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HK200 Leadership Training Program
This summer, 200 young leaders from diverse regions came together with the goal of advancing both individually and Hong Kong as a whole. When

5D Wong Sum Yau

This summer, 200 young leaders from diverse regions came together with the goal of advancing both individually and Hong Kong as a whole. When I signed up for the HK200 Leadership Training Program organized by the Hong Kong Youth Association, I am grateful that I didn't let this valuable opportunity slip through my fingers. It was a worthwhile experience. I've created a number of memories in the past 61 days.

During this period, I obtain lots of unforgettable memories, including a two-day camp where I connected with new friends, shared dreams, and ideals! Also, I spent dozens of hours in skill labs, learning knowledge that can't be found in textbooks, and playing Rummikub with seniors, which helped me gain a new perspective about older generations.

HK200 offered a wide range of activities, providing young leaders like me, who aspire to make a difference in Hong Kong. With comprehensive preparation, I took a step out of my comfort zone and take an initiative to reach new heights.

In HK200, one of the most challenging aspects was the "Project for Hong Kong". We were required to examine societal "pain points" and propose innovative solutions in two weeks. This part of the program was particularly demanding--it required strong problem-solving skills and significant time commitment. Juggling this project with various other activities was not easy, especially I am the group leader who was responsible for guiding my team in preparing for the presentation. Despite the obstacles we faced, we successfully completed our project, and I truly felt transformed through this experience.

HK200 has left me with extraordinary and invaluable memories. Looking back, I am thankful that I seized this precious opportunity. "Here, you will be seen and heard. Step beyond the confines of the examination system, put your insights into practice, and unleash your unique influence!"

5D Fu Lok Yi

To challenge myself, I took part in HK200, a leadership programme organized by HKFYG Leadership Institute. My initial intention was to expand my social network and develop soft skills, ultimately becoming in order to a better leader.

HK200's, Project for Hong Kong required us to present a proposal addressing a social issue in a group of ten. Our theme for the project is to strengthen intergenerational relationship between the elderly and teenagers. From the outset, my group mates and I had limited knowledge regarding the theme. To bridge this gap, we conducted a survey and an interview to get to know the stakeholders, both the old and the young, allowing us to design a proposal that caters for their needs directly.

What sets HK200 apart from other leadership programs is the opportunity for me to connect with 200 young leaders from various schools, each playing multiple roles in their communities. Interacting with diverse groups of people not only provided me with insights into communication and leadership, but also helped me establish friendship with those who share similar values and aspirations.

5D Zhong Zhanpeng

I still cannot believe what I achieved during these 61 days of the HK200 programme.

In this summer holiday, I joined the Hong Kong 200 programme to meet student leaders from different school. While learning how to be a good leader and cooperating with my teammates to finish the project named, 'Project for Hong Kong', I gained valuable experiences from different events. For example, I learned new skills, such as how to present with the right tone of voice and body language, and how to engage the judges when presenting my proposal to them.

In the programme, I participated in community services, such as going to an Elderly Centre and playing Rummikub with them. The elderly shared their daily life with me and my teammates. We also travelled to "James' Concourse", and learned how transitional housing works for the residents.

Last but not least, I made many friends who not only are good at leading others and presenting their proposal, but also in different aspects, such as playing the piano, volleyball, running, and taking care of others through Hong Kong 200. We kept in touch and had a reunion at the Mid-Autumn Festival! I surely enjoyed the moments with them.

I strongly recommend this programme to all of you if you would like to expand your horizons. Second to none!


5B13 LIU LAI NA 廖麗娜







Last school year, I took part in the Youth Leadership Development Scheme organised by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) with seven schoolmates in the prefect team. During the summer holiday, I and Liu Lai Na were recommended to participate in a Chiang Mai Overseas Service Trip in Thailand. What impressed me most was the bond and interaction between people.

We started volunteering the day we arrived Chiang Mai, mainly assisting villagers in building water storage tanks so that water could flow smoothly into each household for their daily use. We were responsible for carrying water pipes and stones, and the villagers who were traveling with us, who were also members of our host family, were responsible for technical support. They stood on a steeper hillside, with scythes tied around their waists, and shuttled through the jungle. There were men, women, old and young, no more than 20 people in total, but they were carrying heavy responsibilities on their shoulders. Watching them work together to create resources and protect each other's homes, allowed us to truly see their wisdom and hands-on ability.

Although we went to the mountains every day for activities at noon and lost a lot of time together, in a short period of less than three days, the relationship between us was deeper than imagined. The host's mother thought the steel wool used for washing dishes was too rough, so she bought three new and soft sponges for us to wash the dishes. This made me have mixed feelings. On one hand, I felt warm about it, but on the other hand, I felt guilty because it seems like we have caused them a lot of unnecessary expenses.

On the day of farewell, the host family gave us hand-knitted cloth bags, and I drew the cards for them. Some people say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Even if there are no words, under the intersection of each other's eyes, we can perceive each other's emotions like telepathy. Although there was a language barrier between us, we only spoke simple Thai, as the host's grandma opened her arms and hugged me and looked at each other. At that moment, countless moments of getting along came to mind, and we couldn't help but have red and wet eyes. Grandma used her calloused hands, wiped away my tears, kissed my forehead, and sent her most sincere blessings.

Last but not least, I am grateful for this precious opportunity, which has allowed me to develop relationships that transcend race and language. At the same time, I also deeply understand the great significance behind volunteer service.











4D 曾綽恆





4D (27) 黃泊銍


另一景點是盧旺達的城市中心(Kigali Heights)。在缺水的國家,城市中心竟然有噴水池,這令我大開眼界,那裏的食物也十分高級,完全不像落後地區的餐廳。直至下村為當地村民安裝太陽能板,連接電燈,我才發現盧旺達的窮困處,雖然城市中心有噴水池,村民卻需要步行到數公里外的井口取水,再步行數公里回家,才能得到一桶水。大部分村民甚至連基礎照明的電燈也沒有,屋內漆黑一片。我甚至沒有看到村民做飯的廚房,不知道他們如何生火做飯。連基本生活條件都欠奉,我為當地村民感到同情。雖然微小,希望這次安裝電燈可以幫到他們。



4B (24) 葉芷婷






5D (2) 陳翰弘





賽馬會「奧翔」計劃 第四屆校際體能挑戰賽
中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會奧夢成真有限公司於2024年6月29 日假香港珠海學院體育館舉辦

中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會奧夢成真有限公司於2024年6月29 日假香港珠海學院體育館舉辦「第四屆校際體能挑戰賽」,全港共有24所中學參加。本校派出共十名運動員參加個人及隊際賽,表現優異,個人單項共獲一金、兩銀、一殿佳績。隊際接力方面,女子一隊獲得第五名。團體方面,女子組獲得團體亞軍。最終成績本校奪得男女子全場總季軍。運動員名單如下:

女子U14 個人冠軍*破大會紀錄*2B 邱莉之 女子U14個人亞軍2D 關翠怡 女子U19個人亞軍4D 何詠甜 男子U19個人殿軍5B余嘉信 男子U19個人第五名5D 郭浩瀚 女子隊際接力第五名2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴 女子全場總亞軍1A 劉仲殷、2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴、
4B 周摯欣、4D 何詠甜、5D 蘇若菲
男女子全場總季軍1A 劉仲殷、2B 邱莉之、2D 關翠怡、3A 鄭思晴、
4B 周摯欣、4D 何詠甜、5B 周本軒、5B余嘉信、
5D 郭浩瀚、5D 蘇若菲
《南華早報》2023/24年度學生選舉 “Student Of the Year”
本校中六學生譚嘉傑獲《南華早報》2023/24年度 “Student Of the Year” 獎項和「社區貢獻獎」的

本校中六學生譚嘉傑獲《南華早報》2023/24年度 “Student Of the Year” 獎項和「社區貢獻獎」的前十二名入圍者(優異獎),特此致賀。譚嘉傑是學生會前任主席,是一位在學業和服務方面均表現出色的優秀學生領袖。學校首次在此大型選舉中取得如此榮譽成就,希望譚同學的成就能成為同學們的榜樣。

The Academy Awards for the Gifted 2024 – Leadership Training Programme Gold Award
It is with great pride that we announce Wong Tsz Chung's remarkable achievement of being awarded the

It is with great pride that we announce Wong Tsz Chung's remarkable achievement of being awarded the Gold Award in the Leadership Training Programme organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. This training programme has provided him with valuable experiences and equipped him with the leadership and communication skills needed to excel in various roles.

As the Deputy Head Prefect and Chairperson of the School Christian Fellowship and Worship, Tsz Chung has exemplified outstanding leadership and unwavering commitment to both personal and communal development. His dedication to his responsibilities within the school community is truly commendable. Tsz Chung's accomplishments serve as an inspiration to all of us, highlighting the importance of striving for excellence and serving our community. Let us celebrate his success and be inspired to contribute positively to our school, emulating Tsz Chung’s dedication and exemplary leadership.

Secondary School Mathematics Project Competition 2023-24
To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the

To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools (2023-24). Our teams made remarkable achievement in the final adjudication. One team was awarded the First Runner-Up, one secured the Outstanding Performance Prize and the other team received the Good Performance Prize.

Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students 2023-24
To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the

To promote project-based learning, our school has sent three teams of students to participate in the Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students (2023-24). Our teams have made remarkable achievement in the final adjudication. Out of more than 60 teams that participated, our team was awarded the Honourable Mentioned Award.

The awardees are:

6D 石然同學在葵涌醫院暑期義工服務計劃2024畢業,由葵涌醫院院長及護理總經理頒發

6D 石然同學在葵涌醫院暑期義工服務計劃2024畢業,由葵涌醫院院長及護理總經理頒發畢業證書。








辯論員(左至右):2D 劉柏麟,4D湯韻楓,4D譚芷瑶,5A 譚嘉傑,4A黃曦嵐,5A張梓熙 最佳辯論員:4A黃曦嵐,5A張梓熙


65周年校慶標語創作比賽(公開組) 冠軍:郭敬業(校友)肇定吐露潤澤源伊始,枝茂桃李馥郁逾甲子。 亞軍:曹裕強(校友)肇基南甸培育菁莪六十五載,枝衍交柯立仁立德薪火傳承。 季軍:王志全(家長)肇始輝煌,枝繁葉茂; 六五風華,百花齊放。
65周年校慶標語創作比賽(學生組) 初中組: 冠軍:鄭曉彤博文約禮放異彩,六十五載育英才。
慎思篤行顯異彩, 文武兼備盡展才。
亞軍:蘇梓恩三千英才,傳奇未來;輝煌肇枝,燃亮萬千。 季軍:劉柏麟志向綻光芒,翔飛致遠航。同舟齊進退,共濟揚主愛。 高中組: 冠軍:黃芊榆繼往開來,桃李滿天下;砥礪前行,再譜新華章! 亞軍:劉曉陽知行合一, 65 年砥礪前行;以愛凝聚,王記情暖師生。 季軍:羅樂晴春風化雨六十五載,肇枝同行作育英才!