Wu arranged more training for us. She practiced with each voice part respectively. She assisted us to correct every note and beat with plenty of patience. Additionally, we were been guided how to sing the end sound of the words clearly by our conductor, Mr. Hui. He also taught us how to relax and to be in our element to sing well. They are the people I want to thank the most. Because of their support, and our members' diligence, we achieved a fantastic result.

When I recall the memory of that day, I remember that when we sang the first song 'Zum Gali' , we were quite nervous but soon we recovered and we got more confident when we sang the later part. Our final ranking was top four out of ten schools and we got the silver award. It is the fruit of our hard work. Getting this award, I feel proud of the WSC choir because we can prove to others that the WSC Choir is capable. We can prove to them that Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School students are not only good at sports, but also music. That afternoon, I watched many schools' brilliant performances. Although we are not at their level yet, I believe in the near future, we can overtake them and I hope we can win a gold medal during my time at secondary school.

3C 丁思雅








仁愛堂野外定向慈善賽 2022



Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2022-23

Reflection by 5D Tse Wing Sum, Summi

Invited by Ms. Ng, I accepted the offer of applying for Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program organized by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2022-23 beyond doubt. Amidst pandemic, HK200 applicants were required to write an essay about our commitment to Hong Kong --the thing I have done for Hong Kong. It was a big struggle for an ordinary secondary student like me to figure out what I had ever contributed to our city. After successfully enrolling in the leadership programme, it was my great pleasure to understand more about how influential stakeholders around us expect the quality that young leaders should process by learning from the interviews and sharing of diverse representatives and talents from all walks of life in Hong Kong. I was most impressed by Mr. Wong Tung-shun, the CEO of HSBC Asia-Pacific, in his sharing about “to understand, as to be understood”, which is also one of the seven habits of “Leader in Me”.

During the intensive, hybrid training and local field-trips within these few months, I delightfully attained greater insights and a wider horizon over the societal problems and the needs of different groups of our population, such as that of the elderly and the ethnic minority. With a deeper understanding about the community, the programme participants developed and constructed the Community Map and Project for Hong Kong. I could still clearly recall the tough time we worked on these projects and tasks with intense deadlines. I was ecstatic to share Tai Po in my Community Map, and was honoured to be awarded with the Top 3 Community Map. Despite losing the top place in the Project for Hong Kong, efforts did not go futile and they gave me an extensive view on Hong Kong and hands-on, practical experiences on writing proposals.

Thomas (another HK200 participant from our school) and I went through an exhausting and packed schedule in the HKFYG Leadership Institute in Fanling 2022 Summer and Fall. Nevertheless, I am certain that a sense of commitment to Hong Kong has sprouted in my heart -- even though a remarkable and significant change was yet to be made. As one of the youths, who are the most valuable asset in Hong Kong, we could surely brush colour into Hong Kong's future.

Reflection by 5D Lau Tsz Yu, Thomas

From July to November 2022, I successfully completed the 60-hour Hong Kong 200 Leadership Training Program organized by the HKFYG Leadership Institute. In this progamme, we were honoured to converse with the judges who were prominent leaders in Hong Kong, and received intensive training in the leadership introductory course, core leadership training and team spirit training in order to complete the Project for HK, as well as the social experience and practice in the community.

I have learnt a wonderful lesson that the world is bigger than what I had seen. I met a lot of outstanding students and realized that comparing with them I am also competent enough. In HK200, I had lots of chances to meet the influential and famous leaders in HK such as meeting and exchanging ideas with the judges including the chairman of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government, and the vice-chairman of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. I have developed my self-confidence under different circumstances. Besides, in the preparation and the pitching of the project for Hong Kong, I learned a lot about team work and independent stamina. Completing a project is not easy because it involves a lot of time, effort, data analysis and project design on behalf of yourself as well as your product users.

Lastly, I was also delighted to explore various social issues and join the workshops about the entire society, elderly care, environmental conservation, inclusion and more issues. I visited different elderly technology and innovation centres, elderly homes and environmental protection centres. What I have learnt from these experiences is that there are still a lot of people who need a helping hand from the society. There are still a lot of social issues and problems awaiting for solutions.



第一屆北區柔道錦標賽 1A關翠怡(女童C組)冠軍 元朗區體育節2022青少年柔道錦標賽 1A關翠怡(女童C組)冠軍 3B黎芷瑩(女童D組)亞軍
The English Debate Team's Victory in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) 2021-22

The English Debate Team took part in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) 2021-22. Our debaters 5D (currently 6D) Wong Tsz Ching Michelle, 5D (currently 6D) Ma Lok Yiu Yoyo and 4D (currently 5D) Tse Wing Sum Summi won Term One Round Two against The HKCCCU Logos Academy on 25 November 2021. The debate motion was that “THW fine companies who use greenwashing advertising campaigns”. Along with the team's victory, Tse Wing Sum Summi was even awarded the Best Debater in two consecutive rounds of HKSSDC in Term One.

Moreover, in Term Two Round Two, our debaters 3C (currently 4A Tam Ka Kit Leo, 4A (currently 5A) Lam Jamie Ching Yu and 4A (currently 5A) Ma Xin Lin Tessie reached another glory for the English Debate Team and won the debate against CCC Chuen Yuen College on 1 June 2022. The debate motion was that “THW create and enforce filial responsibility laws”. Ma Xin Lin Tessie was awarded the Best Debater in the round.

The concerted efforts of the debaters were greatly appreciated. It is certain that the debaters were well developed with critical thinking and team spirit through debating.



第三名5D 20 蔡駿裕
5D 8 何方正
5D 26 許哲琨
第四名5A 1 陳樂心
5D 10 賴煒盛
5A 19 林永健
5C 12 麥允政

5D 蔡駿裕

能被老師選中參加全港學界天文比賽是我們的榮幸。雖然我們已學習物理選修單元 —— 天文學和航天科學;但面對具豐富參賽經驗的名校,當初備賽時實在不敢抱有任何期望,甚至只想著「進了複賽就算勝利」。幸好老師帶領我們有系統地學習與比賽有關的天文知識,即使是由零開始,老師的的悉心指導和各位同學的努力,使我們信心倍增,從進入複賽到決賽,最後獲得季軍。




第六十五屆體育節香港青少年柔道錦標賽2022 3B黎芷瑩女子13-14歲組別-48kg亞軍 3A傅樂怡女子13-14歲組別-52kg亞軍 香港青少年柔道隊際錦標賽 2022 3B黎芷瑩12歲至 16歲組別冠軍



4A 廖敏希


4D 郭子曦



4D 劉子豫


4D 余梓駿


香港大律師公會辯論比賽 2022

中文辯論隊經過連月比賽,於16隊參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,榮獲香港大律師公會辯論比賽 2022(中文組別)亞軍,其中5B張旨呈 及5D黃芷澄更奪得最佳辯論員獎項,由首席區域法院法官高勁修法官頒獎。比賽完畢,參賽學生有幸與本校校友大律師公會主席杜淦堃先生拍照留念,別具意義。資深大律師杜淦堃曾於本校就讀中一至中五,完成IB課程後負笈英國攻讀法律。今次比賽共派出了六名同學輪流出戰,名單如下:

5A 蘇珈文
5A 譚家熙
5B 張旨呈
5C 蘇靜雯
5D 黃芷澄
3C 譚嘉傑

5D 黃芷澄




5A 譚家熙




5A 蘇珈文







2021國際初中科學奧林匹克 —— 香港選拔比賽

本校同學參與了由香港數理教育學會丶教育局資優教育組和香港資優教育學苑合辦的2021國際初中科學奧林匹克 —— 香港選拔比賽。比賽在2021年9月26日於長沙灣天主教英文中學舉行。本校3C班黃逸藍同學獲得了二等獎。以下是黃逸藍同學對是次比賽的反思。

3C 黃逸藍


















「十大傑出學生獎」:  黃芷澄 蘇珈文 謝穎心

「優異傑出學生獎」:  林靖恩 馬樂瑤 盧日君 張欣橋 薛君婷 陳愷桐 鄭詠如


香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於2021年12月13日、 12月14日及12月16日,於北區運動場舉辦中學校際田徑錦標賽;共有37間中學參加,本校派出四隊共十六名運動員參加男乙 (34隊參賽)、女乙(32隊參賽)、男丙(34隊參賽)、女丙(33隊參賽)賽事;各運動員表現優異,單項共獲一金、三銅、兩殿佳績。 運動員名單如下:

男乙: 4D陳何億 4D王逸熹 3A羅梓庭 3B郭浩瀚 2C金宇軒
女乙: 4A蘇意嵐 4C唐忻妤 3A潘尚言 3C鄧兆淳 3C鄧廷恩
男丙: 2B張靖昊 2C曾子豪 1A葉鳴軒
女丙: 2A鄭梓彤 2C何詠甜 1B戴思祈

4A蘇意嵐 女子乙組100米殿軍
4D陳何億 男子乙組標槍季軍
3A潘尚言 女子乙組100米季軍
2B張靖昊 男子丙組100米季軍
2C曾子豪 男子丙組200米殿軍
1B戴思祈 女子丙組800米冠軍



男甲團體殿軍: 林政言(5A)、胡綽軒(5D)、趙健希(4A)、鄭祖光(4B)

女甲團體亞軍: 黃詩穎(6C)、林熙(5C)、李君悅(3A)


香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於2021年10月20 至10月21日,於馬鞍山公眾游泳池舉辦中學校際游泳錦標賽;共有33間中學參加,本校派出五隊共十二名運動員參加男甲(16隊參賽)、女甲(13隊參賽)女乙(18隊參賽)、男丙(28隊參賽)、女丙(23隊參賽)賽事;各運動員表現優異,單項共獲四金、兩銀、三銅、兩殿佳績。 運動員名單如下:

6B楊子毅	100米蛙泳銀牌
6C楊智超	50米自由泳銅牌
5D許哲琨	100米自由泳金牌
3B陳翰弘	50米自由泳第七名
3C周本軒	200米個人四式金牌
6C葉汶昕	50米自由泳金牌
6C何君彤	200米個人四式銅牌
5D李臻欣	50米蛙泳殿軍
3B盧芷莙	100米蛙泳銀牌
1B丘俊軒	50米自由泳殿軍
1A楊思潁	100米背泳銅牌
1B戴思祈	100米蛙泳金牌
The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2021

Five S5 students, Poon Wing Yu (team leader), Hong Heng, Lee Ying Yi, Hui Shing Chun and Wan Yau Long took part in The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2021 held by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, The Education Bureau, The Hong Kong Science Museum and The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, supported by The Innovation and Technology Commission and The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences in August 2021. The school team got the first runner-up in the Investigation Group of the Senior Division in the competition. The school project titled “Nanocellulose from Sugarcane Bagasse for Absorbing Heavy Metal Ions ” ( in Chinese title “蔗來一用” ) involves the production of nitro-oxidized nanocellulose (NO-NCS) from sugarcane bagasse and the use of the NO-NCS to remove the heavy metal ions of very low concentrations in water.



同學分享4A 黃樂堯















CIE English Public Speaking Contest 2021 – Merit Award

4A Tam Ka Hei Michael and 4A Wong Tsz Ching Michelle participated in the CIE English Speaking Contest 2021 organised by the The College of International Education (CIE), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). They filmed a short speech on the theme 'Creation' in the preliminary round. With their impressive speeches and delivery, they were shortlisted as one of the 12 finalists, among 102 participants. On 20th May, 2021, Michael won a Merit Award in the Grand Final with his inspirational prepared speech and his outstanding performance in the 2-minute impromptu question-answer session. Congratulations!

Sharing from TAM Ka Hei 4A

Throughout the preparation period of the CIE English Public Speaking Contest 2021, the most challenging task is definitely writing a concise script. As I had no prior experience in writing a public speech, I faced difficulties in conveying a meaningful message and grasping the right style and tone. It was a difficult, yet rewarding, experience when I had to refine my speech over 5 times with the feedback of my teacher advisor. However, I'm really grateful since I've learnt how to write a persuasive public speech now. In addition, the way to present myself is another skill I've learnt. Before entering the contest, I didn't know how to use appropriate body languages to engage my audience. Therefore, delivering the speech with appropriate gestures is, without a doubt, one of the most precious skills I've learnt from this contest! Finally, I would like to emphasise the self-confidence I gained during the impromptu session. Having practised over 50 impromptu questions, I was able to structure my 2-min impromptu speech spontaneously and persuade my audience with different strategies. I am glad that I have overcome the anxiety of answering question without preparation. Overall, the past 2 months had really been an unforgettable experience in my language learning journey. Not only did I broaden my horizon through listening to different speakers, but I also gained the confidence to speak publicly in front of hundreds of people!



5E黃家靖同學獲女子	G組	15-17歲	-40kg		亞軍
5A劉敏淇同學獲女子	G組	15-17歲	-44kg		亞軍
5B黃俊穎同學獲男子	C組	15-17歲	-66kg		季軍
2020國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔比賽

本校同學參與了由香港數理教育學會丶教育局資優教育組和香港資優教育學苑合辦的二零二零國際初中科學奧林匹克 ─ 香港選拔比賽。比賽於二零一九年九月二十八日,假長沙灣天主教英文中學舉行。本校3A (2019-2020)賴煒盛同學獲得二等獎;而3D (2019-2020)林永健和許哲琨同學獲得三等獎。以下是他們對是次比賽的反思。

3A (2019-2020)賴煒盛同學的反思




3D (2019-2020)林永健同學的反思




3D (2019-2020)許哲琨同學的反思



Tai Po District Students Leap Forward Award Scheme

Tai Po District Students Leap Forward Award Scheme, organized by Tai Po Primary School Headmasters Conference and Tai Po Secondary School Headmasters Conference, aims at encouraging improvements in academic results, conduct and participation in services. We are delighted that 6 students from our school have been awarded this honour in the 2020-21 election. May we send our heartiest congratulations to them. The 6 students include:

Liang Yui Long
Yip Po Ki
Wu Ka Man
Choi Yan Lam
Tam Ka Hei, and Chan Yi Sum







毓華街 慈雲山 斧山道(停在培敦中學前) 斧山道運動場 彩虹邨 瑞和街街市 秀茂坪紀念公園

本校學生積極參與由香港律師會舉辦的「青Teen講場十周年」《基本法》網上問答比賽及「法你通識」網上挑戰賽。全港共三百多間學校參與,結果本校在兩項比賽的總成績均躋身首十名。其中5A班許盛俊同學奪得《基本法》網上問答比賽全港第九名,獲贈Apple iPad Air 乙部;另外4D班江海文、羅日亨、5A班陳禹伸、馮家昇、劉鎮彰、潘詠茹、曾泳月、翁曉輝及5E班黃沛燐同學在《基本法》網上問答比賽及「法你通識」網上挑戰賽中,則奪得「至Smart先鋒」、「人氣王」等不同獎項,共獲取總值一萬元的書券及禮品,表現優秀。

5A 許盛俊

我很榮幸能夠在由香港律師會及「青Teen 講場」所舉辦的《基本法》網上問答比賽中取得全港第九名。由於我一直對法律頗有興趣,所以當通識科余老師邀請我們參加這項比賽時,我就立即報名參加。我能夠透過這個比賽對《基本法》及其他香港的法例有更深入的認識,而且有機會獲得豐富的獎品,實在是一舉兩得。然而這個比賽並沒有想像 中那麽簡單,參賽者需要在比賽開始前聆聽一個有關《基本法》的講座,細心記住其中的細節,加上比賽前自己在網上搜查資料,才能正確地回答問題。此外,參賽者要以最快的時間選擇正確的答案,才能夠獲得更高的分數。從這個比賽中,我學會一些平常在課堂中不會有機會接觸到的法律知識,例如《基本法》的制訂過程、哪個機構有修改憲法的權利等,都讓我大開眼界。我也能夠從比賽中訓練自己快速思考以及快速作答的能力。最後,我希望同學未來亦能參加更多不同的校外比賽,擴闊眼界,為校爭光。




大埔區傑出服務公民獎 2020-21


Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition (HKSSDC) Term One 2020-21 Championship

by 5A Adrian Ho

In the First School Term, we were honoured to win the Hong Kong Secondary School Debate Competition (HKSSDC) 2020-21 Term 1 New Territories Senior Division I Champion. I would like to express my gratitude towards the effort made by my teammates Apple Chow and Strawberry Cheung from 5A, our teacher advisor Ms. Ng and our debating coach Ms. Yiu. We had three rounds of debates against Law Ting Pong Secondary School, Kau Yan College and Yuen Long Public Secondary School. It was a heart-beating pleasure to take part in such a large-scale debating competition in which over two hundred local schools took part.

The key to winning three rounds consecutively is certainly learning from experiences and the essence of collaboration. My incredible teammates are the most inspiring and supportive of all, who offered meaningful advice and ideas during preparation and debates. I might sometimes become unfocused in the preparation meetings but my teammates were always tolerant and led me back to the logic. Our team definitely developed a strong team spirit with which we always had each other's back and excelled in our respective roles in the debates.

Not only does the Debate Team give us an opportunity of grasping the championship, but it also enhances our English proficiency. We are also well-trained with critical thinking power by exchanging views on motions. Thank you Ms. Ng, Ms. Yiu and my teammates for carrying me in every single round in the competition.

Teen使行動青少年思健推廣計劃 2018-2020 卓越學生奬


得獎者:6C 林思穎





梁玉 (中六)


Good People Good Deeds Tung Wah Group of Hospitals English Writing Competition 2019

Despite class suspension during the pandemic, our students managed to continue to excel in their academic pursuits.

On 19 September 2020, 5A Ho Chun Hei Adrian won a Merit Award in the Good People Good Deeds Tung Wah Group of Hospitals English Writing Competition 2019. In his story titled ‘Fighting Fire’, Adrian paid tribute to heroes embodying courage at times of emergency, in particular, firefighters who are willing to sacrifice their lives for others' safety in blazes. He demonstrated his creativity and effective use of figurative language in such a meaningful story.

Congratulations to Adrian!

Amazing Awards     by 5A Ho Chun Hei

It is my pleasure to have this opportunity granted by Miss Yuen to participate in this rewarding competition. English writing has always been one of my favourite pastimes as I enjoy the process of creating a decent piece of writing from scratch. Preparing for the competition, I have learnt to be resilient and persistent as it was a rocky road. I am beyond fortunate to be guided by a patient and understanding English teacher, who more importantly, proofread my messy and disordered drafts carefully whereas some other teachers may leave their students alone as they want less workload. That is certainly not the case in WSC! She also motivated me when I tried to quit after having written countless drafts. She kept on encouraging me and assisted me to overcome obstacles ahead as she sees the potential in me.

The most nerve-wrecking process was the interview session for shortlisted candidates. I felt as if I would never be fully prepared since it tested not only my understanding of my story, but also my spontaneous use of English. Luckily, English teachers in WSC always encourage students to speak in English with them in lessons and even outside classrooms.

Even though this award may not sound big, it is certainly significant to me as the old saying goes, ‘How much effort you give is how much reward in return.’ I would like to thank my teachers for providing such an immensely interactive English writing and learning environment. As Apple's former CEO Steve Jobs once said, ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish.’ I won't be satisfied with the award I earned this time; instead, I will continue to strive for greater achievements.









3A	(2018-19)	莊嘉淇
3A	(2018-19)	鄺皓光
3A	(2018-19)	唐敬嵐
3A	(2018-19)	曾凱兒
3E	(2018-19)	葉汶昕



黃家靖		3E (2018-2019)
鄭詠如		3E (2018-2019)
葉芷晴		3E (2018-2019)
葉津如		3E (2018-2019)
潘詠茹		3E (2018-2019)

香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於17/10,18/10/2019,假大埔公眾泳池舉辦校際游泳錦標賽;共有36間中學參加,本校派出四隊共二十九名運動員參加男甲(22隊參賽)、男乙(20隊參賽)、女甲(19隊參賽)、女丙(21隊參賽)賽事;各運動員表現優異,單項共獲七金、二銀、五銅,打破兩項目大會紀錄;隊際接力賽則獲三金、一銀、一銅。團體成績方面,男乙奪得團體冠軍、男甲獲得團體季軍、女甲獲得團體亞軍、女丙獲第五名優異獎盃。 運動員名單如下:

男甲	6A	鄧弘豐		6B	郭智豪		6E	何學泓		6E	黎駿希		6E	吳子麟
		5C	葉煒霖		5E	朱溢晞		4B	蕭湙朗		3D	楊正浩		
男乙	4B	楊子毅		4C	楊智超		3A	吳嚳禮		2A	鄧汝熙		2D	李子軒
		1A	陳翰弘		1B	周本軒		1D	黃逸藍				
女甲	6B	鄺芷茵		6D	陳卓琳		5A	張善欣		5E	鄺寶堯		4C	葉汶昕
		4C	何君彤		3D	李臻欣		2D	林靖恩				
女丙	2D	鄧芷琪		1B	陳衍攸		1D	盧芷莙		1D	蔡紫榆		


男  甲
6E	何學泓	4x50米自由接力 金	200米自由泳		銅牌	100米自由泳	金牌
6E	吳子麟	4x50米自由接力 金	50米自由泳		金牌	50米蝶泳	銅牌
6E	黎駿希	4x50米自由接力 金
6A	鄧弘豐	4x50米自由接力 金
男  乙			
4C	楊智超	4x50米四式接力 金	50米自由泳		銅牌	100米自由泳	銀牌
4B	楊子毅	4x50米四式接力 金	100米胸泳		殿軍	50米胸泳	殿軍
2A	鄧汝熙	4x50米四式接力 金
2D	李子軒	4x50米四式接力 金
女  甲			
5A	張善欣	4x50米自由接力 金	50米自由泳		銅牌	100米自由泳	殿軍
5E	鄺寶堯	4x50米自由接力 金	50米背泳		金牌	100米背泳	金牌
4C	葉汶昕	4x50米自由接力 金	50米自由泳		金牌	
4C	何君彤	4x50米自由接力 金	200米個人四式	銀牌	50米蝶泳	殿軍
3D	李臻欣	4x50米四式接力 銅	50米蛙泳		殿軍	
2D	林靖恩	4x50米四式接力 銅	00米背泳		殿軍	
6B	鄺芷茵	4x50米四式接力 銅
6D	陳卓琳	4x50米四式接力 銅
女  丙			
2D	鄧芷琪	4x50米四式接力 銀
1B	陳衍攸	4x50米四式接力 銀	50米背泳		金牌	100米背泳	金牌
1D	盧芷莙	4x50米四式接力 銀
1D	蔡紫榆	4x50米四式接力 銀


  • 捷青盃柔道邀請賽 2019 :由捷青柔道會主辦,中國香港會柔道總會及康文署協辦。於六月三十日假元朗鳳琴街體育館舉行;本校派出七位同學參加比賽,成績如下:

    蔡欣琳同學(4B)	獲女子	L組 14-15歲	-50kg		冠軍
    劉穎欣同學(4A)	獲女子	L組 14-15歲	-45kg		冠軍
    曾凱華同學(4B)	獲女子	L組 14-15歲	-45kg		季軍
    劉敏淇同學(4A)	獲女子	L組 14-15歲	-45kg		季軍
  • 粵港盃柔道邀請賽 2019:由中國香港柔道總會、廣東省柔道協會、香港正東柔道會聯合主辦,於八月四日於廣州舉行;本校鄧樂研(5D)和劉穎欣同學(4A) 俱獲季軍銅牌。

  • 2019日朗盃柔道邀請賽:由日朗柔道會及中國香港柔道總會主辦,康樂文化署資助。於九月二十九日假天水圍天瑞體育館舉行,本校派出六位同學參加比賽,獲一金兩銀三銅佳績;得獎名單如下:

  • 李志達(6E)	15-20歲	男子青年組		-81公斤		冠軍
    					男子公開組		-81公斤		季軍
    劉敏淇(4A)	15-17歲	女子少年組		-44公斤		季軍
    黃家靖(4E)	15-17歲	女子少年組		-44公斤		亞軍
    劉曉陽(1C)	13-14歲	女童組			-36公斤		亞軍
    張雨珊(1B)	13-14歲	女童組			-36公斤		季軍



二零一九年五月五日,本校共有15名同學參加了由香港資優教育學院舉辦的全港中學生物理奧林匹克比賽。在此恭賀5E班 李梧楨同學獲得三等獎,5E班 朱溢晞同學獲得榮譽獎,我們學校更獲得了學校優異表現獎。以下是他們的得獎感言:

得獎感言   5E班(12)李梧楨



得獎感言   5E班(3) 朱溢晞




香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2019

為提高香港中學生對學習數學及科學的興趣,以及選拔有潛質的中學生作尖子培訓,香港理工大學特舉辦「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2019」。本校五位學生表現超卓,其中四位獲頒發高級優異證書,更有兩位同學獲頒發獎牌,玆列得獎名單如下:

物理科			5E (2018-2019)	余帕熹		高級優異
				5E (2018-2019)	盧一鋒		高級優異

化學科			5E (2018-2019)	余帕熹		獎牌
				5A (2018-2019)	楊嘉駿		獎牌

生物科			5E (2018-2019)	余帕熹		獎牌
				5A (2018-2019)	楊嘉駿		獎牌
				5A (2018-2019)	葉芷青		高級優異
				5D (2018-2019) 	譚智謙		高級優異

得獎感言   5E(2018-2019) 余帕熹

本人十分榮幸能夠代表王肇枝中學參加由香港理工大學舉辦的「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2018」,並在化學科及生物科獲得獎牌,於物理科獲得高級優異的成績。




得獎感言   5A(2018-2019) 楊嘉駿

本人十分榮幸能夠代表王肇枝中學參加由香港理工大學舉辦的「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2019」,並在生物科和化學科獲得獎牌。




2018-19 香港日本語教育研究會獎學金及小組研究項目獎 (高中日語課程學生)






得獎感想   5E 趙廷珏

由全港青年學藝比賽大會、香港西區扶輪社合辦之全港青年中文故事創作比賽, 旨在鼓勵有志寫作的青年創作故事,從而提高其故事創作能力。





大埔區傑出服務公民選舉 2018-19


大埔區傑出青年選舉 2018-19


二零一九國際初中科學奧林匹克 ─ 香港選拔比賽

本校同學參與了由香港數理教育學會丶教育局資優教育組和香港資優教育學苑合辦的二零一九國際初中科學奧林匹克 ─ 香港選拔比賽。比賽在二零一八年九月二十九日,於長沙灣天主教英文中學舉行。本校3A班卓恩承同學獲得了二等獎;而3E班馮家昇和劉敏淇同學獲得了三等獎。以下是他們對是次比賽的反思。

卓恩承同學的反思 3A(5)





馮家昇同學的反思 3E(7)




劉敏淇同學的反思 3E(15)






Our champion in CityU Debating Challenge 2018 (by Asian and International Studies Department)

By 4A Leung Yuk

Around 150 students from 15 elite secondary schools participated in the "Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge" at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 1 December 2018. The aim was to enhance students' understanding of CityU and sharpen students' debating and critical thinking skills.

On behalf of the English Debate Team, I am pleased to share our joy and honor with you. Our three debaters, 5A Lee Cheuk Wing Jenny, 4E Leung Yuk Yuki and 4A Yeung Ho Terry, participated in the CityU Debating Challenge 2018 organised by the Asian and International Studies Department. The participants included 2D Chan Lok Yi Chloe, 3A Wong Wing Yi Amy, 3A Lau Wing Yan Phyllis, 3A Tsang Wing Yuet Elise, 3B Ng Hoi Ting Tina, 3D Cheung Tsz Ching Strawberry and 3E Tsoi Ho Ki Kinki.

The debate motion is that "This house believes that China and India should shoulder a greater responsibility for reducing global greenhouse emissions". Our affirmative opponent was HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College and we were the negative side. With our concise and catchy team line that "You have to be influential to make a change", we chose a tricky way to define the topic and this brought us to victory. The contribution by the debaters and the whole team is definitely greatly appreciated.






香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會於8/10,15/10/2018,在粉嶺公眾泳池舉辦了校際游泳錦標賽;共有32間中學參加,本校派出四隊共二十六名運動員參加了男甲(22隊參賽)、男乙(20隊參賽)、男丙(26隊參賽)賽事、女乙(18隊參賽)賽事;各運動員表現優異,單項共獲 5 金、3銀、4銅;隊際接力賽則獲三金、一銅。團體成績方面,男丙和女乙奪得亞軍、男乙則獲季軍。運動員名單如下:

男 甲			男 乙			男 丙			女 乙
5A 鄧弘豐		3B 楊智超		2A 吳嚳禮		4E 鄺寶堯
5E 吳子麟		3E 蕭湙朗		2A 鄭宇軒		3A 曾凱兒
5E 何學泓		2C 鄧汝熙		2A 楊正浩		3A 葉汶昕
5E 黎駿希		2C 葉煒源		1D 李子軒		3D 何君彤
5E 陳建宏										2D 李臻欣
6C 溫耀麟										1A 林靖恩
6B 彭信傑										1A 周師夷
5B 郭智豪										1D 鄧芷琪
4E 朱溢晞


男 甲
5E 何學泓		4x50米自由接力 金牌		50米背泳	銅牌		100米背泳	銅牌
5E 吳子麟		4x50米自由接力 金牌		50米自由泳	銅牌		100米自由泳	銀牌
5E 黎駿希		4x50米自由接力 金牌		50米胸泳	金牌		100米胸泳	銀牌
5A 鄧弘豐		4x50米自由接力 金牌		
男 丙	
2A 鄭宇軒		4x50米四式接力 金牌		50米蝶		金牌		200米自由泳	金牌
2A 吳嚳禮		4x50米四式接力 金牌		200米胸泳	銅牌	
2A 楊正浩		4x50米四式接力 金牌		
1D 李子軒		4x50米四式接力 金牌		100米自由泳	殿軍	
男 乙
3B 楊智超		4x50米四式接力 殿軍		100米自由泳	殿軍	
3E 蕭湙朗		4x50米四式接力 殿軍		
2C 鄧汝熙		4x50米四式接力 殿軍		
2C 葉煒源		4x50米四式接力 殿軍		
女 乙
4E 鄺寶堯		4x50米自由接力 金牌		50米背泳	金牌		100米背泳	金牌
3A 葉汶昕		4x50米自由接力 金牌		50米自由泳	銀牌		50米背泳	銅牌
3D 何君彤		4x50米自由接力 金牌		100米自由泳	殿軍		50米蝶泳	殿軍
1D 鄧芷琪		4x50米自由接力 金牌		200米自由泳	殿軍	
3A 曾凱兒		4x50米四式接力 銅牌		
2D 李臻欣		4x50米四式接力 銅牌		
1A 林靖恩		4x50米四式接力 銅牌		
1A 周師夷		4x50米四式接力 銅牌


男甲	章子傑(6A)		黃浩銘(5C)		余思朗(4C)		朱溢晞(4E)		黃宏立(4E)		馮家俊(2B)


5A (2017-18)		許 嘉
5A (2017-18)		余子山
5A (2017-18)		葉芯華
5A (2017-18)		文蔚嵐
5E (2017-18)		柯欣廷

薄扶林村是香港島的一條雜姓村落,歷史可以追溯到十七世紀清朝康熙年間。當時內陸沿海居民遷徙至此,算是香港島最早的原居民。 牛奶公司對薄扶林村的影響非常深遠,牛奶公司由文遜醫生與幾位商人於1886年創辦,創辦目的是向香港的洋人提供新鮮牛奶飲用。牛奶公司選擇於薄扶林建立牧場,養殖乳牛,成為該區的重要經濟產業。除此之外,薄扶林亦是天主教及巴黎外方傳教會的重要根據地,附近建有德格拉斯堡、納匝肋印書館、太古樓及伯大尼療養院,這些充滿天主教色彩的建築物。 時至今日,隨著牛奶公司牧場關閉及巴黎外方傳教會撤離,薄扶林村的經濟及人口結構都有很大的轉變。話雖如此,薄扶林村獨有的中秋舞火龍及李靈仙姐信仰文化仍然得以承傳,製作火龍的工藝更已有過百年的歷史。雖然薄扶林村一直受西方文化影響,但該村的傳統習俗仍保存濃厚的中國傳統特色。本校五位初中級同學以薄扶林村為題,製作了一段十五分鐘,名為《活著的歷史:探究薄扶林村》的短片,探究這條歷史村落的轉變,參加了「第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽」,榮獲初級組多媒體製作亞軍。組員名單如下:

蘇 蕊		3E (2017-2018)
胡嘉瑩		3E (2017-2018)
王煒琪		3E (2017-2018)
吳澤雯		3E (2017-2018)
蔡瑞寧		3E (2017-2018)


3A (2017-18)		陳穎艾	
3A (2017-18)		朱芷晴	
3A (2017-18)		鄺寶堯	
3A (2017-18)		蕭 桐	
3A (2017-18)		蘇芷穎
Our Victory in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2018-19 Term One Round One

by 3A Elise Tsang Wing Yuet

On 5th October 2018, the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition Term One Round One was held in our school. Our school and Sing Yin Secondary School had a debate on the motion that ‘This house should stop the production of biofuels’. Our school was the affirmative side while Sin Yin Secondary School was the opposition. The debaters included 3D Strawberry Cheung Tsz Ching, 3A Elise Tsang Wing Yuet and 4E Yuki Leung Yuk.

Owing to our wholehearted team preparation and enthusiasm about debating, our team won the debate and 4E Yuki Leung Yuk was awarded the Best Speaker of the debate. Our catchy team line that ‘We want solutions, not another problem’ gained the applause of the adjudicator together with our sound evidence, fluent delivery and proper time management. We look forward to more debating challenges in coming future.


為提高香港中學生對學習數學及科學的興趣,以及選拔有潛質的中學生作尖子培訓,香港理工大學特舉辦「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2018」。本校五位學生表現超卓,其中四位獲頒發高級優異證書,更有一位同學獲頒發獎牌,玆列得獎名單如下:

5E(2017-2018)	林子翱		獎牌
5C(2017-2018)	梁文軒		高級優異
5E(2017-2018)	黃瑤婷		高級優異
5E(2017-2018)	郭俊謙		高級優異
5E(2017-2018)	林日朗		高級優異
5E(2017-2018)	黃瑤婷		高級優異



本人十分榮幸能夠代表王肇枝中學參加由香港理工大學舉辦的「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2018」並在物理科獲得獎牌。



5E(2017-2018) 黃瑤婷


首先,我非常感謝物理科任老師和化學科朱博士在百忙之中抽空訓練我們出賽, 亦感謝他們的耐心教導,令我們在比賽中獲得佳績。 在物理的比賽訓練中,任老師不但讓我們操練歷年比賽的試題,更加深部分比賽試題的難度,讓我們有機會挑戰自己的能力以及有效地裝備自己應付比賽。另一方面,在化學的比賽訓練中,朱博士則集中教導我們常規課程尚未學到,但卻包括在比賽範圍的幾課課文。

比賽前,我並沒有信心能獲得佳績, 因為雖然大部分的比賽題目都源自香港公開考試的範圍,但比賽題目的難度卻遠遠高於公開考試。我心裡知道自己並非資質聰敏的學生,幸好透過自己孜孜不倦的學習和老師用心的教導,最終我亦有幸能在物理、化學比賽中獲得高級優異的成績。








The Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2017/18)

Our school actively promote project-based learning. Other than the formal curriculum, we believe that students can learn more and deeper through exploration of real-world challenges and problems. This year, three teams of students were sent to participate in the Mathematics Project Competition.

3A Yeung Hui Yau Sophia
(Member of the team securing the First Runner-up)

It is my honour to take part in the Mathematics Project Competition. It was challenging to prepare for this project, as this competition covers many difficult mathematics concepts. We have spent much time and effort to learn those concepts. Fortunately, our supervising teacher Mr. Kwong helped us a lot in our preparation. We would like to thank Mr. Kwong for helping us. Our team would not get such a good result without his help.

In a couple of months, my teammates and I spent plenty of time to finish our project, which is called "Throw Away The Compass!". All of us learned a lot of techniques which included presentation and information technology skills. We applied these skills in the project, Besides, we learned more about nine-point circle and geometric constructions. We can prove that some toolsets are equivalent to the compass-and- straightedge toolset in a sense that all figures constructible with one toolset are also constructible with the other.

Joining the competition made me more interested in studying Mathematics. I am going to learn more through reading books and surfing the internet. Besides getting a prize in the competition, the most important thing is that we have got a remarkable experience and made a lot of friends.

2A 黃沛燐


Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2017-2018)

The following students were chosen to participate in Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2017-2018) held by Hong Kong Association For Science And Mathematics Education.

Name				Class
Chiang Wing Yi		4E
Wong Ping Suet		4E
Yip Ching			4E
Teacher advisor: Dr. Chu Hon Yue

The title of the project is “Refreshing Water With Tea”. The project aims at investigating the possibility of removing trace amounts of heavy metal ions in industrial waste water by used tea leaves. We used a primitive precipitate method and an innovative method (based on the concept of differentiation) to find the absorption capacities and the absorption abilities, respectively, of four types of used tea leaves (Iron Goddess, Red Tea, Jasmine and Pu-erh) for seven types of heavy metal ions [Ni2+(aq), Pb2+(aq), Cu2+(aq), Mn2+(aq), Hg2+(aq), Zn2+(aq) and Fe3+(aq)].

The school team has got an honours award.

Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2017-18 NTE Senior Division I Champion

by 4A Lee Cheuk Wing Jenny

On behalf of the English Debate Team, we would share the wonderful news with the school that we got the Champion of the territory-wide Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition after winning all the rounds in the second semester. Throughout the school year, we beat various reputable schools including Lam Kau Mow Secondary School, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity and Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School.

Along with Mak Yan Hei Ama in 3E and Yeung Ho Terry in 3A, we won the Grand Final Round against Tang Hin Memorial School on 25th of May. Terry Yeung was awarded the best speaker of this debate. The motion is that 'this house believes that short-term volunteering in developing countries by youth from developed regions is beneficial' and we were on the affirmative side.

Not only did we learn about the youth volunteerism, an educational experience practice with sustainability for boosting the globalisation and solidarity among the world, we also had the chance to learn more about the poor situations of the developing countries which had taught all of us to make our world better. It was a worthwhile experience that emboldened and enriched us.

The glory is certainly the collaborative effort of the whole team. The debaters of the previous rounds include 5A Lee Pui Hang Jeff, 5C Leung Man Hin Ryan and 5E Cheung Hoi Ching Kelly.

Together with our champion in the previous CityU Debating Challenge against Stewards Pooi Kei College, this year is definitely fruitful and meaningful for the Debate Team. In the process, all debaters boosted their proficiency and horned their public speaking skills with the wide exposure to a variety of local and international issues.

Our Victory in Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 2017-18 Term Two Round Two

By Lee Pui Hang Jeff 5A

On behalf of the English Debate Team, we are honored to share our victory in the HKSSDC Term Two Round Two. Along with Cheung Hoi Ching Kelly 5E and Leung Man Hin Ryan 5C, we won the debate against HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity on 26th of April. The motion is that 'This house believes that the government should intervene to prevent the gentrification of the poor communities'. We are on the affirmative side. The debate motion is a geographical issue about urban development. Not only have we learnt about gentrification, a geographical concept about how urban renewal may unwittingly kill poor communities, the local businesses and the underprivileged, we have also had the chance to polish our impromptu response and expressive skills through debating. Overall it was a worthwhile experience that emboldened and enriched us. We are pleased to announce that Kelly Cheung 5E was awarded the Best Speaker. We will also be offered a place in the Grand Final Round on 25th May 2018 against HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School. We sincerely hope that more schoolmates will also develop their interest in debating, which is such a rewarding and fruitful learning experience.



Victory in Term 2 Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 2017-18

On 14 March, our school's English Debate Team won over the preliminary round of Term 2 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition against Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School. The debate motion is that ‘the Hong Kong government should license street performers’. The debaters are 3E Mak Yan Hei Ama, 3A Leung Yuk and 3A Yeung Ho. Yeung Ho is awarded the Best Speaker of the competition.

Thanks to the debaters' effort and the team's collaboration, we are honoured to gain the victory this time. It is certainly a rewarding and fruitful experience for the whole team.

2017 Have Your Voice Heard Video Shooting Competition

A team of our S5 students participated in the 2017 Have Your Voice Heard Video Shooting Competition, organized by Wall Street English. We are excited to share with you that our school has won the Champion, among 13 participating schools. They were awarded $3000 cash, and scholarships for English learning courses.

The award-winning video has been uploaded to Youtube. The leader was Carmen Shing Ka Man. Her team members included Michelle Chow Pui Yi, Jacky Ngau Chun, Ken Leung Kin Sang, Gordon Mak Ho Yin, Cathy Lai Hoi Ching and Ku Lok Yee.



青 Teen 講場 2017──法、理、情

本校派出中四及中五級學生參加由香港律師會主辦的「青 Teen 講場 2017──法、理、情」活動,獲得優良成績。在十一月四日舉行的模擬法庭比賽中,5E岑杏慈及4A朱卓楠獲得「最佳律師獎」,而5E張凱晴及4A張艾雯則獲得「最佳證人獎」。中五同學組成的控方隊伍更獲驕人成績,被評審選為十大最佳隊伍之一,成員包括: 5E柯欣廷、5E凌煒鋒、5E陳智諾、5E張凱晴、5E謝莉莎、5E張詠賢、5E郭俊謙及5E岑杏慈。








3A (2016-17) 陳琪柔
3A (2016-17) 趙澆慰
3A (2016-17) 關樺靖
3A (2016-17) 李諾瑤
3E (2016-17) 楊進妮



3B (2016-17) 黃於晴
3C (2016-17) 石子妍
3D (2016-17) 何紀璇
3A (2016-17) 姚卓彤
3A (2016-17) 嚴穎翹

2018國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔比賽

本校同學參與了由香港數理教育學會丶教育局資優教育組和香港資優教育學苑合辦的2018國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔比賽。比賽在九月三十日,於長沙灣天主教英文中學舉行。本校3E班的嚴富莊同學獲得了二等獎;而3E班的梁正榆同學、3A班的鍾煒棋和楊煦柔同學獲得了三等獎。以下是他們對是次比賽的反思。

梁正榆同學的反思 3E(12)






鍾煒棋同學的反思 3A(8)

我很榮幸可以參加2018國際初中科學奧林匹克 – 香港選拔賽。是次比賽的題目是圍繞中一及中二級綜合科學的內容和部份中三物理、化學、生物的知識。


當初我對整個比賽一概不知,但是經過三位老師忙裡抽空,不斷為我們做不同的試卷和訓練,最後我很幸運可以得到三等獎! 從比賽中,我也可以從中學習新的知識,如核糖核酸、氧化還原化學反應等等。



楊煦柔同學的反思 3A(26)




嚴富莊同學的反思 3E(29)




香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2017

為提高香港中學生對學習數學及科學的興趣,以及選拔有潛質的中學生作尖子培訓,香港理工大學特舉辦「香港理工大學數學及科學比賽(SSMSC) 2017」。本校八位學生表現超卓,獲頒發高級優異證書,玆列得獎名單如下。

劉志韜 6A(14)
雷謙  6E(22)
謝立仁 6E(26)

陳曉慧 6E(2)
林沛燊 6E(13)
劉澤淳 6A(13)

林泳莉 6A(12)
黎梓俊 6E(11)



香港日本語教育研究會日本文化專題探究比賽 2017









4 X 45 秒交互繩速度接力賽季軍




5A 鄭佳麗



5A 林恕容



5D 吳敏怡






Hong Kong Bar Association (HKBA) Debating Competition 2016-17

On the 1st of April 2017, three of our English Debate Team members, Chao Adrian Arthur (5A), Lee Man Ching Phoebe (5A) and Yuen Wing Lam Kelly (5A) participated in the preliminary round of Hong Kong Bar Association English Debate Competition. The motion is that 'This house would impose stricter laws against insulting police officers'. We are on the affirmative side and the opponent team is the Diocesan Girl's School (DGS).

We are excited to share with you that, our team won this debate and Yuen Wing Lam Kelly (5A) was rewarded the Best Speaker.

The debaters are honored to receive the glory and think there are various reasons for the victory. Firstly, our alumna Miss Teenie Chan, who is now a law student in City University of Hong Kong, contributed a lot in this debate and provided much professional information about laws. In addition, the debaters' diligence paid off with the full support of the teacher adviser and the whole team. The debaters have definitely set a good role model of perseverance and learning for the whole school.

Champion in the CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016-17

The CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016-17 was organized by the City University of Hong Kong and co-sponsored by South China Morning Post on 12 November 2016. Over 200 participants from 20 schools took part in the event and attended a lecture by a professor in one of their prospective study choice areas related to their specific debate topic in the afternoon. The day included a tour of each school group's prospective tertiary study faculty, a nice lunch, a couple of workshops and then a debate on a motion related to each group's intended area of study.

Our school's English Debate Team was one of the participating teams which completed the debate in the prospective university area – School of Creative Media (SCM). We were on the negative side while STFA Tam Pak Yu College was on the affirmative. The debate motion was that 'This house believes that the media should be prevented by law from intruding into the private lives of public figures'. The champion debaters included 5A Chao Adrian Arthur, 5A Lee Man Ching and 5A Yuen Wing Lam. The other members including 4A Ng Sin Yee Cindy, 4A Choi Ho Ching, 4A Lee Pui Hang, 5A Cheung Sze Long, 5A Chan Ka Hei Melody, 5E Chan Wai Lun Adrian, 5E Lim Yin Ki and 5E Wong Cind Wui also attended the debate to cheer on the debaters.

With the team's thorough preparation and persuasive rebuttals, they eventually gained the glory in the debate. It was a truly challenging yet fruitful learning process. From this challenge, our debaters have learnt the importance of impromptu rebuttals and sufficient preparation to hone in a debate. Although nervousness may be influential, practice definitely makes perfect. The debaters' effort is highly appreciated.

"The Speaker" English Public Speaking Contest 2017 (只提供英文版本)

Chao Adrian Arthur (5A), Yuen Wing Lam (5A) and Chan Wai Lun Adrian (5E) have participated in the "The Speaker" English Public Speaking Contest 2017 organized by RTHK Cultural & Education Unit. Each of them gave a 3-minute speech on 'Our world in ten years' for the Preliminary Selection round. A crew of RTHK came to our school for the video shooting in November.

We are excited to share with you that, among over 240 contestants, Chao Adrian Arthur (5A) has been selected to enter the Grand Final 2017. The Top 10 finalists will compete for the title of "Speaker of the Year" on 26th February 2017 (Sunday) at RTHK Broadcast House.

Information and sharing of the contestants have already been uploaded to the contest web page. Please share and like on Facebook to support Adrian!



5A 李詠橋
5A 黎烙彤
6A 洪靖嵐






為提升同學學習數學的興趣及發展其共通能力,本校派出數名初中及高中同學参與中學數學閱讀報告比賽(2015-16) ,四份提交的報告獲評為優異作品,其中一名初中同學及三名高中同學榮獲二等獎,成績令人鼓舞。



本校6E麥兆匡、6E賴俊銘和6E(2015-2016學年)蒙健燁三位同學,在鄺俊愉老師指導下,以題為《Triples of Sums of Two Squares》的研究報告,於本年八月競逐二零一六年恒隆數學獎。



香港校際成語邀請賽 (2015-2016)

由香港浸會大學語文中心主辦、香港中文大學語言獲得實驗室協辦,香港校際成語邀請賽 (2015-2016),本校派出三位文學班同學出賽,勇奪冠軍。






International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2017 (只提供英文版本)

Our school participated in the International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2017, which was co-organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau (EDB), the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, and the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Teacher Association. The event was held at Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School on 24th September 2016. Our student Yu Pak Hei and Lo Yat Fung from 3A have been awarded Second Class Honours while Chiang Wing Yi from 3E has been awarded Third Class Honour. Here are their reflections on the competition.

Reflection by YU Pak Hei 3A(31)

It is my honour to be one of the participants representing my school to have participated in the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). This competition covers most of the Form3 Physics, Chemistry and Biology syllabuses, which have not been taught. However, I took it as a challenge. The result is surprising and it is a great experience for me.

To prepare for this competition, I spent the whole summer vacation revising what I had learnt in Form 1 and Form 2 and what I would learn in Form 3. Besides doing revision, I searched extra information in order to learn the new terms and knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Also, I tested myself with past papers to see whether I understood the knowledge well or not. It was hard for me to keep acquiring new knowledge while finishing the summer holiday assignments and participating in some extra-curricular activities. However, I enjoyed being so busy because I know 'no pain, no gain'. If I work hard, I will earn something in future. I did indeed. I won a second class honour in the competition and gained a valuable experience.

Last but not least, I have to thank all my teachers for the training they offered. They spent extra time helping me prepare for the competition. I would not have had such a good result without their commitment.

To conclude, in order to get good results in competitions, the only way is to try our best to prepare for the competition well and not to give up when facing problems and opponents. This can be applied to studies as well. We always have to try our best. 'No pain, no gain' is the key to success.

Reflection by LO Yat Fung 3A(20)

In September 2016, I participated in the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2017 – Hong Kong Screening. There were questions about Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

I had known nothing about IJSO before Mr. Yam introduced it to me. After the introduction, I found it was a good opportunity to improve my thinking skills and enrich my knowledge of science.

Our school provided much training as support. Mr. Yam, Miss Yong and Mr. Tse prepared me for Physics, Chemistry and Biology questions respectively. They spent a lot of time helping me solve different kinds of questions and consolidating my basic knowledge of the above subjects. What I have learnt was useful when answering questions in the Hong Kong Screening of IJSO.

Before the screening, I had worked hard and learnt a lot. Therefore, in the competition, I understood most of the questions and answered them with confidence. Indeed, some of the questions were difficult since there were traps which tricked me.

At the end, the result was released. I won a second class honor and I am satisfied with my result since my effort was rewarded and I am shortlisted for Phase I of the 14th International Junior Science Olympiad Student Training Programme, which allows me to acquire more scientific knowledge.

All in all, my participation in this competition is unforgettable and beneficial. I thank my school and teachers for giving me this precious opportunity. I want to thanks Mr. Yam in particular. Without him, I would not have heard of this competition. He offered me a great opportunity, which enhanced my scientific thinking.

Reflection by CHIANG Wing Yi 3E(6)

I am glad to be given a chance to represent my school to join the International Junior Science Olympiad. I remember I was shocked when I knew that I could join the competition as this competition covered all the science knowledge learnt in Form 1 and 2. I found it hard to prepare by myself. Luckily, my teacher advisors, Mr. Yam, Miss Yong and Mr. Tse, spent their spare time helping me with the preparation during the summer holiday. I am grateful for their assistance and guidance.

Whenever I had any questions, I would jot them down in a notebook and ask teachers for clarification. Asking questions is very useful for my learning because I can understand the concepts more thoroughly and even learn something extra to improve my own knowledge. Also, I read a lot of reference books about science, which helps me learn knowledge beyond my textbook, for example, the predicted reactions of all the elements in air and the human body structure. Extensive reading helps me better prepare for the competition.

After the competition, I have gained a lot of valuable experience. I truly understand that learning is boundless and endless. There are many things that I have never heard of. The competition allows me to satisfy my eagerness to learn and read more. Besides, I have learnt to stay calm. During the competition, I was nervous because I was not confident enough. But after calming myself down, I found that the competition was not that difficult. No matter how difficult the challenge is, putting effort and trying my best help me become more confident and perform better. Even the result is not as good as what I expected, I would have no regrets.

I am glad that to win a third class honour. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all teachers and classmates for their support and encouragement.





4A: 羅倩婷、王倩盈
5A: 李文菁
5E: 黃曼喬
6A: 洪靖嵐
6C: 楊喜宜



3A: 余帕熹
4A: 王倩盈、程政澔
5E: 蘇希童
6E: 賴俊銘



4E (2015-16) 蘇希童
4A (2015-16) 張綽嵐
4B (2015-16) 江心怡
4E (2015-16) 李卓華



3A (2015-16) 許 嘉
3E (2015-16) 陳芷慧
3E (2015-16) 林卓盈
3E (2015-16) 林 琳
3E (2015-16) 伍詩慧



3A (2015-16) 劉海桐
3A (2015-16) 張凱晴
3A (2015-16) 張詠賢
3A (2015-16) 吳倩怡
3A (2015-16) 余子山



3A (2015-16) 梁思雅
3A (2015-16) 徐惠妍
3A (2015-16) 李栩如
3E (2015-16) 蕭珮盈3A (2015-16) 謝莉莎

Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2016 (只提供英文版本)

Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2016, a yearly competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, aims at promoting students' interests in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This year we are delightful that two of our school's awardees have achieved an outstanding result. 5E Mak Siu Hong won a Distinction in Chemistry, a High Distinction in Biology and a Medal in Physics while 5E Ho Cheuk Nam won a High Distinction in Physics and a Medal in Chemistry. Here are the reflections of the above-mentioned students regarding the competition.

Reflection on Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition
6E Mak Siu Hong

It is my honour to be one of the participants representing my school to have participated in the competitions of three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. At the beginning, I did not expect to get such excellent results in all three subjects because I am not very good at Biology and Chemistry. As the competition covers the whole HKDSE syllabus, I took it as a chance for revision and preparation for the HKDSE. Through the competition, my science knowledge has improved a lot. This is the most valuable reward. The awards I have won are just a bonus.

To prepare for the competition, I have adopted three different strategies towards the three papers. For the Physics paper, I knew I have the ability to solve all the problems. Therefore, I needed to be careful when studying the questions to avoid jumping into the traps. It is the worst if I know how to solve the problem but get trapped and choose the wrong answer, so I tried my best to prevent making such mistakes. For the Biology paper, it was totally different from the Physics one. I did not even know the answers of one-third of the questions. However, I knew that competitions aim to test whether participants have the ability to choose the correct answers. As long as I can get the correct answers, it is not important whether I solve it by myself or just guess the right answer. As a result, I tried my best to answer every question by guessing or intuition. The result turned out to be really surprising. The most important is not to give up even though you know nothing about it. If we try our best, everything is possible. For the Chemistry paper, the questions were unexpectedly easy. However, the award is not based on how many marks we have got, but depends on the percentile we are ranked among all the participants. Thus, easy questions mean that we have to get reasonably high marks to achieve a good result. Every single question is important, so no careless mistakes should be made. If we lose marks in a careless way, the award will slip off from our hands.

Last but not least, I need to thank my teachers for the training they offered. They spent extra time helping me to prepare for the competition. I would not have had such a good result without their commitment.

To conclude, in order to get a good result in the competition, the only way is to try our best regardless the difficulty of the questions and the strength of the opponents. The questions can be both easy and difficult. The same applies to the opponents. In all cases, we always need to try our best. This is the only way to succeed.

Reflection on Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition
6E Ho Cheuk Nam Ryan

In May 2016, I participated in the Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition. There were contests in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics and candidates can choose the subject in which they want to compete. For me, Chemistry and Physics are my areas of expertise. Therefore, without a doubt, I would choose to compete in these two subjects.

Our school provided much training for us as support. However, I believed these were not enough for me to get an outstanding result as all the competitors in this competition were the elites from different schools. Everyone was making their most efforts to fight for the best. I knew I am not a genius in science and sometimes a simple question could make me struggle. Thus, I fully immersed myself in studies and turned a blind eye to anything that may distract me. As imagined, it was tiresome and boring. Thoughts about giving up kept appearing in my mind. Nevertheless, I held on and kept on studying non-stop for about two months.

Finally, the day came. I was not panicked or nervous as I knew I had done my best. There was no regret for me. I took out my pen and finished the task as usual. It was not a difficult task but there were numerous tricky questions and traps. Yet, having seen them before, there was no way they could fool me again.

At the end, the results of the contest were released. I am honoured to be awarded a Medal in Chemistry and High Distinction in Physics. More importantly, I am pleased and appreciate that none of my endeavour has been wasted. It also reminds me that if you want to improve, you must work so hard that it may hurt, but this is inevitable according to the proverb ‘no pain, no gain’. After all, my participation in this competition is unforgettable and beneficial. I thank my school and teachers for giving me this precious opportunity.

Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2016 (只提供英文版本)

It is delightful to announce that our students performed well in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2016, organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, on 8 May 2016. 5E Tse Lap Yan won a third honour and here is his reflection regarding the competition.

Reflection on Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2016
5E Tse Lap Yan

Through this competition, I have some new experiences which enlighten and change my thoughts. I also rejoice for having a chance to test my limit in this Hong Kong Physics Olympiad (HKPO).

Indeed, I had not heard anything about the HKPO before Mr. Yam introduced it to us. I thought this was a chance for me to learn more about Physics. Therefore, I joined the competition. Before the competition, Mr. Yam spent lots of time preparing us for answering the questions. During the practice, our learning was extended and I learnt some new ways of thinking and calculating. Although I could not understand all of the new knowledge, I still spent lots of time and effort trying to absorb as many mew techniques as possible. I was like a sapling wanting to absorb light and water to grow into a giant tree.

While I was doing the past papers of HKPO, I found that there were quite a lot of questions I could not solve. However, Mr. Yam can always solve these questions with the knowledge I have learnt. At that moment, I knew that I could not apply the techniques I have learnt skillfully to the questions. I then spent even more time on the past papers.

In fact, it was not my first time joining the Grand competition.

However, I could still feel the pressure aroused by this competition. Although I have tried my best preparing for it, there were still some questions I could not solve. I started suspecting my ability. Do I lack a gift in Physics? I asked myself several times during the competition. In the middle of the competition, some students gave up. However, I wanted to try my best and perform well in the competition. I worked until the last moment. I did not know if I was going to win any award. I only knew I had strived as much as possible.

Finally, I was awarded a third honor. I want to thank Mr. Yam. He spent much time teaching us with his spare time only for improving our performance in the competition. Besides, he is the one giving me a chance to widen my horizons. We spend most of our time at school, so our perspective will usually be trapped within the school. I have experienced the wonder of knowledge after this competition. There must be someone who is better than us in some subjects. Therefore, don't underestimate ourselves.

After this competition, I have also learnt the importance of striving. Did I win a third award simply by acquiring the techniques and knowledge taught by Mr. Yam? I do not think so. The only contributing factor is diligence. During the process of learning, trying and understanding are necessary. We can only learn things when we spend time reflecting on them. We should also concentrate when we are absorbing new knowledge.

「青Teen講場 2015——私隱解碼」活動

本校派出中五級學生參加由香港律師會主辦的「青 Teen 講場 2015——私隱解碼」活動,並獲得優良成績。5A洪靖嵐、5A歐陽家熹、5A黃子雯、5B呂詠心及5E邱偉賢於十一月一日的第一輪「法律情景角色演繹比賽」中脫穎而出,成為全港進入決賽的隊伍之一,並獲選為「最具演說技巧隊伍」。第二輪活動於十一月二十八日舉行,本校更獲驕人成績,勇摘新界東區冠軍。當日頒獎禮主禮嘉賓為個人資料私隱專員黃繼兒大律師,黃繼兒大律師為本校一九七二年畢業校友。在儀式過後,黃先生除勉勵眾學弟妹外,更分享他在校時的往事,各同學當天渡過一個既興奮又溫馨的周末。

2015-2016中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區「旭日文學之星」) (Chinese version only)



« 逆襲 »   S.5A 林雅蔚







  今年夏天, 總覺天氣特別熱,大地燒得正紅。人人都流下豆大般的汗水,待陽光再次蒸發。然而,午飯的鐘聲一響起,只有媽媽風雨不改地站在校門,等著我,大概因為怕我餓。當然模糊的身影旁總有部單車。
















  一家四個人偶爾在星空下緩緩踏單車,因為怕夜風再抺去爸媽頭髮的光彩; 因為想凝住天倫之樂的一幕。







Champion in the CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2015-16 (只提供英文版本)

The CityU Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2015-16 was organized by City University on 30th January 2016. Around 180 participants took part in the event and attended a lecture by a professor in one of their prospective study choice areas related to their specific debate topic in the afternoon. The whole-day experience provided an excellent opportunity for students to work through issues connected to their top tertiary study preferences and get a taste of university life.

Our school's English Debate Team was one of the participating teams which completed the debate in the prospective university area – School of Creative Media (SCM). We were on the negative side while Maryknoll Fathers' School was on the positive side. The debaters were 4A Chao Adrian Arthur, 5A Lau Sum Yin Phoebe and 5E Ho Yiu Him Matthew. 4A Lee Man Ching Phoebe took the role of the Chairperson in the debate. The other team members including 4E Chan Wai Lun Adrian and 4A Li Tim Fung Tim were the audience in the debate. The debate motion was that 'Discovery and innovation are the keys to succeeding in a fast changing world'. The opponent's team line was that discovery and innovation propels our world while our team line was that social support and practicality are the true keys to succeeding. Our team thought that discovery and innovation are important, but without social support and practicality, it would fail.

With our well-thought arguments and prompt rebuttals, we won over the debate. It was a truly challenging yet fruitful learning process. From this challenge, our debaters have learnt the importance of time management and sufficient preparation to hone in a debate. Although nervousness may be influential, practice definitely makes perfect.

International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2016 (只提供英文版本)

Our school participated in the International Junior Science Olympiad - Hong Kong Screening 2016, which was co-organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau (EDB), the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, and the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Teacher Association. The event was held at Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School on 26th September 2015. Our student Wong Shin Ying Janice from 3A and Yeung Man Hin from 3E have been awarded Third Class Honours. Here are their reflections on the competition.

3A Wong Shin Ying Janice

In September 2015, I joined the International Junior Science Olympiad 2016-Hong Kong Screening with five schoolmates. Before the competition, Mr. Tse, Mr. Chu and Mr. Yam revised with us the scientific knowledge that we learnt in Secondary 1 and 2 in intensive training.

While we were having the competition, we found the questions unexpectedly challenging since many of them were unfamiliar to us. All I could think of was to try my very best to answer the questions. Fortunately, I won the Third Class Prize, which really surprised me.

This was a meaningful learning experience for all of us as we have definitely learnt so much more about science by competing with over 1,000 participants from different schools in Hong Kong. Besides, I have also become keen on science. I have realised that there are still numerous unimaginable and intriguing discoveries beyond the classroom waiting for us. This enhances my interest in science and motivates me to think about the nature and the principles behind theories.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my school and my teachers for giving me a valuable chance to participate in this competition, allowing me to further explore about science.

3E Yeung Man Hin

I am very glad to be one of the participants to join the International Junior Science Olympiad. It was a great opportunity to challenge myself and at the same time to win the glory for my school.

At first, I was not too interested in science and I had no confidence in getting any awards. Luckily, my teacher Mr. Yam, Mr. Chu and Mr. Tse patiently gave us a lot of training to equip me with abundant amusing knowledge of science. I gradually developed my interest in it.

I was exposed to a lot of new and challenging concepts, which I found very difficult to understand. Still, I cherished this precious chance that my teachers gave me. I put my all-out effort to prepare for the competition. During the competition, I finished every question carefully. Although I did not have much time to check my work, I gained experience when applying what I have learnt. At last I won the third honour and I felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction with my performance.

I would like to thank all the teachers who spent their valuable time teaching me a lot of interesting scientific knowledge and gave me the opportunity to gain a priceless experience.








5A (2014-15) 黃浚欣
5E (2014-15) 呂卓研
4A (2014-15) 黃加茹
4E (2014-15) 何卓男



3E (2014-15) 蔡雯思
3E (2014-15) 江心怡
3E (2014-15) 李卓華
3E (2014-15) 蘇希童



3A (2014-2015) 徐紫荺
3A (2014-2015) 葉芷茹
3E (2014-2015) 張綽嵐
3E (2014-2015) 李莎莉

The Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2015 (只提供英文版本)

It is delightful to announce that our students performed well in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2015, organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, on 20 May 2015.

List of Individual AwardeesAward
4A Chan Ho LeungSecond Honour
4E Mak Siu HongThird Honour

Based on the total scores of the top 5 students from each participating school, our school won an Honourable Mention in the competition.

Here are the reflections of the above-mentioned students regarding the competition.

4A Chan Ho Leung

As one of the participants of Physics Olympiad 2015, I am grateful to have this opportunity because I have learnt a lot of interesting knowledge and gained an invaluable experience.

At first, I had no faith in winning the award because some of the questions were really challenging. Fortunately, my teacher Mr. Yam gave us intensive trainings before the competition. During the training sessions, I was given a lot of past papers in order to be more familiarized with the topics. Although it was hard to understand some of the difficult concepts in physics, I managed to understand all of them. After all, I treasured every moment in the training sessions as my horizons have been broadened.

Initially, I was not capable of digesting all the concepts. Yet, I had no intention of giving up. Notwithstanding the difficult tasks, I was determined to give my best try during the competition because I would definitely have regretted if I had wasted the chance. Therefore I attempted all the questions carefully. I did the multiple choice questions slowly as I had to choose the best alternatives. When I started working on the long questions (structured questions), I went through all of them before writing down the answers because I would like to finish the easier ones first. At the time when I came across the question about 'Moment', I felt much soothed and answered the question with confidence and concentration. Nonetheless, I was still rather anxious so I checked the answers for several times after finishing the whole paper. Although I was not sure whether the answers were correct or not, I was satisfied and confident.

Thanks to the trainings provided by my respected teacher, together with the effort that I paid, I am fortunate enough to win this award. I have learnt that people who are persevering and strong-willed will be rewarded. No matter how complex an obstacle is, with confidence and determination, we can still overcome it. Otherwise we will always be a loser.

4E Mak Siu Hong

Winning a third-class award is not something extremely difficult, but still it is not something easy. The questions raised in the Physics Olympiad are very different from the ones in school examinations. The topics included are different and it is much more difficult. In order to tackle the problems, we were trained for around 12 hours. I need to thank Mr. Yam for his teaching. Physics is a very difficult subject. It is impossible for me to learn it by myself. I would have won nothing in the competition without Mr. Yam's guidance.

The paper consists of two parts. One contains MC questions and the other one includes conventional questions. Some students may think that it is easy to win an honour if we can answer most of the MC questions correctly by guessing. Indeed, it is true that luck may affect the result. However, that happens occasionally and I think ability is still the most important. When a student is good at physics, he or she will always have a higher chance to guess the correct answer because his or her intuition of physics is better than other students. Therefore studying hard is the only way to get a better result in the competition.

Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2015 (只提供英文版本)

Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2015, a yearly competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, aims at promoting students' interests in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This year we are delightful that two of our school's awardees have achieved an outstanding result. 5E Mong Kin Ip won two High Distinctions in Mathematics and Physics while 5E Cheung Lok Hin won two High Distinctions in Chemistry and Physics. Here are the reflections of the above-mentioned students regarding the competition.

5E Cheung Lok-hin

The Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition is a competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Its purpose is to promote students' interests in Mathematics and Science subjects through competitions. It is my honour to be chosen as one of the participants. I am so excited about having won High Distinction awards in two subjects, Physics and Chemistry.

At the very beginning, I knew that the participants of this competition are the elites of all schools in Hong Kong, so I was not hoping for any award but joining the competition in a relaxing manner. Nevertheless, our Mathematics and Science teachers gave us intensive trainings before the competition. I came to know that I had to take it seriously.

In the competition, students were required to finish the papers within one hour and fifteen minutes. It was a rush indeed. Fortunately, the questions were based on the HKDSE syllabus, so we simply tried our best to finish the papers by recalling what we had studied and our teachers had taught in class. To me, the competition seems to be a mock prior to the HKDSE.

Though I have won High Distinction awards for two science subjects, the honour should belong to our teachers. They have spent a lot of time giving extra lessons to us. They taught us the skill of understanding and answering the questions. Such intensive trainings help us to discover our weaknesses and accordingly make improvements. Hence, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Yam, Mr. Chu and Mr. Kwong for giving us support and guidance throughout the competition. It is always true that classrooms can survive without iPads and computers, but never without inspirational teachers.

As I have mentioned before, this competition seems like a mock for the HKDSE, the High Distinction awards are really a shot in the arm and gives me confidence to face such a formidable exam. I will get well-prepared and strive for my best!

5E Mong Kin Ip

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University holds the Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition every year. The competition aims to arouse students' interest in Mathematics and Science. The elites from different schools in Hong Kong join the competition and compete for the best result. It is my honour to be one of the participants representing my school.

I would like to start with my gratitude for my Mathematics and Physics teachers, Mr. Kwong and Mr. Yam. Their commitment is the key to my outstanding results. Since the competition covers the whole NSS syllabus, my teachers had to spend a large amount of extra time tutoring all the school representatives. I can still remember all the exercises we did with Mr. Yam. It is a very precious experience for me.

"Practice makes perfect" is the golden rule that applies to all kinds of competitions. The preparation for the competition was distressing. However, the complicated questions were not my only source of pressure. Keeping a well-balanced life between the training and schoolwork was tougher than I expected. Luckily with all the support from my teachers, I could still manage to overcome all the challenges. Mr. Kwong taught us different skills to tackle the multiple choice questions quickly. Besides, Mr. Yam guided us to complete the past papers of SSMSC, which certainly helped us to deal with the hardest questions in the competition. I am truly glad that our diligence has been rewarded. Through all these experiences, my exam skills have been enhanced and my understanding of the acquired knowledge has been improved.

I can still remember how excited I was when I knew I won High Distinction in both subjects. The results are surprising and encouraging. Since the competition covers the whole NSS syllabus, it is a great chance to do revision on the two subjects. The competition can really help me to discover my abilities. I have also learnt from the strengths of other students. This really helps me to focus more on my weaknesses and improve them before the HKDSE.

校際手機應用程式設計大賽(IMACD) 2015

本校六位中三同學參加由香港聯校電子及電腦學會、香港電腦學會青年會及香港中文大學專業進修學院聯合舉辦之「校際手機應用程式設計大賽(IMACD) 2015」,3B陳俊耀、關卓驊和談芷晴同學勇摘初中概念組冠軍,3B何子樂、 黃嘉銘和葉鎮傑同學則取得初中概念組亞軍。

中學數學專題習作比賽(2014-15) 及中學數學閱讀報告比賽(2014-15)




為培養中學生的寫作興趣,鼓勵他們積極參與文學創作,並加強大學與中學間的文學交流和聯繫,香港浸會大學舉辦第八屆大學文學獎。本校文學班6D 黃頌賢同學以〈再沒有限期〉在「少年作家獎」比賽中脫穎而出,獲得「傑出少年作家獎」殊榮。


Power Station Writing Competition (只提供英文版本)

Aiming to have a better understanding of the current electricity usage and mechanisms of generating electricity in the territory, students studying physics joined a programme organized by the Tai Po Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, and visited the Castle Peak Power Station on 7th November 2014. There, we visited an exhibition called ‘the Electricity World’ that not only contained informative booths, but also simple experiment apparatus and models to demonstrate the process of generating electricity and saving energy. Then, a few students joined the related Power Station Writing Competition.

Now, we are glad to announce that two students, 5D Lau Sheung Ki and 5E Lee Yin Wing, won the Champion and the First Runner-up respectively in the Writing Competition. The following are the two awarded writings:

5D Lau Sheung Ki

能源供不應求已成為全球矚目的問題, 尤其是香港人耗電量甚高, 情況頗令人憂慮, 同時亦反映出潔淨能源的重要性。透過這次參觀, 不僅使我了解發電的運作模式, 更提高我對環境生態的關注。

電力世界分為五大範疇: 電力101、發電、輸電及配電、能源效益與環保燃料。配合導賞員悉心講解, 加上有趣的遊戲及精彩的短片, 使我理解基本發電和輸電方式。並鼓勵我使用高能源效益產品、減少碳足印, 更認識香港現時採用的環保燃料、領略實踐能源效益的重要性, 令我大開眼界。

此次奇妙的電力之旅令我受益匪淺, 從今我必會珍惜能源、邁向低碳生活!

5E Lee Yin Wing






International Junior Science Olympiad-Hong Kong Screening 2014-2015 (只提供英文版本)

Our school participated in the International Junior Science Olympiad-Hong Kong Screening (2014-2015), co-organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau (EDB) and the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, held at Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School on 27th September 2014. Our student Liu Tsz Yu from 3E has been awarded a Third Class Honour. Here is his reflection on the competition.

3E Liu Tsz Yu

I was nominated by my Physics teacher to the International Junior Olympiad- Hong Kong Screening. Thanks to my Physics, Chemistry and Biology teachers who provided me with training and guidance, I learnt to solve various problems by myself. Eventually, I won the Third Class Honour in the competition and my achievement is all credit to my teachers.

Through the competition, I learnt a number of things. To begin with, participating in the competition helped me consolidate the science knowledge that I have learnt throughout this school year, such as the diffusion theory. In addition, I learnt to integrate things that I have learnt from different science subjects and apply them to analyze cell structures.

Last but not least, I have learnt to stay calm while overcoming the challenges in the competition. Owing to numerous benefits I gained by joining the competition, I hope that my fellow schoolmates can also make a brave attempt to gain experiences from different competitions and feel the fun of science and achieve a lot more.



6A 高先鋒
6A 黃卓耀
6C 范晉邦
6C 梁智超
6E 林廷灝

2014-2015慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十五周年紀念 國慶盃賀辭寫作比賽

讓學生抒發對國慶成立六十五周年的情懷,促進學生交流。而本校2A王倩盈及2E 陳紫晴分別榮獲中學組冠、亞軍。

2E 陳紫晴(亞軍)


5A (2013-14) 宋樁蕾
5D (2013-14) 蔡超穎
3E (2013-14) 何卓男
3E(2013-14) 黃亦莊
3E(2013-14) 葉趣林



4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition 2014 (只提供英文版本)

The Hong Kong Public Libraries organised the "4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition" in 2014 on the theme, "The Earth and I" in support of the "World Book Day" on April 23rd. The English Panel and Library Committee recommended our students to participate in the competition. Au Yeung Connor Christopher Ka Hei (4E) won the Outstanding Award in the Junior English Section, out of over 2000 entries in Hong Kong. Our school has won awards in this competition for three consecutive years.

Our students joined the Prize-giving Ceremony on 26th April 2014 at the Hong Kong Central Library. The works were displayed in the libraries around Hong Kong, Shenzhen and during the Hong Kong Book Fair from April to July 2014.

The following is Connor's work:

To live with Nature: A reading report

Title: Hong Kong Geopark All in One
Publisher: Lions Nature Education Foundation, Cosmos Books Ltd.
Authors: Bernie Owen, Raynor Shaw, W.C. Chan (Chinese translation)

What is shown inside the new Hong Kong Geopark? To most of us, we see rocks of different shapes, colours and sizes; in forms of animals, body-like shapes and such.

However, have we thought how the stones take such a form? Angular? Round? Sharp? Heavy? In this book, chemical processes and geological forms which have formed the unique landscape of the hills and islands of our city have been accurately and explicitly described. Furthermore, it provides a relaxing guide to the contemplation of the products of the processes — the rocks.

It was until I picked up the book and read it over when I realized Hong Kong has its own countryside areas — all we knew about Hong Kong were only packed skyscrapers.

In rows after rows, the dense flow of transport, the meagre quality of air and nights polluted by excessive light throughout the year. What have we done to the greens, the nature and the wilderness? There is a saying, "Land supplies what man needs, not what man desires." Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have already wasted countless resources — trees, coal, crude oil, fresh water, destroyed plenty of lands which could have been a haven for animals, a treasure chest for biological discoveries, even a piece of art from nature itself under the treads, the blades, the motors and wheels of machines in name of "civilization" and "comfort". If nature is a large net, man is just a thin line. Without intertwining with others, there will be no existence of man itself, for we survive not on ourselves, but what we have taken from the land.

Given that we have caused such grave destruction (it still carries on at the moment) to the nature, should we take initiative to reconsider our place on the Earth? A billionaire may enjoy fine delicacies while simple, cheap food would do for a person in poverty, but they both have to eat — we are more intelligent than other creatures; however, this does not imply that their interests may be neglected in order to fulfil our desires!

To live in harmony with nature may be hard for one to adapt to, but we must do so as we humans, however intelligent, are merely living off the expenses of nature. As the Indians wisdom goes, "Our lives are debts to our sons." The debts have gone too far. Now we must compensate for what we have done: whether by technology, shift of living habits or any others, we must stop before there is none of nature left for our off springs — a debt too large and innocent for them to pay for our deeds.

TVNews Award Scheme 2013/14 (只提供英文版本)

In the school year 2013-14, our school participated in the "TVNews Award Scheme 2013/14" organised by Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity). For our students' excellent performances and participation in the scheme, our school was awarded the "Best Participation Award for Schools" at both junior and senior levels.

According to our students' participation rates and scores throughout the year, the following students were shortlisted to be the winners of the "Certificates of Award for Outstanding Performance in the School":

Adia, CHAN Yi Ching, 2A
CHAN Chak Sang, 3A
KAN Yue Ming, 4A
CHAN Tsz Nga, 5E
LUK Pui Ling, 6A



5A (2013-14) 李嘉毅
5A (2013-14) 宋樁蕾
5D (2013-14) 蔡超穎
4A (2013-14) 黃浚欣



3A (2013-14) 林雅蔚
3E (2013-14) 歐陽家熹
3E (2013-14) 黃加茹
3E (2013-14) 丘朗廷
3E (2013-14) 楊嘉慧




其中兩名同學表現優異:5E嚴康生同學於數學、物理及生物三個範疇中獲得高級優異獎(High Distinction);5E 林子浩同學則於數學範疇中獲得獎牌(Medal)。


5E(18) 林子浩







5E(35) 嚴康生



是次比賽的成績於七月初公佈,我於數學科、物理課以及生物都取得優秀(High Distinction) 的成績。這個成績驅使我進一步於科學的範疇中發掘自己的興趣。除此之外,我亦從中深深明白到天外有天,人外有人的道理,若然我們只因自己的成績而驕傲自滿,固步自封,我們將不能接受新的知識。




5E 邱沛聰
5E 湯詠恩
5E 洪庭詣


以下是5E 邱沛聰同學所撰寫的自薦信:





當然,祖國的科技並不落後於人。中國眾多工程中,航天科技最令我自豪。幼時我曾經仰望天際,遙想到底宇宙是甚麼樣子呢? 當我知道中國首位太空人楊利偉,乘坐太空船環繞地球十四周後成功返回地球的創舉後,我便知道探索太空已經不是遙不可及的事情了。




本校三位中三同學——楊潤興、盧泳恩及梁靖妍參加由社區投資共享基金及IBM所舉辦之「香港人情味—全港中學創意微動畫設計比賽」, 最後他們憑作品「大聲說人情味」贏得冠軍。

各位可點擊以下網址欣賞他們的作品: http://www.ciif.gov.hk/tc/promotional-and-educational-activities/ev00081.html







本校在二零一三年十月至二零一四年五月期間,參加由香港防癆心臟及胸病協會主辦的「通識健康教育計劃2013-2014」。是次全港性比賽,本校廿多位中二至中五同學共組成五隊參賽。是次計劃以「校園 /家居環境健康及傳染病防治」為主題,同學需要自行擬定題目,草擬計劃書及向大會提交摘要,其間要以問卷調查、訪問、研究文獻、實地考察等方法進行研究和分析工作。本校同學在準決賽向大會作出口頭報告和接受各評判提問,在全港六十四隊中脫穎而出,成為最後六強,進入決賽進行另一次匯報。經過半年的探究,本校兩隊同學在初賽及決賽中表現優異,分別奪得高級組亞軍和季軍。

4E 劉湘琪、蒙健燁、李彥穎、陳芷雅、邱沛聰     
4A周施嵐、劉雪怡、孫灝嵐、4E 曾偉揚
EMI Drama Festival (只提供英文版本)

On Thursday the 10th of April, 2014, ten members from the English Drama Club (Chan Chi Shing, Chong Siu Chit, Poon Wai Lam, So Hoi Lam, So Wing Ki, Yau Long Ting, Lee Man Ka, Yu Ka Wai, Chung Hei Long and Ho Man Chun) competed in the English Medium of Instruction Drama Competition at the La Salle College Theatre. The drama competition required students to write their own script or adapt one of Shakespeare's plays. The students wrote their own play focusing on the issue of bullying in schools and the effects of bullying. They competed against 7 other schools in the region, and through our hard work and excellent drama skills won awards for outstanding performance and for the best script.




1C 何 婷   港澳區冠軍暨全球優異獎
1A 陳琬澄   港澳區優異
1A 王銘彤   港澳區優異
1C 鍾雪怡   港澳區優異
1C 潘曉冰   港澳區優異
2E 黄靖斯   港澳區優異
2E 葉芷茹   港澳區優異








Speak Out! Act Up!" Improvised Drama Competition (只提供英文版本)

On Monday the 24th of March, 2014, six members from the English Drama Club (Chan Chi Shing, Chong Siu Chit, Poon Wai Lam, So Hoi Lam, So Wing Ki and Yau Long Ting) competed in the "Speak Out! Act Up!" Improvised Drama Competition at the Shatin Town Hall. The drama competition was based on improvised drama – no scripts, no preparation and no practice. The students were given a line of dialogue and had 5 minutes to prepare a play using that line. They competed against 11 other schools in the region, and our hard work and excellent drama skills won us the Best Team Award. This victory is made even sweeter after we were penalized 20 marks for being short of the required length. The students all performed well and are now preparing for the English Medium of Instructions Schools Drama Competition on the 10th of April.


為慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十四周年紀念,新界校長會舉辦「慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年學生徵文比賽」,得獎名單已於11月公佈,本校2E 蔡雯思同學榮獲初中組亞軍,頒獲獎盃乙座及獎學金;2E 梁紫華同學則獲得初中組優異獎,頒獲獎盃乙座。

The 44th International Physics Olympiad (只提供英文版本)

The 44th International Physics Olympiad was held from 7 July to 15 July in Copenhagen, Denmark. A team of five student members of The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) representing Hong Kong have returned home proudly with three silver medals and two bronze medals.

We would like to congratulate S6E Shing Ming Tony for his astonishing achievement in winning the silver medal. Tony has outperformed other contestants from all over the world not only because of his ability but also his hard work and effort. Our students should learn from his persistence and enthusiasm to reach their goals in the future.

6E Tony Shing Ming

The 44th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2013. Following the Asian Physics Olympiad in India last year, it was my honor again to participate in such a great event as one of the representatives of Hong Kong.

The reason for holding the Physics Olympiad in Copenhagen this year is simple – to memorize Neil Bohr, a great physician in the early 1900s, who was one of the founders of modern physics. It was the 100th year after he proposed his great idea on atomic model in Copenhagen, influencing the Physics and Chemistry worlds in the past century. Because of this, the strongest enthusiasm towards Physics was observed in the Physics Olympiad this year.

I really felt honored to be able to visit Copenhagen at such a right time, and more importantly as a representative of my city to compete with other Physics elites worldwide. It was probably the most unforgettable experience I ever had.

In the eight days of the trip, there were only ten hours when we were actually involved in the 'real' competition – five hours for theory exams and another five for experiments. This year's problems were more interesting than expected – for example, meteorite fallen in Denmark, movement of ice sheet in Greenland, and they were not too difficult for me, but they involved lots of our physical sense and logical thinking that fascinated any future Physician. After months of striving, I was eventually awarded a silver medal, ranking 61st at the end of the competition, which I think was already quite satisfying.

In the remaining days following the competition, we participated in tours around Copenhagen. We did not only do simple sightseeing, but participated in other Physics-related activities. We visited different places where important events to the Physics world occurred, like the Neils Bohr Institute where lots of researches were performed, very advanced Physics laboratories in the two renowned universities for Physics researches (University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark), and Assistens Cemetery where Bohr and his family were buried. Even in the amusement park, we finished small Physics tasks while enjoying the rides. More surprisingly, we could even have the chance to attend to a talk about studying Physics from Professor Thomas Bohr, the grandson of Neils Bohr, which was definitely a rare experience for a secondary school student studying in Hong Kong.

But this trip did not only provide me with the chance of tackling interesting Physics problems, or the enjoyable moments in sightseeing but it was also a chance for me to meet people from other parts of the world. To gather those who are ambitious and interested enough to take part in the Physics world's future, IPhO is probably the only opportunity. We shared our experiences and hung out with each other no matter what our nationality or ethnicity is. It was because we all gave heart to the Science world. Thanks to the nice scenery and mild weather in Copenhagen, I enjoyed every moment together with everyone participating in the competition.

Returning our own countries did not mean the end of the fabulous event. With the advanced technology today, we can still keep in contact, discuss interesting Physics problems on the Internet, and continue our dream of contributing to the world of Physics. IPhO never ends – it will forever stay in our hearts.





6A 黃思慧
6B 鄭喬尹
6D 李菁茹
6E 莊曉彤
6E 梁肇君



3A 郭天程
3A 蘇芷彤
3A 湯詠恩
3A 黃浚欣
3C 江浩賢



林芷彥 5E
林浩然 5E
嚴子健 5E

獲提名的三位同學必須分別提交自薦信, 內容包括表達對科學的認知及興趣,以及對未來的目標及承擔。以下為其中一位獲選同學林芷彥所提交的自薦信。












Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2013 (只提供英文版本)

Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2013 is a yearly competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to promote students' interests in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This year we are delightful to have 42% of participants attaining Distinction or above in the competition. Here's the list of our school's awardees achieving Credit or above.

Vice-President Award5E Ng Chi Ho(Physics and Chemistry)

5E Yip Ho TingHigh Distinction
5A Chan Wing TungDistinction
5E Kwok Sze KanDistinction
5E Poon Hon Yin Distinction
5E Chan Wan Fung Credit
5E Chu Chun YatCredit

5E Ng Chi HoMedal
5E Chan Cheuk HinHigh Distinction
5E Wong Ka ShunHigh Distinction
5E Kam Chung KanDistinction
5E Lam Man WanCredit
5E Leung Siu KwunCredit
5E Man Tsz LokCredit
5E Yip Ho TingCredit
5E Yu Wai TsangCredit

5E Ng Chi HoMedal
5E Ho Cheuk ManHigh Distinction
5D Ho Tsz YingDistinction
5D Wong Hoi YingDistinction
5E Lam Yuen SzeDistinction
5C Tsang Pui TungCredit
5D Suen Ching YiCredit
5D Tsang Hoi Lam ChristieCredit

5C Chan Cho KiuDistinction
5D Chan Kwun TinDistinction
5D Lee Ching YuDistinction
5D Leung Chung LingDistinction
5D Cheung Hang ShunDistinction
5D Chan Ka WaiCredit
5E Chui King YinCredit

Reflection on Secondary School Mathematics and Science competition 2013
5E  Ng Chi Ho

Secondary School Mathematics and Science competition (SSMSC) is an annually held competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The competition offers participants to attempt Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. In March this year I was nominated to attempt Physics and Chemistry in May as they are the areas of my strength.

Between March and May, a series of intensive training classes were well organized by our Science teachers. As the competition is mainly based on the NSS syllabus (about 70%), students had to be proficient in them within two months' time. Nevertheless, to strike for excellence, our Science teacher also tried to help us by enriching the NSS syllabus topics and teaching us knowledge beyond the syllabus. For example, Mr. Yam, my Physics teacher, had modified questions from past paper of 2012 SSMSC to the challenging ones.

The competitions for Physics and Chemistry were held on 1/5 and 17/5 respectively. Although each paper just lasted for an hour, they indeed managed to test candidates' performances comprehensively. As most of the questions in the test were set by the University, none of them seemed familiar to us. Eventually I had to tackle most of the questions based on the concepts of these subjects. This had reminded me that it would be wiser to have a clear understanding on the fundamental principles and concepts of these subjects in lieu of memorizing "useful formulae" blindly. In addition, it is also significant for us to enhance our speed and accuracy in attempting questions through constant practices so that we can spare more time on tackling challenging questions and final checking in competitions or exams.

The results of the competition were released in early July. To my surprise, I won two Medal certificates (top 2 percentile of candidates) in Physics and Chemistry, together with the Vice-President Award for attaining two Medals. It has left me a wonderful memory as this would probably be my last competition in secondary school's life. Last but not least, I would like to thank all teachers who had contributed tremendous amount of their effort and time in teaching me, and also our school Principal, Mr. Ho, for attending the award presentation ceremony.

Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013 (只提供英文版本)

It is delightful to announce that our students have performed well in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013 organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education on 19 May 2013.

List of Individual Awardees
4E Lau Matthew Kin HayHonourable Mention
4E Yim Hong SangThird Honour

Reflection on the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013
4E  Yim Hong Sang

I am glad to have been awarded the Third Honour in Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013. I felt very nervous before knowing my result in HKPhO as I got so much pressure from the outstanding performance of our schoolmates last year.

I would like to show my appreciation towards my classmates and our Physics teacher Mr. Yam. My classmates and I had a lot of practices before attending HKPhO. The scope of HKPhO includes motion of point particles, mechanics, work and mechanical energy, and momentum and impulse. Some topics are brand new to me. I need to put in extra efforts to understand the concepts. With the help of Mr. Yam, we devote our time and effort to practice, making ourselves familiarized with the question types and problem-solving skills for the challenges.

After joining HKPhO, my knowledge in physics has been drastically enhanced. Paying extra attention in the training, I further discover my interests in Physics. This valuable experience in Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013 stirs up my curiosity to explore more in the field of science. I would not just satisfy with this and I would work harder to strive for better results in other challenges.



核能的反思    5E  林曼雲






香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於本年十月七日及九日兩天,在馬鞍山公眾泳池舉辦了校際游泳錦標賽,共有三十四間中學參加。本校派出三隊共二十二名運動員參加男乙(24隊參賽)、女甲(15隊參賽)、女丙(24隊參賽)賽事;各運動員表現優異,獲得優良成績,單項共獲兩金、兩銀、三銅牌;隊際接力獲兩銀牌。團體成績方面,女甲重奪冠軍、男乙及女丙俱獲團體第五名優異獎盃。 運動員名單如下:

女甲 女丙 男丙
6A 黃晴慧2A 張凱彤3A 賴俊銘
5A 黃愷婷2B 談芷晴3B 鄺殷銘
5B 謝凱欣2C 陳嘉熙3D 鄧樂天
5D 蔡靜文2E 陳譽珊3E 黃亦莊
4B 劉芷霖2E 黃靖斯3E 邱偉賢
4B 曾楚懿1A 王倩盈1D 何浚傑
4C 盧詩敏 1D 彭信傑
4D 陳曉彤 1E 張竣森
6A 黃晴慧

5A 黃愷婷50米自由泳銅牌
5B 謝凱欣

5D 蔡靜文
4B 曾楚懿4x50米四式接力銀牌
3A 賴俊銘
2B 談芷晴4x50米自由接力銀牌
2C 陳嘉熙4x50米自由接力銀牌
2E 陳譽珊4x50米自由接力銀牌
1A 王倩盈


6A 劉慧琳
6A 吳珏穎
6A 潘曉賢
6A 黃思慧
6B 陳漪桐
6B 蘇 婧

新高中日語課程(個人)獎學金: 畢業生陳樂敏(2012-13, 6E).






4A 宋樁蕾
4D 蔡超穎
3A 郭衍蔚
3E 呂卓研
3E 麥詠豪

Outstanding Achievements in English Builder (只提供英文版本)

The following students achieved the Distinction Awards in English Builder for the September 2012 to May 2013 term among all the participating students in Hong Kong:

1. Tsan Wai Yang from 3E
2. Lee Yin Wing from 3A

The following students achieved the Top 1 to Top 3 in English Builder for the February to May 2013 term among all the participating students in Hong Kong:

1. Tam Wai Kiu from 1A
2. Chan Lai Lun Adrian from 1A
3. Wong Ho Shan from 1D
4. Yeung Tsz Yan Samantha from 2A
5. Lau Yan Tung from 2A
6. Lai Chun Ming from 2E
7. Chan Tsz Nga from 3A
8. Yau Fung Yi from 3C
9. Chan Tin Wing from 3A

Congratulations to all the winners!

The International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest - Hong Kong 2013 (只提供英文版本)

The International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest - Hong Kong 2013 was co-organized by the Education Bureau, the IMO (Hong Kong) Committee and The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. This is an annual event to select students with outstanding performance in mathematics. Follow on training programmes will be provided for the high-achieving students of the contest. The students with outstanding performance in such training will be selected to represent Hong Kong to take part in the 55th IMO in South Africa in 2014.

Wong Tsun Kit (4E) was awarded Bronze Award in the event. Kwok Sze Kan (5E) and Yip Ho Ting (5E) were awarded the Qualification of Training.

The Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (只提供英文版本)

The Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (HKMO) is a competition which has been jointly organized by the EDB and the HKIEd since 1983. 254 schools joined the 30th HKMO in 2012/13. Our school team was among the best 50 teams in the Heat Event and was invited to join the Final Event held on 20th April, 2013.

Team members:
4E Wong Tsun Kit4E Yim Hong Sang4E Yim Tsz Kin
5E Ho Cheuk Man5E Kwok Sze Kan5E Yip Ho Ting

4E Wong Tsun Kit also won a Third-class Honour Certificate in the competition.

The Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (只提供英文版本)

The Hang Lung Mathematics Awards is a biennial mathematics research competition for secondary school students in Hong Kong. It is co-organized by Hang Lung Properties, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Kwan Him Shek (6E), Wan Chin Ching (2011-12 6E) and Lo Ka Chun (2011-12 7B) joined The Hang Lung Mathematics Awards 2012 under the supervision of Mr Kwong Chun Yu. They submitted a report of their research titled "How to Cut a Piece of Paper - Making Paper Cones with the Greatest Total Capacity" in August 2012. Their report was sent to three referees who themselves are mathematicians for review. The research received very positive comments from the three referees:

“We can see from the report that the authors have strong innovation consciousness and application ability on using mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems. In my opinion, this report is very good.”

“Their analysis and proof of the result is rigorous and completed on mathematical. I think the result of this report is very interesting, original and is an excellent work for high school students, the writing of this paper is also very good.”

“The topic is interesting, the methods are effective, and the results are very useful. They completed a fine work.”

“Very amusing problem requiring some clever calculus, trigonometry and numerical approximation. Attractive introduction; good writing and illustrations. Results were not known to me.”

The team was invited to participate in the oral defense session held on 17th December, 2012 conducted by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee was led by Fields medalist Prof. Shing Tung Yau and composed of 11 prominent mathematicians from Harvard University, Stanford University, Columbia University, Cornell University, University of Michigan, Tohoku University, University of Science and Technology of China, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. Teams which participated in the oral defense each gave a brief presentation of their research, followed by an inquiry session before the members of the Scientific Committee.

The team won the Honorable Mentions and received $60,000 in total for Student Education Award, Teacher Leadership Award and School Development Grant.

Australia Education Link- Hong Kong Writing Contest (只提供英文版本)

Certificate recipient: 1A Lee Man Ching Phoebe

On the 30th of April 2013, Australia Education Link organized the Hong Kong Schools Writing Contest. The topic was that "If I had seven days left living in the world".

The competition has been a fantastic English learning experience to me. After receiving the certificate of acceptance, I feel extremely surprised and joyful because it has been the first time for me to get such an honorable prize in the public competition throughout my secondary school life. Besides, I feel more confident with using English.

2012-2013 The 28th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition (只提供英文版本)

Our Student 4A Moon Tsui Wai Ting won the award of the Best Interrogative Debater in the First Preliminary (English Section) of the 28th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition.

Japanese Speech Contest (只提供英文版本)

Our student 5B Suen Pui Ching won the champion in the Japanese Speech Contest. She will be the ambassador of Hong Kong in attending a cross-cultural experience programme in Japan. It is an international exchange programme for high school students who won the champion in their countries. The 12-day exchange programme will be organized from 18 July to 29 July.

香港公共圖書館「4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽2013」— 高中中文組優勝獎


頒獎禮已於四月二十日上午在香港中央圖書館舉行。獲獎作品於當天開始至七月在全港十八區圖書館及香港書展中展出,有興趣人士亦可於香港圖書館的網頁(www.hkpl.gov.hk) 上瀏覽。



The Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (只提供英文版本)

The Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition (SSMSC) 2012 is a yearly competition organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to promote students' interests in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Gifted students may enter the competitions regardless of their current level of study through school nomination. The following students of our school were awarded as listed:

5D Fung Ka Him
5E Leung Ka Hung
5E Shek Wai Wa
5E Sun Ming Chi
HD(High Distinction)
HD(High Distinction)
5E Lam Yu Yeung
5E Yan Cheuk Nam
5D Yu Chun Sing
HD(High Distinction)
Chemistry 5E Ho Ka Yu HD(High Distinction)
5D Fonh Chi Ngei
5D Orr Ho Hin

Reflection on Secondary School Mathematics and Science competition 2012
6E Lam Yu Yeung

On 5th May 2012 I participated in the Secondary School Mathematics and Science competition. Although the competition only lasted about a hour, what I learnt will surely be useful in the future.

The competition was held by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. There were contests in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, and candidates may compete in one or more subjects. I entered the physics one since it was my strength, while some of my other classmates joined contests of other subjects.

Our school provided trainings for us as support. I attended Mr. Yam's physics training course, which was enriching. Since the competition tested only knowledge within the HKDSE syllabus, the lesson encircled it. However, Mr. Yam's teaching always extended to knowledge beyond the syllabus, and sometimes, even extended to the scope of other subjects such as chemistry. Besides widening the foundation of our knowledge, this lesson also reminded me that different branches of science are interrelated. One cannot study physics without understanding mathematics, or learn chemistry without some basic knowledge of physics.

The competition of physics was held on 5th May, the same day as the Mathematics one. Before the competition, I did not merely practice the calculations. Instead, I revised the concepts over and over again as Mr. Yam often emphasizes the importance of clear understanding of concepts. The test proved Mr. Yam's belief to be very insightful. We needed to finish thirty-four multiple choice questions and three long questions in an hour and fifteen minutes. With less time and higher difficulty than usual, speed and accuracy in determining the correct answer was essential to winning a prize, and acquaintance of concepts was the key to speed and accuracy. According to the Chinese old saying: only true gold could stand the heat of the furnace. Under the heat of these really difficult questions, only thorough understanding of concepts was the true gold that passed the test.

The results of the contest were not released until September. I was thankful to both my school and the Polytechnic University when I saw my name on the medalist's list. On 13th October I attended the award presentation ceremony in the campus of the Polytechnic University. The ceremony gave me a deep and special impression as medalists – participants whose results were within the top two percentile – were all awarded identical medals and certificates, so the champions and runner-ups were not identified. This reminded me of two important values. Firstly, Victory over others is of secondary significance while victory over ourselves through improvements is of primary importance. Secondly, improvement must go on constantly because who would be champion tomorrow is still unknown.

My participation in this competition is very unforgettable and beneficial. I thank my school for giving me the opportunity and support to compete in it.

The International Junior Science Olympiad – Hong Kong Screening 2012 (只提供英文版本)

The International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) – Hong Kong Screening 2012 was co-organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau (EDB) and the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. The screening aims at identifying scientifically gifted students at junior secondary levels for training in advanced science subject knowledge. Two students of our school participated in the competition and received the following awards:

2A Mong Ho YamSecond Class Honour
2A Kwok Hei ManThird Class Honour

Reflections on ISJO HK Screening 2012
3A Mong Ho Yam

After joining the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) – Hong Kong Screening 2012, I have learned more about science. I realized that everything is related to science.

Since the screening was held in September we needed to go to school and had some extra lessons for preparation in the summer vacation. It was hard but the results proved that it was useful and we did not waste the time for this. Although the competition is difficult, I tried my best in completing it. Getting this proud result made me feel surprised.

At the same time, I would like to thank our teachers for teaching us scientific knowledge. Without them, we could not join the competition and get this result. Also I am glad to have these teachers' guidance.

After finishing the competition, I had to attend some courses about science. Although the knowledge in the courses was difficult, I understood the difficult theories and made some new friends who also love science.

I hope I can contribute to the world by inventing some new technology and improving our living standard. For example, I would like to discover some new theories and the methods to prevent diseases in the future. Also, I hope I can become a famous scientist likes Isaac Newton, a great Physicist, Mathematician and Astronomer. Last but not least, this screening was a good experience for me. I hope I will join more science competitions to enhance my scientific knowledge and also get more experience in the future.




English Debate Team in HKSSDC Friendly Debates (只提供英文版本)

Sharing from  4E Cryan Chan

Our English Debate Team participated on the Friendly Debates which were held on the 22nd and 29th of November 2012 respectively. The motion of the debates was that "China's Rising Influence is a Cause for Concern in East Asian Nations". Our team was the proposition side. The opponent teams were HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity II and PLK Ngan Po Ling College.

The critical point of the debate came to our definition of "concern" which means both positive and negative importance. This definition paved the way for our victory since it is undeniable that China sheds both positive and negative influences over East Asian nations in three ways, economically, politically and militarily. After balancing the fierce arguments of both teams, the adjudicators decided that we were the winning team due to our well-organized and well-supported arguments.

After joining the debates, my knowledge about China's growing development and my research skill have been drastically enhanced. My vocabulary bank has been widely broadened too. During preparation, I learnt how to analyze statistics and integrate them into arguments. Before I join the debate team, I used to be shy and unconfident. Nevertheless, the debates have changed me. I think having a debate is a straightforward way to learn and enjoy English. I would like to join more debate competitions in future.






鄭浩欣 (2012畢業生)
洪佩霖 (2012畢業生)
高寧尉 (2012畢業生)
陳學謙 (2012畢業生)
梁洛然 (2012畢業生)

此外,本校十三位修讀高中日文科的同學取得「日本語能力試驗」(JLPT) 第三級及第五級成績。「日本語能力試驗」是日本為海外學習日語人士而設的權威測試,本校學生取得佳績,謹此致賀。學生名單如下:

JLPT 第三級 (2009-2012文憑試日語課程畢業生)

JLPT 第五級 (2010-2013文憑試日語課程學生)



Science and Technology Seedlings 100 Plan (只提供英文版本)

The Science and Technology Seedlings 100 Plan (科技新苗100計劃) organised by Hong Kong Association for Advancement of Science and Technology aims at nourishing students into becoming science professionals. One hundred elite students were elected out of the participating secondary schools. Our school nominated the following three students who are interested in scientific research to participate in the plan and they were all elected:

5E  Kwok Sze Kan
5E  Lam Man Wan
5D  Leung Chung Ling

Vision on Science and Technology
5E  Lam Man Wan

The rapid development of the modern society is based on new technologies and scientific discoveries. Though there is no direct relation between scientific laws and our daily lives, science has proved to have great influence to mankind by providing us a more advanced and comfortable environment.

Before I was promoted to S.4, I had only a shallow understanding of science. Through the school elective subjects, Chemistry and Physics, I have acquired more knowledge of science, such as the structure of atoms, elements, mechanics, electricity and magnetism etc. It was with these basic understanding that I realized the great influence of science on human life. These seemingly distant topics aroused my curiosity in the field of science.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad (Junior). I learnt more scientific knowledge related to different aspects through the training, such as the relative motions and simple harmonic motions. Although ultimately I did not win any prizes, the wonderful world of science has been etched in my mind. I can still remember there was a question about skiing. Although I did not know how to answer it, I immediately appreciated the way that science exists in every corner of our lives.

To sustain the efforts of our predecessors, I hope I can make some contribution to the society. When I was a child, I saw all kinds of high-rise buildings in Hong Kong. At that time, I hoped to become an architect when I grow up. Now, I find myself no longer focusing on the eye-catching design of buildings. Instead, I often ponder how such structure could be supported without collapsing. I knew it was the engineers' role which made the design of the architects stand. Therefore, I now hope to become an engineer instead.

Seeing the collapse of the primary schools in the Sichuan Earthquake has strengthened my determination to become an outstanding structural engineer. I would like to see everyone living in firm buildings. In the eyes of ordinary people, this may just be a small "dream", but I think as long as it can contribute to the betterment of mankind, even the slightest things count.

While engineering in China may still be insufficient, there is no doubt the development of our country's aerospace technology is rapid, and therefore I deeply admire the scientists in my motherland. Just within a decade, China has launched several space programmes including China's first ever manned rocket - Shenzhou 5, and the heaviest spacecraft - Tiangong 1.

Seeing the achievements of Chinese scientists, I also hope that I can contribute to my motherland in the future.

English is everywhere Theatre Olympics (只提供英文版本)

This October, our school sent a team of five S3 students to participate in the annual event – 'English is everywhere Theatre Olympics' held by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR).

The participants were required to compete in a series of drama competitions to demonstrate various theatrical skills. Our team worked closely with each other on stage. With their excellent improvisation and miming skills, the team won the Silver Medal of the competition. Members of the team are as follows:

3A Crystal Kwok
3A Ankie Tong
3B James Lai
3C Kester Fung
3D Steven Hung



5C邱雁雪 中學組冠軍(燈題:「豚」圓滿載)
6E胡騫恩 中學組優異(圓夢.飛翔)
5A陳穎潼、5C張焯珩組 中學組優異(奧運兔福星)
5B劉家敏、5B謝坤融、5C駱駿義組 中學組優異(錦鯉拱明珠)
4A徐葦䧟 中學組優異(總有月圓時)


在2012年暑假期間,本校三位同學(S.5E 莊曉彤 黃雅婷 胡蕙莊)參加了由香港教育局課程發展處資優教育組、文化地圖及香港演藝學院合辦的「仲夏藝贊2012」獨立電影評賞學生工作坊。 三位同學透過導演及導師的講解,對多部以今日香港、現代中國及全球化(高中通識教育科之三個單元)為題的獨立電影作出評賞,並完成影評寫作及導賞實習;三人均獲頒修業證書,而5E 莊曉彤更在60多位同學中脫穎而出,獲取「影評寫作季軍」及「最佳導賞實習亞軍」。其作品已被教育局選為人文學科資優教育的教材之一。



2A 呂詠心同學
3A 黃浚欣同學
6E 蔡育昇同學




兵馬俑「在左近」: 從「設計思維」出發 - 動畫/錄像設計比賽

本校4E班三位同學:陳澤承、陳梓豐和莊兆哲,早前參加了由康樂及文化事務署與香港設計中心合辦的「兵馬俑『在左近』: 從『設計思維』出發----動畫/錄像設計比賽」,並榮獲「最具創意設計大獎」亞軍。他們的作品「兵馬俑的一天假期」已安排於全港18 區不同場地展覽,同學們亦接受了「ATV通識小學堂」的訪問,分享設計心得。




6B盧 娜





The South-China Morning Post 4th Round Debating Competition (只提供英文版本)

Our school got the champion of the South-China Morning Post 4th Round Debating Competition which was held on the 5th July 2012. Karmen Pang Kar Man (5E), Wingki Leung Wing Kei (5E) and Tiffany Lau Tsz Yan (5C) were the debaters. Our opponent team was the debaters from St. Rose of Lima College and the motion was "Nuclear power should have a place in Hong Kong's future". During the fierce debate, both teams presented incredible arguments and exhibited excellent debating skills. Eventually, our school won the competition and the adjudicator gave our students a lot of encouragement and positive comments for improvement. All of the debaters were glad to participate in this competition and we proudly announce that we are entering the South-China Morning Post Semi-Final Debating Competition in the coming school year.








香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)舉辦的中學田徑錦標賽於 14/2、16/2及17/2 假大埔運動場舉行,本校派出三隊共十七名運動員參加比賽。各運動員表現優異,獲得優良成績,單項共獲兩金、一銀、三銅、一項破大會紀綠;團體成績方面,在 40 間中學激烈競爭下,本校男丙(第八名)及女乙(第七名)俱獲團體優異獎盃。運動員名單如下:

1A 龐卓翹 3D 鄧雅文
1B 羅學俊 3C 陳羲璘
1D 關睿謙 3A 羅子晴
2A 杜文朗 4D 李賀琳
2E 徐孟賢 4E 林婉詩
2B 張富喬 3D 謝凱欣
    3E 張佩璿
鄧雅文(3D) 標槍金牌兼破大會紀綠(28.98 米)
張富喬(2B) 鉛球金牌(10.40米)
徐孟賢(2E) 200米銅牌
關睿謙(1D) 跳高銅牌



Reflection on Asian Physics Olympiad 2012 (APhO)
S.6E 成銘

The 13th Asian Physics Olympiad was held in New Delhi, India, 2012. It was my honor to be one of the representatives of Hong Kong to participate in this tremendous event.

Before being selected, I went through six months of tough training in HKUST where I was taught university level Physics courses. After the training, four tests were held in order to select students for the coming competitions. I was ranked within the first eight, and fortunate enough to become a part of the Hong Kong Physics team to join the Asian Physics Olympiad 2012.

The Olympiad was held from 2nd to 9th of May. We first met the Australian team on the plane to India, and started building up friendship with them. Soon, we arrived at the New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport. We then shared the same bus to the arranged hostel. On the bus trip, we chatted happily with each other, marking the beginning of an unforgettable experience.

The next day was the opening ceremony. On that day, more than a hundred people from twenty countries gathered in the New Delhi Manekshaw Centre, all with smile and excitement on their faces. Then the teams went up to the stage one by one. When I stepped onto the stage, I could see Physics elites from different countries gathering in the same hall. At that moment, I realized that it was not only a competition, but also a meeting of budding scientists of all over the world.

The city of New Delhi was barren, and the sun was scorching. However, it did not undermine any of our enthusiasm and devotion to Physics. In the next few days, we got to meet even more friends from different countries including Singapore and Malaysia. All of them showed great passion towards Physics. It was my honour to have a chance to be accompanied by them.

Before the tests, we had revisions with the Australian and the Chinese teams at nights. Without any formality, we sat in a circle in a bedroom, reading the Physics books from different countries, discussing and solving each and every problem. We even talked about the lives and studies in different countries. It was just like a small summit meeting with delegates from different countries, maybe the only difference was that there were no arguments or rages but only knowledge about Physics and the sound of joy.

The saying 'Efforts yield success' is indeed true. In the closing ceremony in Manekshaw Centre, I was glad to be awarded an honorable mention. Going through nearly a year of hard work, I sacrificed so much of my time, so much of my social live to achieve this goal. I believe that all the other participants have come through a similar path. When I saw the medalists receiving their prizes and certificates, I sincerely congratulated them for their persistence in Physics.

On the last day in India, we spent the last minute chatting and sharing with each other. Nevertheless, the topics never left Physics or other domains of science. I was proud of myself for having a chance to participate in such a big event with future scientists from all over the world, and even being one of them.

Although we are from different places, of different races and from different backgrounds, we can still sit together peacefully and discuss freely the beauty and harmony of science. Science is of no national boundaries.


「2012香港物理奧林匹克」賽事已於2012年3月17日 (星期六) 於香港科技大學順利舉行。本校同學在是次比賽獲得優異成積,除個人獎項外,並同時於初級組及高級組獲學校最佳表現獎。

學校最佳表現獎 (全港排行第七)
張行信(4E) 三等獎
郭鍶勤(4E) 三等獎
梁肇君(4E) 三等獎
吳子豪(4E) 一等獎
潘翰諺(4E) 三等獎
葉浩庭(4E) 三等獎
學校最佳表現獎 (全港排行第三)
成銘(5E) 季軍
馮嘉謙(5D) 三等獎
林宇陽(5E) 一等獎
成銘(5E) 一等獎
黃兆軒(5E) 三等獎
香港公共圖書館「4.23世界閱讀日創作比賽2012」— 高中中文組優勝獎


頒獎禮已於四月二十一日上午在香港中央圖書館舉行。獲獎作品於當天開始至七月在全港十八區圖書館、深圳市圖書館及香港書展中展出,同時亦可於香港圖書館的網頁(www.hkpl.gov.hk) 上瀏覽。






5E班 陳亭希榮獲第三十七屆全港青年學藝比賽——全港中學普英雙語演講比賽季軍。







誠如國家主席胡錦濤所言: 有偉大祖國作堅強後盾,在特別行政區政府的帶領下,香港社會各界齊心協力、共克時艱,一定能夠變壓力為動力,化危機為機遇,保持香港繁榮穩定及和諧發展的局面。對!讓我們同舟共濟,和諧共融,為發展香港而努力。

English Speech

Who can imagine that Apple, once a fledgling company, is now one of the global forces to be reckoned with? As we all know, Apple was brought to the top of the world by their former chairperson and CEO- Steve Jobs. But what did Jobs possess so that he can bring victory to Apple? I would have to say, it was his charismatic leadership.

To me, leadership is about being innovative, having persistence and understanding the importance of teamwork. The fact that Jobs was able to revive apple and rebuilt the entire company has to do with all of these qualities.

To begin with, Jobs believed that 'innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower' and he saw the power of innovation when he built his company. At present, we can see the innovative power of Apple through its stylish product designs and its leading role in the industry.

A leader usually faces different brick walls in their life, and Jobs is not an exception. Jobs had once lost a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. But rather than giving up, he treated it as an character-build opportunity. It is his persistence which enabled him to bring prosperity to Apple.

Apart from the two qualities mentioned, Jobs learnt the importance of teamwork. When Jobs was asked to talk about Apple, he said "This is not a one-man show". Despite being the leader of Apple, he insisted on meeting his colleagues in every single department. Through the meetings, he could understand the needs and identify room for improvements in every department thoroughly. Only by improving every minor weak point can the company advance. And the credits belong to their leader—Steve Jobs, for carrying out this orientation.

Unquestionably, Apple's success is due to Steve Jobs' charismatic leadership throughout his term in office. When it comes to Jobs' achievements, what comes across my mind is the threat that Apple poses to its opponents, which can easily be seen by Apple's large market share in the electronic product industry. Not only did Apple enhance the customers' demands, but also beat the morale of other companies. As a result, other companies were required to step forward within a short time to prevent themselves from obsolescence. Last but not least, Apple is regarded as a brand-name in the industry. In the present society, people think highly of brand names. Many tend to support brand-names rather than trying out products of new brands. It is believed that Apple is likely to discourage competing companies from entering the market.

In spite of Jobs' death, it is without a shadow of doubt that Jobs will still continue to pose threats to his opponents due to his past charismatic leadership and his spirit that lives in the heart of the Apple's working team.

The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (只提供英文版本)

8 of our Form 6 students obtained The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4 qualification in September, 2011. 3 of our Form 5 students obtained N5 qualification. The JLPT is a worldwide recognized Japanese examination to evaluate and certify the Japanese proficiency of non-native speakers. Congratulations to these 11 students:

6A Hung Pui Lam 6B So Yuk Ki 6B Wong Ho Fun
6C Leung Lok Yin 6D Chan Hok Him 6D Ko Ning Wai
6D Lo Ying Yee 6D Yiu Wing Ki
5A Lam Man Shan 5E Chan Lok Man 5E Leung Ka Hung
EB Outstanding Awards in 1st Term 2011/2012 (只提供英文版本)

The following students have achieved the Top 1 to Top 3 in English Builder for the Sept 2011 to Jan 2012 term, among all participating students in our school.

English Builder Level 211DCHU LOK CHING
English Builder Level 221CLAU CHEUK LONG
English Builder Level 231DLEUNG KA WA
English Builder Level 312ETSAN WAI YANG
English Builder Level 322ALEE YIN WING
English Builder Level 332CYEUNG SIN CHING
English Builder Level 413EYIM TSZ KIN
English Builder Level 42 3ALEE CHING YAU
English Builder Level 433ECHEUK HIO WA
English Builder Level 514ACHAN SIU LUNG
English Builder Level 524DLAM YUEN YEE
English Builder Level 534DTANG TSZ CHING
English Builder Level 615ECHAN LOK MAN
English Builder Level 626E1TSE HO WING
English Builder Level 635ETSOI YUK SING

The following students for achieving the Distinction Awards in English Builder for the Sept 2011 to Jan 2012 term, among all participating students in Hong Kong.

English Builder Level 3302ACHAN TSZ NGA
English Builder Level 3322ACHAU SZE NAM
English Builder Level 4183ELAM TSZ HO
English Builder Level 5314DWONG PO LUEN
English Builder Level 655ESUN MING CHI
English Builder Level 665EKWAN HIM SHEK
English Builder Level 6446E1LUK SUI MAN



大埔區中學戲劇比賽 2012


最佳男演員4A 黃磊鋒
最佳女演員5B 鄧凱芝
最佳導演5C 吳卓晞



6D   陳學謙
6A   洪佩霖
6D   高寧尉
6D   盧映而
6B   黃浩歡


由香港印藝學會主辦的「環保教育創意比賽」,是透過設計去推廣環保教育的活動。本學年,視覺藝術科派出同學參加比賽,成績美滿。7B劉健強同學以尖沙嘴鐘樓為題,使用舊光碟、舊紙箱和包裝防撞物料重塑鐘樓外貌,鐘樓四邊的時鐘更可真正報時,內部還設有照明設施,他的作品榮獲公開組模型設計比賽冠軍。5E胡騫恩同學則以綠色校園為題,推廣環保教育裡的4R (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Replace)概念,獲高中組海報設計比賽亞軍。頒獎典禮於一月十四日在理工大學舉行,由環境保護署署長王倩儀太平紳士頒發獎項。





2A 范卓欣




2A 蕭曉汶








3B 陳凱榆




3C 林凱欣





Hong Kong Bar Association English Debate Competition (只提供英文版本)

In the recent English debate competition held by the Hong Kong Bar Association, our school has sent 4 of our debaters, 5E Pang Kar Man, 5E Leung Wing Ki, 5C Tiffany Lau, and 4C Law Cheuk Lem to participate in the competition. The motion was 'all corporal punishment by parents should be banned' and our team was on the opposing side. Our opponents were Belilios Public School. After a 3- hour long debate with excellent points and arguments from both sides, our school finally won the preliminary round. The next quarter-final round will be against Diocesan's Girl school in December 2011.

香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會) 校際游泳錦標賽

香港學界體育聯會(大埔及北區分會)於二零一一年十月十日及十二日假馬鞍山公眾泳池舉行校際游泳錦標賽,共有三十四間中學一百零六隊參加。本校派出四隊共二十五名運動員,參與男甲、男乙、男丙及女乙賽事。各運動員表現優異,單項共獲三銀、五銅佳績;團體賽方面,女乙及男丙俱獲季軍,接力賽則獲一金、一銅成績。 茲列運動員名單如下:

男甲 男乙 男丙 女乙
6A 樊敏聰 3B 梁浩庭 2E 徐孟賢 4A 黃晴慧
6A 方浚賢 2D 鍾霈賢 1E 黃亦莊 3D 謝凱欣
5A 李建鋒 3B 梁卓恒 1E 古廸羲 3C 蔡靜文
4A 李國謙 3D 黃皓光 1B 鄧樂天 2D 盧詩敏
3B 蘇子謙     1D 賴俊銘 2B 陳曉彤
3A 鄭文杰         1A 黃子雯
3D 楊梓聰         2C 劉曉君
1B 邱偉賢         2E 曾楚懿
            3A 黃愷婷
            2C 劉芷霖


女  甲
4A 黃晴慧 50米胸泳       銅    
3D 謝凱欣 50米胸泳  銀 200米個人四式  銅  
2D 盧詩敏 4x50米四式接力  銅    
2B 陳曉彤 4x50米四式接力  銅    
2C 劉芷霖 4x50米四式接力  銅    
1A 黃子雯 4x50米四式接力  銅    
男  乙
2B 鍾霈賢 100米胸泳  銅    
男  丙
2E 徐孟賢 4x50米四式接力  金 50米自由泳  銀 50米蝶泳  銀
1E 黃亦莊 4x50米四式接力  金 200米胸泳  銅  
1E 古廸羲 4x50米四式接力  金    
1D 賴俊銘 4x50米四式接力  金 100米背泳  銅  



另本校十三位中六同學於九月份考獲日本語能力試驗 N5資格,謹祝各同學百尺竿頭,更進一步。各同學的班別及姓名如下:

6A 程曉欣
6A 洪佩霖
6B 鄭浩欣
6B 蘇玉淇
6B 黃浩歡
6C 梁洛然
6D 陳學謙
6D 高寧尉
6D 盧映而
6D 姚詠琪
6E 徐紫盈
6E 林嘉樂



4E  胡蕙莊同學  榮獲中學組冠軍
5E  王欣儀同學  榮獲中學組季軍
5E  甄卓藍同學  榮獲中學組優異獎
5E  關謙碩同學  榮獲中學組優異獎


4E 胡蕙莊 中學組冠軍

5E 王欣儀 中學組季軍

5E 關謙碩 中學組優異獎

5E 甄卓藍 中學組優異獎


自幼對技巧體操運動深感興趣的謝樂宜同學(S. 6B),於去年入選香港體操精英隊。她在訓練中努力不懈,為追求卓越流過不少汗水。謝同學在去年暑假,獲中國香港體操總會選拔,代表香港參加在廣西桂林舉行的2011全國技巧冠軍賽暨全國青少年錦標賽,成功為香港摘取獎牌,除了在團體賽事中取得銅牌,更在個人項目勇奪銀牌,殊非僥倖。





  • 「區區有別」專題研習比賽中本校獲得團體亞軍
  • 七乙班藍嘉玲同學的小組獲得戶外歷奇訓練總冠軍
  • 五乙班溫劍邦同學表現優異,被甄選為代表參與暑期間進行、為期六天的「孟加拉體驗服務團2011」

分享     S.4E 黃雅婷





The Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award 2010-2011 (只提供英文版本)

This is the first time for our school to participate in the Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award Competition. The competition aims at nurturing the talents of scientifically gifted students at senior primary and junior secondary levels, and providing them with training in scientific problem solving skills as well as skills in collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking and communication.

3A Ng Chi Ho (吳子豪) and 2A Yim Hong Sang (嚴康生) won the First Class Honour in Science Knowledge Quiz and our school won in the Heats. Certificates of First Class Honour have been presented on the Prize Presentation Ceremony on 4 June 2011.











3C徐葦𤧟 中學組季軍(四季團圓)
點擊放大 :


Alexander Leung strikes GOLD in British Council writing competition

Leung Alexander Siu Kwun has won 1st Prize (Adventure, Suspense Category) and a place on a Creative Writing English Camp in Hong Kong in ‘Stories Alive’ Story-Writing Competition for Junior Secondary Students jointly organised by British Council & SCOLAR in July 2011. The prize-winners of the competition won a place on a Creative Writing English Summer Camp in Hong Kong run in early July 2011. They will have their stories published in a competition anthology and on posters that will be displayed in Hong Kong schools.

In his thrilling and imaginative story “Friendly Comrades”, Alexander tells us about the hair-raising adventure of a British soldier.

By S. 4E Leung Alexander Siu Kwun
Friendly Comrades

At the night of 15th November, 1917, a British Soldier-Andrew West, was lost in the western front—Gallipoli. He lost contact with his battalion. He was tired and cold. Then he saw a beam of light and heard some laughter coming from a place. They came from a few small houses in front of Andrew. He went to one of the houses and knocked on the door, hoping that it wouldn’t be the Germans.

Eventually, a solider opened the door-Luckily, a British solider as well. The solider welcomed Andrew to go in. There were about a thousand of them, sitting around camp fires. Andrew looked at one of the soldier’s shoulder; the words ‘39 battalion’ were printed on it. Surprisingly, the clothes were full of bullet holes. Andrew had dinner and talked with the soldiers of the 39 battalion. They were very polite, but they refused to tell their names, saying that that’s security matters. So Andrew changed helmets with them and gave them his cigarettes as a gift.

Next morning, Andrew got up early; he left a letter to the 39 battalions before he left.

After finding back his team. Andrew told his commander about it. Surprisingly, his commander looked shocked. He said, ‘the 39 battalion was long gone! They were wiped out to the last man in 1915. There were no survivors in the battalion.’ He took out a piece of paper. It showed that 39 battalion was wiped out in 1915.

Andrew West felt sick. He went back to the place where the 39 battalion were last night. Then, to his horror, he saw hundreds of skeletons scattering on the ground. They were killed by heavy machine guns.

Suddenly, Andrew fainted away. One of the skeletons was wearing Andrew’s helmet. On the skeleton’s hand, was Andrew’s letter.

'Stories Alive': English learning comes alive

The Summer Creative Writing English camp was a really meaningful camp. In the camp, I have met a good teacher. She gave us a lot of different advice to improve our English and our writing skills. Also, we learnt a lot about camera skills and script writing during the visit to The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence. The room was very nice too! It has the same quality of a hotel. I have made friends with a lot of other campers and they all came from different schools in different districts. It is fun to make friends with different people who have different backgrounds. One thing that amazed me in the camp is the English level of the other campers. They all speak very fluent English! After this fantastic experience, I decided to work harder in my English to catch up with them.

香港中學化學奧林匹克(2010–11) (只提供英文版本)

Our school has previously sent a team of five S.6 students to participate in the 16th Hong Kong Olympiad Chemistry for Secondary Schools. The result is encouraging. Their project entitled "The Investigation of God-given Talent of Chitosan" won the 2nd runner-up in the competition.

The theme of this competition is the Chemistry of Polymers. The students chose to investigate polymer chitosan which can be obtained from natural polymer chitin found in most exoskeleton of crustaceans. They investigated the application of chitosan in our daily lives, including the uses of chitosan to absorb heavy metal ions and oil in water, as well as the use of chitosan solution to increase the tensile strength of tissue papers.

Their all-round report and outstanding presentation of their ideas enabled them to be granted this honorable prize.




本校在今年四月至五月參加由Roundtable Community 主辦的「十二五專題研習報告比賽」。是次全港性比賽,共有來自二十一間學校二十五隊參加。本校5B班鄭凱祈、梁倩、馬堃騰、何佩妍、何倩盈同學組成隊伍,以「在十二五規劃中,中國如何有助改善影響香港的東江水污染問題及香港所扮演的角色」為題參賽,在初賽及決賽中表現優異,奪得冠軍及全場最喜愛報告獎。

Wong Shiu Chi Wins Debate(只提供英文版本)

Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School and CA Cheng Wing Gee College met in the second round of the 12th Nesta-SCMP Debating Competition. The motion was "that Hong Kong is taking care of mainland immigrants arriving here since 2006". Wong Shiu Chi took the affirmative side, and CA Cheng Wing Gee the negative.

The adjudicator, Mike Choi, the English Panel Chair of Kau Yan College gave the edge to Wong Shiu Chi because of their stronger arguments, better use of statistics and specific rebuttals. The affirmative team was credited with being very confident and clearly presenting their teamline.

The best speaker went to Esther Dai Kwan Pui (S6A), second speaker of the affirmative. She rebutted the arguments by the negative point by point and gave detailed evidence to support her views, which convinced and impressed the adjudicator so much.

The negative team gave a few very good, real-life examples against the motion. The first negative speaker was credited with explaining his points clearly and giving detailed evidence.

La Suisse plurielle-Switzerland and Migration Writing Contest(只提供英文版本)

Leung Lai Hei of 6A was awarded one of the five honorary mentions in the city-wide 2010 writing contest, "La Suisse plurielle-Switzerland and Migration" held in November. The contest was organized by the Consulate General of Switzerland and the Department of Asian and International Studies of the City University of Hong Kong.

Leung Lai Hei's essay is titled, "Migrants are not useless at all". She has shown her great understanding in the topic and her work was highly appreciated by the judging panel. The winners' essays including Leung Lai Hei's were displayed at the Exhibition Hall of the City University of Hong Kong from 17th to 20th December, 2010.

The following is her essay:

Migrants are not useless at all
  About a million years ago, human migration began. There are loads of motivations for individuals to make this decision, such as natural tragedies, wars, studies, work and so on. In a general sense, migration can be divided into two types, namely internal and overseas migration. I will focus on the discussion over the latter one, explaining how overseas migrants can enrich their host and home countries in the following paragraphs.
  To begin with, host countries usually reject immigrants because of economic concerns. Migrants tend to bring about unemployment to local workers since they are more willing to accept lower salaries or possess better skills. Employers, as it should be, hire those newcomers who can lower production costs for the company thus reducing the job opportunities for local job-seekers.
  In addition, social welfare is shared among more people. Take Hong Kong as an example: expectant mothers from mainland China come to Hong Kong to give birth, so as to give their children a Hong Kong identity and enjoy high-quality social facilities. Community expenses of the government, such as educational subsidies, public medical services, retirement funding etc, grow at a fast rate. Taxpayers refuse to pay for the immigrants subsequently, contributing to discrimination toward these new settlers.
  Host countries also fear that immigrants will dilute their unique cultural characteristics and therefore support the development of anti-multiculturalism. As a result, small societies are built to segregate immigrants and original residents, like the 'Chinatowns' in various foreign countries.
  At the same time, there is a serious outflow of well-trained domestic labour force in the immigrants' home countries, forcing them to import foreign workers. Other countries then suffer from the same problem as well. Hence, a vicious circle is created.
  As above mentioned, some people think that migration cannot contribute to the enrichment of their host and home countries. However, others, including me, do not agree.
  The report released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2005 pointed out some misunderstandings of people toward migration. They linked migration with globalization and argues that relying on local workforce is not beneficial to the countries. In fact, migrations filled up two extreme types of job vacancies: dangerous jobs with low skills and well-paid jobs with high technical expertise. Therefore, it is not true to claim that migrants will dominate the labour market.
  As compared with their welfare benefits received, immigrants in England paid 4 billion US dollars in taxes more in 1999 and 2000. This piece of evidence illustrated migrants will enrich the countries economically, by paying higher taxes and remitting remunerations to their host and mother countries respectively. Moreover, these newcomers might bring along their capital, skills and purchasing power when they are moving to new environment. Their consumption is helping with the growth of local industries too. This further proves the presence of migrants can truly enhance the internal economy of the nations.
  Immigrants can also cure the existing aging problem in the societies which have low birth rates. Acceptance of migrants not only increases the working population and raises productivity of a country, but also increases the competitiveness of local employees, since they have to pay extra effort so as to maintain their status quo.
  A modernized country should respect different cultures. Cultural diversity in a society will broaden the citizens' horizons, allowing them to have a deeper look over other customs and traditions. New thoughts will be inspired by the introduction of foreign civilizations without destroying local culture.
  To summarize, I think migrants bring about more good than harm to the world so governments should implement measures to lend a hand to them instead of imposing numerous restrictions, as they are advantageous to the society. After all, we are all living in the global village and every villager should be equally treated, regardless of their identity.



最佳整體演出 Drama Club
最佳導演 李寶欣 (5B)
最佳編劇/劇本演繹 曾志洪先生
最佳女演員 吳卓晞 (4C)
最佳男演員 李肇桐 (5B)
優秀男演員 盧嘉駿 (6B)



6B 陳毓盈
5B 李惠心
5D 張善嘉
5E 黃志文 何嘉曦 趙海洋 陸萃雯
4E 關謙碩 成 銘  
3A 吳子豪
2A 嚴康生 嚴子健  
2C 秦澤誠

The Youth First-aid Competition 2010(只提供英文版本)

This year, our school has sent two First-aid teams to participate in the Youth First-aid Competition organized by Hong Kong Red Cross Youth and Volunteer Department (East New Territories Divisional Headquarters).

In a simulated accident scene, members applied their first aid skills, health care skills and small scale saving skills to help the patients with either their physical or psychological needs. Not only the skills mentioned, but also leadership and teamwork were demonstrated whilst tackling the difficulties together as a team.

Maintaining the good results of the past, our school teams were awarded the Championship and third runner-up in the competition. Congratulations to all the winners.

Team A
Wong Wai Ting (5A)
Ho Ka Hei (5E)
Li Hoi Ching (5E)
Yu Hoi Ying (5C)
Team B
(Third runner-up)
Wong Shu Him (4A)
Liu Shuk Yee (4E)
Man King Yin (4D)
Chan Wing Tung (3B)


香港學界體育聯會大埔及北區分會校際游泳錦標賽於2010年10月11及13日,假馬鞍山公眾泳池舉行,今年共有 37 間中學參加,本校派出兩隊共十九名運動員參與男乙(29隊參賽)、女甲(17隊參賽)賽事。各運動員表現優秀,獲得優良成績:單項共獲一金、一銀、五銅;團體成績方面,女甲及男乙皆摘團體亞軍;接力賽則勇奪一面銀牌。玆列得獎運動員名單如下:

女 甲
200米個人四式 銀牌 黃晴慧(3C)  
100米背泳 銅牌 蔡靜文(2B)  
100米自由泳 銅牌 邱嘉雯(7B)  
50米自由泳 銅牌 邱嘉雯(7B)  
50米胸泳 金牌 黃晴慧(3C)  
50米胸泳 銅牌 謝凱欣(2B)  
4x50米自由接力 銀牌 邱嘉雯(7B) 黃晴慧(3C)
蔡靜文(2B) 謝凱欣(2B)
男 乙
200米胸泳 銅牌 鍾霈賢(2B)  


邱嘉雯(7B) 黃卓瑤(4B) 鄭雨斯(4C)
黃晴慧(3C) 謝凱欣(2B) 蔡靜文(2B)
盧詩敏(1B) 劉芷霖(1B) 陳曉彤(1D)
李建鋒(4A) 李國謙(3D) 黃皓光(2B)
蘇子謙(2B) 鄭文杰(2E) 鍾霈賢(2B)
梁浩庭(2B) 梁綽恒(2D) 徐孟賢(1C)



程浩飛 (7A)何穎怡 (6A)
呂欹諾 (5A)何湘芸 (5A)
黃萱彤 (5A)劉宇欣 (5A)
陸萃雯 (5E)常芷滎 (3E)
楊劭冬 (3E)黃雅婷 (3E)
鄧雅文 (2D)陳曦磷 (2B)

「贐美一生」計劃 ── 生命鑰匙徵文比賽

2010年2月中文科參加由浸信會愛群社主辦「贐美一生」計劃 ── 生命鑰匙徵文比賽,以「生命鑰匙,人生升呢」為題創作。在超過400份參賽作品中,同學脫穎而出,分別獲得初中組冠軍及季軍。茲列得獎名單如下:

 曹迪琪 - 初中組冠軍
 莊潤嫺 - 初中組季軍

按此閱讀:生命鑰匙,人生升呢(初中組冠軍作品)-3A 曹迪琪
按此閱讀:生命鑰匙,人生升呢(初中組季軍作品)-3A 莊潤嫺



7A 鍾穎雯
7A 廖遠龍
7A 韋曉彤
7A 楊振丹

Mathematics Project and Book Report Competition for Secondary School 2009-2010(只提供英文版本)

To promote the interest of students in learning Mathematics and develop students' generic skills, our school has sent three teams of junior form students to participate in the Mathematics Project Competition. The result is encouraging. One of the teams was awarded the 2nd Runner-up and the other two teams were awarded the Good Performance Prize. Another competition worth mentioning is the Mathematics Book Report Competition. Two S2 students of our school have achieved good results by obtaining the First Class Prize and Second Class Prize respectively. The Prize-giving ceremony of both competitions was held at the University of Science and Technology in July. The winning teams and students were awarded trophies, medals and certificates of merits in the event.

Mathematics Project Competition 2009-2010
Second Runner-up
Where are Tony and my Books Kwan Him Shek(3A) Wong Yan Yee(3A)
Wong Siu Hin(3A) Chan Teenie(3E)
Shing Ming Tony(3E) Sun Ming Chi Keith(3E)
Good Performance Prize
當阿基米德遇上牛頓 Fung Tze Him(3A) Wong Pak Shing(3C)
Lam Yu Yeung(3E) Lau Kin Kwan(3E)
Leung Ka Hung(3E) Leung Yuk Kit(3E)
Supporting Members: Yip Chun Wai(3A), Lam Shing Lok(3B), Sham Kwun Hon(3C)
數數數列 Kwok Sze Kan(2E) Ma Chung Wun(2E)
Ng Chi Ho(2E) Sin Pui Chai(2E)
Yip Ho Ting(2E)  
Mathematics Book Report Competition 2009-2010
1st Class Prize Yip Ching Yi(2E)
2nd Class Prize Chan Wan Fung(2E)

To provide students with opportunities to learn more advanced mathematics outside the classroom, we have also encouraged students to participate in various competitions. Here are the awards/prizes obtained recently by our students:

香港青少年數學精英選拔賽 2010
2nd Class Prize Shing Ming Tony(3E)
3rd Class Prize Wong Siu Hin(3A)
2nd Class Prize Yim Hong Sang(1A)
3rd Class Prize Wong Chung Yin(1E)
2010 “亞洲杯”奧數之星創新思維邀請賽
3rd Class Prize Chum Chuck Shing Dickson(1B)





何穎怡(5A) 尹子琪(5B) 鄭曉琳(4C)
何湘芸(4A) 何嘉曦(4E) 李靜柔(1A)
黃萱彤(4A) 唐穎珊(4C) 陳若曦(3C)
常芷滎(2A) 關瑞玲(3C) 楊劭冬(2A)
曾凱琳(2E) 陳寶如(2C) 黃漙惠(1B)
徐葦婷(1D) 鄧雅文(1D) 陳羲璘(1D)
張凱傑(7B) 何海勝(6B) 丁偉聰(5B)
鄧承豐(5D) 盧嘉駿(5E) 柯文傑(5E)
孫文亮(4E) 郭晉希(4D) 陳兆豐(3A)
李迦熹(3A) 李俊軒(3B) 王家朗(2B)
劉俊賢(2A) 羅皓賢(2C) 梁浩庭(1D)
鄧承進(1D) 陳卓然(1E) 陳澤承(1A)



Tai Po District Civic Knowledge Contest(只提供英文版本)

A team of three students, Chan Man-lai, Ki Chun-ying and Li Ching-ching, participated in the 'Tai Po District Civic Knowledge Contest' organized by the Tai Po Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education The event aims at promoting civic and national education, and developing positive values and civic awareness at different levels.

To prepare for the contest, participants and student helpers needed to study a lot of information provided by the organizing unit. Besides, they needed to search for the related information on the Net. Participants and student helpers did not only gain more civic knowledge, but they also worked and practised together as a team to tackle the difficulties.

Our school team was awarded the champion in the contest.

Besides, in partnership with the organizing unit, our students gained valuable experience in organizing a district competition. They planned and served in the contest. They acted as the master of the ceremony, receptionists, score keeper and so on. They learned a lot in this event.









初中組男單 冠軍    李迦熹(3A)
高中組男單 季軍    孫文亮(4E)
高中組女單 冠軍    何嘉曦(4E)
初中組女單 冠軍    陳羲璘(1D)



B組五十公斤組 銀牌歐樹仁(1B)
第五屆中華盃柔道邀請賽 2009
B組10至12歲男童四十五公斤組 銀牌歐樹仁(1B)
青年女子組 冠軍張穎琪(3D)
女子初級四十八公斤組 季軍張穎琪(3D)
響應香港 2009 東亞運動會「2009年度香港校際柔道錦標賽」
女子高級組四十八公斤組 季軍張穎琪(3D)
女子高級組四十五公斤組 季軍李惠心(4D)
男子高級組八十一公斤組 季軍梁諾銘(2D)
G組17-20歲女童四十五公斤組 季軍盧瑾儀(5D)
B組10-12歲男童五十公斤組 季軍歐樹仁(1B)




女 甲
100米背泳 銀牌曹諱瑜(5A)
50米背泳 銀牌曹諱瑜(5A)
50米自由泳 銅牌邱嘉雯(6B)
50米胸泳 銅牌謝凱欣(1C)
4x50米自由接力 銀牌邱嘉雯(6B)  張鈺淇(2C)
黃晴慧(2D)  蔡靜文(1C)
4x50米四式接力 銀牌曹諱瑜(5A)  王倩瑩(5B)
盧麗安(5E)  謝凱欣(1C)
男 甲
200米胸泳 金牌梁皓惟(5C)
50米胸泳 銅牌梁皓惟(5C)
男 丙
200米胸泳 銅牌鍾霈賢(1B)
4x50米四式接力 銀牌鍾霈賢(1B)  蘇子謙(1B)
鄭文杰(1C)  梁浩庭(1D)


冠軍 馮安兒 5B (2008-2009)
亞軍 周燕飛 5B (2008-2009)

優異 陳曼麗 6A (2009-2010)










